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Warframe logic without logic


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1 hour ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

Very important question: did a spokesperson for DE actually say something like these?  Do you have a source?  Or are these your assumptions of what they would say?


I dunno what Operator you're using, but my Raven 100% looks, acts, and sounds like a minor.

Yesn't, those aren't assumptions i saw it on lives they made but i can't give you links and timestamps because i just don't remember where i saw it.

Totally understandable if you don't wanna take me for granted

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6 hours ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

"Makes a deal with the devil." This is a Christian thing right? My religion doesn't have the concept of good and bad entity. It's the humans, not other animals, that abuse other creature's gifts.

It's not even a Christian thing. "Trickster gods" predate modern Christianity in pretty much every form, even before we get into how "deal with the devil" isn't in the Bible (Satan is the district attorney of Heaven). OP is just grasping at straws to complain about tattoos

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6 hours ago, LestryusYggdrus said:

what i mean't to say with the "make a deal with the devil" doesn't mean the metaphysical biblical creature, its like a metaphor of you getting entangled in something that you shouldn't, like operators kindda of sold themselfs to the man in the wall, and looks like the man in the wall is something quite evil that probly gonna use you for something not quite good, and since you made a pact with it, you kindda can't get out of it  (Its hard to explain with my limited english knowledge

I understood what you meant and my statement still stands. Metaphysically or metaphorically, how do you know what the consequences of the deal truly are? Take a gooooood look at how the operators communicate with Wally. They don't seem afraid of him, manipulated by him nor have ill will against him. They actually have open discussions with him when he appears, like just openly telling him "I killed Isiah" (SP?). 

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at this point, double standards of any kind don't really surprise me, but if shaking hands with a cosmic entity is what's got you riled up, well, you may have to leave not just warframe, but the entire fantasy/sci-fi genre as whole in order to not get triggered.

as for the tattoos, I'm not really that bothered since most of our fashion covers the entire body anyway, the only faction that ever even shows their flesh enough to warrant having tattoos are the Solaris, and I'm pretty sure those are to identify their profession/rank/who they owe their debt to or whatever. 

and yes, this is a game where you can be a demonic pre-teen who pilots a mass murdering bio-mech that has a ghetto booty. and that's why this game is as popular as it is lol. 


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10 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

They actually have open discussions with him when he appears, like just openly telling him "I killed Isiah" (SP?). 

That one is foreshadowing the nature of Transference might not remain safe forever, and could be (definitely are) tying into Wally's plans.

It's probably the only line in the game that DOES use "deal with the devil" energy, everything else implies Wally did it on a whim just to see what we would do

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Visage Ink not being available to Operators is not based on any real life thing. Visage Ink not being available to operators is because it is a Duviri thing tied to the Drifter that comes from that place. So no reason why the operator should have, since it is never on Duviri and never will be on Duviri either. If you pick the operator as your choice in TNW it is buh-bye Drifter in the lore. 

Regarding "sensualization and more gender characteristics to the operator". Well reading that certainly made a few reds lights to start to flash and a couple of submarine alrmas to start sounding. They are minors in body and ancient in mind, still they are minors in body. No reason to give fans of the playground a venue to live out their filthy dreams in some way, no reason to enable them in society. What they deserve is likely not appropriate to say on the forums.

Regarding the devil thing. Nothing wrong with it, it saved several lives instead of everyone dying. Most things in life comes down to the grey, where preferably indoctrination of what good/evil or black/white is should be ignored. The enemy of my enemy, the lesser of two evils and so on.

20 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

DE: "it's totally ok for said children to use Warframes intentionally made somewhat sussy as their physical bodies."

18 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Somewhat then goes on to say "gemussy" and gives a frame a literal vagina.

Those things (aside from "gemussy") are rooted in the lore of the solar empire that made them. That empire forced children to use those "people" in order to have them bend their will. That doesnt suddenly make it OK to add options to sensualize the literal body of a child/minor, since that is not something that would be tied to the lore itself. Want a more developed body on your avatar? Pick the Drifter that is an actual adult. Adding the option to the tenno would just enable the same people that do you-know-what to anime/manga where the characters look like children/minors. It isnt a mystery that people caught with kiddy-p on their computer also have massive amounts of anime/manga of the type mentioned stored there.

