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Who do you think the next heirloom skins will go to ?

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most likely ember and volt, as others have alluded to. but IMO the heirlooms should stay with the original 8 frames from the games inception: a testament to how long they've been around. 

that said, I just hope they're going to rethink the pricing this time around. I'd prefer it if the skins wouldn't just be limited time either, but lord knows we gotta have some level of FOMO in gaming these days...

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On 2024-05-25 at 2:50 PM, Xzorn said:

I'm not above buying cosmetics. I do it all the time.

Same here, I've grabbed the Edo Prime Armor just for instance. I've had people think I'm against paying for items entirely.
I've always found the Heirloom Pack was not only overpriced, but just so god damn scummy.

I'd rather they'd just be some really wonderful Deluxe Skins. Make it a special bundle Regal Aya purchase if all else.
It bothers me so much when they have to introduce random tactics like this to artificially boost sales.

I don't normally like the phrase "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" as most use it as a direct contrast to ingenuity and creativity.
... but we don't need to really "fix" a price model that worked prior. Experiment? Sure, but not "fix".
This didn't feel like an experiment, this felt calculated and malicious.

It's the whole reason companies like Valve work so well, ironically enough.
Some thing like: "We did it right the first time and we're gonna keep doing it right."



On 2024-05-25 at 3:51 PM, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Certain updates in this game, are often huge. Like they can come with so much, tile sets, voice acting, new systems, new assets, it looks like money.

Another thing that bugs me is that a lot of these updates often operate so hard on the "dramatics" that they're often completed for content within HOURS.
Provided said content doesn't artificially contain something like Syndicates or extremely poor RNG to pad out time.

Personally? I've always preferred lower resolution games as it lends itself to having more creative liberty.
Be it self-aware humor or nostalgia of PS1-styled graphics or simply just more abstract stuff like Vaporwave Aesthetics.
Both can be expensive with certain implementation, but it's a lot easier than trying to squeeze every ounce of "realism" out of things.

Very rarely- in my eyes- does updating graphics genuinely impress. 
When they do? It's situations like the recent Paper Mario remake, where there was already a defined charm to it...
... they simply polished it to more modern settings than try to surpass it.

I'd rather see mechanics that evolve from a given engine.
Learning what it does and doesn't do best and doing something creative with that.
Seeing things in action and thinking "If I take [X] and combine it with [Y], I think [Z] as a result would be pretty cool!"
... which is something Warframe does, but very minimally when they do. Often times being a boring augment or something unfinished.

All this to say, I think Warframe doesn't really NEED this massive budget you're bringing up.
It's just that DE keeps trying to go that direction. Regardless if it's helping or not.

Eh, it's a gripe I have with a lot of games these days.
It's always has been an issue, but we're really hitting those diminishing returns when it comes to this hard-on for "mandatory upgrades".

On 2024-05-25 at 3:51 PM, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I'll need to conserve my energy. I can say this though, if what they announce for the future of Heirlooms is somehow worse than last time, its the kind of thing that would make me personally quit the game

I once tried getting away from Warframe with a game called "Phantasy Star Online 2".
Game was amazing, game was everything I wanted that Warframe didn't do.

It just had one teeny tiny problem... the devs behind it's Global Release were about as well-adjusted as a house of cards in the middle of an earthquake.
Constantly shoving rampant Gacha releases down our throats, jamming the servers with constant maintenance to fix a single service that refused to work... and good lord, the Microsoft Store before the Steam version...

Even to this day, it still has remnants of these problems-- but the biggest one was the Gacha.
What was originally just an easy way to earn ingame currency (via selling the items on the ingame player market, which were reasonably affordable for a time) turned into "Pay 80$ for a walking animation that you were using just fine a month ago."

I couldn't stand PSO2 when I left because they simply REFUSED to enhance the gameplay.
Their new "expansion" basically devolved into an extremely boring slog of repeated content, any complaints we had of that were ignored at best.
I effectively said "enough is enough, I hope PSO2 crashes and burns soon" when they introduced a """new type of boss""" that was the same thing we were fighting already... with a different prefix on it's name.
I mention this because Warframe can EASILY go that route with more emphasis on the Heirloom Pack.
"More product to buy for less game to play." is something I've been seeing so much more lately and it's just... exhausting.
 What am I to do to get away from it anyway? It's the norm now, it's the norm because whales kept spending money blindly and there's no laws to stop devs from ramping it up.

