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What ya'll think of Dante The Scribe?

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10 minutes ago, (XBOX)Graysmog said:

I'm mostly just hoping his mechanic of "cast x abilities in a row" isn't really obtuse or annoying to deal with like Lavos' gameplay


He's gunna be VR compatible. You have to physically draw the magic runes in game to cast them.  =D

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I like him I hope he's a strong caster frame 🤞.

Also, I like how he looks like a merging of Atlas and a Seeker from Apocrypha (body wise)



And does anyone other than me remember that during our last community frame vote (the one where Xaku won) a scribe/a character that would write symbols was one of the possible frames we could have had🤔.  So, in the future we should keep an eye out for the other frames that where on that list, because I think DE are trying to fulfill the other ideas from that old list. Most notably insect/hive frame because with the community really wanting infested litchs I think there could be a chance for that.


But those are my thoughts I'm excited for Dante and can't wait to reenact Skyrim/Apocrypha with Hydroid, Dante and Chroma 

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Abilities sound interesting for sure, but I also feel it's too fantasy (but that's also my thought on the Whispers in the Walls and the grimoire anyway, with its obvious Hogwarts Legacy influences). Also, the name is probably the least original name of a warframe yet, given the name is shared by the historical writer Dante Alighieri, often referred to by just his first name.

As for the concept art, not a fan. Reminds me too much of Atlas. I wish the design was Entrati-inspired, especially given they just opened up Tennogen to the Entrati style as well. Honestly surprised it's not following the Entrati aesthetic.

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5 hours ago, CephalonCarnage said:

This. We need a female frame now. A Librarian frame with books and a tight pencil skirt and those spectacles and ... I see why they've made him male now.

600000 hours in paint




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I connected later into the stream, I didn't know Dante was a new frame, I thought it was an npc.

I'm baffled by the fact that I went through the latest update with a Nekros build based on Dante Alighieri, with the Grimoire, red hood and the new laurel signa 😆

I'm gonna watch the first minutes of the stream then.

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11 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:


Just ignore the players who cry about the lack of female frames, if they had full ship of Warframe, all frames would be female-only

Whatever you gotta tell yourself. If I had creative control, there would always be a balance between the two. Releases would strictly alternate (male - female - male - female, etc), with the occasional release that is outside the binary whenever the creative team has an interesting idea for one.

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15 hours ago, (PSN)kpjk11 said:

Dante looks good and I really like the idea of the exalted grimoire, however Dante needs a different name.

Yeah the name is a tat bit weird for a frame

Say..does any know if someone is called Dante is Jojo, this might be the reason

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14 hours ago, OniDax said:

Abilities sound interesting for sure, but I also feel it's too fantasy (but that's also my thought on the Whispers in the Walls and the grimoire anyway, with its obvious Hogwarts Legacy influences). Also, the name is probably the least original name of a warframe yet, given the name is shared by the historical writer Dante Alighieri, often referred to by just his first name.

Ever since Reb had the helm most of the updates have been very heavily towards Jojo and fantasy-esk-like updates, it's strange that you have drawn the inspiration from Hogwarts Legacy, rather than well the game I just mentioned, since a Grimoire or book of spells can be a huge number of things. As for perhaps the name, maybe?

As long as he is Steel Path worthy out of the box (with modding only) then he'll not be dead on arrival. 

14 hours ago, OniDax said:

As for the concept art, not a fan. Reminds me too much of Atlas. I wish the design was Entrati-inspired, especially given they just opened up Tennogen to the Entrati style as well. Honestly surprised it's not following the Entrati aesthetic.

Same here, he should've got much more Entrati-type art added to him but the problem with that overall is that DE are also afraid to add a "Prime" look on a frame that just came out and given that Dante is supposed to be regal and b the looks of thing has the default Gold/White, it feels like his idea is that he is the first "Primed" frame to be released as a default, rather than releasing him again in a few years as a primed upgrade.

So, maybe adding way more Entrati stuff to him is the best way to go here. But as of right now it's just concept art, it might change down the road.

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7 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Yeah the name is a tat bit weird for a frame

Say..does any know if someone is called Dante is Jojo, this might be the reason

I don't see any canon Dantes in Jojo from a quick google search.

Though apparently Kamiya did once go on record saying that Joseph Joestar apparently inspired the character of Dante in DMC.