12 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I understood what you meant and my statement still stands. Metaphysically or metaphorically, how do you know what the consequences of the deal truly are? Take a gooooood look at how the operators communicate with Wally. They don't seem afraid of him, manipulated by him nor have ill will against him. They actually have open discussions with him when he appears, like just openly telling him "I killed Isiah" (SP?). 

The tenno were never involved with Isaah though. They simply have a hard time seperating reality from transference induced memories caused in The Sacrifice. Umbra killed his own son, no tenno was involved at that point. All we see is a memory of what Umbra went through during the experiment/punishment Ballas put him through.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:


Those things (aside from "gemussy") are rooted in the lore of the solar empire that made them. That empire forced children to use those "people" in order to have them bend their will. That doesnt suddenly make it OK to add options to sensualize the literal body of a child/minor, since that is not something that would be tied to the lore itself. Want a more developed body on your avatar? Pick the Drifter that is an actual adult. Adding the option to the tenno would just enable the same people that do you-know-what to anime/manga where the characters look like children/minors. It isnt a mystery that people caught with kiddy-p on their computer also have massive amounts of anime/manga of the type mentioned stored there.


I'm not saying that should be added in any way, however, the argument of it "enabling people" doesn't work at all considering that the existence of operators themselves enables people. 

If people are willing to do atrocious acts, you can best be assured that they'll jump through any hurdles trying to inhibit or stop them.

In terms of anime/manga, I also am very against what you said, and idk why people unironically think that you can consume such content to "cope" and the problem will disappear overnight instead of getting worse.

Edited by (XBOX)Upl0rdYT
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1 minute ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

I'm not saying that should be added in any way, however, the argument of it "enabling people" doesn't work at all considering that the existence of operators themselves enables people. 

If people are willing to do atrocious acts, you can best be assured that they'll jump through any hurdles trying to inhibit or stop them. 

In terms of anime/manga, I also am very against what you said, and idk why people unironically think that you can consume such content to "cope" and the problem will disappear overnight instead of getting worse.

Well in a sense yes, it already potentially enables some of those people. The argument regarding enabling them still holds true, since not all of them are enabled on the very basic since it is the same nature of all other kinks and fetishes in that regard. Adding more options would potentially be enabling for those however, while also adding more fuel to the fire for the others. There isnt any realistic solution to removing everything that enables the bottom feeders, since that would mean removing kids completely from all types of media more or less. I'm not surprised if some "people" out there have a grand time "binging" Stranger Things for instance.

Indeed, nothing will change that unless there are harsh laws put in place for whatever atrocity is might be.

Yeah not sure how it is elsewhere, but here in Sweden we've had a few cases where manga, anime and h-tai found on the drives of p-d-fs have been used as evidence since it has given the law a bigger picture of how long they've acted on their impulses and how certain things have enabled and further increased the problematic behavior. Though only in cases where the animated things have been classed by physhologists as having "childlike properties".

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4 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:


Those things (aside from "gemussy") are rooted in the lore of the solar empire that made them. That empire forced children to use those "people" in order to have them bend their will. That doesnt suddenly make it OK to add options to sensualize the literal body of a child/minor, since that is not something that would be tied to the lore itself. Want a more developed body on your avatar? Pick the Drifter that is an actual adult. Adding the option to the tenno would just enable the same people that do you-know-what to anime/manga where the characters look like children/minors. It isnt a mystery that people caught with kiddy-p on their computer also have massive amounts of anime/manga of the type mentioned stored there.

All I'm talking about is the over sexualizing of female Warframes.

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19 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

All I'm talking about is the over sexualizing of female Warframes.

Sorry but I cant really see that. All I see are female and male frames with different body types and shapes "covered" in some form of combat body suit with or without ablative armor. I see no bikini or panty "full" plate, chain mail or kevlar, nor knee-high combat/knight boots and generic stockings for protection. Nor have I noticed any cleavage, neither a regular one or the "Magik" cleavage "window".

But then again I'm not really an ass man, so cant really relate to if you find Wisp uhm arrousing from behind. I'm more the perky type, both for down under and up top.

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4 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Sorry but I cant really see that. All I see are female and male frames with different body types and shapes "covered" in some form of combat body suit with or without ablative armor. I see no bikini or panty "full" plate, chain mail or kevlar, nor knee-high combat/knight boots and generic stockings for protection. Nor have I noticed any cleavage, neither a regular one or the "Magik" cleavage "window".

