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For all of the people saying that with Faction Bonus mods applied, Eclipse will be stronger than Roar: No, no it will not, not in any way that matters.

While it is true that for the initial hit damage, it will be slightly higher (2.015x vs 1.85x), the moment you have even a single damaging status effect (or, even better, two of them, such as a Slash/Heat/Viral build), Roar wins, even at only base ability strength. Eclipse + Bane is 1.3 x 1.55^2 = ~3.123x damage to status effects. Roar + Bane is 1.85^2 = ~3.42x damage. And the difference only gets bigger the higher the ability strength.

So unless you have a really weird weapon build that used the faction damage mods but does not inflict damaging status effects, Roar is still better than Eclipse for weapons. This is on top of already being able to work on abilities, which Eclipse cannot.

Also, DE's argument that the reason for the trade-off is the availability of DR is laughable given that the DR is still capped at 75%, which isn't even enough for most frames to survive with when combined with Adaptation, let alone a useful buff by itself. The only place this buff might be useful is to push a build that already has multiple defensive layers (like Trinity) into even higher eHP values.

Now, if both effects could be active at the same time, then maybe it would be worth using. Getting both a small damage buff and a small survivability buff could be useful for some frames that just aren't quite there in either category. But having to choose between one or the other makes both worthless, since Warframe is far too fast-paced of a game to be able to change your current buff in reaction to something that's happening.

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1 hour ago, VENDOMINUS said:

My personal opinion on Eclipse is that DE is throwing a smoke bomb to distract us from the nourish nerf. I find I hard to believe that Roar being nerfed by 40% is the same as eclipse being nerfed by 85%.

I think DE will make it something more reasonable after the outcry of all tenno. Imo it should be at least 50%  to be at least close to roar in terms of power (base bane mod increases effective dots by about 57%) while not considering that roar affect skill damage too.. It seems more reasonable to me for the buff to be at around 100% to be worth using over other options. As for the damage reduction. Most people would probably agree that it can just be removed. Another person suggested giving the the rest and rage treatment for the helmith, which is not a bad idea.

Nourish may arguably be better with the lower viral buff, since now people will be able to proc dots more reliably when running high ability strength. Having too much viral damage was not always the best thing. Sadly the nerf will be felt a lot by people running it with low ability strength.

For Decoy, just having more health may not be the best thing. As we know enemies at high levels can melt a few million overguard with a few shots, while the don't have that much health to give the decoy. I would be good if in addition to getting more health it could also get auto-scaling armor or damage pillow, like demolysts, archons and acolytes.


Btw, can someone say if the what Gara's blind range is going to be, and will it scale with strength, range and duration?


I agree with everything you are putting down here, especially in regards to maybe putting armor on Decoy and Eclipse's weapon-only damage buff being nerfed a bit too hard.


To answer your Gara question, currently it is about 15m radially and is not able to scale with mods because it is a passive. That said, Gara being able to just blind things sometimes is pretty freaking cool and I am looking forward to seeing it in action.

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21 hours ago, DTaina said:

Also, for a future upgrade, I'd love to be able to move the snow globe like the Eximus can. 

I can definitely get behind this! 😲🤯 Just imagine, moving Frost bubble? Hell yes! Even as an Augment this would be pretty nifty!

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15 hours ago, Skynet66 said:

Minor sidenote: why are you nerfing Mirage herself but not Grendel despite nerfing both their Helminth abilities? It's a bit of a weird double standard that is frustrating because you're nerfing a frame because you finally fixed a buggy lighting system. Don't nerf Mirage at all, just nerf the eclipse on Helminth only.


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21 hours ago, ChossetteDivine said:

Eclipse doesnt' double dip on DoTs.

Roar affects ability, and allies and all their damage in range by default.

This is one of the main reasons why Helminth Eclipse needs the damage buffed to at least 60%.

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21 hours ago, TrapperCZE said:

what about Mirages second ability ?  Sleight of Hand jewel type depends on environmental lighting at the target position

will it now be also toggle or ? 

DE: "🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗"

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1 hour ago, UlyssesTheDM said:

I can definitely get behind this! 😲🤯 Just imagine, moving Frost bubble? Hell yes! Even as an Augment this would be pretty nifty!

Every time I see the Arctic Eximus showing off their mobile snow globe while I'm stuck in a corner as Frost, I want to scream. 

Please, DE, give me an augment or something to stop the Arctic Eximus from laughing at my static snow globe.  They've been laughing at me for way too long!  

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Here's an idea. When you tap frost globe. it stats expanding like gara's 4. When you hold it the bubble moves with you like arctic eximus. Since you can have 2 bubbles up at a time I think this would be cool. While I don't play Frost, I do think he could use some QoL.

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13 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:

Here's an idea. When you tap frost globe. it stats expanding like gara's 4. When you hold it the bubble moves with you like arctic eximus. Since you can have 2 bubbles up at a time I think this would be cool. While I don't play Frost, I do think he could use some QoL.

Maybe tapping 3 can make the snow globe grow until you tap 3 again, holding 3 can pop the snow globe, and the snow globe coming with you like the Arctic Eximus can be an augment.  Imagine an augment like that for those defense missions with the operative moving around.  I can see it now!  

