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Why Are Kubrows More Important Than Fixing The Core Gameplay Elements Of Warframe?


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Except they are working on core game play stuff: most of U14 is reworking the new player experience to get your friends hooked.


They listen, and they do.


And then once they get hooked, they realize that there's nothing to do and leave anyway.



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Shouldn't there be more priority on making what's already here fun and engaging, as opposed to the press-button-to-win style we have now, where all the difficulty comes from planning?

Yes there should, if you were thinking about fixing the game instead of what cosmetic BS you're going to include in the next update.


People really can't see the pattern after so long? or is it that all the vets from before update 5 are not playing anymore? 

They are making money, the game is functional as it is now, wasting dev time on fixing mechanic that *perhaps* will make the game better is seconday to make new scarves so people can spend money on them.

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IMO constantly releasing new material is supposed to distract us from what is broken and not getting fixed

it's all gonna pile up eventually and lots of people will leave and WF may crash and burn b



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Kubrow Team does not represent the full development effort, it's just one of the first 'new' things in a bit so it does have a lot of us excited, but we understand it's not for everyone.


Simultaneous development is occurring on (but not limited to by any means, just examples):


- Complete navigation/UI overhaul (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/253837-lets-meet-pablo-and-dorian/).

- New 'New Player Experience' to address longstanding issues with our NPE.

- Quest System fundamentals - the understanding here is that this will allow for systemic quests with more meaningful gameplay (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/249863-thank-you-for-watching-devstream-31/).

- New Mission Types polishing and testing (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/249909-hive-sabotage-design-and-overview/).

- Dark Sector conflict Revamp/Improvements.

- Reworking Valkyr's Hysteria


And plenty more! There is definitely a lot to be worked on, and a lot of compelling feedback on things like Mods 2.0, Ammo 2.0 and more! We definitely still have our work cut out for us.

Thx for this :).

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Oh no. Not another nerf train. 


It's not about weakening the player's stuff - it's just about making your abilities truly valuable. Right now you spam them like nothing without any negative effect. That makes the whole thing pretty boring, pressing the same button over and over again without anything else to do. It's fine if your ultimate is so cheap you can spam it - but then it should be weak. You should be able to make it strong enough to clear out rooms even later on - but then it should be costly as hell.

Balance is missing from the game and for those (like me) that find it important in a game to provide more entertainment than a console minigame where you are asked to press certain buttons when their icons show up, it's really a big thing.

But if you enjoy practically doing nothing but pressing the same button, that's your call. I myself like it if I can't watch TV during a game session without any risk of losing...

Edited by K_Shiro
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It's not about weakening the player's stuff - it's just about making your abilities truly valuable. Right now you spam them like nothing without any negative effect. That makes the whole thing pretty boring, pressing the same button over and over again without anything else to do. It's fine if your ultimate is so cheap you can spam it - but then it should be weak.

This stuff, the stuff that you don't like cos you think it's boring?


That's exactly what other people like, because they think it's fun to spam abilities.

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We recently had a huge melee over haul, mission over haul, new mission, new frames, events, coding reworks, new weapons, new gameplay user interface, solar trails, updates to the dojo, new enemies, bosses, and making all those damm stances.

I can understand being behind of the "BIG" things, right now they are working on more of the little things that NEEDED to be fixed (I'm looking at you Hysteria!). And a new Hub.


Kubrows is simply the only thing combat related they can truly show off right now. I admit they are adorable, and the addition of a Pet system is cool. Just the way they are raised, and act seem too tedious. And along with the 50,000 other things we need to focus on Warframe they seem like too much of a distraction with very little benefits.

(So wait, I'm supposed to be grinding for stances, mods, exp for my new equipment, parts for the new prime equipment, pay attention to my drones collecting material for me, gets keys to even get the prime parts I want, help out a friend, sell stuff on the market so I have enough money to buy slots, and somewhere in between all of this I need to start raising a pet?)

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This stuff, the stuff that you don't like cos you think it's boring?


That's exactly what other people like, because they think it's fun to spam abilities.


People's opinions and what they consider fun obviously differ. I can't speak for others and I'm not trying to, I never said "everyone thinks that:" etc. On the other hand, I can't tear apart myself from the fact that supposedly we are not lab-monkeys... press blue for food huh? I need more than that. Of course you are free to explain how fun that is... all I can do is ask since for me, doing nothing but pressing the same button over and over again is just... that: pressing a single button.