But then again I'm not really an ass man, so cant really relate to if you find Wisp uhm arrousing from behind. I'm more the perky type, both for down under and up top.

Take a look and how many sexy skins there are for female Warframes compared to men. This absolutely sells them and is intentional. You gotta see and acknowledge some of this. Did you see how much traction that reddit post about wisp primes butt being downgraded got?

Edited by (PSN)Joylesstuna
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On 2023-08-16 at 4:54 PM, LestryusYggdrus said:

"Omg we won't give tattos to operators cause we dont wanna give a bad message of minors using tattos"

"Omg we don't want to give any type of sensualization and more gender characteristics to the operators so we don't send a bad message even tho our operators don't look,act or is voiced like minors"

But making a deal with the devil is all ggwp?

* L   O   G   I   C *

Those people mentioned it:

On 2023-08-16 at 6:40 PM, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

Because people can't help but

On 2023-08-16 at 8:32 PM, trst said:

Not wanting characters that look like minors to be visually portrayed in certain ways (which is already problematic in certain circles) isn't the same as a reasonable story interaction.

Warframe is available (almost) globally so they make sure they won't offend people. There are laws or human believes (we should do this and we shouldn't do that). Make 1 bad move and your product won't sell well. You can look at other media, like movies and see what were "ok" and what is not "ok" nowadays. You can look for some niche, not for wide audience or "free" products. They care much less about laws/believes so they can show much more.

On 2023-08-17 at 2:24 PM, SneakyErvin said:

Regarding "sensualization and more gender characteristics to the operator". Well reading that certainly made a few reds lights to start to flash and a couple of submarine alrmas to start sounding. They are minors in body and ancient in mind, still they are minors in body. No reason to give fans of the playground a venue to live out their filthy dreams in some way, no reason to enable them in society. What they deserve is likely not appropriate to say on the forums.

Wait, so going with your train of thoughts no frame, operator, Ordis, Lotus or any character should not be given any male/famale/other characteristic because someone somewhere using it for bad things (based on certain people/person).

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20 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Take a look and how many sexy skins there are for female Warframes compared to men. This absolutely sells them and is intentional. You gotta see and acknowledge some of this. Did you see how much traction that reddit post about wisp primes butt being downgraded got?

I honestly dont see any that I'd find sexy. And no I didnt see that reddit post, but what does it change? Some people are butt people, others arent. In reality a bigger or smaller hiney is just that, just as tall or short, skinny and round etc. attract different people.

As wise AA puts it. Some fellows like their women short, some fellows like them round, but me I like the kinda girl that makes me stand up to go down.

16 hours ago, quxier said:

Wait, so going with your train of thoughts no frame, operator, Ordis, Lotus or any character should not be given any male/famale/other characteristic because someone somewhere using it for bad things (based on certain people/person).

Heh no, not even close. characteristics is not the same as saying you want to makes something more sensual looking. If we talk about sensuality then someone wanting a more sensual female or male adult character/avatar (frame, lotus, drifter. ordis(wut?), Kahl or whatever) is of no problem since it isnt a crime to find adults appealing. However when someone wants to do it to something that is effectively a child there is something very very very wrong going on which should not be promoted at all.

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4 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I honestly dont see any that I'd find sexy. And no I didnt see that reddit post, but what does it change? Some people are butt people, others arent. In reality a bigger or smaller hiney is just that, just as tall or short, skinny and round etc. attract different people.

As wise AA puts it. Some fellows like their women short, some fellows like them round, but me I like the kinda girl that makes me stand up to go down.

Heh no, not even close. characteristics is not the same as saying you want to makes something more sensual looking. If we talk about sensuality then someone wanting a more sensual female or male adult character/avatar (frame, lotus, drifter. ordis(wut?), Kahl or whatever) is of no problem since it isnt a crime to find adults appealing. However when someone wants to do it to something that is effectively a child there is something very very very wrong going on which should not be promoted at all.

I really shouldn't have said sexy skins I meant sexualized sorry. 

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18 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

I really shouldn't have said sexy skins I meant sexualized sorry. 

That is what I reckoned. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, we dont have anything similar to what we can see in several other games with skimpy plate, leather or chain armors, or other biki-type of combinations that would serve no actual purpose in a fight aside from maybe resulting in a wardrobe malfunction. That is sexualization, I'm not sure which skin in WF we have that comes anywhere close, I also dont see how that or those few skins I cant even think of would result in over-sexualizing female frames in the game.

