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Jade Shadows Discussion

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6 hours ago, DeathHasCome1 said:

So, having just played through Jade Shadows, can I just say... What a quest!

he was also playable in Duviri, but was also considerably buffed for this quest I think.

6 hours ago, DeathHasCome1 said:

That said, if we're all being honest, the end of the quest is where it gets good. 

if by good you mean confusing:


why would a pregnant warframe even be allowed? i can understand Jade being turned into one while she was pregnant, but how did the baby survive? WHY did the baby survive? why didn't the Orokin abort it? were they not worried it might interfere with the process of creating the Warframe? the Orokin would not have been above doing somehtign like that, we all know what they were like after all..


4 hours ago, jeopardy2808 said:

But playing a fighting and shooting still pregnant looking Warframe .... i don't feel good about it .... for me it crosses a line here....
give us the option to show/hide it ..... Because mother protects ... and you don't go hunting and killing instead....

you say that, but I think any mother who considers herself a mother would kill for their child, to keep them safe, assuming there was no other option available. same with fathers, anyone who has a kid and loves them will tell you they'll do whatever it takes, at any cost, even if it means jail or their own life. it sounds like you're not enjoying having your perceptions challenged, but that's what DE lieks to do: artists like to push boundaries after all.

it also reminds me of that one scene in Wolfenstein: New Colossus where Blazkowicz's wife, who is heavily pregnant, gets caught up in combat and ends up dual-wielding assault rifles while absolutely drenched in N4Z1 blood.. that one was pretty crazy, not gonna lie.

4 hours ago, VisionAndVoice said:

That changes nothing. She's still Corpus, plus she's in the daddy Parvos' faction too, which is all about "sentimentality bad". It's even more out of character.

some members of the Corpus still have a conscience. I'm guessing her report for that incident will just say Stalker escaped and her men will be told to keep quiet or else; not everyone in the big 3 is a monster, but it would have ended VERY differently if Alad, Nef or Parvos himself had been there.

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So what abilities will the child have? Stats? Does the child inherit passives? Is someone there to look after the child when stalker comes after me in a mission again? Can we get ordis to make a blueprint of the child?


I can appreciate DE not hitting us with the cataclysmic tonal shift of telling a story about a difficult pregnancy against all odds and then unlocking warframe crossbreeding for better stats in the same update.


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Overall I really enjoyed the quest, I was hoping to get more lore about Jade Light though.


I also can't help but feel after the success of The Mandalorian, everyone wants to give their IP a marketable baby now. 



I really liked that Xeto let the Stalker and his baby go free, I think having more humanized villains is a good thing. 


I also really liked Hunhow's email signature "I remain: the great and terrible Hunhow" 

My favorite part of the quest though was when,


as the Stalker, we are on the orbiter, and Ordis says "Was that you operator? Umbra? Helminth?" The way he says Helminth makes me think its not uncommon for Helminth to try to scare Ordis. I also like how it confirms that when we aren't using Umbra it just walks around our orbiter. 



One thing I don't think has been brought up for lore...when did we become experts on healing Warframes? How do we know what Stalker needs to heal Jade?


Edited by EverdarkRaven
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6 minutes ago, EverdarkRaven said:

Overall I really enjoyed the quest, I was hoping to get more lore about Jade Light though.

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I also can't help but feel after the success of The Mandalorian, everyone wants to give their IP a marketable baby now. 


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I really liked that Xeto let the Stalker and his baby go free, I think having more humanized villains is a good thing. 

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I also really liked Hunhow's email signature "I remain: the great and terrible Hunhow" 

My favorite part of the quest though was when,

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as the Stalker, we are on the orbiter, and Ordis says "Was that you operator? Umbra? Helminth?" The way he says Helminth makes me think its not uncommon for Helminth to try to scare Ordis. I also like how it confirms that when we aren't using Umbra it just walks around our orbiter. 


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One thing I don't think has been brought up for lore...when did we become experts on healing Warframes? How do we know what Stalker needs to heal Jade?


Now that you mention it I wish there was an option to have Umbra hangout in the orbiter when not in mission.

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5 hours ago, (PSN)IdoThea said:

I think Corpus stopped shooting was more about that sister having motherly instinct after hearing baby. Corpus crewmen kept shooting until she kept shouting them to stop.

