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Coming Soon: Devstream #24


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Does DE plan to introduce high mastery rank equipment?


Like weapons or cosmetics.

For cosmetics stalker's smoke would be cool

Or even just a high mastery syndana


I don't think the weapons should be the most powerful, they should just be unique and fun to use.

Something with an interesting game mechanic like the phage or penta

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Here are my questions to the Devs:

1) Concerning Tethra's Doom, what sort of balancing will you do?
2) Will the shipyard come out when Tethra's Doom ends?
3) What are you going to do with the Codex? It's a bit lacking.

4) Are you guys thinking about the infested at all? With only two active bosses, the J3 missing, and and no presence on the Star Chart what will you do to bring them back to the foreground?

5) Is there any chance at all that the Infested will regain nodes on the Starchart outside of infestations

6) What are you all doing to Bolster the even weaker factions of the Corrupted and the Wild?

7) What are the new plans for the Dojo?

8) Any new minigames coming up or is thatjust off the whims of the glorious Redtext?

9) What is the approximate ETA of Melee 2.0?

10) What do you (the devs) think of the suggestion of polarity and orokin catalyst/reactor migration from non-prime to prime objects. For example, let's say I forma my Rhino once and I put an orokin Reaector on it, and now the Rhino prime comes out and I get it. Will it ever be possible to take the polarities I put on my old Rhino and transfer it to my Rhino prime?

11) What new non-prime weapons do you guys have in store for us?

12) Will hijack become a legitimate game mode after the event?

13) Is there any possibility of the return of raids?

14) Are there any improvements coming to current tilesets?

15) Any plans on the Void?

16) What's the general ETA of Vor's Prize?

17) When will we be able to fight the new Vay Hek?

18) What's the next boss to be revamped? Tyl Regor needs a touch up

19) What's the general ETA of the new Space Station hub system?

20) Are there any things in development you want to share with us?

21) Are there any new warframes planned?

22) Is there going to be a new type of grineer to inhabit the shipyards? Forest Grineer for Earth, Desert Grineer for Phobos, following that sort of trend?

23) Any possibility of adding NPCs in the Dojo?

24) Any new Gamemodes after Hijack?

25) Will there be any new celestial bodies coming up instead of changing what already exists?

26) Any chance of more infested tilesets?

27) What exactly happened to the J3 Golem?

28) What is going to happen to Eris and it's current state of being boss-less?

29) Are there any new RNG bosses being planned?

30) Any chance of a void assassination mission of some sort? The Corrupted need a boss in order to be a legitimate faction.


I can't think of any more questions so... here y'go. Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!

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What I want to know is what is going to happen to Frost? Let me eleborate.

The "bug fix" with Avalanches animation where it froze enemies 5-6 seconds longer than attended was thought to be part of the skill. But was removed.

Will this be coming back implemented into the skill? We all like the faster casting speed, but we all enjoyed seeing enemies frozen around us.

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Hijack shipyard tileset... Weather! YES!! I love that we actually get wet from the rain, and slippery (wouldn't mind a slide boost from that), the lightning, OUCH love it...

Do you plan to mix this in with the day/night cycle on the rest of the earth tilesets? Could this mean the addition of other weather types on established planetary tilesets. For example, slightly damaging acidic rain from the great red spot on Jupiter in the Gas City, sandstorms on Phobos, or cumulative snow on Corpus outposts? I love the idea of the dynamic environmental effect.... My sentinel, however, would prefer the lightning damage toned down :)

Edited by Klies
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Question for you all at DE for your livestream. Why did you not make it known where to find the new releases for this update? There are so many people being noobs in recruiting channel. Is this a challenge for us to meet?

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Q: Survival - enemies turn off life support and we need to replenish it (or start taking damage) but lots of missions end with our warframes latching onto a spaceship and flying off into space with no protection at all


Q:size of the escape shuttles vs the spacing of the warframe latch points indicating severe overlapping (or awesome spaceship origami)


oh, wait, a space robot ninja wizard did it.

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Q: Will the Drakgoon ever get a toaster mod :p ?

I'm not joking, I want to shoot toasters with it, and when you have a fully charged shoot you will hear a ding! sound.

We have a candy cane, why not this D:? [/end I was messing around]


btw, I <3 DE, esp the latest Patch <3

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Assuming you'll talk about melee 2.0, endgame, new tileset, and Hek. Would like this part of the discussion to get rid of Coming Soon, and make a list of what you believe is the closest to arriving, and what you believe is still more than another livestream away.


