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i feel like dante is too good ?


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2 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

It's not me who believe that i'm just pointing things out that were pointed out by certain warframe streamers that shall not be named, either way we'll never know

who? im not really active on the streaming side of wf, also genuine question is there an issue with naming them or personal preference?

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1 minute ago, Xenevier said:

who? im not really active on the streaming side of wf, also genuine question is there an issue with naming them or personal preference?

No need to bring other names into this but your post was the first to talk about dante nerfs, it's the biggest that talks about dante nerfs, the community manager commented on it and the creative director referenced it in the dev short so obviously people are gonna talk about it and who posted it

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17 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

Maybe it wasn't chroma mains who complained then, maybe it was rhino and kullervo mains who knows, they could've been annoyed at dante having better overguard but that's info we can't verify sadly


I could see people complaining. Same type who would self damage themselves for Vex to do a 4 rotation Defense.

I was just pointing out how silly it is. I never complained an EV Trinity slowly killed my Nekros unless I dumped energy every 10 seconds.

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Calling for nerfs is toxic and people claiming otherwise are the toxic ones.  Removing the fun from a game ruins games and that is what nerfs cause.  CrownOfShadows everything you said is an oxymoron.  Essentially you are saying this game should only be fun for certain people that play in a very limited way.  That is not what a game is.  

Edited by PsychoGlory
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I only feel sorry for anyone that purchased the frame with real cash. I had plenty of plat saved up with almost 10,000 in game hours so I have no issues with any tweaking that DE do.

The issue is that anyone paying for the frame and being really pleased is now going to have to wait and see what happens with their new frame. If nerfed then it is kinda like bait and switch but if tweaked then I see no big problems. The reality though is that a frame as Dante along with many other frames is that regular star chart fodder enemies fall over dead just being on the same tileset. When SP was released it was deemed a challenge for the long time players but today I play almost exclusively SP content and there are many frames that make it a walk in the park. I am not an exceptional player and regard my skills as average at best. Dante in Hydron is indeed a joke but that applies to almost all of the frames. Even the so called weakest frames can run a solo 25 waves there and with 5 revives possible plus good use of operator mode to repair the frame and restore health then running 40 waves solo to simply farm some relics is not difficult for anyone that has already cleared the star chart and has learnt how to mod correctly.

Will Dante suffer a big nerf? I don't think so but tweaks are going to happen no matter what we want or wish for.


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1 minute ago, Waeleto said:

No need to bring other names into this but your post was the first to talk about dante nerfs, it's the biggest that talks about dante nerfs, the community manager commented on it and the creative director referenced it in the dev short so obviously people are gonna talk about it and who posted it

alr makes sense not to involve others, respectable decision, but either way even if my post was the start of the discussion i had already seen other people share this sentiment towards him, again i respect your opinion but entirely disagree that something to this scale would ever happen if others didnt also agree let alone DE, in all honestly ive shared this before to you as well but i do not want dante to be bad or be less fun, this was never my intention in the first place and ive made that clear, i shared my opinion and some agreed and some disagreed, if you go back to the original post and read the end i clearly state i want other's to share their opinion to see if im over reacting or not, i didnt straight up ask for a nerf even once in that post, and in light of the new stuff with chroma and hunter's aderanaline not working with overguard this brought a whole new issue to me since i didnt play inaros or chroma myself and i absolutely think those issues should be fixed before we even look at dante since as everyone puts it, that issue in itself is an overguard interaction not working as it probably should.

the way you speak about me and that post makes it seem like i brought dooms day or something, i just said what i though and it spriled to where we are right now, i still dont think DE would act on a single post with like 10 people agreeing and the majority disagreeing with it if anything, you can just easily tell that the people who think dante should be nerfed for better or worse are the minority in the community right now.

i know it feels like garbage to have something you like taken down a step and i dont think your feelings are invalid in anyway, i just think directing that hate to me specifically is missguided if anything

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58 minutes ago, MrDugan said:

Screaming for nerfs when a frame is a week old is foolish.


Why is it always seen as acceptable to take people going faster or doing more and say "This is co-op, so you have to slow down to my level."  and people like you always refuse to take the other perspective of "This is co-op so you need to move up to my speed."  Dante is "disruptive" to slower, less aggressive players in low level content.  He's no where close to being OP in higher level content, where his 4 requires actual set up to be strong.  I can be disruptive to the same degree in any lower level content with tons of different gear.  Including completely off-meta stuff.  You're arguing for balance and saying he creates a lack of challenge, but you're taking an endgame frame to low level areas.  I can use equinox and literally stand still and do nothing and nuke an earth lith defense fissure so fast that no reactant drops and the enemies never make it close to the main platform.  Gauss and Saryn can make Hydron feel like there are no spawns.  You're talking about balance in a game that cannot be balanced the way you're implying because enemy power scale goes from dealing no damage to frames with 1200+ armor, to one-shotting any amount of health or overguard.  Enemy power scale goes through the roof, and so player power scale does as well.  You cannot have player power scale that is capable of keeping up with SP enemies and then have that same player not be disruptive in normal fissures and leveling in Hydron.  But people like you are sitting here talking about Dante like HE's the problem with balance in a game with this massive of a power spectrum for players and enemies alike.  If you don't like disruptive levels of power in low level content, then your problem is with the overall game design, and the sheer amount of power progression that happens as a whole.  Not Dante.