Which is an awful toxic cliché, frankly.

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il y a 51 minutes, ChaosDeluge a dit :

My trans girlfriend literally refuses to play the game now, because it's triggering to see pregnant women in missions everywhere in the game right now. I really don't understand why there's a trigger warning for the quest, but no way to skip it or to turn off this version of the character model.

Why? When we craft the replica, she's not even actually pregnant atp. It's simply a part of her design, as Warframes have design elements that characterize what they were before, often in a twisted and mocking way. It's just Ballas being Ballas.

Jade was pregnant when she was transformed, and that's why this trait was carried over to her Warframe appearance. But she is not pregnant.

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I thought the quest was good, but am I the only one that wants Captain Xeto's hair as an operator/drifter hair option? I would pay good plat for it.

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Some things about the pregnancy. The Orokin would not allow such a thing as it goes against their sick desires of control.

Warframes being able to reproduce, would have them lose control of their "weapons", as well as them choosing whom becomes a Warframe and them playing into designing said Warframe. Think Protea, a designer Warframe for Parvos, imagine the poor soul used to accommodate his desire.  Babies would have random factors, this would upset the the Orokin for sure.


I guess you would need to infer why Stalker hates us (the Tenno) by what little story has been given. Warframes exist to be used (like it or not), the Tenno allowed them to be used as weapons (even as players, they're just part of you arsenal).

So these two lovers were selected to be Warframes and used by the Tenno, overriding their will and desires. It's really the Orokin at fault, but Stalker likely sees it as "If the Tenno did not exist x-y-z would not have happened."

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1 hour ago, AzureEon said:

Some things about the pregnancy. The Orokin would not allow such a thing as it goes against their sick desires of control.

Warframes being able to reproduce, would have them lose control of their "weapons", as well as them choosing whom becomes a Warframe and them playing into designing said Warframe. Think Protea, a designer Warframe for Parvos, imagine the poor soul used to accommodate his desire.  Babies would have random factors, this would upset the the Orokin for sure.


I guess you would need to infer why Stalker hates us (the Tenno) by what little story has been given. Warframes exist to be used (like it or not), the Tenno allowed them to be used as weapons (even as players, they're just part of you arsenal).

So these two lovers were selected to be Warframes and used by the Tenno, overriding their will and desires. It's really the Orokin at fault, but Stalker likely sees it as "If the Tenno did not exist x-y-z would not have happened."

The whole Romeo/Juliet aspect could be why too. I mean DE could retcon some stuff and have Stalker draw first blood during the Ascension ceremony and kicking off The Collapse. 

I mean, after this quest: He absolutely should have slaughtered them. Also that would just make The Collapse really compelling.

I hope we get to see it, I also hope we see this baby grow up and become a new character.

I mean I feel like they "retired" Stalker....my only complaint is we didn't get his blueprint or his helmet along with Jade since we do know that they can both be replicated. 

I really wished we got something a bit more from him.

Either that or when Stalker does eventually come back....he's going to be completely reworked.


Also apparently an "Easter egg" exists that can only be found if you play the event as Stalker....has anyone found it yet????

Edited by Cram_Duahcim
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7 hours ago, Peyji said:

This quest - once I recovered from the emotional damage - has gotten me thinking about the nature of the Stalker in comparison to Warframes, and has me remembering some of the really old lore as best as I can. Not in front of my PC right now so I might be getting some details wrong.


So, the very first Warframes (before the Tenno were used to control them) were describeberserker, failures, right? They were either feral berserkers, mentally unstable and unreliable, or just dead inside and catatonic, though some were functional enough for long enough that they were able to fight in the Old War.


So I'm thinking that these functional few Early Warframes became the Low Guardians. Not as capable as a Warframe with a Tenno in the driver's seat, but still functional enough to be useful to the Orokin. With Jade and Sorren, they were likely among the unwilling volunteers that were turned into the early Warframes, as punishment for their 'crime.' Arguably this was a better fate than being glassed by that sociopath Nihil.



