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Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.4


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2 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Can you demonstrate your build? The intent is that the one-time armor scaled bonus is based on YOUR armor, not theirs.  To test, I set up a high strength Frost build with Arcane Guardian, walked up to a Moa, and got over 1000 overguard from Avalanching the single Moa. Same thing with a Charger. 😕

DE-letion of my posts will not help, I will keep asking until it's returned.

I once again ask you to revert this change sine it actually makes it harder to see what effects are on an enemy

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Il y a 2 heures, [DE]Momaw a dit :

Can you demonstrate your build? The intent is that the one-time armor scaled bonus is based on YOUR armor, not theirs.  To test, I set up a high strength Frost build with Arcane Guardian, walked up to a Moa, and got over 1000 overguard from Avalanching the single Moa. Same thing with a Charger. 😕

I have tested it in Simulacrum.
I have tested with 20 enemies, If it's corpus (not tested with infested yet) I gain the correct amount of overgard for the flat part (the value before the patch). If it's Grineer, the first cast give me the same value + the correct % (of our armor) from the new buff. But after that Grineer lose their armor and if I recast it again, I gain the base value per enemies without the new %.

I have tested it multiple time because the gains was very different one after another. I will try to do some more tomorrow

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The Icy Avalanche buff is nice, but please fix the interaction with map voids and nullifiers. Stacking the overguard still requires a much more substantial time and energy investment than other sources of Overguard. Trolly map geometry and jumpscare nullifiers don't affect most other sources of Overguard, so Frost's shouldn't function any differently, especially when there are extremely similar sources of it, like Intrepid Stand and Healing Flame. I also think that Snowglobe's interaction with nullifiers should be looked at. Maybe just give it an extremely fast exponential health drain. That'll allow us to at least keep some of our Snowglobe's HP for eliminating the threat. That 1 million cap is not easy to get to.

Edited by Tiwarsouu
Augment misname and better wording
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Can we make frost immune to cold procs? It seems a bit silly that the cold themed warframe, who can freeze an entire room instantly, is vulnerable to cold.

Similarly if you want to take it one step further... Ember with heat procs, Mag with magnetic, Volt/Gyre with electric... Doesn't make sense that frame that catches itself on fire suddenly hurts if an enemy does it. Shocky frames getting shocked, etc.

This has been a great update, and I really appreciate all the QOL changes you all have added. Just wanted to say thanks for addressing a lot of issues that the community has voiced for some time now. You all did great, thanks.

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9 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Fixed several script errors caused by Frost’s Snow Globe. 

I hope this means it no longer makes Vauban's Bastille fizzle and still take energy when cast inside snow globe, but I'm guessing it doesn't since that's a fairly important point that would have been mentioned. ☹️

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7 hours ago, PyroMail.Com said:

Since the thread I posted this got locked due to no longer relevant I post it here again.

When I try to mod my Tenet Plinx (radiation progenitor) with another element, the element fuses with one of the elements radiation is made. When I insert cold it changes to blast electricity instead of radiation cold.

Is this intended or have you changed elemental modding behaviour?


Tenet plinx does heat by default, without a progenitor. The innate heat is combining with cold to make blast. Are you sure its a radiation progenitor and not an electric? Electric progenitor would end up with blast and electric with a cold mod I think. Without any mods the innate heat would combine with the progenitor electric to make radiation.

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9 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Reduced the intensity/noise of the VFX behind Warframe when selecting Energy colors in Arsenal.

I likely will not notice this change until Status Effects inherit Energy Color again.

Genuinely what is the point of changing Energy Color on the majority of weapons which have no VFX?
Even Warframe abilities are lackluster when their energy color does not inflict a matching status.


  • Status Effects no longer inherit Energy Colors, so players can more easily identify when an enemy is affected by a Status Effect.

Please revert this. It is hurting my experience, not helping it.

I understand this was done for one of two reasons:
1. So you could see which enemies are affected by Jade's 3, as it covers them in a highlight that matches your Energy color, but this ruins the aesthetic of statuses for the other 56 frames in the game.

2. There was not enough time to make the new Status VFX inherit Energy Colors, so you just shipped it and called it an intended feature so you never had to fix it. I would really like to give you more credit than this.

Edited by FaraTenno
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2 hours ago, Messkoo said:

If it's Grineer, the first cast give me the same value + the correct % (of our armor) from the new buff. But after that Grineer lose their armor and if I recast it again, I gain the base value per enemies without the new %.

The bonus Overguard based on your armor is a one time bonus. You only get it the first time an enemy is hit by Avalanche. Repeated casts against an enemy already hit by Avalanche will only grant the 60 Overguard portion.

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9 часов назад, CFandCo сказал:

Personally even if it was a bug I thought it was kind of cool that this was happening. It was like a very small added benefit of using the Globe and staying put.

Would be cool if we ever got it as an augment for frost. Or for Hound, but with it spawning Volt's shield.