What I wanna specifically ask about is whether or not things and mechanics already in the game will get a "2.0" addition, like damage and melee


Aspects such as enemy AI, stealth, and movement.


Questions I would like discussed and answered:


- What is the news on enemy AI? More complex AI? More consistent AI? Is it where you think it should be? All factions seem to just throw more and more mobs at you, and you have to shoot more and more bullets at them? Fighting as just a number game, and will continue to be so even with the proposed "Endgame" you've discussed. Smarter AI leading to more animations leading to more diverse situations. Scott/Geoff/Steve as relevant individuals to ask, in that order (Scott discussing possibility/Geoff the animation/Steve the final thoughts).


- What is the news on stealth? Will better rewards for stealth runs be offered? Will the enemy AI need to be improved to accommodate more stealth? (Scott/Steve)


- Will older warframes get certain aspects of their 3D models improved to be more in line with the attention to detail in the later frames? Immortal Skins helps, but that's only something applied to the surface, and the base frames still look dated compared to what the newer frames look like. See Nyx and Excalibur backs as most blatant examples. Not bad, just not up to the level of newer stuff (Geoff I guess, as Mynki isn't there)



Geoff, please please PLEASE talk further additions/changes to movement in warframe . The movement in warframe is one of its best aspects. But some of it just makes me scratch my head. How momentum upon jumping off a wall is inverse to time spent on wall, clipping through stairs/slopes during power animations, awkwardness of rolling, awkwardness of directing and chaining wall runs, among many other things. I sincerely hope Geoff knows about these two threads:






Scott, please please PLEASE list the warframes at the very top of your to-do list


Sheldon, please talk about how work on the warframe merchandise store is going

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The one pressing question people have been spamming on the forums is this...


In Tethra's Doom, does qualifying for a prize level reward all prizes of the previous levels as well as the one you qualified for?


The reward statement on the event page says you only get the reward at the level you qualified for, thus scoring 500+ in the event will reward a Gorgon Wraith but not the new mods, event badge or Affinity booster.



Individual Rewards

- Complete mission with between 1 and 249 points and you will receive an Event Badge and a 3-Day Affinity Booster


- Complete mission with between 250 and 499 points and you will receive the following four Mods:

Jolt: (Pistol) 15% Proc chance  + 15% Electricity damage

Shell Shock: (Shotgun) 15% Proc chance  + 15% Electricity damage

High Voltage: (Rifle) 15% Proc chance  + 15% Electricity damage

Voltaic Strike: (Melee) 15% Proc chance  + 15% Electricity damage


- Complete mission with 500 points or more and you will receive the Gorgon Wraith.


Clan Rewards 

- A Gold, Silver and Bronze Clan Statue will be distributed to the top three Clans in each Clan Tier.


Rewards will be handed out following the end of the event. 



Please clarify the rewards for the current event and tell us how we can get the new mods as well as the Gorgon Wraith or are these prizes exclusive to each other?

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Looking forward to the tomorrow's livestream, can't wait to see those guys ... rly :D Also, have some question and hope some will be answered on the livestream. 



Q1: Next boss rework is Vay Hek and we are waiting eagerly for him. Many bosses in Warframe received revamp lately (Hyena, Sargas Ruk,Vor, Krill)

but now we are left in darkness. How many bosses are you going to rework/remodel and what is the next boss rework?


Q2: We are still waiting for Melee 2.0 that you are working on lately. Players have big hopes regarding melee 2.0 and I expect so do you. What is the biggest feature about Melee 2.0 that you are most excited about and what are you most afraid of regarding Melee 2.0? 


Q3: QUESTION TO DE_STEVE! Dear Steve, you have talked big about planned end game features, players are so hyped about these. Can you say more about upcoming features, are they final or are you going to change those end game features based on the community early feedback?


Q4: Rhino Prime is out with more Prime weapons. Prime gears will be released with every major patch(or after) I suppose. What are you going to do with the fact that at some point there will be no place in the Void for new Primed stuff? 


Q5: We saw Infested hive/ship artworks in one of the livestreams and it was said as a "possible" Infested tileset. What is your statement in this matter, are Infested coming back to the star chart rather than Invasion/Derelict missions? 


Q6: Lately introduced tilesets both Grineer Forest and Shipyards are very fps hungry. Also, some ppl have issues with Derelict and Void opitmalization. What are your plans on future game optimalizations? 


Q7: I am just curious. Do you already have any leading theme for Update 13? Maybe some Infested love?


Q8: Can you say more about upcoming relays? How are you going to implement such a huge change into the game? 

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1. What do you plan to put in the Relay/Hub?