Some QoL for poor Frost would be very welcome.  He was the king of defense at one point.  We can make him that again.  

Edited by DTaina
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Since y'all are already looking at Mirage, would you mind considering a buff to her augment, Prism Guard? The duration decrease from Conclave is bad enough, but a -67% duration it very hard to work with. Especially when you consider how long it takes to cast.

And while I'd like it to just have no penalty to it's duration, I don't even necessarily need that. A little buff would go a long way, even something like -50% instead.

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On 2024-03-13 at 7:57 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Helminth Diminished Effectiveness Change: 

Eclipse has been one of the most popular Helminth abilities, so by fixing its unreliability related to light sources and making its buffs guaranteed, a rebalance was in order to compensate. This change does not affect the ability for Mirage, only when applied from Helminth.


  • Solar Eclipse has a base 30% increased Weapon Damage.

    • This was previously 150%, it was reduced to match the Diminished Effectiveness of Rhino’s Roar.

  • Lunar Eclipse has not changed. It still provides a base 75% Damage Reduction.

    • The Damage Reduction cap also remains the same at 75%. 

So since roar is better can we give mirage 50% weapon damage buff ?

75% damage reduction is useless frames can either already survive without it or it is not enough 

Since its now 90% not 95%, i think 90% is good spot maybe lower the base to 50% and match the damage buff 

On 2024-03-13 at 7:57 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Viral Damage Buff has been reduced from 75% to 45%. 

Again why 45% why not just 50% 

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Many people are talking about roar counting as a faction mod but the only time eclipse can be better is if you have a weapon with pure damage and a bane mod on since

bane mod = 1.55, bane mod + 100% eclipse = 3.1, while bane mod + 100% roar is 2.55      which is a 20ish percent increase in damage 

This is just an OK increase in damage as if you're doing a pure damage build that probably means you are facing lower level enemies which do not need any buffs anyway and you should also not be using a bane mod in that case imo. The real kicker is the fact that there are actually no dimnishing returns when it comes to faction damage multipliers because the increase that comes from double dipping in status damage is an exponential increase. Let's do a little bit of math here.

If you are using a bane mode and a 100% eclipse your final damage would be 1.55*1.55*2 since the faction buff double dips and it comes out to 4.805 times total increase to your damage. If you were to use roar here you would get something like (1.55+1.0)*(1.55+1.0) the 1.0 added to the faction bonus is our roar buff which acts like a faction buff.which results in a whopping 6.5025 final multiplier which is around a 35 percent more increase.

If there are no bane mods in play you look at the same increase on your direct damage which is just double at a %100 buff but roar double dips on status and goes up to a 4 times increase instead while eclipse stays the same.

Now, excluding the disadvantage of eclipse against roar in weapon damage eclipse can neither buff your whole squad nor can it buff any ability damage. Eclipse may look like it has something that can make up for all these in damage reduction but you can't use both buffs at the same time and you likely won't be cycling between your buffs because you either need survivability and are just using the DR part or want more damage so you are just using roar instead of eclipse. 

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OK, as I previously said in a minor sidenote, and seeing as someone else agrees I'll make it also a main point of contention.

Don't nerf the eclipse on Mirage specifically. Like at all. You guys didn't nerf other frames for being overtuned in their helminth version so why the double standard now?
This is an insult given the GI lighting bug is what caused eclipse to never reach its full potential to begin with, shouldn't this therefore be a QoL update for her and not a backhanded nerf?
I won't argue the helminth subsume nerf as there's already plenty of others that did, but I am gonna be pointing out the odd choice of nerfing the frame as well.
Not just the damage either but the DR. Mirage is incapable of tanking as it stands, and reducing her tankiness by 5% is massive especially as you compared the 90% to other DR on other frames whom you forget possess greater health/armor values which make up for that lesser %.

Again, if you're gonna nerf eclipse, just leave Mirage out of it because this is an issue created by a bug in the introduction of GI lighting.

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On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:

Decoy now also draws 15% of the Health and Shield totals of enemies within a base of 15m, scaling with Ability Strength and Range, respectively. This should make Decoy much more useful in higher-level missions, as it can survive a lot more exposure to enemy attacks!

Okay, I like this. A truly strength dedicated build will draw over 160% of Health and Shield from nearby enemies, but this feel very comfortable for regular builds, and makes this ability actually usable in content post Star Chart Earth missions.

On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:

Additionally, Switch Teleport will no longer root you in place after the teleport and will now grant you a short burst of movement speed at 50% increased speed for 5 seconds, scaled by Strength and Duration.

This is less of a boost, but still welcome, especially the freedom of mobility. The buff itself is also good, but doesn't particularly add anything to Loki's general playstyle (although it will certainly make it easier to speed-run through missions. I am curious as to whether this buff is also given to an ally if they are the selected target of your teleport.

On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:


After Devstream 176, we asked the community their preference for adjusting Mirage’s Eclipse. As a refresher, Eclipse changes its effect based on the light level surrounding the player, but this effect does not work correctly with GI lighting and open landscapes.

The consensus from players was to change the Light / Dark functionality to a toggle, so that is what we’re doing! Here’s a look at how this manifests for Mirage’s Eclipse:

How it works: 

  • Tapping Eclipse provides the Lunar Eclipse buff (Increased Damage Reduction). 