If DE brings back the Heirloom pack? I'll tell them the same thing I told SEGA, because they'd be following the exact same mistakes and I'm not going to tolerate it.
If DE wants Warframe to crash and burn? Just keep ramping up their sales, I'm sure it'll go perfectly fiiiiiiine.

On 2024-05-25 at 3:51 PM, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Well I think the Accolades should have been for anyone who has ever purchased anything

I think the Accolades were not only insulting to the people who actually DID earn that "10-year supporter" tag genuinely...
... but also painted a target for those with the same ire (but with more malice) I have to exploit that.

I'm MR34. I already get enough of a bad rep from people as is. Warranted or not-- point is that Accolades are something DE overlooked at a possible consequence.

On 2024-05-25 at 3:51 PM, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Every single item mentioned, the streamer told them how they could get the same cosmetic. This is Dante, he is the new Warframe. This armour set is new, you can get it with Plat or with the Dante bundle. This ephemera is from Grendel Prime Access. You can't get it right now? In the future though, you will get a chance, with Regal Aya... Oh but this Signa you think is cool? Sorry... Then on a different streamer's stream, a different player linked their fashion. The streamer was relatively new to Warframe, and they asked how they get the cool crown thing? Yeah chat got pretty active at that point... 

It's also why I think "Exclusives" often breed a LOT of contempt. Be it between players or towards the devs.
... but there are ways to do it without causing frustration.

  • Excalibur Prime. It was a one-time thing from early on and there's a sort of "understanding" as to why it's done.
    • People who ask for Excal Prime are those who are either unaware of the story or are simply too selfish to care.
    • For the former? A bit of explaining is all that takes.
    • For the latter? There's no satisfying them no matter what. (See also: Literally the whole metaphor of Bombastine in Duviri.)
  • Cosmetics earned through trial and tribulation. Something that is gained from a genuinely monumental effort.
    • Be it an old mode that was taken out, usually this one is reserved for smaller cosmetics that can be easily ignored.
    • Applying high amounts of skill to do something in a creative and entertaining way. Something players can look back on with a smile.
      • This one I like because it helps reinforce GOOD habits in players. The kind that encourage them to be better both in skill and themselves.
    • Set modes that anyone can do at anytime, but have a dramatically increased requirement. Making it "exclusive" to those who gave it their all.

Prime Access is fine as it is. It's a sort of "Oh, it's not available YET-- but you can at least be ready for when it is."
That's actually really nice! I do wish they had a bit less "favoritism" when it comes to bringing older stuff back. *Cough Ember Prime Cough*
... but it works. The player knows what the game is asking for and it's a relatively "acceptable" medium people have settled with.

It's also nice because players are inevitably going to share their favorites. That's just a part of human nature.
Discussion on such things is also pleasant for a lot, so when they have to break the news that "no, you can't have this?"
It just leaves bad vibes. Those that laugh at the "peasants" in such toxic ways are often the only ones who really want these truly """exclusive""" items.

On 2024-05-25 at 3:51 PM, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

I personally got into Warframe for 2 reasons. I thought it looked really cool (specifically some of the Prime designs) and friends encouraged me, that the monetisation was better than most games, and I could earn most of that cool stuff I saw, for free, albeit they explained the Prime Access and Unvault system.

In my eyes? It was purely the parkour system.
A lot of MMOs I've had to toy with often had very strict movement systems.
There are few games that really get the exact sense of "Speed" and "Handling" you can get from Warframe.
Most of those being genres like Pure-Platforming or Racing Games, which didn't have much appeal in "mechanical depth" to me.

Warframe however did. The aesthetic was "meh" for me and I learned of the monetization afterwards (which was a plus).
I originally learned from it via a once close-knit group of friends on a ye olde Modded Minecraft Server of 2013.
Also where I learned a LOT of what I know today in playing games well. Those folks taught 'lil me well... be it with or against me!~

I always prioritize a game's flow and mechanics. If a game is done well like that, you don't need fancy art and whimsical stories to retain players.
They'll want to stay because the game itself is fun, not because it's the never-ending cliffhanger.