Edited by K_Shiro
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Amusing IM conversation with a friend of mine.


(2014-07-16 08:59:00) Momaw: U14 tomorrow
(2014-07-16 08:59:15) Anonydude: Is that Warframe?
(2014-07-16 08:59:36) Momaw: Yup.  Player ship, UI overhaul, and Kubrows
(2014-07-16 09:00:01) Anonydude: Player ship?
(2014-07-16 09:00:09) Momaw: Player ship
(2014-07-16 09:00:24) Anonydude: Is that like player housing?
(2014-07-16 09:01:59) Momaw: More of an uber main menu.  You'll log into the game and be in your ship, which gives you access to the armory, foundry, etc in an immersion fashion instead of it just being buttons
(2014-07-16 09:10:46) Momaw: And kubros are space dogs
(2014-07-16 09:11:19) Momaw: Apparently there's a whole genetics system that you can use to breed them and get the traits and appearance you wnat
(2014-07-16 09:11:36) Anonydude: :|
(2014-07-16 09:12:35) Momaw: You can get a fat one.
(2014-07-16 09:57:44) Momaw: You don't want a Chunky Kubrow?
(2014-07-16 09:58:13) Anonydude: Nope
(2014-07-16 09:59:27) Momaw: http://i.minus.com/ibhoJfxhmv552O.gif
(2014-07-16 09:59:53) Anonydude: Shouldn't they add things to the actual game?

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Just gona jump in here and say something that should be obvious.


A game like Warframes is big. What one person considers to be a major issue may be a triviality to the next. That said, even if the dev team focused exclusively on "fixing these core issues" the community comes up with, the game would have all development stop for several months/years. Because the community is dumb as ****. Fixing one thing usually ends up causing another issue that will get on another person's nerves, and the cycle repeats itself. As for the actual issues that do need fixing, who's to say they aren't trying to fix them?


Just because it's not insta-fixed doesn't mean it's not happening. Most of the time, you need several other fixes to be done in order to implement another, otherwise the planned fix just wouldn't work. (In simple terms, like tearing down support structures to a house to make a larger room. You need to build new ones before taking them down or the house crumbles) That, or the solution itself is not as simple as people think it is. Complicated to a point where the devs don't even know how to properly fix it yet. Doesn't mean they aren't thinking about it or trying to think of a better alternative.


The point to all this is that they need to work on progressing the game's content AND fixing issues on the way, at least till the game's full release where content update will assuredly slow down. Get the stuff in the game fast, worry about making it work later is how games that aren't on full release usually do it. Early access to the game like Warframes does forces them to make sure the game is stable while doing so, but that's it. (and this slows down development considerably) As far as I know, there is no crippling issue to the game atm. People play it, and still enjoy it. It has several small flaws to it, but nothing that halts progress. They are working on it.

Edited by Eruend
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Game needs fixing hear or their we all know that but ignoring that the game needs to keep moving forward is just plain a bad idea. Atm Warframe is moving into Kubro, for what reason we somewhat know at the moment but who knows what the developers have in store for them or other animals like them for that matter. Maybe that's why they are making it such a big deal, maybe they just like Kubro? Who knows but again the game needs to continue moving forward while still fixing its issues, give it time.

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Shouldn't there be more priority on making what's already here fun and engaging, as opposed to the press-button-to-win style we have now, where all the difficulty comes from planning?


so you're saying you dont want a spess doge

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Amusing IM conversation with a friend of mine.


I guess huge UI reworks, quests, tons of bug fixes, new enemies, new tilesets, new pvp oriented systems, a new warframe, new weapons, more lore, and who knows how much more stuff means jack-all to you and your friend.


Why is this thread still going on? It's like a spit in the face to the devs, who have been working tirelessly to give us the biggest update ever. It's not just about kubrows - they're simply the "figurehead" of the update. There's SO much being added...and yet there are seriously people sitting here talking down to the devs? I have a few choice words for you people, but I don't want another warning point.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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i understand that DE needs to keep developing and releasing new content.


But what i dont understand is how they cant fix or update content that should have been fixed ages ago for example


Why cant i buy more than 1 thing in the market in one or two clicks? instead of having to click 60 times to buy 30 of something?


Why cant my dojo contributions be recorded so my clan leader can see what ive contributed to the clan?


Etc Etc Etc...


IMO all this fluff should only be added after basic things have been completed.

Your points are valid. This is the attitude that I have never understood [DE]. They are able to do great things, but they forget the small (large) details.

