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Why does Gloom have 95% Slowdown?


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Okay, so let's recap on this travesty of an ability.

We have...

  • A channeled ability that is subsumable.
    •  The ONLY subsumable channeled ability at that.
  • Affects every enemy in a given range, increasing the energy cost a paltry amount.
    • This effect has no line-of-sight and will affect a target unless they are outright immune to abilities.
    • Targets of such include Eximus, Wolf of Saturn Six, Nullifiers, etc.
  • Gives two major effects: Lifesteal to allies, slowness to Enemies.
    • Lifesteal is basically insta-regen to all health because 1% of 1mil is going to be enough no matter what.
    • Slowness of to 95%, borderline frozen in place. (We'll put a pin in that for later.)
  • The area it effects slowly expands as the ability is active.
  • SEVAGOTH ONLY: Provides a mediocre amount of gauge for his Shadow.

Okay, so-- everyone caught up on the ability? Good?


Alright cool.

I cannot stress this enough, 95% slowdown! On ALL ENEMIES within a set zone?!
A zone of which can easily fit an entire room given enough Ability Range-- and everybody will be using at least SOME kind of range!

Look, I get it. Slowdown abilities aren't anything new.
We had Molecular Prime that hits a certain zone, Wyrd Scythes can ALSO hit insane slowness.
Molecular Prime changes the Lifesteal for a 50% Damage Vulnerabilty Debuff on enemies, they also explode on death. It also has a lower cap on the Slow debuff at 75%.
Wyrd Scythes, Ophanim Eyes, etc. also don't work on the entire room. They work on a select few enemies. Ones you're already working on.

Oh, so why is it an issue? Because those same abilities that aren't Gloom don't slow EVERYTHING down to a crawl!
Defense Missions are a slog already. We don't need enemies to take even longer to show up.
At least with the other abilities, they'd be softened up. Maybe even set for a cool cascade effect with things like Molecular Prime.
Gloom doesn't do that. It ONLY slows.

Survivability is a common excuse I hear. Yeah, you'll survive better since nothing can shoot at you.
... at the cost of extreme boredom because nothing will happen and nothing CAN happen.
(Let's not pretend anyone with Shields active- of which is a majority of the roster- is actually using that Health Regen.)
There's nothing to do, nothing to outwit, you win. Congrats, you just win. Period. Slowly, painfully, not an ounce of fun-- but you win!


If you want to survive without annoying everyone else by clogging up spawns in a given room?
We have...

  • Condemn: Locks enemies where they stand in a given line, hoists their heads up visibly and replenishes your Shields.
    • You know what's better than a slow-moving target? One that doesn't move at all.
    • You can run out of Shields, but you can't run out of Health. Condemn just buffers your defenses even more than Gloom ever could.
    • Costs only 25 Energy too. That is crazy cheap.
  • Quiver: Creates a bubble of invisibility where it lands. Standing in the bubble makes you invisible.
    • ... do I need to explain why invisibility is broken? No, I don't.
    • Yes, you may have to stand still if you lack range. That's why you RECAST.
      • Plus, I know many of you don't parkour enough to use that excuse of "moving".
  • Radial Blind: Flashbangs the enemy, locking them in place and opening them to finishers.
    • Same idea as Gloom, better results and less intrusive.
  • Shooting Gallery: Boosted damage, jams guns of nearby enemies. (Stuns Melee units)
    • Add respective augment to turn it into Radial Blind with extra damage.
    • Also boosts allies, regardless of distance.

And that's just the subsumable options I can remember off of memory.
Don't even get me started on how using Shivering Contagion on Verglas just shuts down nearly everything completely.
Most things can't block Verglas anyway because it's not an ability. Cold procs just do that.


But the biggest thing above all of this?
These options don't consistently effect the entire room.
Some may be instant-cast and effect the room, but none lock it down.
Even Nova's Molecular Prime has a short lifespan and a costly upkeep. (Notice how I keep mentioning it? I have to make sure the idea sticks.)
We have options, but Gloom remains the top-tier because it's braindead and people refuse to try new things.
The fact of the matter is: The only way to get people to stop using Gloom in a detrimental way... is to take it away from them.
They'll likely complain, but you know what? They had their fun, time to patch the ability that functions more like an exploit than a tactic. Saves me the Tylenol.


