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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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4 minutes ago, Xkorpitron said:

in case i wanna use them again, im assuming when you buy your cooking materials, you buy them in bulks right, same thing here, i buy slots, cuz i like the weapons i use, same way i buy kitchen/cooking materials, to use them when i need or when i feel i like to try something new or refreshing, what's it to you, if they're collecting dust, doesnt bother me, why should it bother you, if you asked?

Fascinating how quickly that turned into a defensive "what's it to you" huh?  And no, I don't go out and buy Kitchen "Materials" for meals that I still don't know how to cook. I wait until I want to attempt to cook it and then look to buy it if something I have won't already do the job.

Why would anyone pay, what I have to assume is a massive amount of money, for Kitchen "materials" (equipment btw) just in case they ever want to attempt to cook something they don't currently know how to cook some time over the next few years? That just sounds like textbook "Intolerance of Uncertainty" than anything else.

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Ehhh, as plenty of people here have mentioned already, the main issue wasn't exactly the in-game value of the pack, but rather the real life monetary value, as players who want only the cosmetics (either all, or just some), still need to pay either 70$ or 90$. Now don't get me wrong, giving players more bang for their buck is certainly nice, but does nothing to address the fact that due to the way you've bundled the packs - someone who likes the skins and wants to support you, might therefore not be able to because the price tag is too high to justify the purchase, and no amount of platinum and/or Regal Aya is going to change that. That is why I'd like to once again implore you to introduce new bundles that simply have no bloat, and include only the cosmetics, possibly also split into seperate bundles for each of the frames. That way, you avoid the issue of "removing value" from the packs that were already bought (since the only change to them is an increase in value by means of adding more platinum), while also adressing the core concern many people have. Personally, I think I'll keep holding off on purchasing the cosmetics, even though they do look great.

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3 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Fascinating how quickly that turned into a defensive "what's it to you" huh?  And no, I don't go out and buy Kitchen "Materials" for meals that I still don't know how to cook. I wait until I want to attempt to cook it and then look to buy it if something I have won't already do the job.

Why would anyone pay, what I have to assume is a massive amount of money, for Kitchen "materials" (equipment btw) just in case they ever want to attempt to cook something they don't currently know how to cook some time over the next few years? That just sounds like textbook "Intolerance of Uncertainty" than anything else.

yeah, judging by your reply, it feels the game is more like a chore leveling weapons to level your MR huh, maybe you do need to learn cooking, should try it sometime, it's refreshing, probably would be more interesting for you, than leveling a weapon, selling it, cuz you dont want to buy more mod slots huh :) then again is play how ever you want.

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3 minutes ago, Kubmac said:

Ehhh, as plenty of people here have mentioned already, the main issue wasn't exactly the in-game value of the pack, but rather the real life monetary value, as players who want only the cosmetics (either all, or just some), still need to pay either 70$ or 90$. Now don't get me wrong, giving players more bang for their buck is certainly nice, but does nothing to address the fact that due to the way you've bundled the packs - someone who likes the skins and wants to support you, might therefore not be able to because the price tag is too high to justify the purchase, and no amount of platinum and/or Regal Aya is going to change that. That is why I'd like to once again implore you to introduce new bundles that simply have no bloat, and include only the cosmetics, possibly also split into seperate bundles for each of the frames. That way, you avoid the issue of "removing value" from the packs that were already bought (since the only change to them is an increase in value by means of adding more platinum), while also adressing the core concern many people have. Personally, I think I'll keep holding off on purchasing the cosmetics, even though they do look great.

this^i totally buy the skins only, since i dont need regal aya or plat, throwing more plat to the problem isnt solving anything, i dont understand why they dont do the same they do with prime bundles, i bought the ember acessory bundle , cuz i already had ember prime.

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1 minute ago, Katinka said:

All tradeable Plat had to be bought by someone.  If the amount of Platinum in circulation is so high that sales are down (because everyone can just trade for what they need) then I would think the solution would be to add more items that pull Plat out of circulation, like deluxe skins do.  If these skins had been available for a large amount of Plat then they'd pull Plat out of circulation and increase the need for people to buy Platinum.  Instead DE has gone with trying to address feedback by injecting more Plat into the economy which will be traded back and forth and further discourage Platinum purchasing.

