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Ending is a bit odd?

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Are you Sirius? The Corpus just... stop? Because there's a baby? They suddenly have a conscience? And don't go "keep firing kill it while it's down!!!!" or say "is that a Warframe baby???? grab it so we can dissect and sell it!" Not even a "wait, is that the guy who's been getting revenge on our bosses? Cease fire our bad!" No, they just back off and let Stalker go with his rare and valuable Warframe baby... Felt very un-Corpus of them.

As for the rest, it feels like DE just wanted to add their own Baby Yoda.

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considering corpus are known for kidnapping children and infesting them with space cancer, just so they can then profit off of said space cancer, the corpus in this quest didn't feel corpus. it was a severe mood wiplash, to go from "Rip And Tear!" to whatever the mood ended on was jarring.

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It's not the entirety of the Corpus but a single ship captain and her ground crew that had a change of heart. I think it shows that humanity has not been stripped off all of the Corpus.


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I mean, a single captain that is a mother herself ceasing fire for a father of a baby is believable in lore, but that wasn't stated enough. Like, sure, she's a woman, but she's also a Corpus. The Sisterhood has nothing to do with motherhood , at least not automatically.

In fact, this isn't the only way the quest breaks the lore. Why would I, the Tenno, who's the equivalent of "I just work here" on the Warframe biology subject, know exactly what Jade needs to stay alive? Why don't we suggest taking her to the Helminth instead, the Stalker refuses, and the Helminth provides that info, so we can still save her?

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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Prexades said:

It's not the entirety of the Corpus but a single ship captain and her ground crew that had a change of heart. I think it shows that humanity has not been stripped off all of the Corpus.

Yeah but if you were taking a creative writing class your teacher would be like "ok, let's set this up earlier in the story so the plot makes sense". Some lines about Xeto being a mother, some of Xeto questioning Corpus doctrine and the Sisterhood, stuff like that. But nah just instant change of heart from the cultist of Grofit and all of her goons. I could see the Tenno acting this way, but with the Corpus, in the absence of any other hints or suggestions that they might be different or atypically moral, it comes off as forced. There's a lot more that could have been done even with the limited number of lines in this quest.

14 minutes ago, BalaDeSilver said:

Why would I, the Tenno, who's the equivalent of "I just work here" on the Warframe biology subject, know exactly what Jade needs to stay alive?

And like why does a random Corpus ship captain know that Bioplasma and Cortichrome are super important to Warframe health and healing? And why doesn't the great and terrible Hunhow know that Warframes are made of Infested stuff?

Edited by PublikDomain
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vor 45 Minuten schrieb PublikDomain:

Yeah but if you were taking a creative writing class your teacher would be like "ok, let's set this up earlier in the story so the plot makes sense". Some lines about Xeto being a mother, some of Xeto questioning Corpus doctrine and the Sisterhood, stuff like that. But nah just instant change of heart from the cultist of Grofit and all of her goons. I could see the Tenno acting this way, but with the Corpus, in the absence of any other hints or suggestions that they might be different or atypically moral, it comes off as forced. There's a lot more that could have been done even with the limited number of lines in this quest.

And like why does a random Corpus ship captain know that Bioplasma and Cortichrome are super important to Warframe health and healing? And why doesn't the great and terrible Hunhow know that Warframes are made of Infested stuff?

One of the moment I wish we would have the clown emote back.

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2 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

Well.. Pride Month indeed 

Wait... is Jade (from quest) male? Or was Stalker female? Otherwise I'm confused how PRide month has anything to do with this quest.

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5 minutes ago, Prexades said:

One of the moment I wish we would have the clown emote back.

No, that was a 🤓☝️ moment, and I do think they're right. This quest takes too much out of its rear end, despite the structure and overall arc being really good. Just the details and resolution didn't feel right with this one.

3 minutes ago, MouadSaqui said:

Well.. Pride Month indeed 

Also, what..? What does pride month has to do with any of this? Being a mother isn't a pride month thing...

