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PC Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.7


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This Hotfix contains several crash fixes that were exposed by server upgrades performed live over the last week. The upgrades should now be stable, and the matchmaking, presence, town, relay, and Dojo servers are all running more efficiently, but we’ll continue to monitor!

Deep Archimedea Changes

Changes to address feedback on Deep Archimedea Mirror Defense missions: 
The following changes were made based on feedback received from players about the difficulty of Mirror Defense missions in Deep Archimedea, but they apply across Warframe. 

  • Made the following changes to The Hollow Vein:  
    • Greatly reduced how often it hits Defense targets with its ranged laser attack. 
      • Before: Due to Defense targets being much larger than players, they were applying several hit ticks in a row onto these targets resulting in massive damage.
      • Now: it will only hit Defense targets once with its laser attack. 
    • Changed its AoE attack targeting logic to improve the frequency of when it is used. 
      • Before: Once the attack started and it was near something like a Defense target, it would trigger and linger indefinitely. 
      • Now: The attack will only trigger when players are nearby and will be canceled when players are no longer within its radius. 
    • Fixed a possible issue where Hollow Vein could theoretically make allies, Defense targets, and players hit by its laser attack permanently vulnerable to friendly fire. 
  • Changed the amount that Citrine’s Remnants (Tyana Pass) and Vosphene Glyphs (Munio) heal their respective Mirror Defense target. 
    • Before: Collecting the required amount of the aforementioned pickups would restore 5,000 Health. 
    • Now: Collecting enough pickups will restore 3,500 Health plus 15% of the Defense target’s Max Health, ensuring the pickups scale better as levels increase while still maintaining a level of difficulty.
  • The Auricle and Vitreum Defense targets now have a 75% Damage Reduction against Rogue Voidrig and Bonewidow weapons and abilities. 

General Deep Archimedea Changes & Fixes:

  • Unowned items will now be indicated as such in the Deep Archimedea Loadout Individual Parameter UI - they will now be marked with a “!” icon and will have the “NOT OWNED” tag in the tooltip. 
    • The tag will only appear if you do not own the specific item shown or any of its variants. 
  • In an effort to better communicate to players that they have enabled Elite Archimedea, we have made it more obvious in the Deep Archimedea screen by adding the Elite Archimedea logo and an “Elite Archimedea Active” indicator above the “Begin Research” button after unlocking with Search Pulses. 
  • Added a pulse VFX to the “Unlock” and “Begin Research” (specifically when Elite Archimedea is enabled) buttons. 

  • Vampyric Liminus’ Health/Energy drain can now affect spawned allies (Specters, Abilities that spawn NPC units, etc.) and vehicles (Necramechs and Merulina). 
  • Fixed the Host’s “Gear Embargo” Personal Modifier applying to the whole squad even if you did not select to play with the Modifier. 
  • Fixed Vampyric Liminus’ being eligible to be marked by the Alchemical Invulnerability Mission Deviation. They are invulnerable and cannot be affected by the Amphora. This was caused by a bug that allowed Vampyric Liminus’ to take hits after a stun/stagger Status Effect.
  • Fixed broken icon appearing for the Hek in the Individual Parameters Loadout UI. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Vampiric Liminus and Host migration. 
  • Fixed Necraloid’s sassy remarks about you closing out the Deep Archimedea screen playing before you’ve even unlocked the week with Search Pulses. Now, he’ll only share his true feelings once you’ve committed and then backed out of said commitment. 

Line of Sight (LoS) Changes & Fixes

As mentioned in our last Hotfix 35.5.6, the team continues to address and assess player reports of further LoS issues. While the quality and consistency of LoS checks has improved significantly, we're still not 100% satisfied and sometimes the results are still unpredictable. The team is investigating LoS checks at large occasionally having odd interactions with terrain, enemies, etc. which is causing inconsistencies in the checks. We are looking to have this resolved in the next Cert update (more info on what that means here). 

