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Very Stupid Idea

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Probably that would require an in-depth code rework considering "no-health = dead" is likely the very foundation of the game. :laugh:

If such Warframe has to exist, I guess it'll have 1 HP for that reason

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8 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

Maybe they can use energy as health.... have crazy shields too so the energy can be considered a failsafe
I like it

I remember this one video I saw where one dude used energy depletion as damage reduction.

1 minute ago, Tesla_Reloaded said:

Health represents status of a body. A warframe without health is equal to a warframe without body. So it'd be a ghost warframe.

Not gonna lie that sounds like a cool concept

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This actually sounds very very interesting , I have a continuation to this ,so bear with me.

The "frame" in question , is effectively made of energy , it cannot weild weapons or gear by itself in the material world. It has innate energy regen with very high max energy (say 600) by default 

But what it can do is possess creatures in the material world, when possessed the creature changes to the material from of the warframe. It now has health that keeps depleting over time.

The frame is continuously losing energy while controlling the body as well , but every kill regens it's health and energy.

When "killed " it goes back to its energy states and needs to find a body again.

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-Looks at title- ...hold my beer...

Mechanically, what the original idea seems to be be is just Hildryn on steroids: not much for health, but substantially higher of a secondary resource (shields in this case) that also double as an offensive resource.  We also have another idea floating of constant energy drain to maintain their existence, but it'd have to bring some kind of failsafe for places with no mobs to damage or make use of as well as to keep it from going against the lore of warframes being self-sustaining energy sources.

If we want a stupid idea, how about a frame with 10 health with immunity to all direct damage and only taking 1 damage per tick from status effects and maybe negative terrain effects?

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2 hours ago, Aruquae said:

Maybe they can use energy as health.... have crazy shields too so the energy can be considered a failsafe
I like it

One magnetic proc later~

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What I hear @(PSN)CUInc : "I propose a concept is a warframe in permanent Bleed out state !!!  crawling the whole mission ..."

me : 🤣


Most Frame* : Bleed Out State > Health > Armor > Shield > Energyabilities

Inaros type : Bleed Out State > Health boost > Armor > Shield > Energyabilities

Hildryn type : Bleed Out State > Health > Armor > Shieldabilities> Energyabilities


Most concepts in warframe are more having an alternate power for abilities and less having no shield/energy. => ya misunderstood the whole concept

Thus having no health is a finality that is already achieve in Inaros useless-to-me bleed out state. => no health is terrible and useless


How it could be done great is having a Warframe that can benefit from loosing all health instead of just having no health ....

One may imagine a Warframe with 4 abilities linked to their 4 characteristics

  • The more Energy you loose/use, the stronger your 1 ability become or charge up
  • The more Shield you loose, the stronger your 2 ability become or charge up
  • The more Armor you loose/use, the stronger your 3 ability become or charge up
  • The more Health you loose, the stronger your 4 ability become or charge up
  1. Loosing all of Health | Armor | Shield | Energy, activate the linked abilities
  2. You have no Bleed Out State, but an Ultimate Exalted mode instead,
  3. ...

(*) Lavos is just replace Energy with timer so it's a variant of the standard one...

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Yeah, it's kinda stupid, OP...

And it has to do with how the game is coded; Health is a required function of objects in Warframe. If you can break it, it has a Health value. Chests? Health. The little boxes that those annoying Corpus guys carry Granum Crowns in? Health.

So as far as I know, you can't actually create a Warframe that has no Health, only one that has as low as 1 Health.

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I could see this working, just give it 10 HP or something under the shield. Its passive also has to include that no damage can penetrate the shield (and not just when its got overshield like hildryn, but always) or toxin will just one shot it at any level.

Edited by Vahenir
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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

This actually sounds very very interesting , I have a continuation to this ,so bear with me.

The "frame" in question , is effectively made of energy , it cannot weild weapons or gear by itself in the material world. It has innate energy regen with very high max energy (say 600) by default 

But what it can do is possess creatures in the material world, when possessed the creature changes to the material from of the warframe. It now has health that keeps depleting over time.