The only thing DE needs to do to drastically drain the market of Platinum is to make Tennogen purchaseable with plats and to make the real value of plat known and stable, lowering its price to 1/4, and removing discounts whatsoever (so that it's always on a 75% discount). I, personally, would propably spend 10-15k of plat yearly on Tennogen alone, and being able to buy platinum whenever I want to without having to wait for discount would make me buy it more often. Also, reworking rivens to work more like Incarnons which are awesome, to destroy plat hoarding rivens traders. And obviously to make great cosmetic packs purchaseable with platinum, not collections like this one. 

Pulling stunts like with this collection is going to only garner dissatisfaction and will make the game bleed players.

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7 minutes ago, Kubmac said:

Ehhh, as plenty of people here have mentioned already, the main issue wasn't exactly the in-game value of the pack, but rather the real life monetary value, as players who want only the cosmetics (either all, or just some), still need to pay either 70$ or 90$. Now don't get me wrong, giving players more bang for their buck is certainly nice, but does nothing to address the fact that due to the way you've bundled the packs - someone who likes the skins and wants to support you, might therefore not be able to because the price tag is too high to justify the purchase, and no amount of platinum and/or Regal Aya is going to change that. That is why I'd like to once again implore you to introduce new bundles that simply have no bloat, and include only the cosmetics, possibly also split into seperate bundles for each of the frames. That way, you avoid the issue of "removing value" from the packs that were already bought (since the only change to them is an increase in value by means of adding more platinum), while also adressing the core concern many people have. Personally, I think I'll keep holding off on purchasing the cosmetics, even though they do look great.

Yep. Exactly. I'm not asking them to make the bundles already available cheaper, and I certainly never asked for them to add more to what was already there. I simply wanted more options, and that seems to be the case with most people complaining.

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Le 30/08/2023 à 16:08, [DE]Megan a dit :

**8/31/23 Status Update:

We're running the Inbox script on each Platform now that the Hotfix has been deployed. We'll update here when the script has finished for all!

The script is complete!! All accounts that have purchased a Heirloom Pack have received the appropriate amount of Platinum via in-game Inbox.

Are you a bot ?

48 pages of backlash in 24 hours (2 pages per hour) and no proper answer.

Edited by (PSN)HeartCoreGamer
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I might be missing something but people complain about high prices (90$) but i have 50$ Zenith version on steam, NOT IN GAME. Just open steam, type warframe and there should be DLC for 50$ for full Zenith pack with 2100p. m i wrong?

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2 minutes ago, KleinPL said:

I might be missing something but people complain about high prices (90$) but i have 50$ Zenith version on steam, NOT IN GAME. Just open steam, type warframe and there should be DLC for 50$ for full Zenith pack with 2100p. m i wrong?

it's there priced at 80 dollars for me, might be 50 for you, depending on the country you live.

Edited by Xkorpitron
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1 minute ago, ConDucktorWhirl said:

Nah man there is no 50$ bundle

i live in poland and 217zł which is price of bundle is 48.55 euro or something. Its there and says that it contains 2100 platinum. So its 1. trolling me 2. they no aplly changes yet

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3 minutes ago, Xkorpitron said:

i want you to explain to me, why are most videogames nowadays have pre order bonus limited editions.... and most times they keep doing it, and explain to me why they keep doing it...is it because it works and touches people's FOMO into feeling more valued as a customer.

Is it because of the weird vague reason you gave that somehow has something to do with being a "valued customer"? No, not at all. What was that even about anyway? Do you go and preorder games and think to yourself "wow, I feel like a valued customer"? That's not a typical reaction just so you know.


To answer your question though, Pre-Orders exist because of a multitude of reasons. The fact that you think it could possibly come down to just one..... I mean I don't know where to start with that.

Anyway, reasons. Games production has become more and more expensive, which is both why preorders exist and game prices rise with "next gen" consoles. When games were only Physical and not Digital, Pre-Orders made sure the Consumer felt some relief knowing their game was guaranteed to be there on launch day, and for the Retailer it was guaranteed sales revenue, along with the knowledge of the amount of Pre-Orders they could handle. Game Publishers use Pre-Order data to gauge interest in the game itself, and in turn use that to control how much they'll spend on physical game inventory. As time went on, more and more games offered Pre-Ordering through Companies such as Gamestop, until it was no longer an advantage. If everyone can do it after all, it leaves everyone back on even footing. Game Publishers then started adding "incentives" to Pre-Order their Game over "Game X". This, again, escalated right up until we get to 2023 where you can have early access to Games or Game Modes, get Statues or Full Jackets with your Game, etc etc.