For today, we have made LoS improvements to the following Warframe abilities:  

  • Hildryn’s Aegis Storm (Raycast Check) 
    • In Hotfix 35.5.6, we made it so that Aegis Storm performs LoS checks from the floor where Hildryn is hovering, but that could be limiting based on her positioning.  So, we’ve changed it so that the checks occur from Hildryn to enemies that are in LoS and within the ability’s range. 
  • Caliban’s Sentient Wrath (Rendered Check) 
    • In addition to rendered checking, we’ve also made improvements to address issues where LoS checks would fail on clearly visible enemies that are behind terrain. 
  • Garuda’s Blood Altar 
    • The LoS checks for Blood Altar remains the same (similar to raycast it does a sweep to identify if there are obstructions along the path to the target), but we’ve added the ability for Blood Altar to perform an additional jump to help clear small obstructions since LoS checks could fail on targets that were clearly visible but partially behind terrain. 
  • Hydroid’s Plunder (Rendered Check) 
    • In addition to rendered checking, it is also no longer FOV dependent to prevent issues where low FOV settings would cause Hydroid’s body to obstruct LoS. 
  • Ember’s Inferno (Rendered Check) 
    • In addition to rendered checking, it is also no longer FOV dependent, which was causing issues where enemies outside of FOV (low FOV settings) were not considered in the checks. 
  • Fixed Mag’s Pull ability pulling enemies from all directions instead of in a cone directly in front of her as intended. 
    • This was accidentally introduced with Hotfix 35.5.6 as part of our efforts to improve LoS check consistency with Pull. The established behavior for many years has been that Pull only works in the direction you are looking, so we’ve returned it to that intended state but with the new and improved LoS check logic.
  • Fixed the following Warframe abilities not ignoring terrain for enemies that are up to 5 meters from the ability starting point: 
    • Dante’s Dark Verse
    • Garuda’s Seeking Talons
    • Mag’s Magnetize explosion (specifically on HOLD cast) 


  • Made audio mix adjustments for the Amphor pickup, aim and throw sounds in Alchemy missions. This should help these sounds be more audible during tense encounters.


  • Fixed Clients experiencing performance issues (FPS dropping to 15) during Void Mirror objectives in Duviri. 


  • Fixed Inaros’ Sandstorm not picking up enemies directly below him. 
  • Fixed Nyx’s “Pacifying Bolts” Augment Mod not throwing an additional 3 force Psychic Bolts as intended. 
  • Fixed fully ranked Requiem Mods not ranking down after a successful Parazon stabbing a Kuva Lich/Sister of Parvos.  
  • Fixed Inaros’ Sandstorm VFX persisting indefinitely if canceled/recast repeatedly. 
  • Fixed Ostrons in Cetus during the “Void Sling to break Veil” objective of The New War Quest having the “Stealth Attack” prompt. 
  • Fixed players getting knocked down every 5 seconds after leaving the Arsenal in a town/Relay when the Negate Mod is equipped on their Wyrm. 
  • Fixed the Nexus Fur Pattern having orange/green mottled skin under the fur. 
  • Fixed the Arsenal UI for Necramechs only showing their Melee attack stats. 
  • Fixed the Onos’ magazine always using its default color regardless of the color picked by the player. 
  • Fixed the Onos’ Evolution upgrade screen only showing a portion of the weapon and not the whole thing. 
  • Fixed Wukong’s Celestial Twin indicating it needs ammo while using the Nataruk (silly monkey the Nataruk has infinite ammo). 
  • Fixed issue with Valkyr Prime not holding Nataruk’s arrow in her hand while her Noble Animation Set is equipped. 
  • Fixed scaling issues with Yareli’s Batomorpha Helmet. 
  • Fixed enemies (notably The Anatomizer and Necramite Drones) in Albrecht’s Laboratories being susceptible to getting stuck on terrain. 
  • Fixed the Deadlock Protocol Quest requirements in the Codex missing mention of completion of the Saturn Junction. 
  • Fixed being unable to close out of the Mission overview screen using the same binding you opened it with in Index and Conclave missions. 
  • Fixed Shield Charger's Russian description not displaying Regen correctly.
  • Fixes more cases of errors caused by joining a Profit Taker Bounty while the Vox Solaris Quest (specifically a replay) is active.  
    • To prevent further issues, the context action to speak to begin Profit Taker Bounties is now disabled while the Vox Solaris Quest is active. 
  • Fixed a couple of rare crashes that could occur at game startup. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by clicking on Cephalon Simaris in the Syndicates management screen. 
  • Fixed a script error in the Magus Aggress Arcane if the player was killed/respawned after initiating a Heavy Attack. 
  • Fixed a script error when viewing stats for Itzal’s Penumbra ability.
  • Fixed a script error when Thrax Legatus is killed during its beam attack. 
  • Fixed a script error in Qorvex’s Chyrinka Pillar ability. 
  • Fixed a script error when picking up Citrine's Remnants in the Tyana Pass Mirror Defense mission. 
  • Fixed a script error when enemies attempt to spawn into the Undercroft. 
  • Fixed a script error that could occur after Host migration while Undercroft portal is active in Duviri. 
  • Fixes towards script errors that could occur when Host migrates after completing Chest objectives in Duviri. 