Art is nice, but it's merely the decals that distinguish it from every other tool. Retro-styled Indie Games prove this greatly.
While it truly shows the craftmanship of the tool, a cheap knockoff is going to work cheaply too-- and be found out quickly as a result.

A story helps direct the flow of the game and give reason for it's existence, but it's what comes as a result of the gameplay. Not the other way around.
Players can- and most likely will- make their own stories if left without one. I've done the same all the time on accident.

Nowadays? I can't really feel that same oomph in parkour as I did way back when.
Maybe it's because everything can be rendered a non-issue when you simply equip Revenant.
... or that the most "fastest" Warframes are Titania and Wukong. Two of which completely render parkour a moot point.
Perhaps it's that DE simply just wants to push the "big number" agenda.
... while also forgetting why big numbers were exciting to begin with.

Games change- as all things do- yeah, but it feels like Warframe keeps looping itself around in some vain stagnation. As if Ouroboros unraveled itself, y'know?
To the point where I only expect the Heirloom Pack to come back because of this vain stagnation.
The same idea where most of the GOOD changes are because they've been a constant complaint long enough for it be a bare minimum when shipped with a dozen other things to meet quota.

I know why I joined Warframe and unfortunately I don't know much else that does what Warframe does.
Which is precisely why I don't think people will be prone to leave even if they do. Where else do they go to play a game like Warframe?
Yes, games like Destiny exist-- but they have just as many (if not more) issues of their own. Often resulting in Warframe being their backup and now THAT is failing.
I'd personally only end up leaving because I reach a breaking point where it doesn't matter if I'm on or off the game-- I'd be equally frustrated.


On 2024-05-25 at 6:29 PM, Himerance said:

How are this many people happy to drop so much money on a skin 😭

Every year I tell myself that gamers are finally going to stop eating S#&$ just to be proven the opposite. Feels bad.

On 2024-05-25 at 8:43 PM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

I'd prefer it if the skins wouldn't just be limited time either, but lord knows we gotta have some level of FOMO in gaming these days...

For the TLDR on that? "This is the new norm, get used to it."
We were played cards that were already damaged and broken, it's no wonder our hand went to hell when we even tried.

For the longform answer?

This isn't anything new. Con-artists have been doing their schtick since the dawn of commerce (even well before money). It's evolved as much as our lives have.
You could at least be a bit more privy to their tactics. Notice when things are off, maybe even go a bit of back-and-forth.
Now though? Can't escape it, even the most privy of minds are often two steps behind since there's too much to take into account when you're put on the spot.
With mistakes building up that quickly? Consequences strikes even harder and people are easier to scam. (Especially when it's allowed.
Not even living as a hermit in the woods is that much of an option, since there's always something encroaching. All it takes is one hiccup and suddenly you exist again...

You got more and more crusty-old-fossils who still prefer fax machines in 2024 trying to "make more money" for whatever reason they got in their brief time left here.
But since they're the ones calling the shots? It doesn't matter how out of your league you are when you can change the rules on a dime.
So all that's left is the crusty "immovable object" wielding an unstoppable force who's too old to actually die.

What do you do in that case? Don't buy it?
If you don't buy it, they're either going to find someone dumber (and more willing) to do it. Those are in excess, especially these days.
Hell, even DE is going this route. Why else would they make Warframe into a Mobile Game? It's clearly not designed to be one.
Even if the general public says "no", a large amount of big facilities (doesn't have to be a company) will seek ways to strongarm you into doing so.
Can't even go the 'ol French Revolution route to stop that either. Their weaponry is too powerful and surveillance is too perceptive to even bother with that.
Even if you take one head off, it'll just grow another. Problem is that the beast is too smart to have them all taken down at once!

With not much in terms of law stopping it and expansion to audiences who haven't built the know-how? (and have fatter wallets I assume...)
It was bound to get this bad. It'd be no different with anything else, human greed is a big motivator for innovation-- but rarely does it make anything good.
So long as there isn't an active push from law to push back on avarice? It's gonna keep getting worse.
Ironically enough, that's the entire premise of the Corpus. What happens when money becomes too powerful.
Just like the Corpus, why would the people in power stop doing what keeps them in power? "Take a few bribes, let corruption fester. You keep your seat, they keep their meat."