The frame is continuously losing energy while controlling the body as well , but every kill regens it's health and energy.

When "killed " it goes back to its energy states and needs to find a body again.

Doesn’t sound like a bad idea, but how does it die? When it’s energy reaches 0?

Edited by (PSN)CUInc
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3 hours ago, (PSN)CUInc said:

Doesn’t sound like a bad idea, but how does it die? When it’s energy reaches 0?

Yeah , two seperate possible deaths ,

There is no " bleedout" state for this frame, so it cannot be revived by allies in the traditional sense when the possessed body dies.

When immaterial , the frame has shields that hold its form (attached so a single HP object like a mask perhaps?). When the shield is depleted (by damage) it starts losing energy ,when energy reaches zero you die.



Probably need to mix in some invisibility and high dodge /evasion form similar to ivara /barruk to make it reasonable.

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15 hours ago, RLanzinger said:

What I hear @(PSN)CUInc : "I propose a concept is a warframe in permanent Bleed out state !!!  crawling the whole mission ..."

me : 🤣


Most Frame* : Bleed Out State > Health > Armor > Shield > Energyabilities

Inaros type : Bleed Out State > Health boost > Armor > Shield > Energyabilities

Hildryn type : Bleed Out State > Health > Armor > Shieldabilities> Energyabilities


Most concepts in warframe are more having an alternate power for abilities and less having no shield/energy. => ya misunderstood the whole concept

Thus having no health is a finality that is already achieve in Inaros useless-to-me bleed out state. => no health is terrible and useless


How it could be done great is having a Warframe that can benefit from loosing all health instead of just having no health ....

One may imagine a Warframe with 4 abilities linked to their 4 characteristics

  • The more Energy you loose/use, the stronger your 1 ability become or charge up
  • The more Shield you loose, the stronger your 2 ability become or charge up
  • The more Armor you loose/use, the stronger your 3 ability become or charge up
  • The more Health you loose, the stronger your 4 ability become or charge up
  1. Loosing all of Health | Armor | Shield | Energy, activate the linked abilities
  2. You have no Bleed Out State, but an Ultimate Exalted mode instead,
  3. ...

(*) Lavos is just replace Energy with timer so it's a variant of the standard one...

I did say it was stupid

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I think I like idea of your Health actually BEING your Energy a lot more. 

I had an old concept for an Entrati-themed Warframe named Amphora with that as a concept, she would use her own mechanical constructs like Sentinels, a Rampart and her own Necramech to avoid damage. If you get enough kills your next ability is free!

Similar to Entrati weapons, kills actually gave her Health and Energy at the same time, but Orbs just healed her for a larger amount and gave no Energy, while normal Energy Regen options became healing instead.

If you have a Warframe with just 1 Health as a concept, I'd try and go the Mesmer Skin route and make it so they actually work on a hit-based system. They'd have Dodge and full damage immunity mechanics, with immunity to things like Toxin or Slash to help make them unique.

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we have Hildryn...
and I find the whole thing really boring... it's time for PvP mode like in Diablo2. So a 5th player can join public matches and get on other people's nerves, camp around corners and attack other players. Maybe even steal their resources like a lich. That brings real action.

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15 minutes ago, KRYPTR0N said:

A warframe with 1 HP and a trillion armor

Not necessarily. Could be Hildryn-like - relying on Shields. Could be a new kind of Warframe, having its "Health Points" be Energy instead, as you can have a similar situation with Quick Thinking today. It would definitely need a passive that allow it to ignore or reduce Magnetic procs, Infested's energy drain on hit or Nightmare's energy drain modifier though.

But I think it could still work.

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12 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Not necessarily. Could be Hildryn-like - relying on Shields. Could be a new kind of Warframe, having its "Health Points" be Energy instead, as you can have a similar situation with Quick Thinking today. It would definitely need a passive that allow it to ignore or reduce Magnetic procs, Infested's energy drain on hit or Nightmare's energy drain modifier though.

But I think it could still work.


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