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PC Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.4


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Revert IOS changes, this is all we usk and you STILL didn't listen. Don't forget that your game depends on it's players. Look at Bungie for example

Edited by 6Quasar9
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36 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

We value your input and how it helps us iterate and improve together. Thank you, Tenno.


Given the past week, this absolutely feels false.  Just a standard PR statement made by the community rep because that's your job.

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Remove the LoS entirely, it's not been nearly enough time to see if it was actually going to become an issue or not. It was a reactionary nerf given to a very vocal minority. Remember it takes time to farm warframes if you don't outright buy them. Time to farm, 12 hours for parts to build, and 3 days for the frame to be fully built and claimed. 1 week was objectively not enough time for a heavy nerf like this, at best it was knee jerk reaction.

but...It's getting kinda better, I won't be completely negative. It seems to hit most of the time when I want it to, but when jumping around and with enemies constantly moving it still feels....clunky. If you guys aren't going to listen and are keeping the LoS, it definitely needs some of Mesa's tech. For those who don't know, Mesa's 4 can hit people behind a wall if she saw them in the last 3 seconds, give Dante a version of that at the VERY least.

Edited by Giant_Dad_Prime
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Imagine that you moved into a new building complex. Brand new construction, everything clean and shiny, and best of all: heated parking lots and driveways. You don't have to worry about shoveling or spreading salt around when it snows, just flip a switch and your winter woes will melt away! What a great perk.


Then a week later, you get a letter from property management. "Sorry, the heated parking lot and driveways were not in our original plans for the building complex, so they have been turned off. Shovels will now be issued to all residents instead." Sure enough, there's a shovel by your front door: a tiny, child-sized toy shovel. Completely impractical for clearing snow. Your neighbors have gotten the same ineffective shovels, so you all write property management together. "Please just turn the heated parking lot back on, it was really nice while we had it and we know it's still right there! The shovels you handed out don't get the job done. Things were better when it was on!"


So you wait a while, and finally, property management reaponds. "We hear you. Here are slightly better shovels."



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1 minute ago, Pretzellis said:

Imagine adding LoS checks on something like Tragedy that had to have it to begin with given its nature as a radial, spammable nuke.

This has been done before with other frames, it will continue to happen, and I want these changes. Nukes like old Tragedy should not be in the game because they are too powerful and they do not incentivize playing the game and engaging with its frame-agnostic mechanics.  One two three button presses and bam rooms full of high level so enemies is gone with zero further interaction.  Might be impactful for the user, but not for their squad mates.  People really just want to AFK and stand still while carrying the squad and that is deplorably selfish imo.

I love Dante and he will still be just as powerful.  Been playing him and will continue to do so. I just need to make sure to play the game and be mobile, which is part of what Warframe has always been about.


I get it, it's another git gud argument, but hey, all I'll say is if you keep hearing that same S#&$ from thousands and don't care to investigate the why, you will be stuck in the same cycle of insanity that will only serve to raise your blood pressure for no reason.


Tragedy already had checks with needing status for it to nuke rooms


It's not even a skill issue or anything, like I wish I was this ignorant so I can be happy too, but:


1) Dante hasn't been out for a month, so play data probably doesn't even look robust enough to judge performance

2) Tragedy was never mentioned anywhere as a problem people had with Dante in their squads

3) A lot of other frames require less interaction for wider nuking, we literally have titania builds focused on spamming Gauss' 3 to nuke rooms with no interaction


Saryn is ok sure you need to gunplay to really get the most of her dps, but Dante had to prime everything he wants to nuke, the only thing he mindlessly deletes are fodder because the flat damage of Tragedy applied to things without status which I always found to be weird


The radial nature of tragedy was fine, just don't let tragedy do damage on targets without a DoT status effect to cleanse

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18 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the Loadout options resetting daily instead of weekly (at usual reset time) as intended. 

  • All conditions for Deep Archimedia are on a weekly reset, so the Loadout Modifiers follow this standard. 


For me, this "fix" has killed the last grain of hope for that game mode to be at least remotely enjoyable. It's a shame that the best that DE have managed to come up with in terms of making endgame more challenging is to lock us out to randomly rolled loadouts.

Edited by MistressKukla
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100 PAGES worth of feedback and you couldnt do the thing EVERYONE wished for there's no way you can claim you listen to your players.