But I wouldnt mind if you share the skins you consider would result in this. Like I said, all I really see in WF are what would actually be functioning while also looking #*!%ed up in true WF spirit. There is one skin I've seen as sexual in nature, but not by design intent probably. And that is Garuda's normal skin, which with the right colors on the right channels can turn it into something sexualized. However not in a normal human kinda way, since when done it looks like leather, pieces of ripped skin, muscles and other insides in a Cenobite kinda way. Would love to get a voidshell version of that skin to further demonize it.

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5 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

That is what I reckoned. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, we dont have anything similar to what we can see in several other games with skimpy plate, leather or chain armors, or other biki-type of combinations that would serve no actual purpose in a fight aside from maybe resulting in a wardrobe malfunction. That is sexualization, I'm not sure which skin in WF we have that comes anywhere close, I also dont see how that or those few skins I cant even think of would result in over-sexualizing female frames in the game.

But I wouldnt mind if you share the skins you consider would result in this. Like I said, all I really see in WF are what would actually be functioning while also looking #*!%ed up in true WF spirit. There is one skin I've seen as sexual in nature, but not by design intent probably. And that is Garuda's normal skin, which with the right colors on the right channels can turn it into something sexualized. However not in a normal human kinda way, since when done it looks like leather, pieces of ripped skin, muscles and other insides in a Cenobite kinda way. Would love to get a voidshell version of that skin to further demonize it.

A Warframe literally has a vagina and you think this game doesnt cater to the male fantasy? It sells and that is why it is in this game. Wisp, khora's deluxe are other examples. This game isn't hyper sexualized but it is 100% there.

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20 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

A Warframe literally has a vagina and you think this game doesnt cater to the male fantasy? It sells and that is why it is in this game. Wisp, khora's deluxe are other examples. This game isn't hyper sexualized but it is 100% there.

No, no, it most certainly doesnt. First of it doesnt look like one, secondly the "split" doesnt even start where the organ would be located. Citrine looks as if she has burst open from the inside, or someone tried to dissect her or tear her open. 

Wisp as mentioned before is just a bodytype. And if you go by that the moment a female frame is added it is automaticall sexualized, well the same applies to the males, since taste is so very individual. Remember the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? Or are you of the mind that a girl with a slightly bigger asset is sexualizing her self or getting sexualized for performing a sport where tight clothes are common and where it happens to makes her asset more pronounced? Damn those surfers and divers aswell sexualizing women with optimal grear for the activity!

And Khora deluxe sexualizing? I guess if you've time traveled from the 30's or the 40's maybe, and even then it is hard to see how it is sexualizing anything. Showing a shoulder/arm? Summer must be hell for the women where you live!

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3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

No, no, it most certainly doesnt. First of it doesnt look like one, secondly the "split" doesnt even start where the organ would be located. Citrine looks as if she has burst open from the inside, or someone tried to dissect her or tear her open. 

Wisp as mentioned before is just a bodytype. And if you go by that the moment a female frame is added it is automaticall sexualized, well the same applies to the males, since taste is so very individual. Remember the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? Or are you of the mind that a girl with a slightly bigger asset is sexualizing her self or getting sexualized for performing a sport where tight clothes are common and where it happens to makes her asset more pronounced? Damn those surfers and divers aswell sexualizing women with optimal grear for the activity!

And Khora deluxe sexualizing? I guess if you've time traveled from the 30's or the 40's maybe, and even then it is hard to see how it is sexualizing anything. Showing a shoulder/arm? Summer must be hell for the women where you live!

Emphasizing big butts and vaginas are not sexualizing Warframes, got it. Common sense is rough for some. Don't even start with that anatomically wrong vagina they knew exactly what they were doing(DE even called referenced gemussy). Women are not my cup of tea, but even then it's highly noticable. Just because someone refuses to see it, doesn't mean they are right.

Edited by (PSN)Joylesstuna
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16 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

It does but people finding certain aspects of characters attractive doesn't automatically make it sexualization.

I agree but accentuating them does. Wisp and Citrine are perfect examples. Citrine literally has lights to draw your eyes to her piss flaps(let alone unnecessarily having it in the 1st place) and we all know Wisp's legacy.

Edited by (PSN)Joylesstuna
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