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Entry 5 - Dec 5/2013 Quick Update


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  • Multiple resource drone deployments, coming.
  • Optional clan-specified trading tax to bulk up your Vault!


Thanks for your hard work as always. I would like to ask if it is possible to repair the drones? If not, that's ok, but atm, when it is destroyed, I can't seem to scrap it. This may be a bug. I will report this in the bug section later.


Now onto the second issue with the clan vault. At the moment, players can't put resources into a vault. I know that it was said that clan members can put resources into a room that is currently building, but I think it's nice for players to also just put resources into the vault for use for other future projects. Maybe put up a warning like "once resources has been donated/stored in the vault it may not be retrieved again" or something like that? Just throwing that idea out there.

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So I know you guys probably wont see this as it is burried under a heap of other posts, 


I have been with you guys since, well a long &#! time to me (The pace of Warframe is so frantic and energizing) I'm so surprised and happy with how fast the content you guys are working on is coming along. I feel like you guys are one of the hardest working companies out there and I applaud your efforts. I want you to know, from someone who has been there since well before the mod system. That I am for real standing with this company forever. Seriously I even try to get gaming family members to give this game a try. I really do love it. I can't wait till you allow us to put together our own missions. I can't wait to see the rest of the weapons you have waiting for us. But most of all I can't wait to see how your success helps this company and game grow. I really do feel this way. Even with all the little bugs and nuances I think this is the only game that has held my attention for as long as it has, this is nothing short of a miricle, I have the attention span of a 3 year old lol. 


Sorry so much for the wall of text, but I just had to get that off of my chest. My only two regrets are missing My V. Braton weekend, and being too poor for a founders package. I will always buy plat tho when I can, jsut know that you guys have my full support from here on out. I love you Warframe and DE.

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I have one topic for you to tell us about. It is about one single thing that wasn't updated since at least U7.5, when I started to play this game. Yet this is one of the most important things for any shooter, which Warframe definitely is.


Enemy AI.


Your move, Steve.

Edited by Khranitel
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  • I shaved my beard off by accident (trimming mishap).

Well sir, consider me outraged. I have long relied on that beard, and this change is ten times worse than the Skana nerf. I expect a new beard by 11.2.1 or I'm... just going to quit. It's like you just went from Galatine to Ceramic Dagger in one fell swoop!!

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Brief peek behind the curtain:

Welcome welcome PS4 players! Update 11 (+hotfixes) has been in cert for a week - we're pushing to get this live as soon as possible.

11.5 is looking to be quite substantial. Is that a new Warframe!? A limited chunk of the Jungle set will be rolling out with a cool new event wrapped around it! There are some cool change ups in the event like time-of-day and the use of Scanning to augment your missions.

As for me, I’ve been working on Network Optimization. Network bandwidth has been reduced 1/3rd outgoing host and less than half outgoing for a client. General improvement in smoothness as well. Very excited for this. Soon to wrap this, then I'm full speed on solving the Forma'd slot order problem that elemental combinations have created.

Ready for a mega-list of everything else that’s going on? There’s lots, get ready...

  • Weapons and weapon skins - some new firing modes for added diversity!
  • Multiple resource drone deployments, coming.
  • Optional clan-specified trading tax to bulk up your Vault!
  • Gas expands and so does the Gas City tileset - art improvements, more diversity.
  • I see progress on systemic invasions & battle pay - moving this from one-off to part of the game.
  • VOIP code has been smashed into better shape with less network utilization better quality and improved threading performance.
  • Lotus voice rolling out with rerecorded, matched levels using the new dynamic DSP (instead the baffling mix of old distorted & new clean style).
  • Vay Hek is being worked on - he is a propaganda machine - I think he'll be turning out hilarious and awesome. Complete and ambitious redo of him from visuals to gameplay.
  • I shaved my beard off by accident (trimming mishap).
  • Our new UI artist started, had a meeting and we all laughed/cried at our coder-art. We reviewed player feedback about UI problems. His first project is redo the HUD... no pressure.
  • Design is still cracking away at the new damage model. We've rewritten our statistics gathering for weapons and will be chipping away at gross imbalances. Expect more changes to the resistances and immunities as we add diversity to the enemy types and take better advantage of the new damage model.
  • The Nexus app has been rewritten and includes a mobile version of the Codex. The performance issues have been resolved and now we're anxious to hook this up to your account/live data.
  • A training section is being added to the Codex to help with new players learning all the wackiness that is Warframe. This will feature simple but cool visuals as well as rewards for going through them to encourage use.
  • Ability & Sentinel Mods have been removed from the store Mod packs and Transmutation. This helps with dilution considerably. For the time being enemies will still be dropping these.
  • I see the improved Melee system being worked on as well with a lot more animation diversity and control of your moves.
  • The audio team has recorded a ton more raw sounds for future weapons - George will post about this later I think. I think I saw pressure waves from the video of the session. Wow.
  • Crazy new movement mode for U12? Can't talk about this because it may be a bust.