If this is going to be the way things are run im not planning on being a participant, I will not spend money nor recommend my friends to play this as long as this is the attitude that's continued towards your players. Goodbye

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1 minute ago, Kurai_Kaito said:

The changes to Overguard are nice. It doesn't feel like a hassle anymore and I think choosing a middle ground was a good choice. The LoS changes makes him serviceable. I did a bit of testing in the simulacrum and noticed there is still a bit of jank. If Dante is covering an enemy when Tragedy is cast, the enemy won't be selected for the attack.

I tested this multiple times and got the same result, even while on the other side of the pipe. Overall, I'd say it's minor and if there's something I missed please let me know.

It is interesting, they are hit by the ability, the status is removed, but there is no damage.

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Hopefully the new LOS tech works well, but I'm still in Camp Remove Line of Sight from Tragedy.  That said, I'm pleased to see the Overguard creeping back up, hopefully this leads back to Dante feeling very comfortable again.

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37 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the Loadout options resetting daily instead of weekly (at usual reset time) as intended. 

This is a terrible change unless there is something to be done about equipment one doesn't own. Which brings me to the next point, the current system is pulling from the entire collection of weapons and frames in the game including the Wolf Sledge which is incredible difficult to obtain normally without spending plat on the market to get it from another player. Yeah, I got the Wolf Sledge as one of my options so that's how I know there are zero restrictions in what equipment it'll pull from. Some stuff simply should be blacklisted from ever getting chosen and that's one of them.

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2 minutes ago, IceBen said:

It is interesting, they are hit by the ability, the status is removed, but there is no damage.

That looks like a bug.  Good for DE to know about, hopefully they can fix that in the next few days.

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i feel like some (all) of you need to be reminded that "we are listening to feedback" DOES NOT MEAN "we will implement it". just because there's an overwhelming majority of people clamoring for a change does not mean that DE is required to implement it. at the end of the day, it's their game, they can put in any changes they feel is necessary for the betterment of it.

they are not "ignoring" your feedback or "not listening" to the community just because they're not making changes that you want. 

i am not the biggest fan of the los changes; they're super buggy and are inconsistent even with the hotfix just now. but just because DE isn't just undoing everything they've done and giving you all your precious nukeframe #47 back is because they're clearly trying to avoid nukebonanza #47 happening. i personally didn't like being in public matchmade squads with dante players in it because they would just nuke every room and i could never get in any kills. surprisingly, i also like to kill enemies, and dante being able to melt entire rooms in less than five seconds was really irritating, and i'm glad that los changes are being implemented in order to balance things out and give other players in parties a chance to kill at least some enemies. i definitely want these los changes looked at again and reworked, because as they are right now, even after the hotfix, they are still not what they should be.

but seriously, y'all, i've known from too much experience how brutal you guys can be when there's crap you don't like, but don't think for a second that a majority opinion means that DE is required to implement it in their game. provide all the feedback you want, i PROMISE they are listening and taking it seriously, but they are by no means required to obey it like it's the law. chill out. play saryn if you want a nukeframe. idk.

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People told you by the thousands to revert the nerfs and yet you're going to start firm of this, huh? This is the hill you're gonna die on? Wow... and you didn't even fix the issues people had while also making them worse. Outstanding.

Edited by TheTundraTerror
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The LOS nerf just cripples him and makes him a overguard buff bot (still) that you didnt want, revert him to normal and fun(when he was released) and give people means to switch his overguard off, this is a travesty. REVERT DANTE FFS

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If only Qorvex got even half this much attention to his kit. Currently, Containment Wall's damage vulnerability doesn't affect any enemy that isn't staggered by the wall collapse, which include overguarded enemies, bosses, and minibosses. That sounds incredibly counterintuitive as those are the enemies who need to be debuffed the most. Disometric Guard also gives nothing but status immunity, which while nice, feels a bit lacking for the cost and slot in general. I don't think it'd hurt at all to add in a small heal over time per charge or just while having at least one stack on to help bolster general survivability and the support aspect of his kit. Pillar empowered duration not being refreshable also feels pretty janky and force you to stagger your casts/mandonel charge shots to its rhythm, which means you have to pay more attention to it than is warranted or you essentially "waste" an empower cast/shot. On that note, letting pillar inherit the wall's damage vulnerability on it's empower would be very synergistic and stand out like how it currently inherits Crucible Blast's volatile marking and chaining.

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2 minutes ago, Pariah_Vulgar said:

That looks like a bug.  Good for DE to know about, hopefully they can fix that in the next few days.