Whining about nerfs when they haven't even happened yet is even more foolish

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8 minutes ago, PsychoGlory said:

Calling for nerfs is toxic and people claiming otherwise are the toxic ones.  Removing the fun from a game ruins games and that is what nerfs cause.  CrownOfShadows everything you said is an oxymoron.  Essentially you are saying this game should only be fun for certain people that play in a very limited way.  That is not what a game is.  

You're an oxy moron.

Essentially you are saying nobody matters but you.

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10 minutes ago, PsychoGlory said:

Calling for nerfs is toxic and people claiming otherwise are the toxic ones.  Removing the fun from a game ruins games and that is what nerfs cause.  CrownOfShadows everything you said is an oxymoron.  Essentially you are saying this game should only be fun for certain people that play in a very limited way.  That is not what a game is.  

Calling for nerfs is not toxic. It's not like this is coming out of the blue. Stop and consider for a millisecond where all these requests are coming from maybe?

Or not, y'know, just live in your little echo chamber of 'I hate DE and I hate everyone and no game need to be balanced ever because reasons'

Wait, what were the reasons again?

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The only one calling for nerfs are a very small minority of players, just read this forum and reddit.  Calling for a nerf is toxic and removes the fun others have.  If Dante is nerfed there are many others that need a nerf long before Dante.  Any frame that disrupts game play like Saryn, Mesa, Titania, Volt, Limbo just to name a few are far more disruptive but I hear no saying they should be nerfed.

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Just now, Waeleto said:

Some times it is, sometimes it's not.

In dante's case it definitely was.

You and I have very different definitions of "toxic"

Nerf requests are usually coming from a real place of pain. Normally nobody wants their equipment nerfed. When somebody says 'this is way too strong' is it because they're trying to troll the community? No. It's because they're experiencing a problem.

"Toxic" is malicious. If you think making a balance request is malicious, you haven't experienced 1/10000000 of what a gamer community can do to you.

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I believe that Dante himself does not require nerfs. And so that he doesn’t interfere with players with his overguard, developers can create a mechanic for optionally not receiving specific buffs from allies, I proposed a similar idea in last month’s post, because it’s not only Dante’s abilities that interfere with allies.

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2 hours ago, DalanorTheLlama said:

Also complaints about on hit affects not triggering due to overguard well then again thats a mod / overguard issue. If Arcane Avenger works then let the rest of the stuff work with overguard. Be consistent.

For all we know, that's what DE will end up doing.

People are wigging the f out over nothing.

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3 hours ago, DalanorTheLlama said:

If Arcane Avenger works then let the rest of the stuff work with overguard. Be consistent.

This is a case where  WF is consistent.  Avenger works because it has an "on damage" trigger, so it doesn't matter what kind of damage it is: health, shields, or overguard.  The complaints I've seen about overguard revolve around things that specify  "on health damage".

If you mean "Let's be consistent by having everything work on any kind of damage"... maybe it can move that direction but I don't think perfect consistency and no exceptions would be good.   Hunter Adrenaline and Rage are what come immediately to mind.  I don't think these should work on shield damage.  Because then there's a loop between gaining energy by taking shield damage and restoring shields through Brief Respite/Augur.

edit: Actually there are some problems with HA/Rage working on overguard damage too, on frames that can generate overguard themselves. 

Edited by Tiltskillet
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1 hour ago, Xzorn said:


I could see people complaining. Same type who would self damage themselves for Vex to do a 4 rotation Defense.

I was just pointing out how silly it is. I never complained an EV Trinity slowly killed my Nekros unless I dumped energy every 10 seconds.

Yes it's definitely very silly to complain about something being too good in WARFRAME, everyone i talked with about the situation yesterday and they weren't following it from the start was like "what ?"

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21 hours ago, EdinaMonsoon said:

the dramatics here... at least wait and see what they're tweaking before having a meltdown

they just need to lower the radius of the abilities and he'll stop being dominant

Abilities, plural? 

He has one thing that can be considered a problem, and that's Triumph. Everything else in his kit is bog-standard or worse.