So, can we please nerf Gloom's slowdown when in the Helminth at least?
About down to 20% Slow-Cap should be more than enough. Only go higher if you make the Energy Cost from it being active DRAMATICALLY more hungry.
If we're feeling extra nice that day? Nerfing Sevagoth's Gloom directly to a 40% cap on the slow would be stellar. No more than that, otherwise it doesn't do enough.


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Why? Because the primary function of the effect is the slowdown. It is called Gloom. It is meant to be a drag. 

I agree that the effect is highly disruptive in non-coordinated play - but I would say it's no more disruptive than Nova. The issue is that Defense's mission structure is so easily disrupted by mechanics that other video games have conditioned us to think are important for defending objectives. The issue is that the goal of Defense is to defeat waves of enemies.

I disagree with your assessment that the cost is paltry. The point is simply that you're very unlikely to pick Gloom on a low efficiency build. Sevagoth in general likes efficiency as he has other drains/spammable spells. This is why Gloom's cost seems trivial. (Heck, since you only actually pay energy to slow enemies - I have Gloom builds with low-range so that I can avoid paying for it entirely. The lifesteal is free.)

But since we're unlikely to see core gameplay changes to the mission types: I think the issue with Gloom is not that it needs a nerf but rather that Sevagoth needs something similar to negative-strength Nova that allows him to have high-range/high-efficiency builds without automatically being disruptive. Players quickly learn from other players to avoid disruptive behaviour. But imagine the scenario: I want to provide utility to my team (lifesteal) but I don't want to be disruptive. There's currently no way to achieve this, since range-to-affect-allies is also range-to-affect-enemies. In my own suggestion, I proposed we need a Gloom augments such as: 

  • Lingering Gloom augment: Gloom is no longer a radial aura. Instead, activating Gloom drains 50 energy to affect a 5-16m-radius area. Sevagoth can maintain up to 3 zones.
  • Gloom and Doom augment: Gloom's radial aura no longer applies a slow to enemies. Allies within the aura will now apply a 25-35% slow on-damage and generate 1.3% Death Well for Sevagoth on-kill. 
  • Gloom Aura augment: Sevagoth and allies within Affinity Range gain 1-5% lifesteal. Activating Gloom drains 50 energy to apply a 25-35% slow to enemies within 16m. 
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il y a 3 minutes, Mazifet a dit :

If gloom is nerfed then by extension the funny 99% slow equinox build is also nerfed so no

I was thinking really hard about it : but while Gloom slow is capped at 95%, Peaceful Provocation slow is capped at 80% (the damage reduction isn't).

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1 hour ago, Binket_ said:
  • Affects every enemy in a given range, increasing the energy cost a paltry amount.

Yeah, but it adds with 1+2 and:


Not sure about Rage & co as you shouldn't get hit to health

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

lright cool.

I cannot stress this enough, 95% slowdown! On ALL ENEMIES within a set zone?!
A zone of which can easily fit an entire room given enough Ability Range-- and everybody will be using at least SOME kind of range!

All enemies except e.g. Eximus that that you previously mentioned. That enemy (like nullies) can be big part of room.

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

The fact of the matter is: The only way to get people to stop using Gloom in a detrimental way... is to take it away from them.

If your game starts to take few times more than needed then people will stop using it. I've not seen many Gloom & related users.

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:


So, can we please nerf Gloom's slowdown when in the Helminth at least?
About down to 20% Slow-Cap should be more than enough.

What is 20%? It's nothing. If you want nerf, nerf other aspect that doesn't define ability. If ability that slows down doesn't slow down anymore then it's useless.

1 hour ago, Binket_ said:



1 hour ago, Binket_ said:

Only go higher if you make the Energy Cost from it being active DRAMATICALLY more hungry.

So what? 10x? 75 energy per second, ~750 energy with Primed flow (don't care about exact number). That's 10 seconds and you have no energy.

7.5 energy gives you like 100 seconds BUT you need to cast other abilities: 1+2. Both cost 75 afair. Just 2 casts of 1+2 would reduce time via 20% (from 100 to 80).



Slow is not best thing. In the end you need to kill enemies. We have much better (and more braindead) options.