  • Holding Eclipse provides the Solar Eclipse buff (Increased Weapon Damage). 


Scaling change: 

Since the ability no longer depends on level lighting to determine the buff type, the buffs themselves also no longer scale based on light level. Instead, their previous maximum effect is now the base (affected by Ability Strength): 

  • Solar Eclipse now has a base 200% increased Weapon Damage. 

  • Lunar Eclipse now has a base 75% Damage Reduction. 

    • We have lowered the Damage Reduction cap to 90% (previously 95%) to bring it in line with other Damage Reduction abilities (Gara’s Splinter Storm, Citrine’s Preserving Shell, etc.).


Helminth Diminished Effectiveness Change: 

Eclipse has been one of the most popular Helminth abilities, so by fixing its unreliability related to light sources and making its buffs guaranteed, a rebalance was in order to compensate. This change does not affect the ability for Mirage, only when applied from Helminth.


  • Solar Eclipse has a base 30% increased Weapon Damage.

    • This was previously 150%, it was reduced to match the Diminished Effectiveness of Rhino’s Roar.

  • Lunar Eclipse has not changed. It still provides a base 75% Damage Reduction.

    • The Damage Reduction cap also remains the same at 75%. 


You may be asking yourself, why choose to Subsume Eclipse over Roar? 

Roar also affects Abilities and double dips on damage over time. If pure damage is the goal, one would probably choose Roar. Eclipse can switch between defensive and offensive buffs for situational gameplay choices. The idea is they are equal-ish for weapon damage.

Hmmm. Mixed feelings here. While the Toggle Functionality was community voted, and honestly probably the better choice both for the development team (requiring significantly less work than overhauling every tile-sets lighting) and the player base (ease of use is always desired after all), I feel that the numbers are still lacking, especially in regards to the Helminth Diminish.

While the argument can be made as to the Solar Eclipse buff being so low, and a reason is given, this feels disingenuous given the current Damage Meta of the game. As Faction Damage (provided by Roar) has quadratic scaling on Damage Over Time effects and applies a damage increase to abilities, the only benefit Eclipse gets in regards to damage is on Flat Damage (and even that is on the assumption that a player is using Faction Mods, otherwise both buffs provide identical damage). As the vast majority of builds utilise DoT damage (Slash, Gas, Heat, Toxin, or Electricity Status), Roar is, as stated, a superior damage buff (especially on frames with damaging abilities).

Furthermore, the actual Diminish is disingenuous as well. Roar has a base strength of 50% on its frame of origin, and is therefore diminished by only 40%. Eclipse, however, has a base strength of 200%. As that was conditional, reducing it by the same multiplicative of 40% would be unfair. However, this is a reduction of 85%, more than double the diminishment applied to Roar. A reduction of 75% (placing the buff at 50%) seems more fair, especially given the mathematical scaling, as the only time that the proposed Eclipse would be better than Roar, assuming all other factors are otherwise identical, is when a weapon is equipped with the correct faction mod. In all other scenarios, Roar is, at worst, a direct match in damage to Eclipse.

The Lunar Eclipse buff, on the other hand, has problems both on Mirage and when provided through the Helminth. Firstly, reducing the Damage Reduction for Mirage from 95% to 90% to "bring it in line with other damage reduction abilities" is actually extraordinarily unfair due to the overall survivability of the other frames.

The other abilities that apply a scaling Damage Reduction are; Preserving Shell, Splinter Storm, Kinetic Plating, and Parasitic Link, while sources of static or alternatively scaling Damage Reduction are Restraint, Desolate Hands, Serene Storm, Immolation, Pacify, Warding Halo, Null Star, Tribute (Thorns), Link, and Blessing.

     Preserving Shell

Preserving Shell has an initial damage reduction of 40%, which can be increased to 90% by either modding for 225% Ability Strength or gaining Kills or Assists while active. This is balanced through the means of it's Decay System. However, this is also applied to allies, which is a distinct advantage over Lunar Eclipse.

Additionally, Citrine has more Health, Armor, and Shields than Mirage, while also having access to health regeneration through her passive, as well as health orb regeneration. In other words, her need for damage reduction is technically less than Mirage's.

     Splinter Storm

Splinter Storm starts at a whopping 70% DR, and can be increased to 90% with 129% Strength. Additionally, it has infinitely scaling damage output and theoretically infinite upkeep (so long as you use the ability loop), and applies Damage Vulnerability to enemies. Oh, and it also applies the Damage Reduction to allies (and can be cast on any allies unit, including Defense Objectives). 

Additionally, Gara also has more Health, Armor, and Shield than Mirage. Their Prime's are more balanced, but Gara Prime still has more EHP than Mirage Prime. Gara also has CC from her passive (which also used to operate off of light and is now becoming more reliable as well), and can create a temporary reprieve from enemies with her fourth ability.

     Kinetic Plating

This provides only 80% DR, and only to some damage types, so Lunar Eclipse is better, right? Well, the damage types that this provides DR for just so happen to encompass basically every actual damage type you are likely to encounter except for Electric, Magnetic, and Toxin for the most part, so that part is moot. Oh, and the cap of 80% gets boosted to 100% through Gauss' forth ability. Granted, that is a temporary period, but this also converts incoming damage to energy, so it has additional utility.