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1 hour ago, BalaDeSilver said:

In fact, this isn't the only way the quest breaks the lore. Why would I, the Tenno, who's the equivalent of "I just work here" on the Warframe biology subject, know exactly what Jade needs to stay alive? Why don't we suggest taking her to the Helminth instead, the Stalker refuses, and the Helminth provides that info, so we can still save her?

Also why wouldn't the Helminth have everything on hand? I figured that they would have gone straight to the Helminth to heal Jade.

56 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Yeah but if you were taking a creative writing class your teacher would be like "ok, let's set this up earlier in the story so the plot makes sense". Some lines about Xeto being a mother, some of Xeto questioning Corpus doctrine and the Sisterhood, stuff like that. But nah just instant change of heart from the cultist of Grofit and all of her goons. I could see the Tenno acting this way, but with the Corpus, in the absence of any other hints or suggestions that they might be different or atypically moral, it comes off as forced. There's a lot more that could have been done even with the limited number of lines in this quest.

And like why does a random Corpus ship captain know that Bioplasma and Cortichrome are super important to Warframe health and healing? And why doesn't the great and terrible Hunhow know that Warframes are made of Infested stuff?

The final stand off being between Tenno and the Stalker would have made a lot more sense. They have been fighting for years and years, and the Tenno are known to be pretty empathetic. I could totally see a Loki, Mag, and Excalibur unloading some Bratons into the Stalker but then letting him go when they see a baby.

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9 minutes ago, Snowbluff said:

I could totally see a Loki, Mag, and Excalibur unloading some Bratons into the Stalker but then letting him go when they see a baby.

But you have to have other Tenno characters for that :P

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16 minutes ago, quxier said:

Wait... is Jade (from quest) male? Or was Stalker female? Otherwise I'm confused how PRide month has anything to do with this quest.

Correlation to pride month being attributed to woke writers and agenda warping things which cause a lot of pop culture to end up as failed products.  To not derail the topic I'm going to refute this and just state it was really a case of terrible writing because they either rushed or said screw it.  To answer your question no, Jade is a woman and Sorren is a male and I'm going to assume Jade was pregnant when they were both taken and likely forcibly turned into warframes.  Which is worse to think about when you actually sit and try not to have an aneurism with this quest.

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3 minutes ago, Boghadir said:

Correlation to pride month being attributed to woke writers and agenda warping things which cause a lot of pop culture to end up as failed products.

Is it about the Hunhussy?

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1 minute ago, PublikDomain said:

Is it about the Hunhussy?

At this point Hunhow may as well be called Spacedad because he's the only character thinking past 5 minutes and caring about others.


Addendum, the quest is a fathers day quest because the Stalker and Hunhow are dads.

Edited by Boghadir
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1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

And like why does a random Corpus ship captain know that Bioplasma and Cortichrome are super important to Warframe health and healing? And why doesn't the great and terrible Hunhow know that Warframes are made of Infested stuff?

Well, it's presumably common knowledge amongst the Corpus by now that Warframes are made of infested material, and Bioplasma is presumably a generic - if valuable - medical product. Since Stalker is also a Warframe, well. "This Warframe wants a medical product and infested flesh. Oh, they're probably trying to heal another Warframe!" isn't a huge leap.

As for Hunhow, he probably does know, but doesn't know what specific stuff is useful.


Ultimately I did like the quest, but there's definitely notes to be had.

21 minutes ago, Snowbluff said:

The final stand off being between Tenno and the Stalker would have made a lot more sense. They have been fighting for years and years, and the Tenno are known to be pretty empathetic. I could totally see a Loki, Mag, and Excalibur unloading some Bratons into the Stalker but then letting him go when they see a baby.

Given that we were helping them, I was expecting our Tenno to jump in. Could have made a nice mirror to the earlier setpiece with Jade protecting Stalker.