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Nova already has room-wide speed change and does so cheaper than Sevagoth. If Gloom is a problem, then air your grievances with Nova.

Gloom's slow is actually kind of bad because it nukes your energy pool while anything is affected by Gloom, be it the slow or lifesteal.

Also: Gloom has an effect cap. After a certain number of enemies, it stops appplying to them.

Edited by Flannoit
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No need to be so gloomy about it.

Cracking Up Lol GIF by The Bachelorette

Also pretty sure Gloom has a slow effect for idiots like me who can't aim if our lives depended on it.  Oh, and it gives allies lifesteal, so there's that too.  Just be glad that I didn't feel like being a sadist and build my shiny new Sevy Prime with max range so I can slow a whole room while using his newer augment to apply the dot from Sow via shadow's third ability since energy management is never an issue on it thanks to Preparation.

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I don't think it's actually true, but I often think "All CC abilities died for Gloom's sins" when talking about Overguard.

1 hour ago, Flannoit said:

Nova already has room-wide speed change and does so cheaper than Sevagoth. If Gloom is a problem, then air your grievances with Nova.

Molecular Prime is capped at 75%.   Enemies slowed to 75% are quite slow, it's true.  But enemies slowed to 90 or 95% are comically, ludicrously slow, and completely helpless.

The real kick in the pants is Gloom can be put on any frame though.

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2 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

I don't think it's actually true, but I often think "All CC abilities died for Gloom's sins" when talking about Overguard.

Molecular Prime is capped at 75%.   Enemies slowed to 75% are quite slow, it's true.  But enemies slowed to 90 or 95% are comically, ludicrously slow, and completely helpless.

The real kick in the pants is Gloom can be put on any frame though.

Gloom is not as powerful as you guys seem to think it is. I literally remove Gloom from Sevagoth because it drains so much that it prevents him from doing any other part of his kit that isn't his 4.

It's useful on other frames that can ignore the energy drain ramping, like Garuda or Nekros, but most frames can't support the intense energy drain it has. Even Protea can't - Gloom drains so hard and so fast that she can't keep up even with a constantly active Dispensary.

And then again - it has a hard cap of 10 enemies. Everything past the 10th enemy will not be affected by the slow at all. That severely diminishes its usefulness in harder missions or as missions get longer especially with Eximus units having innate CC immunity. And no, Overguard does not exist to counter Gloom, Overguard exists to counter ALL warframes being instakill powerhouses.

THe slow also falls off fast when you, again, take in account you spend a humongous amount of energy upkeeping Gloom.

Gloom also does not, in any shape or form, refund ANY energy used, since it doesn't generate either health or energy orbs natively any energy spent is irreversibly gone, so its upkeep is actually pretty difficult as missions go on unless if you, again, rely on his 4 for most of his gameplay... Which right now, is actually a weaker than playing Sevagoth himself.

GLoom also pauses ALL forms of self-energy regen while an enemy is affected, so you can't even rely on your local Limbo or energy pizzas to keep it up forever unless if you manage to actually either give yourself space from enemies or deactivate it and reset its range.

And then there's the fact that you need INTENSE range stacking to actually get enough range on Gloom for it to cover an entire room that's not the size of a bathroom, which then means you're sacrificing space you could be using on Strength or Efficiency. Strength you can bypass using Archon Shards, but efficiency you can't meaning you have to smartly contend for whether or not your build will even be able to have the energy economy to BE a room-stopper, but you can just build Sevagoth to be a room-nuker instead and not care.

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3 minutes ago, Flannoit said:

And then again - it has a hard cap of 10 enemies. Everything past the 10th enemy will not be affected by the slow at all.

It has a hard cap of 10 enemies worth of extra energy drain, Tenno.  Not a cap on enemies affected.

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1 minute ago, Tiltskillet said:

It has a hard cap of 10 enemies worth of extra energy drain, Tenno.  Not a cap on enemies affected.

No, it's both. I have used Sevagoth for ages, and Gloom's slow stops working past the 10th enemy. I don't know if that part was intended, but that's the behavior I observe as a Sevagoth main.

Edited by Flannoit
Edited cos the lifesteal works regardless
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27 minutes ago, Flannoit said:

No, it's both. I have used Sevagoth for ages, and Gloom's slow stops working past the 10th enemy. I don't know if that part was intended, but that's the behavior I observe as a Sevagoth main.