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9 hours ago, DecadeX said:

Some of the other issues people have with him like stopping Chroma from building up Vex Armor are more existing issues that Dante having team Overguard in his base kit has exposed. The two other frames that can give loads of Overguard to the whole team got that ability via augment mods which don't generate as much buzz. Dante is the new shiny and therefore more popular however so the Chroma players are just having an abnormally rough time with an issue that's existed for a while. Realistically Chroma's hated defensive team support since overshield generation became possible and the better that got and with the introduction of overguard and overguard support he got worse and worse.

the other two frames that give overguard haven't really been a problem because they generally have enough dead time between bursts of overguard that you can bait enemies into breaking it temporarily if you need to. the way Dante's overguard is implemented you flicker between 400 overguard and the overguard gate. Especially because Styanax and Frost play into using weapons and things other than just the abilities, whereas dante's play is all about the skill rotation.

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2 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:

Whining about nerfs when they haven't even happened yet is even more foolish

I've already explained why the complaints are happening now, which means you're just resorting to personal attacks because you have no response.  Nothing to say and just slinging mud now.  Childish.

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Dante is just fine the way he is he dosent need any nerfs hes fun to play and he's bringing many people back to the game nerfing him will make thousands of people leave because whenever someone finds somthing fun  you de half to go and ruin it causing problems and issues if you just leave things alone and let people have fun everything would be just fine and people would stop hating you for ruining there fun 


Dante is fine and he needs no nerfs 

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6 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

Abilities, plural? 

He has one thing that can be considered a problem, and that's Triumph. Everything else in his kit is bog-standard or worse.

People don't get this.  He crushes low level so he must be OP.  Except without a ton of set up, his abilities don't do that in SP.  I ran my Dante in a defense incursion today and he was serviceable, but I had to really put some effort in to make his abilities actually function just against basic SP grineer.  It's not that he's bad, it's just that his 3 alone, or his 4 without prep do practically nothing to that level grineer.  combined (which limits the range and scope of his 4 to that of his 3.) and add in a status heavy weapon to help prep and he's solid, but nothing special.  

I had a Dante join me in SP circuit just now.  Obviously an owned frame and not loaned, because it was fashioned up.  I out damaged/killed him by a mile with excalibur.  A starter frame.  Had another while I had my Baruuk.  Top numbers again.  Where is the "dominance" that everyone is so sure exists?  Oh no, he's really good at cruising through normal fissures.  The humanity.  I can run through a normal exterminate fissure with my gyre so quickly that the only frame I've seen that can prevent me from getting all the kills is a titania with sunder slapped on.  Still looking for that Dante dominance.  

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So the community has been abuzz with incessant calls for nerfs, flooding subreddits, forums, and social media channels. It's a constant barrage of "nerf this" and "nerf that." Now, amidst this atmosphere, another Warframe has fallen under the nerf spotlight. What's disheartening is that Dante, a newly introduced Warframe, is already facing adjustments within a remarkably short time, possibly less than a week. I had held DE in high regard, believing they would break away from the industry norm, but it appears they have succumbed to the same patterns as other companies.

One would assume that Dante underwent testing of his capabilities, before being made widely available to players. You even ensured multiple avenues for players to obtain Dante, catering to a broader player base. Releasing him for 750 platinum, roughly equivalent to $50, and offering an additional $15 pack,and on top of that made farming him easier than any other frames before.

This makes it three accessible options for players to invest in him two of which cost real money and you know people are going to buy it because it’s new and shiny which is what companies do but come on I thought you guys were different. It's disheartening to witness such swift implementation of a nerf, especially considering the significant financial gains already made.

This disappointing trend of releasing enticing content only to later nerf or remove features, after profiting extensively, seems to plague many companies today. Why can't these companies simply allow players to revel in the joy of feeling powerful in the game? It's worth noting that other Warframes like Nezha, Revenant, Wisp, and Oberon excel in similar roles without receiving any nerfs, so why is Dante being singled out when there are already existing frames that overshadow him?

It's disheartening to see developers yielding to the demands of a vocal minority, while disregarding the satisfaction of the majority of players content with the game's current state. You guys missed the mark this time, creating a genuinely enjoyable Warframe that excels in support,damage and surviving , only to later seek ways to diminish his strengths.

You might as well revert back to frames like Wisp or Trinity, or explore other Warframes focused on healing and damage, as it's highly likely that Dante will suffer the same fate as previously nerfed frames after they’re done with him smh.

This repetitive pattern is truly disappointing. I’m sure nothing will be learned from this since money comes first as usual but I still hope they can try hard to avoid ruining the fun and excitement of future Warframe releases since this one and the previous two were so nerfed and tuned that they needed to have bandaids added to them to make them viable. So disappointed DE.



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