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Get a person, give him Saryn with only maxed to the roof  melee weapon and send him into T4 survival. Ask his opinion if melee weapons are ANYTHING CLOSE TO BE REWARDING.




I stopped caring about this post the instant I read this. You are basically saying that *EVERYTHING* should be balanced around Tier 4 survival missions in this manner, without taking into account people that;


1.) Don't play Tier 4, because nothing there interests them


2.) Hate Defense/Survival missions, because of how many games HAVE modes like that


You know waht I did? I took a Channeling-build Hate, and fought the new Hek with it.


It was FUN. Was it valid and smart? probably not. but it was *FUN*


SERIOUSLY, those three letters change everything. Here, spell it with me F.U.N.



I would like to drop the above comment now, and look at something more serious. While it is true that DEL is not telling us when theya re fixing bugs, they ARE fixing them. Just the past couple of weeks alone, we've gotten multiple bug fixes. Take a look at our Previous Tenno Reinforcements. One item added, four bugs fixed, last I checked, could be wrong. Thing is, no matter what gets fixed, bugs still appear.


I can even cite Starbound as an example. At one point, Fall damage was reworked, which broke how it worked entirely, and caused it to be completely negated. Upon fixing it, one could not jump 2 blocks high without taking a large amount of damage. it took them 5 or 6 updates before they managed to fix it, with the Damage for falling going up and down all over the place. Each tiem they touched the code, something got typed wrong, or something didn't match up elsewhere, and the issues kept cropping up.


Rather than getting mad at DEL for "not fixing all the bugs", be happy that they're even *LISTENING* to the community! At least they ACKNOWLEDGE us, not like some companies do. Just because we're not told "Hey, we're going to release a patch that only fixed bugs", doesn't mean that they're not going to fix bugs every time. Little by little, bugs will be hunted down and snuffed out. Once the gamebreaking, and crashing bugs are mostly dealt with, the more cosmetic and irritating bugs'll be hit, such as the animation issues someone mentioned above, or issues that I have regularly pertaining to minor fps drops from what I get down to about 0 for a few moments onm solo, or inopportune host migrations.

Edited by Mewfan
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First, to say that English is not my language. now 


It's just ridiculous that only a few skills Warframe escalate with enemies. 


It is ridiculous that serve only a few weapons for the "end game". 


It is ridiculous that my contributions to the dojo are not recorded and visible nowhere. 


It's ridiculous at the delay over a year to include a simple indicator of life and shields your sentinel. 


It is ridiculous that we have dozens of useless mod. 


It is ridiculous that we have not more mod slots to equip any of those useless mod. 


It is ridiculous to have weapons like Supra (Tier 7!). 


It is ridiculous to have 1110 points in your Warframe shield and die because a proc state you went through your shields and tore the guts. 


It's ridiculous take on the pitfalls of arc, laser traps (empty), ice traps (empty) that contribute nothing to the gameplay and are simply annoying. 


It's ridiculous to release a new content (The Specters) that nobody uses, because they are useless and expensive and could have been designed much better from the start. 


It's ridiculous that there are only two game modes "really" funny: defense and survival. 


It's ridiculous to be able to design large and detailed maps that serve no purpose except to scroll through them as quickly as possible. Maps empty, without interaction with the environment, without any motivation to explore. 


And it's ridiculous that the community has complained of these things again and again with each update to the way things were set down. 


These (and many other things) are the true errors being committed. 


I have over 70 "friends" added to my account and I can ensure that more than half of them are not connected to the game for months. 




Did someone say U14?


+1 OP.

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I guess huge UI reworks, quests, tons of bug fixes, new enemies, new tilesets, new pvp oriented systems, a new warframe, new weapons, more lore, and who knows how much more stuff means jack-all to you and your friend.


You did not read my post. Please do so.

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It's just ridiculous that only a few skills Warframe escalate with enemies. 


It is ridiculous that serve only a few weapons for the "end game".


The majority of them scales from level 1 to level 50, which are the normal enemy boundaries within the game. Anything past 50 are not within the normal boundaries. Rebalancing Warframe abilities to fit T4 void and extremely high level Defense/Survival would make everything else effortless.


The latest update to weaponry fixed this for the most part. Most weapons are quite viable again. There are obviously some that break the mold, but I can happily take my barely non-forma'd Karak anywhere I please and kick @$$.