Mind telling me which of these 20 enemies aren't slowed then?

In case it's not obvious, the amount of enemies that Gloom can affect isn't capped.

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27 minutes ago, Flannoit said:

No, it's both. I have used Sevagoth for ages, and Gloom's slow stops working past the 10th enemy. I don't know if that part was intended, but that's the behavior I observe as a Sevagoth main.

That's odd. 

It never works past 10 enemies?  Or it's erratic?   And you're sure the cap is exactly 10?

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22 minutes ago, Arbitrary said:

Mind telling me which of these 20 enemies aren't slowed then?

In case it's not obvious, the amount of enemies that Gloom can affect isn't capped.


20 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

That's odd. 

It never works past 10 enemies?  Or it's erratic?   And you're sure the cap is exactly 10?

Maybe it's just one of the many, many, many things in warframe that "just works" 🤔

Nonetheless, the point still stands that Gloom nukes energy pools making it horribly ineffective on frames that don't have a powerful source of energy regen like Nekros or Garuda

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29 minutes ago, Flannoit said:

Nonetheless, the point still stands that Gloom nukes energy pools making it horribly ineffective on frames that don't have a powerful source of energy regen like Nekros or Garuda

Well I'm not an expert on Gloom, but I know it's not limited to just that kind of frame.  Though not like its heyday, I still see it frequently enough on others,  Usually doing something annoying, like slowing down Defense.   And I used it my self on Banshee.  I stopped because it felt like it made the game dull, not because of the energy drain.

Also if you want to see massive energy drain for a slowing ability, check out Equinox with Passive Provocation in SP.  No cap on drain, yeeesh. :P  (And an 80% cap on slow, lol.)

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Gloom kinda died out since Nourish was reworked. Even after the nerf on Nourish, I rarely even see anyone run gloom.

At the end of the day, Gloom still specifically requires you to build for alot of strength if you're going to cap out the slow, and even if it's a very profitable stat, it's not like it's the most used option anyway.

People who would use it for survivability simply don't : they play Revenant prime instead.

Maybe try looking at that first, the complete mess of an ability that is Mesmer Skin. I think that it, more than any other ability, definitely falls into your category of "you survive, but there's nothing to outwit".


Anyhow, if defenses are a crawl, it's just someone has opted out of using the right tool for the job. We have ample technology for it now. It's as simple as using Shock Trooper and a high base status chance melee, with Melee Influence, and that can go on any frame.

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On 2024-08-22 at 7:23 PM, 3mptylord said:

I agree that the effect is highly disruptive in non-coordinated play - but I would say it's no more disruptive than Nova.

While Nova can certainly be disruptive in her own right, there's four parts to that on why I find it fine.

  1. Molecular Prime is nowhere NEAR as potent as Gloom in terms of slowing. 75% Cap at that.
  2. Her slow is not subsumable, so it's limited ONLY to her.
  3. She contributes far more than just slowing down enemies with that ability.
  4. Once the ability is casted, it slowly expands from that given area and only one can exist at any given time.

I mentioned Molecular a lot because there are MAJOR differences between it and Gloom, even if they do a relatively similar idea.
The problem I find mostly is that anything Gloom can do? Another ability can not only do better, but with less disruption to other players.

If a player needs to radially effect the ENTIRE ROOM with a slowdown effect, perhaps that's a them issue and should not be something to account for in balancing.

On 2024-08-22 at 7:23 PM, 3mptylord said:

I disagree with your assessment that the cost is paltry.

You can Ability Duration to lower the cost as well. It's a channeled ability.
I also say the "Energy Cost is paltry" because we have dozens of ways to generate energy now, even outside of passive regen.
Hell, even Health Orbs can be converted to Energy very easily thanks to Violet Shards. Of which Synth Deconstruct will make PLENTY use of on any companion.

Since it's also a channeled ability, the "272% Ability Strength requirement" for it's absolute max strength is a joke to obtain.
Assuming a player gets roughly... say... 154% with mods? (Intensify + Augur Secrets as an example, this number also makes sense if you use Overextended as many likely will.)
That means you need another 118% Strength to reach the cap. Molt Vigor (45%), Madurai's Sling Strength (40%) and Power Drain (50%) alone are fairly easy to obtain and easily reach this, at 135% combined.