2. Will there be a place for trading where you leave your items with an offer then collect them latter?


3. When will melee 2.0 drop?


and lastly


4. The infested right now do not pose much of a threat so will there be a re-work for them in the future? (Make them scarier)

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Q: Will the UI be fixed soon to address this issue on higher resolution displays? This is on a 30in 2560x1600 monitor. Notice how scrunched up the info is. It overlaps the warframe and is hard to make out. Text type is also too small.



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Could we get a credit extractor for those of us who don't need resources?

Will we ever be able to sell resources for credits? As a mastery 15 player, I have nearly 1 million nanospores but only 22 thousand credits.

What sort of rewards and gameplay are planned for the endgame systems? As it stands most players at endgame experience no real challenge or difficulty. I fear systems like focus will only make players more powerful without adding any real need for the power itself. I'm also wondering what a badlands mission could give someone who has it all already?

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Melee 2.0: Is switching to blade going to be quick and seamless or as quick as quick melee w/o Speed Holster(Does not have to affect switching to blade if so) equipped like swinging as soon as you grab your blade(Which makes sense)? And can you switch to blade right away w/o cycling through weapons like Goldeneye 64 which had a ton of guns to cycle through? A lot of people fear this and would hate it.


When are sentinels ever going to get their own enemy radar and thief's wit and more mods?


And what about custom player created levels and content?


What The Devs Doing With The Fact That There Is No Room For Any New Mods(Especially The New Melee Mods And Old/new Utility Mods)?


Do people here have an issue with giving Utility/Raw Damage and new melee(Animation and move specific damage) mods(And other mods for other gear/frames that focus on that them) their own section and their own points for all warframes and gear where only those mods can be placed and where no other mod can go? Or even fusing two mods to create new dual mods(YOU CANNOT FUSE EVERY CARD OR EQUIP CARDS WITH SAME EFFECTS ALTHOUGH THEY CAN BE A FEW EXCEPTIONS).


Or how does only fusing damage with utility and fusing elements sound? They already pushed people to have two elements in a build wasting space, why not fuse them?


Or are you all content with being all the same damage build with millions of useless(in some players eyes...maybe, but they have some use and can be fun) mods that no one ever uses.


They keep releasing new mods that no one shall ever use. And now they plan on releasing a large batch of new melee mods. But where is everyone going to put them? No room? Hell, there is barely enough room for the new glaive exclusives mods from months ago and that wasn't a lot of mods either. if that's the case, why bother?


Are 8 slots really enough? So much utility mods, no room for them.


So what is it that the dev team is going to do about the issue?


is there a reason to use any of the new mods over the current damage mods?


Do they pt a lot of energy and thought into new mods?


Do they think people shall ever substitute damage for utility?


Even warframes are stuck with the usual power related mods leaving no room for defense or more shields which is why people die a lot. many has said they did not bother with defense and went full on offense into their graves.


So what are the devs going to do about issue?


Are they ever going to give tenno more freedom on what to build outside all the min maxing nonsense? Or are they content with everyone having general the same min maxing all damage build with no new mods(non damage increasing) in sight.

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Question 1: Are you going to make the plain proc-chance mods flat, instead of increasing the base percentage? Because at this point it's just comically underpowered compared to the new status/proc chance mods you are releasing.


Question 2: New frame when?


Question 3: As the designers of the game, do you envision the game to be casual or hardcore? 


Question 4: What is one question you really want no one to ask on the stream? Then answer it. 

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Will the Warlord Demotion problem ever be addressed?


Why was battle pay nerfed?


Are there any plans to make invasions less tedious? It isnt fun playing the same exterminate mission 5 times, especially since after the nerf you guys made it so that none of the invasions for credits are even worth playing when you compare the time investment of playing an invasion mission 5 times for 25-35k, when you can play 1 void key and make almost the same money in a fraction of the time.


Can we please have a token system for the void? moving things around isn't going to help when you keep adding things to the drop tables.  They will just keep becoming more and more diluted unless you implement a token system, or remove items from the drop tables entirely to make way for new items (not a good solution in my opinion).


Can we hear more about the endgame that Steve was talking about a few live streams ago? any progress or noteworthy news?


Can we please have the Grineer saw arm guys back in the game? I don't really have a logical reason for this, I just found them amusing.


Will we get the ability to paint or color rooms in the Dojo?


Can you guys make Valkyr a useful Warframe please?


Any news on UI customization?  as someone with terrible eye sight it would be greatly appreciated if I could make the ui even bigger and move elements of it to different parts of the screen.

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