Some would say "This is looking too much into it, it's just some skins bro."
To that I say "Yeah, it would be... if I was just talking about the skins."
It probably sounds like a conspiracy theory.
I wouldn't blame ya either, if I saw this kinda stuff in some video years ago? I'd say the same thing.

What annoys me about this the most is that DE prides themselves on being this gilded company that doesn't prey on Warframe's playerbase.
Yet the Heirloom Pack is in a direct contrast to that notion in every way.
Without that vainglorious sense of false pride, what are they? Just another blip in the radar of shovelware, that's what.
Seriously, if Soulframe doesn't end up cracking sales charts in two? I'mma be convinced that DE is held together by this one solitary game that only survived by a few dozen miracles.


On 2024-05-25 at 8:43 PM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

should stay with the original 8 frames from the games inception

Let's be real here, they will most likely expand beyond that once they really do end up finish the original 8.
This is DE, I wouldn't put it past them in any capacity.
This is the same company that thought "The Steel Path" adding a flat +100% durability to enemies would make a mote of difference.
Especially laughable when you see their stance on "Power Creep", which is basically "add numbers until you fry their dopamine receptors again" with no further plan after that.
Yes, Steel Path was a great idea. Lemme guess, the next one is "Steeler Path" with a 200% modifier. Oh, but this time you have a chance to get Steel Essence Prime which can be exchanged for Syndicate Medallions. Wowie...

Be it the money machine or simply a lack of creativity? I'd say just play it smart and DON'T do it again. At all.

Let the wound sting, but don't open it again to be the tough guy.
Puff up one's chest with pride all they want, hollow pride is still hollow.
It just gets all the easier to pop when you give someone a genuine reason to.
It gets all the harder to heal it when one refuses to let it heal.
Deadly sins, deadly results.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Binket_ said:

What annoys me about this the most is that DE prides themselves on being this gilded company that doesn't prey on Warframe's playerbase.

Yet the Heirloom Pack is in a direct contrast to that notion in every way.

Let the wound sting, but don't open it again to be the tough guy.
Puff up one's chest with pride all they want, hollow pride is still hollow.
It just gets all the easier to pop when you give someone a genuine reason to.
It gets all the harder to heal it when one refuses to let it heal.
Deadly sins, deadly results.

God I hope you don't think Heirloom Packs are the only thing in contrast to that. Why do people think DE doesn't want an auction house?

This is the model: create scarcity and have players list items for 1000 platinum on a third party site -> make money off of morons purchasing the platinum required for those items without having to deal with the backlash they would get for selling something for 1000 platinum on their store.

"We didn't set that absurd price, the players did!"

Something grindy and dull = more money

Something buggy and annoying = more money

I could go on and on.


"But it's free!" <- And that's why your game sucks balls 😂


I wish the beautiful minds behind the corpus and grineer art/lore could afford being independent and not have to slave for this corporate structure.

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On 2024-05-25 at 6:47 AM, Waeleto said:

My money is on Nekros and Ember since both of them didn't get a resurgence in a very long time and both are pretty popular and influential in warframe's history 

I'd really like it to be mesa or garuda. Im guessing it will be neither.

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On 2024-05-28 at 10:59 PM, Binket_ said:

Eh, it's a gripe I have with a lot of games these days.
It's always has been an issue, but we're really hitting those diminishing returns when it comes to this hard-on for "mandatory upgrades".


I actually share this too generally. Games industry has gotten too "big" in my subjective perspective, and what I mean by big, is that many tend to be more expensive, and take longer to create, and require more resources, and often that creates risk. Since they then often need to justify their existence and the money spent on them, and then to try and offset some of that risk, such games need to sort of find ways to "encourage" people to play them and spend money on them, and then such techniques are often predatory, poorly regulated and essentially warp games into being viewed in terms of profits and money, trends are established and people in positions of power within companies that make games, who often are more involved with money aspects, well they lean into trends that may more predatory and lucrative as far as profit. 