Additionally, Gauss has more Health and Shield, and an equal Armor, to Mirage Prime. Needless to say, his EHP is higher. This is somewhat balanced, however, due to it's actual value swaying between 80% and 100%. Except, 100% DR is more than a quintillion times more valuable that 99.9999% DR. The only real disadvantage this ability has in comparison to Lunar Eclipse is the lack of reduction to Toxin.

     Parasitic Link

The last of the actual "equals" to Lunar Eclipse, this provides a base 50% Damage Redirection, capping at 90%. You also need to be linked to an enemy, and therefore be within a strict range of that linked enemy (but not line of sight) and, should the enemy die, you lose your DR . Of course, the only damage they take is the damage that Nidus redirects, so this is harder to achieve when you link to a sufficiently tanky foe. Oh, and Nidus transfers all status effects to the target too. This ability can, alternatively, link to an ally to provide both that ally and Nidus a scaling boost to Ability Strength.

Additionally, Nidus has both more Health and Armor than Mirage Prime (and his Prime has even more), but lacks both shields and a means of gaining Overguard, but has both health regeneration and innate Death Immunity. That said, both units often need access to DR, but Mirage is significantly squishier.


Now, what does all this tell us? Well, Mirage needs DR, and a lot of it. And, the only means she has of increasing her survivability innately is Lunar Eclipse. I suppose her Hall of Mirrors might result in what is effectively an Accuracy Debuff to enemies, but at higher Steel Path levels she pretty much dies as soon as her Shield Gate ends due to her low base Health and Armor, even with her current 95% DR. Lowering this further without increasing her base stats is just reducing her effective maximum level of play unless you utilise Shield Gating and/or iFrames to survive, in which case there is no need to use Lunar Eclipse either.

Now, finally, on to the Helminth version of this buff, which is, as it always has been, basically useless. This will be, for the most part, unused as a 75% DR just isn't enough at higher levels of content. [Arcane Double Back] has this same issue (speaking of, you should increase the effect to 30% per effect, and possibly make it apply regardless of which parkour setting is used with a universal decay (so three double jumps will trigger it's maximum effect, and then tick down to 2 stacks when the timer runs out)).

Instead, I would personally suggest lowering the base value of this from 75% to maybe 60% or even 50%, and increasing the cap from 75% to 90%, while maintaining the cap of 95% for Mirage herself. This allows it to function as a legitimately useful means of DR for frames that will need DR, thus making it an actually viable pick over Roar, even when using DoT weapons due to the value of Lunar Eclipse (which your proposed numbers make less likely, as you could get this with Arcane Double Back as mentioned).

Also, if you're trying to make it "equal" to Roar, then you need to increase it's base duration up to 30 seconds. Just saying.

On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:


In its current form, Prism's damage scaling is affected by environmental lighting at Mirage's position, which poses the same inconsistency issues that Eclipse suffered from. The team has reviewed and made similar changes: 

  • Remove damage scaling based on environmental lighting.

  • Prism now has extrinsic synergy with Eclipse!

    • If Solar Eclipse (Weapon Damage) is active, Prism’s damage is increased by 100%.

    • If Lunar Eclipse (Damage Reduction) is active, then the Energy per second cost of Prism is reduced by 50%. This Energy cost is calculated after Ability Efficiency is considered, allowing it to exceed the normal cap for Efficiency.

Yeah, this makes sense, and is a great execution of the ability. Would be better if the damage was simply affected by Solar Eclipse's value instead of a flat 100%, but still good. AAssuming that this means it functions the way it currently does. If this is just a x2 damage multiplier, then I personally don't see how Mirage has any real damage utility outside of the Hall of Mirrors + Eclipse combo, especially given the lack of changes mentioned regarding Sleight of Hand (How is Sleight of Hand going to trigger in regards to the wonky light levels in missions, as it's triggering is also somewhat dependent on light levels?) That said, I also feel like it should be a purely channelled ability rather than a Duration-Channelled Ability (pure Duration would also work, but I think Channelled makes more sense even if Duration has higher ease of use). 

On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:


Similarly to the Mirage Eclipse/Prism changes, we realized Gara’s Passive also relied on “standing in light” and, therefore, would have the same issues as Mirage regarding GI Lighting and inconsistent lighting areas. We have removed the scaling with illumination (standing in light) and made the following changes:

When casting an ability, there’s a base 15% chance to radially blind nearby enemies for 10s. Each cast without a blind increases your chances by 20% until it creates a radial blind.

More reliable passive activation? Yes please. Still a little RNG dependant, but it's guaranteed to go off at least once every six casts, and with how spammable her first is, this isn't too bad. Question though ... what is the range value of "nearby"? Is it still 12 meters, or is it being changed?

On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:


Nourish is by far the most popular Helminth ability, so we felt it was necessary to reduce its effectiveness slightly for the Helminth version only. Our goal is not to make this ability unusable but to avoid situations where it feels like “you’re playing wrong if you’re not using Nourish.”