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The whole thing felt truncated; as if there were bits missing to help expand on this story and have the meaning and theme have more impact.
I was a bit confused why the Operator had knowledge about Warframe biology and then it hit me during the first mission: the Vitruvian! We got the codices about Warframes back in The Sacrifice. So it would make sense they would have an understanding of Warframes from that.


1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

Yeah but if you were taking a creative writing class your teacher would be like "ok, let's set this up earlier in the story so the plot makes sense". Some lines about Xeto being a mother, some of Xeto questioning Corpus doctrine and the Sisterhood, stuff like that. But nah just instant change of heart from the cultist of Grofit and all of her goons. I could see the Tenno acting this way, but with the Corpus, in the absence of any other hints or suggestions that they might be different or atypically moral, it comes off as forced. There's a lot more that could have been done even with the limited number of lines in this quest.


I do agree with this. Having just a possible implication (her reaction and actions when ordering the cease fire) doesn't really fit by itself. It's like there could've been something there to establish her own motherhood and she could relate. It all just seems rushed or like the team had to cut things down. Leaves me feeling iffy about the whole narrative.

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All Xeto really needed was an empassioned and tortured sounding "...I could never harm a child..." type line, and that would go a long way to accepting their ceasefire.  Sure it's implied - but for a Corpus to stand down like that... over something so valuable.... you have to give her a more plausible reason than that she hears a baby cry.

The whole quest felt like a good idea that we only got a small portion of in a quest.  It felt like they rushed to get it out so they didn't have time to put half the story into it, which is a shame.  I'd prefer longer wait between quests and have those quests more fulfilling.

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I was expecting Tenno to blast the corpus and enable stalker to escape. Or Hunhow doing something. But corpus just stop because there is some baby-thing as if they aren't bar-coding children in fortuna and selling their limbs and organs everyday.


Edited by Redrigoth
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Yeah, the ending was odd, especially with the Corpus of all factions. They are the same who repo children's body parts in Fortuna, so seeing them so respectful don't feel right. And it's not only restricted to Fortuna or only a weird fetish of Nef Anyo since all Corpus ship across the System are on capture duty of Solaris folks for repo.

Actually, i would have expected this behavior more from the Grineer: their genetic degeneration, generation after generation, could very well birth the desire for some semblance of normality in them, and thus have some sort of respect for a new life that's not (totally) twisted, or at the very least that look in good health.

But here, nothing set up the fact that the Corpus (or at the very least this specific crew) could have this reverence for Life.

Edited by Yulfan
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Yeah - I get the emotional beats and arc it's supposed to hit, but it just needed a bit more setup. I think having a Corpus not shoot children isn't out of question - we've seen high-ranking Corpus like Vala having some morals. It's a decent story and should work, especially with introducing a new named Corpus.

But a voice line here or there to just establish her as one of the "Corpus with some scruples" would've made it all a bit smoother. And to be honest, this has always been a problem with the shorter, non-"cinematic" Warframe quests: they are very compressed and the characters rarely get the time to "breathe".

Edited by EtherPigeon
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People need to remember that Anyo Corp. does not represent all Corpus.

I doubt that OKLU Technical, Inc. are interested in taking the limbs off people considering they are just a database management company. The only Corpus leader we've seen to directly take pleasure in kidnapping and directly ruining peoples lives is Nef Anyo. Nef is responsible for both the abduction of myconian children and the suffering in Fortuna. Judging by his dialogue during index missions, some of Fortuna's residents might just be former brokers.


On another note, she's not the first Corpus to have a change of heart.

  1. During the prerequisite quest we see Veso-R literally going against the orders he received from his boss(Salad5) and sacrificing himself(alongside what remained of the ship's crew + Alad) for what could be described as mere hope of victory in the war.
  2. The Perin Sequence is made of Corpus defectors.
  3. The Myconian people.


Another consideration for why the order to stop firing was given is that as profitable as taking that child for themselves would have been, the risk of injuring/killing them far outweighs any benefit of taking said action. Especially when you remember what a distraction looks like to the Tenno(V Prime Incident).

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