Which then often makes games less accessible, to many, and it also means that some games can't be smaller or riskier or innovative, and some medium sized or bigger games, are treated like make it or break it situations, where if they don't make huge numbers, its viewed negatively, even if the game is decently popular, or sold decently well, but maybe it just isn't bringing in top ten games earnings... Like my personal preference is generally in single player RPG and story strong and character strong games. They are hanging in there, but now and then, you'll hear articles about how industry insider, dev, etc thinks more emphasis will on multiplayer games, with loot boxes, gatcha, subscriptions, dominated by micro transactions, GAAS models, paid game passes, day one access, timed exclusives, day 1 DLC, more content locked behind Premium DLC and just... stuff like Heirlooms as well. I don't necessarily have anything about pushing the graphical fidelity of games, or hiring big name actors to be voice actors, but a lot of my fav games are pretty old, and many are also new, but personally I would probably enjoy like... A Final Fantasy game every 5 years instead of 10 (as an example). Or instead of having to wait like 10 years plus for the next Dragon Age game, because EA/Bioware were having issues about how to monetise the game with dated ideas and then having internal conflict and creative differences, leading to earlier ideas being scrapped multiple times, and decisions which failed aspects of Anthem and MEA, it could have released already, instead of having to be this ultra massive success profit wise by turning the game into something its not. 


On 2024-05-28 at 10:59 PM, Binket_ said:

I once tried getting away from Warframe with a game called "Phantasy Star Online 2".
Game was amazing, game was everything I wanted that Warframe didn't do.


Ah sorry to hear about the negatives of Phantasy Star. I am semi familiar with the name and game, but not much else. 

Personally I am generally lucky, if I ever decide to step away from Warframe. I have a super silly long backlog. I only recently just beat Dark Souls 3, even though I played Demon Souls on its original release (imported it as well IIRC), I have around a decades worth of games I brought, just never really got around too, outside one or two titles. Its only in the last two years, and partially due to Covid lock downs, I sort of realised, that even if I played through all the games I have accumulated, it would probably take me around 10 years to get through them all...  On top of all the new releases that constantly happen as well... When I was a kid, I used to beat games in like a weekend, now I am sort of realising that there are many many games to sustain me for a long time, even if the industry was to stop producing them! That being said, I would still prefer Warframe maintain what I view as generally good consumer practices, especially compared to quite a few other games/studios. 


On 2024-05-28 at 10:59 PM, Binket_ said:

In my eyes? It was purely the parkour system.


I was actually going to include this as my third reason but truth be told, I was already quite a few hours into Warframe, before I started to actually learn about and understand the parkour and movement aspects of the game. So for me at least, its more of a reason as to why I stayed than was attracted to in the first place, but I agree with everything else you said in this regard. 

(Also in generally as well with your overall reply, I just singled the above parts out in particular, to reply to, since I do already agree with a lot of your points, found it interesting to read, and don't have much else to offer. Oh and also for a bit of convenience, in replying, since we both tend to write a fair bit hehe). 

All the best to you, take care! 

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On 2024-05-28 at 12:16 PM, Himerance said:

God I hope you don't think Heirloom Packs are the only thing in contrast to that.

Oh hell no, DE has done this aplenty. This is just the most recent (and rather large one) in memory for most.

On 2024-05-28 at 12:16 PM, Himerance said:

This is the model: create scarcity and have players list items for 1000 platinum on a third party site -> make money off of morons purchasing the platinum required for those items without having to deal with the backlash they would get for selling something for 1000 platinum on their store.

Dunno what sites you're going to-- that sounds more accurate to Trade Chat than Warframe Market.
Granted, they have an Auction House as is. The prices there are arguably better than what you'd see in other places.

... but I'm pretty sure the ingame market does this whole "expensive as hell" thing just fine.
If you're looking at it in a vacuum with no outside knowledge?
Most Warframes costing anywhere between 200 to 350 Platinum (with some exceptions) is mostly likely can be having ya buy 370 Plat for 21.99 CAD... not including tax.
Cosmetics costing 75 Plat will run ya 5.49 CAD. Sounds fair enough, but this racks up quickly if you're not paying attention.

The reason it's ever even acceptable is because people can trade Platinum at all. Making it a lot more feasible of an option.
To be honest, these aggressive prices are often a detriment I find since one of the first "components" they add to the Orbiter in Vor's Prize is- you guessed it- the market.
Call it what ya will, but that gives major "Mobile Game" vibes-- and anybody worth their merit as a players knows to avoid those like the plague.

Most people just want an Auction House because we already have systems like it in those very sites.


5 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

All the best to you, take care! 

You as well! Just glad I could express some info.

(Read all of that, by the by... didn't have much else to add is all. At least not without getting further off-topic anyway!)