Nourish when Infused via Helminth now has the following alterations: 

  • Energy Multiplier has been reduced from 2x to 1.6x. 

  • Viral Damage Buff has been reduced from 75% to 45%. 

Everything else related to Nourish through the Helminth remains unchanged.

In light of the changes, upon downloading the update and logging in you will receive an inbox message containing Helminth Secretion resources. We recognize past resource investment needed to infuse Nourish onto your Warframes and want to provide some compensation. Patch notes will provide the exact numbers!

I mean, better than I expected. I was half hoping you would split it into a Toggle as well, with one applying Viral Damage and the other applying Energy Regen (and maybe an Augment where it did both). Or perhaps having the Tap provide a higher energy multiplier but lower viral multiplier, and the Hold doing the inverse, as there are builds I use this on where I need the Energy Multiplier, but actively do not want the Viral Damage (though the Viral Explosion is still fairly useful), but this seems like a fairly well balanced means of implementation.

A question though; is the Energy Multiplier formula < 1 + (0.6 * STR) >, meaning that it will go up to 2.2x with 200% Strength, or is it < 0.6 + (1 + STR) meaning that it would go up to 2.6x, or is it < 0.8 + (0.8 * STR) > meaning 2.4x?

On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:


The Bonewidow finally joins in with the Voidrig in the enemy Necramech changes. 


Like Voidrigs, Bonewidows now receive damage anywhere (with damage attenuation) instead of just their weak points. When their weak points are targeted, they’ll receive increased damage. 

  • The intent is to ensure Bonewidow fights are less taxing while maintaining a benefit to weak point damage. Since it’s susceptible to all attack points, damage attenuation (maximum damage per instance and per second caps) was added to maintain a level of difficulty and to prevent one-shots


Bonewidow weak points had their looks updated to highlight them better. The weak points now appear as vials filled with a liquid substance that can be targeted and destroyed.

Enemy Bonewidow’s Shield Maiden ability has similarly seen some changes! We’ve improved the hitbox of its Shield, so shooting and destroying it is easier. Additionally, new VFX will appear when you damage the Shield to improve readability when it’s near breaking, and Bonewidow will stagger when its Shield is broken.

Ah, this would make their fights much easier, even with Damage Attenuation. Don't think I've fought one though, though it has been a while since I've done Iso Vaults. I would prefer if the damage attenuation was either per second or per instance, but still better than being exclusively weak-point oriented.

On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:


Disruption is receiving changes to better accommodate audio issues!

While players engage with Disruption, we know there have been requests to de-emphasize the audio element that dictates where the Demolyst is originating. So, with accessibility in mind, Disruption is receiving the following changes:

  • When the Demolyst beeps are heard in-game, an enemy marker will fade in and out in the direction of the Demolyst

    • The closer you get to the Demolyst, the more permanent the enemy marker becomes.

    • Within line of sight, the enemy marker stays permanent.

  • The red Conduit is now yellow to better prompt visual clarity between the icons and Demolysts.


Our intention is to better support those who may struggle with audio cues by improving accessibility and gamemode design.

Oh good. Now I can listen to music without getting blindsided by a demolyst. Also, the conduit change is actually very helpful and I hadn't thought of it (even though it's screwed me over a few times), so thankyou.

On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:


Warframes now have Invisibility customization—no longer will you have to be strictly transparent!

Warframes with Invisibility abilities (Loki, Ivara, Ash, Octavia, and Voruna) will now find customization options within their Auxillary Attachment menus! Instead of Invisibility being strictly see-through, players can customize it from being more translucent/semi-transparent to non-transparency with an Energy glow gleaming from your character. 

Invisibility colorization is affected by the primary Energy color of your Warframe, should you select a choice that is affected by coloring. 

I don't think I can express how much I like this. That said, will this have any affect on the screen changes when Loki goes invisible? I imagine the audio muffling would resume, but will the screen change colour still? (I think there is a setting that turns it off anyway, but I can't remember which)

On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:


Netracell Drop Tables are being adjusted as part of Community feedback from Whispers in the Walls that the high-value rewards (Archon Shards) were too rare and potentially realistically unobtainable. We’re removing all non-exclusive Arcanes from the Drop Tables, and the remaining items will have their drop rates adjusted accordingly.

The Official Warframe Drop Table site will be updated accordingly with Dante Unbound to reflect these adjustments.

Nice, a better (but still not guaranteed) chance of getting the Archon Shards we all want, especially with the upcoming Valence.

On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:


A new variant of Void Fissure has appeared! Found on Star Chart Nodes previously untouched by Void Fissures, a new, powerful Omnia Fissure will appear, allowing Tenno to crack Lith, Meso, Neo, or Axi Relics, whatever they choose! 


Just like other Fissure types, there will be one Omnia Fissure available at all times on both standard and Steel Path difficulties. Tenno must have access to the respective node on the Star Chart in order to access the correlating Omnia Fissure, including any Quests necessary for the node:

  • The War Within Quest for Lua

  • Angels of the Zariman Quest for Zariman

  • Whispers in the Walls Quest for Albrecht’s Laboratories 


Omnia Fissures can be found on:

  • Lua: Yuvarium (Conjunction Survival)

  • Lua: Circulus (Conjunction Survival)

  • Zariman: Everview Arc (Void Flood)

  • Zariman: Tuvul Commons (Void Cascade)

  • Albrecht’s Laboratories: Cambire (Alchemy)

  • Albrecht’s Laboratories: Persto (Survival)

Interesting. All endless missions, but no Defense. Which I don't mind, as running Defense gets rather tedious as a half second of inattentiveness results in a mission fail sometimes.