    Thanks for reading and sorry for the terse report! Now diving back in!


i would hug u in pink shorts but you live to far away :(

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  • I shaved my beard off by accident (trimming mishap).


To those who don't know, if you've never had a beard you won't understand how heartbreaking this is.  It's truly horrible.... then everyone tells you they like you better without it :|

Edited by kadun
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To those who don't know, if you've never had a beard you won't understand how heartbreaking this is.  It's truly horrible.... then everyone tells you they like you better without it :|

Wish I could grow a beard. My genetics just won't let me.

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Two things come to mind, the enemy proc of slashing bypassing my shields and armor is a bit out of control. 420 health with full shields and I die from 2 miter hits (non charged) and I'm dead. Against an enemy with far more life these procs mean nothing but on a frame fully bypassing my shields is a little on the rediculous side.


Bows, they aren't so good for a sniper variation. My Cerno (28) doesn't hold even a slight candle to my Vectis... my Vectis is only 17 and it's already vastly superior. Please make bows worth it.

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Just a couple days ago I was thinking Vay Hek needed a rework to be more "Councilor-y" I'm glad you guys think the same way! I hope he speaks well, not like Sargas' struggling. He is a Councilor after all, he should have a pretty good grasp on the other languages spoken in the system!

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Is that a new Warframe!?


Make it the Hawkframe so people wont complain about what a frame supposed to be like.

Cause im sure most people here dont know about hawks.


  • Weapons and weapon skins - some new firing modes for added diversity!

Add that to the helmets,man.

New power firing modes!


  • Vay Hek is being worked on - he is a propaganda machine - I think he'll be turning out hilarious and awesome. Complete and ambitious redo of him from visuals to gameplay.

Isnt he a diplomat?

He is supposed to understand other folks better than anyone.

He should have a weapon from every faction.


  • I shaved my beard off by accident (trimming mishap).

Lies, PR made you shave shave to look "presentable."

Shaving mishaps are just opportunities to use different styles for a bit.


  • Our new UI artist started, had a meeting and we all laughed/cried at our coder-art. We reviewed player feedback about UI problems. His first project is redo the HUD... no pressure.

Add this!


  • Crazy new movement mode for U12? Can't talk about this because it may be a bust.

get rid of vaulting for all that is Orokin.

Or change the buttons required to engage it because being launched into a container or into the floor is not very fun.

I suggest double tapping forward instead of the current setup which interferes with other things that one might want to do. 

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A limited chunk of the Jungle set will be rolling out with a cool new event wrapped around it! There are some cool change ups in the event like time-of-day and the use of Scanning to augment your missions.

As for me, I’ve been working on Network Optimization. Network bandwidth has been reduced 1/3rd outgoing host and less than half outgoing for a client. General improvement in smoothness as well. Very excited for this. Soon to wrap this, then I'm full speed on solving the Forma'd slot order problem that elemental combinations have created.

Ready for a mega-list of everything else that’s going on? There’s lots, get ready...

  • Weapons and weapon skins - some new firing modes for added diversity!
  • Multiple resource drone deployments, coming.
  • Optional clan-specified trading tax to bulk up your Vault!
  • Gas expands and so does the Gas City tileset - art improvements, more diversity.
  • I see progress on systemic invasions & battle pay - moving this from one-off to part of the game.
  • VOIP code has been smashed into better shape with less network utilization better quality and improved threading performance.
  • Lotus voice rolling out with rerecorded, matched levels using the new dynamic DSP (instead the baffling mix of old distorted & new clean style).
  • Vay Hek is being worked on - he is a propaganda machine - I think he'll be turning out hilarious and awesome. Complete and ambitious redo of him from visuals to gameplay.
  • I shaved my beard off by accident (trimming mishap).
  • Our new UI artist started, had a meeting and we all laughed/cried at our coder-art. We reviewed player feedback about UI problems. His first project is redo the HUD... no pressure.
  • Design is still cracking away at the new damage model. We've rewritten our statistics gathering for weapons and will be chipping away at gross imbalances. Expect more changes to the resistances and immunities as we add diversity to the enemy types and take better advantage of the new damage model.
  • The Nexus app has been rewritten and includes a mobile version of the Codex. The performance issues have been resolved and now we're anxious to hook this up to your account/live data.
  • A training section is being added to the Codex to help with new players learning all the wackiness that is Warframe. This will feature simple but cool visuals as well as rewards for going through them to encourage use.
  • Ability & Sentinel Mods have been removed from the store Mod packs and Transmutation. This helps with dilution considerably. For the time being enemies will still be dropping these.
  • I see the improved Melee system being worked on as well with a lot more animation diversity and control of your moves.
  • The audio team has recorded a ton more raw sounds for future weapons - George will post about this later I think. I think I saw pressure waves from the video of the session. Wow.
  • Crazy new movement mode for U12? Can't talk about this because it may be a bust.

    Thanks for reading and sorry for the terse report! Now diving back in!



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