For list of known issues for Dante Unbound, visit our dedicated thread: 


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5 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

While the quality and consistency of LoS checks has improved significantly, we're still not 100% satisfied and sometimes the results are still unpredictable.

DE, LoS is never going to be predictable and we are never going to be "satisfied" with LoS being used as a "balancing" mechanic when the game has incredibly diverse terrain.

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4 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

General Deep Archimedea Changes & Fixes:

  • Unowned items will now be indicated as such in the Deep Archimedea Loadout Individual Parameter UI - they will now be marked with a “!” icon and will have the “NOT OWNED” tag in the tooltip. 
    • The tag will only appear if you do not own the specific item shown or any of its variants. 

How about, we simply remove the Randomized loadouts to stop this ever being an issue.

If not, put in checks to simply not have weapons that the player doesn't own. This stops players being locked out of a gamemode for not owning weapons they simply don't want.

It's false expectation to think every player is going to just keep ahold of random weapons just incase a scenario like this pops up. The vast majority of players will not do this, and do not want to do this, yet you are almost forcing them to do so, so they can participate in newer content.

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10 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

In an effort to better communicate to players that they have enabled Elite Archimedea, we have made it more obvious in the Deep Archimedea screen by adding the Elite Archimedea logo and an “Elite Archimedea Active” indicator above the “Begin Research” button after unlocking with Search Pulses. 

Please for the love of god also extend this much need highlighted visibility to Steel Path and everywhere it is located! I should not have to be looking out for a cm-long line to tell me I accidentally started a gamemode with steel path enabled. Like fissures, you can't even switch it off while in the menu on top of that! For Cavia bounties, you can't tell whether or not you have it enabled upon first glance!

Steel Path indicators/selectors seriously needs an overhaul for how many things it affects for how easy you can accidentally leave it on/off.


10 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Unowned items will now be indicated as such in the Deep Archimedea Loadout Individual Parameter UI - they will now be marked with a “!” icon and will have the “NOT OWNED” tag in the tooltip. 

Not too fond of unowned items showing up. There should be a minimum limit that prevents unowned items from showing up like 30 of. Or at least making it so no items equipped still enables the bonus so that there is still a compromise.


There are two game-breaking bugs with netracells. How soon will these get fixed?

Necramite location does not appear on HUD

And, this following one when I have run into numerous times now so I made a dedicated report:



Edited by Numerounius
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Thanks for the hotfix! 

Thankfully the frames I use don't bother with LoS checks, and the second DE touches one of them that does, then I'll really get pissed off. 

Deeply sorry Caliban players, but that was inevitable to make Sentient's Wrath less useful...

More importantly, please look into the Orbiter doing the following: 
- Running terribly CPU wise
- Terrible lighting system now implemented within it
- Lower graphics somehow making the orbiter look brighter and better than it is on normal settings

I'm not alone with how bad the lighting in there is utterly inexcusable, not to mention the orbiter eating your PC's CPU more sitting in your orbiter, doing nothing, more than while inside of normal missions. 


Phantom Enemy Bug: Enemies that are 'marked' on the minimap don't exist but appear to be prolonging and ruining my minimap thanks to that stupid arrow debuff some enemies get. More info below. 

Hope this gets fixed ASAP. 

Edited by Halo
Phantom Enemy Bug Addition
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3 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

It's false expectation to think every player is going to just keep ahold of random weapons just incase a scenario like this pops up. The vast majority of players will not do this, and do not want to do this, yet you are almost forcing them to do so, so they can participate in newer content.

I have to say, speak for yourself. Because I have kept EVERY weapon family in the game since they were released. The only, literally ONLY thing I don't own is the Miter, because I crafted it to a Panthera, and sold that when Panthera Prime came out

So I truly believe you only have yourself to blame for this

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Please fix the issue on PS4/PS5 where anytime i go to a relay station, open world hub, or that Grinieer base on earth, my PS5 friend freezes for 10-15 seconds causing him to get kicked from my party. His game then unfreezes and even though hes not in my party we are still in the same relay.


This happens consistently

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16 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Line of Sight (LoS) Changes & Fixes

  • Fixed Mag’s Pull ability pulling enemies from all directions instead of in a cone directly in front of her as intended. 
    • This was accidentally introduced with Hotfix 35.5.6 as part of our efforts to improve LoS check consistency with Pull. The established behavior for many years has been that Pull only works in the direction you are looking, so we’ve returned it to that intended state but with the new and improved LoS check logic.