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On 2024-05-25 at 10:51 AM, -ShadowRadiance- said:


I want equinox. Any other is gravy.

But so many are likely sd others have said already


Would love an Equinox heirloom, yeah. There's a pretty low amount of frames I'd be interested in spending real cash on an heirloom skin for tbh (Frost and Mag were conveniently two of them, Frost because he's cool, Mag because her skin options outside of Tennogen are awful....and I didn't get them because of the pricetag). Mesa, Wisp, Nekros, Gyre, Xaku, stuff like that. Already super satisfied with a lot of my fashion for the frames I actually like, so hard sell.

The skins themselves are cool, but if they still cost a pretty penny (even if it isn't the exorbitant inflated price of the first two), I'd really like to see new VFX on abilities and such. The Galaxy-esque vibes you can get on Mag's heirloom are gorgeous, neat little vfx like that on the abilities would be great. Maybe Rhino's Iron Skin could look like something other than S#&amp;&#036;ty golden tinfoil! A man can dream. 

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Binket_ said:

... but I'm pretty sure the ingame market does this whole "expensive as hell" thing just fine.

Absolutely, by now the devs probably think their playerbase is r worded. They got away with so much. Remember the freudian slip Rebecca had at TennoCon LOL

Games used to be good because they were a one time purchase. Ever since the live service model it's all about creating a problem and selling the solution. I weep.

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On 2024-05-30 at 3:00 AM, Himerance said:

Absolutely, by now the devs probably think their playerbase is r worded. They got away with so much. Remember the freudian slip Rebecca had at TennoCon LOL

Games used to be good because they were a one time purchase. Ever since the live service model it's all about creating a problem and selling the solution. I weep.

Wait what freudian slip are you talking about

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On 2024-05-26 at 1:06 AM, Binket_ said:

Nobody, hopefully.

There is a TLDR section at the end, in case your eyes don't work.
Or you're one of those Tiktok morons... or both, they're not mutually exclusive things.


I'd rather have NO new heirloom skins, the execution of it last year was abysmal-- and that's putting it as politely as I can possibly manage. Like a filter of 99.9% strength.
IF we get a new set of skins? I have no doubt in my mind that DE will do the same thing as last time with literally nothing learned from the mistakes.

Furthermore, I hate the idea of skins being lost to time eternally because "you weren't around for this extremely same blip in the game's history"
... and even if you were? You probably didn't have the """disposable income""" to drop the price of a FULL retail game (with DLC in some cases) for it.

Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon and Baldur's Gate 3 are both roughly the same asking price as the Heirloom Packs. (About 70 CAD.)
Yeah, which one am I going to pick? Two glorified Deluxe Skins or a whole game with intricate mechanics and a fantastic story?
If you choose the former, I feel like I could probably get you to pay me to rob you. It's not like it'd take that much effort, fairly certain.

I don't care how pretty the skin is, it was a scam no matter how you look at it.
The actual value of a skin was arbitrarily inflated, there was nothing preventing it from being a celebratory Deluxe skin in the same idea as the Lunar New Year Skins.
You could have the accolades be buyable for IRL funds (so long as it's REASONABLY PRICED, I.E. not in a bundle over 50 buckaroos) much like the same way Prime Accessories are.
Same goes for the Signas.

Even better, why was it so expensive? Oh right, they arbitrarily inflated the packs that contained the skins with Regal Aya.
Not Platinum-- Regal Aya. Platinum was in the bundle of miscellaneous nonsense. Color Palettes and Glyphs, the auxiliary stuff that's usually forgettable.
Their... ugh... reason for it was "So players can grab Frost Prime and Mag Prime" immediately.
... which only helped the players who:

  • Didn't already have Mag/Frost Prime.
    • Be it from...
      • A previous Prime Access purchase.
      • Traded parts with Platinum
      • Cracked Relics from when they were new.
      • Cracked Relics via the Prime Resurgence THAT THEY LAUNCHED ALONGSIDE this pack.
      • A friend gifting them it.
      • Etc.
  • Were greatly interested in using SPECIFICALLY Mag/Frost Prime.
    • There are plenty of Primes out there. Anybody with even surface-level knowledge will have a general idea of what Warframes they're looking out for.
    • Chances are if they were interested Mag already? They have Mag Prime, she is a starter after all.
    • Frost is also a somewhat easy-to-get Warframe, being found from the boss of Ceres. Roughly 40% of the way into the Star Chart at the time. (More like 30% now.)
  • Are not frequent enough buyers to have Regal Aya be of significant use.
    • Which is especially ironic, considering the price is really reaching for the whales.
    • ... but if you're looking for the whales? Chances are they've already bought pretty much everything they care to get in the Heirloom packs.
    • Thus making Regal Aya less appealing.
  • Are even interested in using Regal Aya.
    • Some players just don't care for Prime Accessories.
    • Prime Warframes/Weapons are easy enough to get from Relics.
    • What do they do with the Regal Aya in that case?

... which is already a pretty small margin for their community.
But it's intentional, why? Because they know players would buy the pack due to it being Time-Limited and """Exclusive""".
It also mean that if you want the Platinum- of which has far more use- you have to either shill out MORE money for the auxiliary garbage that less people care about.
They COULD have just changed it so the packs were smaller and more affordable, but that wasn't the plan.
They wanted to most extreme of players that can bleed money to do so. None of that "DE cares" charm actually existed, this was designed to milk players.

It's calculated to be a scam. Period.
Heirloom Packs are a bad idea. Let's leave them where they left off at, digging their own grave.
It was bad enough that I stopped making major purchases for the game. I hesitate on Tennogen at this point.
No plat purchases, no Prime Access, no Prime Resurgence-- I'm not paying money if they keep doing this S#&amp;&#036;. I've kept to it as well.


TLDR, because we can't have nice things: 
I don't want to be told to spend the price of a full retail game on what is essentially "tiny DLC".
You'd expect this kinda thing from a mobile game... oh wait, Warframe is one now. Thanks DE, very cool.
So no, I don't think I'd like that. Why would anyone ask for this?

This aged poorly I point you to Devstream 180 :P <3

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Posted (edited)
On 2024-05-28 at 1:59 PM, Binket_ said:


Honestly everything you spit out there is just a bulls***t.

I’ve recently got back to Elder Scrolls Online just to remember why have I thrown that game. It’s just degenerative crap of a game, where you need constantly and constantly spend money to stay relevant, and it’s not even mentioning stupid and broken gameplay and combat, with fixes for it being hide behind paywalls (Not able to do 200 APM build? Sure just buy those DLCs and play by clicking one mouse button!). They’ve recently dropped another s***ty expansion for 40$ that barely has 20% of content actually being worth anything. Oh and they will nerf most of OP stuff when it’s time for new expansion. Oh and I won’t even compare nerfs in Scrolls and Warframe, they just aren’t comparable. With Scrolls mindset, AoE weapons would not only lose ammo economy, you’d get mutators being only obtainable through DLC, Non-DLC AoE weapon damage would be cut by 80% and so on. 


Warframe with all it flows is THE BEST MMORPG here that charges you NOTHING. I payed 0$ for any of its great cinematic quest that would cost 50$ in crap like Destiny 2. DE deliver great content and only thing they ask about is to PLAY the game! I missed last year Heirloom skins but I will bought the one this year for sure (Even if I don’t care about content that much), just to thank DE for them actually treating me like a decent human being and not just stupid wallet. I need to wash away bad taste in my mouth after eating pile of **** from Zenimax.

Edited by SpiritTeA
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Posted (edited)

After some thorough consideration, I believe Nyx already has one of the most beautiful Deluxe skins, so she doesn't need the Heirloom skin as much as others. I take my previous opinion back.


I found this amazing fan art on Reddit the other day.

@[DE]Rebecca Please make this a reality! Volt deserves an awesome Heirloom skin!


Reddit link

Edited by (PSN)Sentiel
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14 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

After some thorough consideration, I believe Nyx already has one of the most beautiful Deluxe skins, so she doesn't need the Heirloom skin as much as others. I take my previous opinion back.


I found this amazing fan art on Reddit the other day.

@[DE]Rebecca Please make this a reality! Volt deserves an awesome Heirloom skin!


Reddit link

I saw this one too and commented "i'd buy this" i really like this design it's my favourite fan heirloom concept so far!

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2 hours ago, Waeleto said:

I saw this one too and commented "i'd buy this" i really like this design it's my favourite fan heirloom concept so far!