On 2024-03-14 at 4:57 AM, [DE]Megan said:


The Steel Path arrives to the Zariman and Cavia Bounties alike. Accessing the Steel Path variants is possible through a selection UI when speaking to a Bounty Giver.

With Steel Path Bounties you’ll earn more Standing from The Cavia bounties, while The Holdfasts will net you more Voidplume Quills.


This list is not exhaustive, there is much more QOL planned for Dante Unbound to look forward to, such as New Player Path Improvements, changes to UI selection screens, Orbiter Fast Travel,  Corrupted Jackal changes (Circuit), Melee Slam Changes, and much more! Official patch notes will provide full details.

Oh cool, SP Bounties. Was wondering when these would come out.

And very much looking forward to the full 40+ page list when this update drops. 

Edited by MarakViri
Corrections | Spelling | Expansion
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After doing the math I am a firm believer that the eclipse damage bonus should be 50% at base. Given the majority of our damage comes from status builds, especially bleed, roar is simply superior in terms of dealing damage. Giving eclipse a base of 50% creates situations where the optimal skill to use is really dependent on the build. If you aren't using faction mods, Roar will still increase status proc damage more than eclipse at any level of ability strength.

Even with a primed faction mod roar is still competitive with eclipse for status proc builds if eclipse had a base increase of 50%. At 100% ability strength Eclipse would increase status proc damage by only 5% more than roar. At 300% strength they would deal nearly identical amounts of status proc damage, and above that roar would be superior.

If the eclipse base damage were increased to 50% roar would still be the optimal choice for status weapons for anyone who doesn't like swapping faction mods, playing against a faction without primed faction mods, runs high strength, wants to buff squad, or deals ability damage. Eclipse is cheaper and it would be used over roar with weapons that deal raw damage, but those are relatively rare compared to those that rely on status effects. Eclipse can also be used defensively as well.

On that note, increase the DR cap to 90% on the helminth version. Is there really a reason why it can't be 90% like everything else in the game?

Edited by GrumpyPants
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Why are both conjunction survivals getting a fissure? Why not Lua Disruption? Why not Entrati Disruption? I was super hyped when hearing about Omnia fissures since I thought this finally meant that disruption wouldnt be nearly as rare to appear as a fissure now and also have it be a way to crack my meso relics in a disruption setting, just to get neither now. Is there a reason why that neither were chosen? This could have been a great chance to open up possibilities with disruption optimization for relic cracking since what we currently have is so limited because we can go days without seeing a fissure appear due to how rare they are, but seems like they want them to be rare.

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Many players don’t realize the importance of a 150% Eclipse;  it’s the only viable choice when facing the Profit-Taker and Eidolon. Profit-Taker is currently the fastest way for earning credits, even index is much slower than a player who can fished Profit taker in 1min. Additionally, for Eidolon, their Arcanes are extremely valuable, especially to the players who don’t trade Rivens or Prime mods for platinum.  It’s also the quickest way for new players to accumulate Focus for their operator.  For those who enjoy these aspects of Warframe, combining Zenith with Eclipse is how they can increase their Eidolon efficiency.  Without a 150% Eclipse and a strong Zenith Riven, their effectiveness is significantly diminished.

What happen is our efficiancy facing Profit taker and eidolon has been greatly reduced. When I asked players who believe “Roar is weaker than 30% eclipse or 30% is acceptable” why they feel this way, their response was invariably, “I don’t care, because I don’t like those two bosses.”. I find this mindset difficult to comprehend.  If Eclipse were nerfed to 30%, the efficiency of these missions would regress to what it was like in 2018.

Furthermore, I must emphasize that this is the first time a Helminth power has been nerfed by 85%, with previous nerfs being Kullervo by 50% and Roar by 40%.

To be frank, 30% just deeply harshed those solo players, If DR is why cant give eclipse more on increase weapon damage, perhaps it could be adjusted to function like Equinox’s ability, use energy color(actually i forgot if its energy color) to decide before start a mission eclipse is DR or increase damage.

Edited by YNCShadow
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43 minutes ago, YNCShadow said:

Many players don’t realize the importance of a 150% Eclipse;  it’s the only viable choice when facing the Profit-Taker and Eidolon. Profit-Taker is currently the fastest way for earning credits, even index is much slower than a player who can fished Profit taker in 1min. Additionally, for Eidolon, their Arcanes are extremely valuable, especially to the players who don’t trade Rivens or Prime mods for platinum.  It’s also the quickest way for new players to accumulate Focus for their operator.  For those who enjoy these aspects of Warframe, combining Zenith with Eclipse is how they can increase their efficiency.  Without a 150% Eclipse and a strong Zenith Riven, their effectiveness is significantly diminished.