Mag's Pull behaviour is very inconsistent since the last patch. It's like if consider enemies bodies as obstacles and prevent it from pulling larger groups. If you pull 20 enemies, half of them will be ragdolled in place instead. It's happening in mission and can be easily reproduce in simulacrum at mid range (20m+) from the enemies.



Edited by crazywolfpusher
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3 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

I have to say, speak for yourself. Because I have kept EVERY weapon family in the game since they were released. The only, literally ONLY thing I don't own is the Miter, because I crafted it to a Panthera, and sold that when Panthera Prime came out

So I truly believe you only have yourself to blame for this

You assume I don't have every weapon. I do.

I'm talking for the players who don't want to do that, and that is like... 90% of the players.

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vor 16 Minuten schrieb [DE]Megan:

Made the following changes to The Hollow Vein:  

  • Greatly reduced how often it hits Defense targets with its ranged laser attack. 
    • Before: Due to Defense targets being much larger than players, they were applying several hit ticks in a row onto these targets resulting in massive damage.
    • Now: it will only hit Defense targets once with its laser attack. 


Super metroid players would be proud of the hollow vein.

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1 minute ago, https.liam said:

My game keeps crashing every so often, and i did a BIOS update today, what could be the issue? 

 could be ur drivers been buggely updayed wrong, whatever ur drivers are there should be a buncha stuff bout it on reddit or google sometimes bios updates allocates main driver somewhere else

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11 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

I have to say, speak for yourself. Because I have kept EVERY weapon family in the game since they were released. The only, literally ONLY thing I don't own is the Miter, because I crafted it to a Panthera, and sold that when Panthera Prime came out

So I truly believe you only have yourself to blame for this

"You didn't spend as much money on weapon slots as I did, so get %$#&'d, you stupid poor."


Jokes aside, being locked out of top rewards because of RNG is dumb and has nothing to do with a player's level of skill. Much of Warframe is gear checks and buildcraft, so being screwed by something largely out of your control is pretty awful. Good moneymaker and plat sink for DE though. I really enjoy EDA aside from unowned weapons being possible options and thus potentially locking out players who otherwise do everything right to get through the mode. It hasn't been an issue for me, but I'm not complaining about it for me, I'm complaining about it because it's a bad way to balance as currently implemented.


Edited by Armadillidium_vulgare
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Thank you for the fixes. I hope these will also be fixed soon. Sentinels disappearing as host as well as many cosmetic issues for old and new cosmetics is pretty frustrating.


Edited by Beryliberries
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vor 20 Minuten schrieb [DE]Megan:

Vampyric Liminus’ Health/Energy drain can now affect spawned allies (Specters, Abilities that spawn NPC units, etc.) and vehicles (Necramechs and Merulina). 

Will the Liminus actively seek out specters now or do they still home in on players specifically?

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23 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed a script error when Thrax Legatus is killed during its beam attack. 

Does this fix Thrax enemies lingering permanently for everyone doing their beam attack, but being removable by the host (I believe it only removes the damage hotbox, not the visual of the ghostly Thrax floating there with the beam for clients)?

Edited by BalaDeSilver
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13 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

If not, put in checks to simply not have weapons that the player doesn't own. This stops players being locked out of a gamemode for not owning weapons they simply don't want.

I keep seeing this complaint. It doesn't make sense because it rewards people with less weapons in possession. It punishes people who actually own and master every weapon, which I heavily doubt DE intends. If DE actually does this, people will start selling their less performant (but could be interesting) weapons, leading even less diversity.

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[quote]Fixed Mag’s Pull ability pulling enemies from all directions instead of in a cone directly in front of her as intended. [/quote]


Interesting. I always assumed the 'keyhole' pattern was intended

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Voidrigs Necraweb doesn't work, it won't throw the canister.

I noticed it before this hotfix, and tried it again after this hotfix to see if it was fixed but the issue is still there. It just kind of stays in your necromech's hand when you try to throw it, It does the animation, but doesn't actually throw it. This effectively makes this ability do nothing right now, other than give you the prompt to throw it (Which won't go away). 

I don't know how long it's been an issue for, all I do know is that it was an issue that existed in both the last hotfix and this hotfix.

So please take a look at Voidrigs Necraweb. It needs a fix.


Edited by Egglanoir
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