If that's the lore, then it would've been nice if the story actually explored that. It would've made the quest a much more meaningful, impactful, and emotional story than the barebones shallow story they did. Players shouldn't have to make up their own stories for the story to be meaningful. The players are putting much more thought into this story than DE did.

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9 hours ago, Keithy55 said:

Jade became a warframe while pregnant - Less plausible but way more interesting

It's this, confirmed by audio logs in the quest itself. She was already expecting while human

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9 hours ago, (PSN)IdoThea said:

I think Corpus stopped shooting was more about that sister having motherly instinct after hearing baby. Corpus crewmen kept shooting until she kept shouting them to stop.

Strong mothering instincts to hear a baby over all that dakka.

9 hours ago, rapt0rman said:
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My understanding is that she was already pregnant before becoming a Warframe, and the change in physiology resulted in a thousand-or-so year gestation required to "naturally" create a Warframe.


Yes and the Fact that Ballas Probably found out she was pregnant and turned her into a WF for the lols.

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4 hours ago, ChaosDeluge said:

My trans girlfriend literally refuses to play the game now, because it's triggering to see pregnant women in missions everywhere in the game right now. I really don't understand why there's a trigger warning for the quest, but no way to skip it or to turn off this version of the character model.

I'm sorry but this its stupid, also seek professional help, the whole idea behind acceptance its accept, value and share our differences, if you cant handle a human being out of their condition, it means you need help to overcome whatever happens to you, so you can continue with your life.

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8 hours ago, VisionAndVoice said:

If anything it makes it even more baffling. He hates us for killing his Orokin masters? The same masters who turned his lover, who was pregnant with his unborn child, into a warframe? His head should've fallen off ages ago with all the screws he's missing.

Yea it was a pretty silly quest over all.

This was the Stalkers previous lore.


Some have walked these desolate worlds while you have slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember the day.

The Tenno appeared at the Terminus, gleaming and victorious. Our cold and gold Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. I watched from a distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent. They were waiting. They were poised. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.

When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever.

Now I hunt, dividing your numbers. Watching from that dark place, cataloging your sins, I am the ghost of retribution. You may forget but you are not innocent.



8 hours ago, Syrinq said:

did find it odd though that stalker's ''biosignature'' didn't read as a warframe, according to the quest at least. i'm still none the wiser about what he actually is LOL

He was retconned into a Warframe Hunter, basically like a Hunter from The Division series I guess. watch the watchmen Bioweapons and all that.


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6 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

He was never retconned. He's been a "Low Guardian" (which are NOT Tenno) since day one

When a Low Guardian becomes a Warframe Hunter, that's a retcon.

Edit to add.

'Low' Guardian really can not be word wrangled into anything important. Stalker was a nobody that got all sad the Orokin were killed.

Edited by L3512
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4 minutes ago, L3512 said:

When a Low Guardian becomes a Warframe Hunter, that's a retcon.

Idk when that happened in the quest though, he was called a Tenno-hunter because that's all they know of him.

You expect the corpus to have his entire backstory in a file somewhere when we barely know anything about him

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Just now, TARINunit9 said:

"Tenno Hunter" is just Corpus slang, not an official title

The information was taken to the Caption from and ensign after scans, A tenno hunter not THE  tenno hunter. I'd say you are wrong but maybe DE just #*!%ed up.

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4 hours ago, ChaosDeluge said:

My trans girlfriend literally refuses to play the game now, because it's triggering to see pregnant women in missions everywhere in the game right now. I really don't understand why there's a trigger warning for the quest, but no way to skip it or to turn off this version of the character model.

Skill issue. I'm refusing to play because of how pants-on-head stupid the writing of this quest is. D2 The Final Shape had better writing, and it character assassinated multiple characters.

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8 minutes ago, C11H22O1 said:

You expect the corpus to have his entire backstory in a file somewhere when we barely know anything about him

Somewhat yes. Parvos was around during the Orokin empire and also tried to acquire the Leverian. A smart writer would try to make the enemy factions dangerous by having active intelligence networks to counter the tenno with new or old tech. Given just how fast Xeto understood the use and need for Cortichrome this somewhat points to base level corpus captains being well informed about Warframe biology.

But alas I do not have confidence in the writing and everything was probably lazy exposition dump from character that really had no rights to know what they said.

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