I'm wasting my time typing this of course, because every single time I end up presenting someone in here with a fact, the response is that I've been brainwashed or im a fool or a whale or anything you can think of really. None of that changes the fact presented however. And considering there are folks here who do remember a time of Sega Megadrives and Super Nintendos and days of no games having Pre-Orders, then whether they admit it or not there are those who know this is exactly where Pre-Orders came from.

FOMO wasn't even a real term until 2004, and wasn't "popularised" until much later, and there was no precursor to it. We all managed fine before 2004 believe it or not.

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29 minutes ago, Xkorpitron said:

Are you going to tell a gambling addict he has a choice, are you going to tell the guy who smokes every 30 mins, he has a choice, FOMO is a commonly tactic even before the internet existed, just go back to the telemarkets ads of the 80's.

I want to weigh in on this.

Even if the person is aware that they are a victim of the mentality, it is still their choice whether to continue or quit. Since there are people who wanted to changed and succeeded, psychological manipulation is at fault by about half, the other half is faulty in the person themselves. If a person is both aware and don't want to change, it's already assumed they thought about it thoroughly and they don't care what other people think.

Kids (not the metaphorical, rhetorical, poetic, hypothetical, and any other unnecessary descriptive denotation) are protected, but practically lose the protection when they hit the adult age. The stage in which you are now responsible for yourself. 

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They sure are unforgettable in how the team decided that the skins should include platinum and regal aya, simultaneously bumping up the price of the bundles themselves. I even left a review on steam because I didn't like how the bundle was structured. Why did the anniversary skins need to come with platinum and regal aya? I certainly didn't ask for that, and I'm sure quite a few other people weren't asking for it, either.


These packs sure were unforgettable to the community, in how expensive they were.

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30 minutes ago, Xkorpitron said:

yeah, judging by your reply, it feels the game is more like a chore leveling weapons to level your MR huh, maybe you do need to learn cooking, should try it sometime, it's refreshing, probably would be more interesting for you, than leveling a weapon, selling it, cuz you dont want to buy more mod slots huh :) then again is play how ever you want.

If that's what you got from my reply then I'm sorry, you're a terrible judge lol.

I mean the logistics of your suggestion itself is astounding, how do you buy something for your kitchen that you don't yet know you'll need in the future for your kitchen? And how would you keep track of it all to make sure you don't buy the same thing twice considering it was so useless to you now that you likely didn't even bother learning it's name or what it does?

It's almost like a proper Thought Experiment, except every possible answer to it other than "I wouldn't do it in the first place" is guaranteed to be stupid.


To address your concerns though, and thanks for the concern, but no, nothings a chore. I don't know why 4 mins in ESO levelling anything would be a chore. I'm an 80s baby, we were taught patience.


Just to reciprocate the concern too:

"then again is play how ever you want."

You know you have time to proofread your posts before posting them and you can edit them afterwards right? I'm just worried because that's.....just not English. Theres a word missing and "however" is supposed to be one word. Are you OK?

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25 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

FOMO wasn't even a real term until 2004, and wasn't "popularised" until much later, and there was no precursor to it. We all managed fine before 2004 believe it or not.

The phenomenon has existed before. Quick search links me the concept of "Keeping up with the Joneses" and the the concept of "Kiasu" (coined around the 1980s in Asia). Also just because a term is new doesn't mean what it describes isn't real. The world has seen massive changes in the past decades, which gives rise to phenomenons might not have been noticeably present before.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb (PSN)MYKK678:

Both Gambling Addiction and Smoking can be seperately linked back to Dopamine production. FOMO has nothing to do with that as it's instead part of the innate need for connection between humans. As such, Gambling and Smoking Addictions are officially recognised as Psychological Conditions, FOMO is not. Because it simply isn't one.

I would refer you to to Gupta and Sharma in the WJCC: "Fear of missing out: A brief overview of origin, theoretical underpinnings and relationship with mental health".

Please inform yourself before dismissing a phenomenon you're not familiar with as not relevant or not an actual psychological mechanism.

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43 minutes ago, Anmorata_Armitage said:

My car just blew up, I have to buy a new one.  My taxes just came due.  Ive got birthdays and Christmas gifts to buy.  And Im on strike.  Thanks for time gating your content and bloating it with unnecessary currencies that add an additional 40+ dollars.

Hold on, what, can we go back to the fact your car heking exploded?

Like no joke, are you alright?

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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