With that in mind, it's likely to assume that you could have space for Efficiency too.
Boreal's Hatred gives+15% of that with Shields and Aerial Damage Resistance as well.

Unless you're using a specific kind of build that needs- for instance- low Ability Strength or Duration?
It's very likely this ability is bound to empowered to an obnoxious degree anyway.

On 2024-08-22 at 7:23 PM, 3mptylord said:

But since we're unlikely to see core gameplay changes to the mission types: I think the issue with Gloom is not that it needs a nerf but rather that Sevagoth needs something similar to negative-strength Nova that allows him to have high-range/high-efficiency builds without automatically being disruptive.

... or simply just remove the aspect being disruptive and/or exploitative?
Gloom isn't the only ability that I'd wager could use a nerf. It's just one of the biggest ones out there.

I get you're trying to find a middle ground, but DE keeps doing that and getting nowhere as a result.
See also: Dante.

On 2024-08-22 at 8:56 PM, Flannoit said:

Nova already has room-wide speed change and does so cheaper than Sevagoth. If Gloom is a problem, then air your grievances with Nova.

Nova's Molecular Prime isn't subsumable, it also has a lesser cap and provides OTHER effects that are generally more beneficial.

I'll certainly get on a Nova's case if they're spamming their 4 in a Defense mission, don't get me wrong.
... but at least they're doing more than a god damn Hildryn running Gloom.

On 2024-08-22 at 8:56 PM, Flannoit said:

Also: Gloom has an effect cap. After a certain number of enemies, it stops appplying to them.

That's for Energy Drain. Also why I said the cost for Energy is paltry.

I've seen it affect 30+ enemies at a given time.
Especially apparent when said "Gloom user" goes AFK in a Survival.
Wouldn't be anything new by a longshot.

On 2024-08-22 at 11:01 PM, Flannoit said:

Gloom is not as powerful as you guys seem to think it is. I literally remove Gloom from Sevagoth because it drains so much that it prevents him from doing any other part of his kit that isn't his 4.

Slap on a Violet Shard and off you trot.
Energy is kinda a joke at this point, really.

On 2024-08-22 at 11:01 PM, Flannoit said:

And then there's the fact that you need INTENSE range stacking to actually get enough range on Gloom for it to cover an entire room that's not the size of a bathroom, which then means you're sacrificing space you could be using on Strength or Efficiency.

Overextended and Stretch is usually more than enough. +105% Range.
It's a channeled ability. Your Strength conditionals stay so long as it's up.

  • Molt Vigor, Madurai's Sling Strength and Power Drain are very easy to proc. All of which grant +135% Strength alone.
  • Pax Bolt is one of the reasons I bring Kitguns. +30% Strength there.
  • If you're fast, Molt Augmented can also give another +60%.
  • Grimoire can give another 60% with Vome Invocation.

There are ways of bolstering that Ability Strength without mods.
I haven't even mentioned newer options like Arcane Ice Storm either, but that's mostly because I haven't tried that one yet.


On 2024-08-23 at 12:49 AM, Tiltskillet said:

Though not like its heyday, I still see it frequently enough on others,  Usually doing something annoying, like slowing down Defense.   And I used it my self on Banshee.  I stopped because it felt like it made the game dull, not because of the energy drain.

It's precisely because of this that I even make this post.
People ARE welcome to use their own kits.
That's fine, I'm not asking people to use some stock-standard Overframe build.
... but it's when it starts stepping on too many toes and making the game frustrating for others is where I draw the line.

This goes for ANY ability. I once had this very same opinion with Nova once long ago.
The game however has shifted SO much that this is now more of priority. A much, much BIGGER priority that we can't just ignore.
Since every single problem Molecular Prime did back than is only amplified and far more obstructive now in the form of Gloom.

I don't know how, but people seem to forget that. Maybe the brainrot finally got to them, who knows anymore.
God forbid we be decent people on the internet anymore y'know.
... well, better than what we are now anyway. Shouldn't be a sin to ask either way.


On 2024-08-23 at 1:01 AM, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

Gloom kinda died out since Nourish was reworked. Even after the nerf on Nourish, I rarely even see anyone run gloom.