Edited by Aldain
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14 hours ago, Alguien said:

600000 hours in paint

I don't know if I should be terrified, worried or happy.


1 minute ago, Aldain said:

I don't see any canon Dantes in Jojo from a quick google search.

Though apparently Kamiya did once go on record saying that Joseph Joestar apparently.

Hmm, I guess so, Are there any cannon things from Jojo that match Dante's style? (both looks and powers)

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2 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Hmm, I guess so, Are there any cannon things from Jojo that match Dante's style? (both looks and powers)

Definitely not a Jojo expert (only know some memes) so I couldn't tell ya, just did a quick search to see if there was a character or not.

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I like that he has a hood and a neck if you look hard enough at the concept. His aesthetics are heavily inspired by Owls, the sharp point of a pen (rather than the quill), the trope of a wizard with a long beard wearing pointy curled shoes.

Noctua the Tome is made to look melty like Void-based objects, while the energy coming from it forms two wings to remind you of its namesake.

I am undecided if I want Noctua to be the first ability or like Garuda's Passive. On one hand, I want to use my own secondary weapon, but that means the tome occupies Dante's first ability like Balefire on Hildryn... I want him to have a variety of spells, maybe tap/hold on the abilities, too.

Anyway, looking forward to it, he seems like he'll have a unique casting system.

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1 minute ago, DrivaMain said:

*Looks at Yareli*

Eh, 1 terribly received frame up to this point doesn't count, right?

Yareli's issue is less design and more...function imo.

They do actually do something, but what they do is kind of...subdued? There's kind of nothing aside from the K-drive thing that she does that another frame doesn't do better.

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On 2024-01-27 at 5:28 PM, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

he sounds neat with his kit

if his delux skin or alt helm isnt called merlin, ill be a bit sad at lost opportunity 

merlin smoking GIF


Also hi Mako, I hope you are feeling well o7

I noticed you haven't been doing dev recaps anymore, lost interest? 

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On 2024-01-28 at 4:38 AM, Circle_of_Psi said:

Ever since Reb had the helm most of the updates have been very heavily towards Jojo and fantasy-esk-like updates, it's strange that you have drawn the inspiration from Hogwarts Legacy, rather than well the game I just mentioned, since a Grimoire or book of spells can be a huge number of things. As for perhaps the name, maybe?

As long as he is Steel Path worthy out of the box (with modding only) then he'll not be dead on arrival. 

Same here, he should've got much more Entrati-type art added to him but the problem with that overall is that DE are also afraid to add a "Prime" look on a frame that just came out and given that Dante is supposed to be regal and b the looks of thing has the default Gold/White, it feels like his idea is that he is the first "Primed" frame to be released as a default, rather than releasing him again in a few years as a primed upgrade.

So, maybe adding way more Entrati stuff to him is the best way to go here. But as of right now it's just concept art, it might change down the road.

I know Rebecca is a big JoJo fan, but I don't think the style of the Entrati lab (with its wood floors), or the inclusion of book weapon, or even the depiction of the scarfed Umbra wielding the grimoire, are JoJo-related, especially given when Hogwarts Legacy revealed its gameplay (2022) and when Whispers in the Walls was announced, just like I don't think it's a coincidence that the Duviri Paradox reveal back in 2019 interestingly had a western-flair a year after Red Dead Redemption 2 released. It wasn't a coincidence that Plains of Eidolon released with mining and fishing after No Man's Sky and Breath of the Wild released. Or when we got Lunaro when Rocket League was big. It wouldn't be the first time. And I'm not saying it's not ok to draw influence from other games. I want DE to draw some influence from the new MW games (specifically, animations and sound design). I'm just not a huge fan of the wizard library thing going on with Albrecht's lab.

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On 2024-01-28 at 11:02 AM, Circle_of_Psi said:


Also hi Mako, I hope you are feeling well o7

I noticed you haven't been doing dev recaps anymore, lost interest? 

not so much lost interest but megans doing devrecaps now anyways after devstreams so its a bit redundant, and she does have more resources then I,i do post some pics on twitter but i dont have a lot of energy lately 

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

not so much lost interest but megans doing devrecaps now anyways after devstreams so its a bit redundant, and she does have more resources then I,i do post some pics on twitter but i dont have a lot of energy lately 

Fair enough

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