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9 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Changed Frost’s “Icy Avalanche” Augment Mod (stats shown at Max Rank) to improve its Overguard capacities:

  • Now: Allies within Affinity Range are coated with ice that grants 60 Overguard per enemy hit. Overguard increases by 20% of your Armor once per enemy.
  • Previous: Coat nearby allies with ice that grants Overguard and absorbs 60 damage per enemy hit. 


9 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:
  • Fixed a script error caused by using Frost’s Freeze to shatter Snow Globe. 
  • Fixed several script errors caused by Frost’s Snow Globe. 

Thanks for the frost buff and fixes, but the biggest issues with snow globe, ice wave and avalanche are still present, I know there are other warframes that are in way more need of attention ( chroma for example ) but since this rework was just released I'm getting everything out before frost goes dark. I know there is no time to fix every little issue and nitpick and that is why I made a video featuring the main issues that impact frost performance. So when there is time to spare it would be nice to see these fixed.


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11 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Changed Frost’s “Icy Avalanche” Augment Mod (stats shown at Max Rank) to improve its Overguard capacities:

  • Now: Allies within Affinity Range are coated with ice that grants 60 Overguard per enemy hit. Overguard increases by 20% of your Armor once per enemy.
  • Previous: Coat nearby allies with ice that grants Overguard and absorbs 60 damage per enemy hit. 


Wow, thank you!  It's about time.  His Overguard capabilities were always a little pathetic, and now he's amazing.

11 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Fixed Ordis’ Operation store being available in Drifter Camp after talking to Kahl. 

  • Worth noting that once Operation: Belly of the Beast ends, Ordis will relocate to the Drifter Camp and offer his wares there. 


Can we have him floating around the Orbiter, too?  

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Still waiting for the Viral stat to be fixed, cannot even use most of my builds because of Viral not dealing DoT.

Currently the only stats that still work for DoT are: Slash, Heat, Electricity, Toxin, & Gas.

The only conclusion I can see where it became broken is the introduction of the Rifle Elementalist mod, in which the working DoT stats still function while Viral becomes broken and no longer deals damage except by hit damage, as the mod only affect the above mentioned stats which does not include Viral.

Edited by OtherACTION
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Sigh....Magnetize is still broken with blood alter. This hasn't been acknowledged anywhere, so we probably won't get a fix in the next year. Need community uproar to really achieve anything.

Really the only build I play these days. I'll just check in next patch to see if I can play Mag with Blood Alter.😒


Edited by Athuis
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17 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Ascension Changes & Fixes: 

  • Elevator speed boost time from Boosted Ionic Charges now stack when throwing multiple at the Extraction Capsule at once (up to a max of 50 seconds). 
    • The elevator UI has also been updated to indicate the speed boosts and duration. You can now more clearly see how Ionic Charges affect the elevator. 



With the elevator speed boost going faster can we please get a global pickup for mods in this game mode, things move along quite fast and the screen is so cluttered with container icons that it's easy to miss a mod dropping, like the system Void Plumes have, when one person finds them and picks it up everyone gets them, we need that in this new game mode.

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Il y a 11 heures, Arbitrary a dit :

The bonus Overguard based on your armor is a one time bonus. You only get it the first time an enemy is hit by Avalanche. Repeated casts against an enemy already hit by Avalanche will only grant the 60 Overguard portion.

Ok, my assumption was that the one time bonus was per cast and under the effect of the power (cold proc from avalanche) not the life time of the enemies.

EDIT : There is still somewhere a bug, it seems Frost keep a portion of  his armor gained with his passive even when there is no enemies around or cold status effects. It' a good bug because we are buffed, but it's still a bug (for me).
What I have tested :
1st try : Spawn 20 enemies - use 4th power, the gain is ok (8332 OG) - kill all - spawn another 20 - use 4th, the gain is greater (around 12k OG for a total around 20k)

2d try : Equip arcane Battery to have a buff icone showing a number around 190 (depending of our armor) - spawn 20 enemies - use 4th, OG gain ok,  passive armor 1000, arcane battery icone showing a number around 400 - waiting the end of cold status effects or runing out of range or killing all, the passive armor icone disappears, but the icone of arcane batterie is not reverted to around 190 but between 200 and 400, i don't have always the same numbers. And if I recast 4th power with new enemies the gain is more than the initial 8332.


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15 hours ago, Khalami said:

Boar Incarnon has horrible charge time, This screen shows charge amount after killing enemy with a headshot. Post to this problem showed in more detail.RHqmKyn.png

Intentional, unfortunately.

Some while back they disallowed getting incarnon charge from hitting corpses.
This absolutely murdered charging incarnon with high damage multishot weapons.

For example: Your Boar shoots 20 pellets.
2 of the pellets hit, giving charge and killing your target.
The other 18 pellets are wasted, hitting a 'corpse', and give no charge.

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