... first off, are you implying it's only Sevagoth using it that's the problem? Because no, that wasn't the issue at all.
Second off, Nourish and Gloom can't be done together unless it's either Grendel or Sevagoth. Both have better options to use.
You can't put two subsumes on at once, silly.

As for seeing people running Gloom? I can't go two missions without seeing it!
... and it's likely going to become even MORE of a pain to see now that Sevagoth Prime is out.
All the people that view Overframe as the actual wiki will likely spam that without any thought.

It's the motivation (though not entirely the reason) for making the post. It's getting obnoxious to see.

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17 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Oh, so why is it an issue? Because those same abilities that aren't Gloom don't slow EVERYTHING down to a crawl!
Defense Missions are a slog already. We don't need enemies to take even longer to show up.
At least with the other abilities, they'd be softened up. Maybe even set for a cool cascade effect with things like Molecular Prime.
Gloom doesn't do that. It ONLY slows.

If you or anyone in your squad is running slow on missions that are based on getting to enemies (or enemies getting to players) as fast as possible and killing them as fast as possible, you should stop, ask them to stop or leave. Slow (control) abilities are useful for time based mission modes: Interception, Mirror Defense, Mobile Defense, Excavation (but not Void Armageddon, because if you do not kill the enemies within the given time they will kill the dampener, once you move to different point).

DO NOT use Slows in Defence/ESO/Survival etc use speeds (if you can handle it and it is not a fissure, where getting reactant may be an issue if you speed the mission too much).


PS: It seems I am late to the party and likely someone already pointed that out.

Edited by Zakkhar
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On 2024-08-23 at 8:13 AM, Binket_ said:


No, I didn't imply that.

In fact I didn't even imply Gloom was problematic at all.


It's just I find it uncommon enough these days. Unless I can't tell when someone uses it because I'm killing everything on sight if the mission requires it.

As a base ability for Sevagoth, it's strong, but he's not the best user of it. His base stats for health and armor don't make him that good a tank, umbral setup is out of the question unless you want to ruin your chance at having diversity on your builds. So outside of charging his 4 faster (that isn't very meta to begin with), Gloom on Sevagoth can easily become the subsume slot (even more so since Sow has gotten an interesting augment).

As an ability on the Helminth system, it is strong (granted it can work, sorry fellow Lavos players, I'm disappointed too), but it's still nothing more than a defensive ability. Helminth options these days are like this :

  • Clearing fodder in normal star chart : Thermal Sunder.
  • Boosting damage : Roar.
  • All in one Viral application and Energy regen booster : Nourish.
  • Specific build (melee influence) : Shock with augment (Shocktrooper).
  • Damage reduction : Lunar Eclipse.
  • Gun abuser not using Roar : Energized Munitions.
  • Shield Gating : Pillage.
  • Armor Stripping : Pillage / Tharros Strike / Terrify.
  • Melee/Melee Pseudo Exalt crit chance booster : Wrathful Advance.
  • Eximus cancelation : Silence.
  • Replacing Aegis Storm on Hildryn : Elemental Ward / Voracious Metastasis / previous options.
  • Sleep : Rest & Rage with "dark" emmisive color.
  • Camping setup energy orb spawn : Spectrorage with augment (Spectosiphon) / Dispensary.
  • Camping Corrosive spam : Tempest Barrage.
  • Grouping tool : Ensnare / Airburst / Coil Horizon / Larva / Pull.
  • Aggro control : Decoy / Resonator.
  • Movement : Infested Mobility / Reave / Wrathful Advance / Molt.
  • Status cleansing : Fire Walker / Spellbind / Molt.
  • Breach Surge abusing : Breach Surge.
  • None of the above, just need a way to regain health / prevent enemies from attacking : Gloom.


Gloom's a useful ability that's not unlike Limbo in a sense, in good hands it's not problematic, in bad hands / troll hands it can be used to grief. But unlike Limbo, issues of enemies being inflicted with Gloom can be dealt by just doing damage to them until they drop dead.

IF I had to nerf anything, I wouldn't. Most things aren't so overtuned, and in the case of Shocktrooper and Melee Influence, the main offender isn't so much the spell, it's the arcane.

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