I have bad experience with purchasing paid content in Warframe.

There is an issue with nearly everything I directly purchased (think Prime Accessories and similar things you cannot buy or trade with Platinum). Impetus Prime Syandana - misaligned. Edo Prime Accessories - misaligned (on Volt compared to the promo picture available at the time of purchase). Vayas Prime accessories - wrong equipment slots.

But regardless of that, I would throw money DE's way for any awesome looking coat or warlock like skin for Volt immediately.

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10 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I have bad experience with purchasing paid content in Warframe.

There is an issue with nearly everything I directly purchased (think Prime Accessories and similar things you cannot buy or trade with Platinum). Impetus Prime Syandana - misaligned. Edo Prime Accessories - misaligned (on Volt compared to the promo picture available at the time of purchase). Vayas Prime accessories - wrong equipment slots.

But regardless of that, I would throw money DE's way for any awesome looking coat or warlock like skin for Volt immediately.

And yet that is multiple  packs? So either you chose to continue investing because something caught your eye OR are falling for the FOMO?

Either way that isn't a DE issue in so much as you arent being expected to purchase any of what you listed. Lets not forget that the extras are just that EXTRA and are on top of the weapons/frame assuming you didnt just purchase the cosmetic pack. I hope that DE goes the route they took with Heirloom this year for PAccess. Given you wont get the prior packs it wouldnt be impactful BUT it would open up more opportunity for plat earners to get content that is badly gated behind $

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16 minutes ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

I have bad experience with purchasing paid content in Warframe.

There is an issue with nearly everything I directly purchased (think Prime Accessories and similar things you cannot buy or trade with Platinum). Impetus Prime Syandana - misaligned. Edo Prime Accessories - misaligned (on Volt compared to the promo picture available at the time of purchase). Vayas Prime accessories - wrong equipment slots.

But regardless of that, I would throw money DE's way for any awesome looking coat or warlock like skin for Volt immediately.

heirloom aren't really paid content anymore, catch up with devstream 180

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1 minute ago, Waeleto said:

heirloom aren't really paid content anymore, catch up with devstream 180

Indeed. Well, to be more precise we should be able to buy the future Heirloom skins (packs) with money and Platinum. My point was that if DE would make an awesome Volt skin like the one in the concept art I shared, I would buy it even if it wasn't purchasable with Platinum, so like the Mag and Frost skins.

I hope that cleared it up.

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Looks like a male and female rotation. And that they're in the beginning working their way up. Logically it has to be between Loki, Volt or Rhino. I know I didn't involve Excalibur, cause honestly, I see them pairing Nyx and Excalibur together given their history. So, I see one of those three being next, and that would most likely boil down to who is the most financially lucrative now. Which could influence the list (IMO) to be either Rhino or Volt. Loki appears as the weaker popular option. Again, that's assuming if the Male/Female original release date order is in fact the order. They could throw a curve ball since it's a new program and they can kind of do whatever they want because the release procedure hasn't been publicly/officially established yet. Heck, I can already see them trying to hold off on doing Trinity and Banshee. I would be worried if I could move the skins for those frames if I were them.

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5 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

After some thorough consideration, I believe Nyx already has one of the most beautiful Deluxe skins, so she doesn't need the Heirloom skin as much as others. I take my previous opinion back.


I found this amazing fan art on Reddit the other day.

@[DE]Rebecca Please make this a reality! Volt deserves an awesome Heirloom skin!


Reddit link

GD that so sick. I don't want to play Volt, but this? Man. Temptation. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2024-06-06 at 5:56 AM, SpiritTeA said:

I’ve recently got back to Elder Scrolls Online just to remember why have I thrown that game.

Should I mention the phrase "Lesser of two evils"?
One is most certainly-worse, but they're both still not quite great.

Sure, Elder Scrolls may be far worse-- but it's also expected.

I give as much well-deserved Flak to Todd "It just works" Howard's projects as much as I do for other games unrelated to that.
"Do stupid things, win stupid prizes." Pretty simple logic to follow, no?


I'm more surprised DE had the audacity to try again if anything, the previous pack was soured-- there's no changing that.
I knew they were going to, but I somehow can't help but think naively that they'd have a heart.
Like it or not, it was a scam and I detest brazen scum-fueled tactics like that.

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