It is ridiculous that my contributions to the dojo are not recorded and visible nowhere. 
It's ridiculous at the delay over a year to include a simple indicator of life and shields your sentinel.


Something that can be added for sure. But should you condemn DE and U14 for not having it (that we know of)? No.


So you're crying about it even though we have it now? *rolls eyes*



It is ridiculous that we have dozens of useless mod. 
It is ridiculous that we have not more mod slots to equip any of those useless mod.


Things that you perceive as "useless" might not be useless to someone else. There are some mods that need buffs and other mods that are a bit too situational to be used all the time. There are some that could be weeded out, however.


So you want to remove the useless mods but at the same time, you want more mod slots to equip them?


It is ridiculous to have weapons like Supra (Tier 7!).
It is ridiculous to have 1110 points in your Warframe shield and die because a proc state you went through your shields and tore the guts.



Supra could use a buff.


What, you're complaining about toxic damage? Then avoid it. Or, if you're fighting Infested, buff your hp. I fight Infested almost completely as Ember, who has some of the lowest shields and hp in the game. Know what I do when I see infested ospreys, disruptors, and toxic ancients coming? I use tactics. I keep an eye on them. I stun them with fireballs before they can get too close. I keep my eyes open for any toxic clouds (which are very easy to see now). I prioritize and use my environment. Long story short - I don't get hit. Learn to adapt to your situations and stop indirectly demanding for Infested to get nerfed even more than they already were.



It's ridiculous take on the pitfalls of arc, laser traps (empty), ice traps (empty) that contribute nothing to the gameplay and are simply annoying. 
It's ridiculous to release a new content (The Specters) that nobody uses, because they are useless and expensive and could have been designed much better from the start.


The fact that they're annoying means they contribute to gameplay. You have to keep your eyes open; perhaps utilize that "ninja" moveset we all have to dodge or jump over said pitfalls and traps. It sounds like you just want an on rails shooter. Just hold W and walk through everything while idly aiming and shooting at anything that bats an eye at you.


From all that you've posted, it sounds like you specifically actually SHOULD use them, but you're angry about how expensive they are.


It's ridiculous that there are only two game modes "really" funny: defense and survival.
It's ridiculous to be able to design large and detailed maps that serve no purpose except to scroll through them as quickly as possible. Maps empty, without interaction with the environment, without any motivation to explore.



Defense and survival? Opinion. For instance, I'm not much of a fan for either of those missions. I like the ones where you can really explore. I like going into a new area and immediately devising a plan that will kill all the enemies while nullifying most damage inflicted upon me. I like adventure. From the sound of it, as well as the sound of your whole post, you are much more into staying in a relatively stationary area while waiting for enemies to come to you. You don't like surprises, and can't adapt quickly enough to them. This is all assumption of course.


Then perhaps you should stop playing Defense and Survival only, since both of those missions demand you to stay either in one area, or on a set path.


But I will add that secret areas should reap better rewards. More credits in the lockers, or better chances at better mods. Maybe even pre-infused mods that are above their base rank.



And it's ridiculous that the community has complained of these things again and again with each update to the way things were set down. 
These (and many other things) are the true errors being committed. 


Here's the thing. Not every problem can be fixed immediately. And not everything you've posted should be fixed at all. Some things are mere belly-aching about difficulty. Others would end up changing the game drastically, for better or for worse. And others are valid, but not as extremely important as you've led yourself to believe.


DE is constantly on these forums. Reading threads, asking questions, answering them, and so on. They know their game is flawed - nothing is perfect. But some things you want might not be what they want. Some things take more time than you'd think to fix. And some things take more priority than something you may deem as important.



I have over 70 "friends" added to my account and I can ensure that more than half of them are not connected to the game for months. 
Did someone say U14?
+1 OP


Interestingly enough, U14 would indeed bring people back. However you also need to keep in mind that this is a F2P game. Most games of its ilk have vastly fluctuating populations. Tons of people hop on initially, then after they've done all the content, their attendance to the game weakens. But then a huge update surfaces, and they come back. This is how it works - not just with Warframe. Hell I'm on a hiatus myself currently. Does that mean I don't like the game anymore? Nope. Obviously not.



-1 OP. He did not bring anything to the table. He did not give any real thoughts; nor did he actually suggest anything. All his post amounted to was -


so you're saying you dont want a spess doge


...and everyone else just rolled with it.



You did not read my post. Please do so.


Okay I reiterate: I guess your friend doesn't think any of what I stated in my earlier post means jack-all.

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