What happen is our efficiancy facing Profit taker and eidolon has been greatly reduced. When I asked players who believe “Roar is weaker than 30% eclipse or 30% is acceptable” why they feel this way, their response was invariably, “I don’t care, because I don’t like those two bosses.”. I find this mindset difficult to comprehend.  If Eclipse were nerfed to 30%, the efficiency of these missions would regress to what it was like in 2018.

Furthermore, I must emphasize that this is the first time a Helminth power has been nerfed by 85%, with previous nerfs being Kullervo by 50% and Roar by 40%.

This ... is not true. I don't use eclipse at all for Profit-Taker. Granted, I am still using Chroma, because I obviously want to maximise my Credit Income, and I'm sticking with Vex Armor. Granted, I don't particularly care about going for sub-minute times, as going for a more comfortable 1-3 minute run is still ludicrously simple on solo. And that's without that Zenith Riven you mentioned.

If you're using Volt or Saryn, as they can allow for 100% elemental coverage without the Necramech, then I could see the argument. Maybe. Volt provides 50% additional Critical Damage, so the right build should allow you to melt through the Profit-Taker's shields. And that's not even mentioning the fact that you can one-shot the limbs and Health Stages with the Necramech weapon (which doesn't get the Solar Eclipse buff anyway).

You may be right on the Eidolon part though, as I haven't done Eidolons for quite some time, though I will probably do a few more runs of it at some point in the future.

That said, I do agree (as stated in my post) that 30% is horrendous. 50% is more reasonable given the nature and initial strength of the base ability, and that's a 75% reduction.

51 minutes ago, YNCShadow said:

To be frank, 30% just deeply harshed those solo players, If DR is why cant give eclipse more on increase weapon damage, perhaps it could be adjusted to function like Equinox’s ability, use energy color(actually i forgot if its energy color) to decide before start a mission eclipse is DR or increase damage.

Ummm ... no? I'm actually quite excited to be able to switch between them mid-mission for quite a few frames. Most people won't use it for that (just like most people don't use Thermal Sunder for the Cold effect), but some people (and more specifically some frames) will certainly appreciate being able to use both features.

Once they increase the base strength of the Solar Eclipse Buff, and increase the cap of the Lunar Eclipse buff, that is. Otherwise it's just ... a somewhat disappointing (though likely still picked due to a lack of competition) Helminth Ability.

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1小时前 , MarakViri 说:

This ... is not true. I don't use eclipse at all for Profit-Taker. Granted, I am still using Chroma, because I obviously want to maximise my Credit Income, and I'm sticking with Vex Armor. Granted, I don't particularly care about going for sub-minute times, as going for a more comfortable 1-3 minute run is still ludicrously simple on solo. And that's without that Zenith Riven you mentioned.

If you're using Volt or Saryn, as they can allow for 100% elemental coverage without the Necramech, then I could see the argument. Maybe. Volt provides 50% additional Critical Damage, so the right build should allow you to melt through the Profit-Taker's shields. And that's not even mentioning the fact that you can one-shot the limbs and Health Stages with the Necramech weapon (which doesn't get the Solar Eclipse buff anyway).

You may be right on the Eidolon part though, as I haven't done Eidolons for quite some time, though I will probably do a few more runs of it at some point in the future.

That said, I do agree (as stated in my post) that 30% is horrendous. 50% is more reasonable given the nature and initial strength of the base ability, and that's a 75% reduction.

Ummm ... no? I'm actually quite excited to be able to switch between them mid-mission for quite a few frames. Most people won't use it for that (just like most people don't use Thermal Sunder for the Cold effect), but some people (and more specifically some frames) will certainly appreciate being able to use both features.

Once they increase the base strength of the Solar Eclipse Buff, and increase the cap of the Lunar Eclipse buff, that is. Otherwise it's just ... a somewhat disappointing (though likely still picked due to a lack of competition) Helminth Ability.

Yes actually i agree with you, Chroma is a good way for solo because you can double credits, but maybe my perspective is influenced by being part of the CN community, is easier to team up with a Chroma and Chroma actually can just do nothing(its good because that is more easy for a new player, they dont need high build and they can team up with a old player) because Volt can do every thing( its super easy for me fished Profit taker in 1min 10 in daily, not speedrun). But still i agree with you because you might just prefer playing solo for various reasons that I dont know about. My point for eclipse+zenith is for eidolon, maybe you don't play it for long time so that's ok, during Profit taker we actually dont use zenith anymore when we use Volt because its more easy to only use melee and diplos, since we have Melee Exposure now to add corrosive to our melee. Actually this is why im hoping it dont nerf way too much because with out high eclipse+zenith, you can not use only one shot to break the first weak spot(sry i dont know how to call it in eng) of Eidolon Gantulyst and Eidolon Hydrolyst because they could born in moutain which you can not damage it untill few second later because they are in underground.

For the second part indeed, I still agree with you, because i dont think DE will make eclipse more higher when there is DR, im also hoping they can keep tap and hold but you know what i mean.

Edited by YNCShadow
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19 minutes ago, YNCShadow said:

My point for eclipse+zenith is for eidolon maybe you don't play it for long time so that's ok,  during Profit taker we actually dont use zenith anymore because its more easy to only use melee and diplos(since we have Melee Exposure now to add corrosive to our melee. 