I'm trying to reproduce it right now, but it isn't happening here, the damage is consistent behind Dante

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il y a 2 minutes, Telluric a dit :

i feel like some (all) of you need to be reminded that "we are listening to feedback" DOES NOT MEAN "we will implement it". just because there's an overwhelming majority of people clamoring for a change does not mean that DE is required to implement it. at the end of the day, it's their game, they can put in any changes they feel is necessary for the betterment of it.

they are not "ignoring" your feedback or "not listening" to the community just because they're not making changes that you want. 

i am not the biggest fan of the los changes; they're super buggy and are inconsistent even with the hotfix just now. but just because DE isn't just undoing everything they've done and giving you all your precious nukeframe #47 back is because they're clearly trying to avoid nukebonanza #47 happening. i personally didn't like being in public matchmade squads with dante players in it because they would just nuke every room and i could never get in any kills. surprisingly, i also like to kill enemies, and dante being able to melt entire rooms in less than five seconds was really irritating, and i'm glad that los changes are being implemented in order to balance things out and give other players in parties a chance to kill at least some enemies. i definitely want these los changes looked at again and reworked, because as they are right now, even after the hotfix, they are still not what they should be.

but seriously, y'all, i've known from too much experience how brutal you guys can be when there's crap you don't like, but don't think for a second that a majority opinion means that DE is required to implement it in their game. provide all the feedback you want, i PROMISE they are listening and taking it seriously, but they are by no means required to obey it like it's the law. chill out. play saryn if you want a nukeframe. idk.

Love the optimism, don't believe a single word of it. This isn't a new game getting its sealegs, it's a decade long affair repeating the same pattern of "Kill what's fun, pretend to listen, let it rot for years".

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"Fixed the Loadout options resetting daily instead of weekly (at usual reset time) as intended."                                                                                                                                             Can this be unfixed please? I actually thought that is how it worked. You still can't be too picky as you have no clue if tomorrows roll would be any better then roll you got now. However if it rolled a something very terrible or stuff you did not own you could either decide to run today for less rewards sooner or wait in case you got a better roll the next day.

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This misterious uberchad was capable to max our overshields  for the team while maintaining +52k overguard at all times for the team, regenerating all the team energy at +14/s and removing all the armor from heavy enemies...

We MUST NERF that warframe as soon as possible! :O


Oh w8... its me with a bad build! D:

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10 minutes ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

Dante was perfectly fine though and wasn't as oppressive as people made him out to be. He had barely been out a week before these dumbass changes, so there is no way in Hell DE could have gotten adequate data to support this braindead reactionary move!

Frames like Saryn, Octavia and Revenant are allowed to go unchecked, yet this crossed the line? Complete and utter BS!

They very much did not go unchecked. All three of those frames have gone through balance adjustments in the past, including some nerfs that, at the time, drew exactly this kind of hyperbolic response from folks like you.

But, hey, I'm sure shouting and calling the devs braindead will work this time.

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4 minutes ago, Telluric said:

i feel like some (all) of you need to be reminded that "we are listening to feedback" DOES NOT MEAN "we will implement it". just because there's an overwhelming majority of people clamoring for a change does not mean that DE is required to implement it. at the end of the day, it's their game, they can put in any changes they feel is necessary for the betterment of it.

they are not "ignoring" your feedback or "not listening" to the community just because they're not making changes that you want. 

i am not the biggest fan of the los changes; they're super buggy and are inconsistent even with the hotfix just now. but just because DE isn't just undoing everything they've done and giving you all your precious nukeframe #47 back is because they're clearly trying to avoid nukebonanza #47 happening. i personally didn't like being in public matchmade squads with dante players in it because they would just nuke every room and i could never get in any kills. surprisingly, i also like to kill enemies, and dante being able to melt entire rooms in less than five seconds was really irritating, and i'm glad that los changes are being implemented in order to balance things out and give other players in parties a chance to kill at least some enemies. i definitely want these los changes looked at again and reworked, because as they are right now, even after the hotfix, they are still not what they should be.

but seriously, y'all, i've known from too much experience how brutal you guys can be when there's crap you don't like, but don't think for a second that a majority opinion means that DE is required to implement it in their game. provide all the feedback you want, i PROMISE they are listening and taking it seriously, but they are by no means required to obey it like it's the law. chill out. play saryn if you want a nukeframe. idk.

I concur.  People need to literally chiiiiiiiilllllll

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