I mean, I'm aware of Melee Exposure (I use it myself) but ... "Only use melee and Diplos"? With all three weapons, I am covering 12 of the 13 elements (missing Electric). Do you mean you're using a different primary? Or are you running pre-organised squads with assigned damage types or something?

I play solo because I find it easier. The lowered enemy density plays a part, but every time I play with other people, the Profit-Take ends up facing directions that make it hard for me to see it's weakness (which is a minor issue, admittedly), but I also have rather horrendous client-side connectivity (especially in Orb Vallis for some reason), so it's just easier for me to play Solo.

And yeah, the DR probably wont get raised, even though it (much like the 30% damage increase) should definitely be raised.

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30分钟前 , MarakViri 说:

I mean, I'm aware of Melee Exposure (I use it myself) but ... "Only use melee and Diplos"? With all three weapons, I am covering 12 of the 13 elements (missing Electric). Do you mean you're using a different primary? Or are you running pre-organised squads with assigned damage types or something?

I play solo because I find it easier. The lowered enemy density plays a part, but every time I play with other people, the Profit-Take ends up facing directions that make it hard for me to see it's weakness (which is a minor issue, admittedly), but I also have rather horrendous client-side connectivity (especially in Orb Vallis for some reason), so it's just easier for me to play Solo.

And yeah, the DR probably wont get raised, even though it (much like the 30% damage increase) should definitely be raised.

For example, if you use volt, volt 3 gives you electric, melee(zaw+Exodia Contagion) gives you Cold, Corrosive, Gas, Radiation, Blast, 3 Physical element. And with diplos, you will have heat, Viral, Magnetic, and you can let your crew use a weapon have toxin.

About the lowered enemy density, actually if you kill Profit taker as quick as you can(like 1min and half), its actually okay because they even not born and you are done with the mission. And that is one reason why i think eclipse need be more higher not only 30%, because if you take more time on it, it just gonna be way more hard by using volt, because volt cant servive well like chroma.

And yeah i super understand horrendous client-side connectivity my friend also have this problem with me so yeah some times we can only pick solo.

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2 hours ago, YNCShadow said:

Many players don’t realize the importance of a 150% Eclipse;  it’s the only viable choice when facing the Profit-Taker and Eidolon. Profit-Taker is currently the fastest way for earning credits, even index is much slower than a player who can fished Profit taker in 1min. Additionally, for Eidolon, their Arcanes are extremely valuable, especially to the players who don’t trade Rivens or Prime mods for platinum.  It’s also the quickest way for new players to accumulate Focus for their operator.  For those who enjoy these aspects of Warframe, combining Zenith with Eclipse is how they can increase their Eidolon efficiency.  Without a 150% Eclipse and a strong Zenith Riven, their effectiveness is significantly diminished.

What happen is our efficiancy facing Profit taker and eidolon has been greatly reduced. When I asked players who believe “Roar is weaker than 30% eclipse or 30% is acceptable” why they feel this way, their response was invariably, “I don’t care, because I don’t like those two bosses.”. I find this mindset difficult to comprehend.  If Eclipse were nerfed to 30%, the efficiency of these missions would regress to what it was like in 2018.

Furthermore, I must emphasize that this is the first time a Helminth power has been nerfed by 85%, with previous nerfs being Kullervo by 50% and Roar by 40%.

To be frank, 30% just deeply harshed those solo players, If DR is why cant give eclipse more on increase weapon damage, perhaps it could be adjusted to function like Equinox’s ability, use energy color(actually i forgot if its energy color) to decide before start a mission eclipse is DR or increase damage.

These are acceptable losses.

I'm going to be frank, The Index and Profit-Taker invalidated the Credits  currency, further by Helminth. Heaven forbid you can't just stand infront of Profit-Taker by yourself with an Exodia Contagion macro and blast the shields at a pace only your EE.log can measure accurately.

For Eidolons, their "efficiency" would not be lost, you would just need more than 1-2 players, which was the intent of the mode in the first place. Players were doing 6x3 without Eclipse, Archon Shards, Zariman Arcanes, Zenith, and Focus 2.0 a long time ago.

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2024/3/15 PM6点26分 , Voltage 说:

These are acceptable losses.

I'm going to be frank, The Index and Profit-Taker invalidated the Credits  currency, further by Helminth. Heaven forbid you can't just stand infront of Profit-Taker by yourself with an Exodia Contagion macro and blast the shields at a pace only your EE.log can measure accurately.

For Eidolons, their "efficiency" would not be lost, you would just need more than 1-2 players, which was the intent of the mode in the first place. Players were doing 6x3 without Eclipse, Archon Shards, Zariman Arcanes, Zenith, and Focus 2.0 a long time ago.

I know, but as you said, that is what we faced like 3-4 years before, Warframe need look forward right? And.. im not a speed runner actually, but it just super easy for me(and actually most of my friend) to do that with finished profit taker in 1min10, because whisper in the wall gives us more option to pick.

Because i have to trade Prime mod, they are expensive with credit tax, so i really need that much credit.

But still i agree some of ur point, thx for correct my opinion, i only want to show how important eclipse is, it should not be only 30%.

Edited by YNCShadow
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