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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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A lot of improvements ad performance tweaks in the change log, the game is a little bit faster but sometimes lag spkies drop down the FPS from 45 to 15/10 for like 5/10sec.

UI Crash when using the chat and inviting someone (sorry i can give more details)



- Defest Vay Hek do not unlock savour of earth

- Shield saver actually reset after reaching the max with %1000 logic ( do u reach 1042? ok now you have only 42 and the challenge it's not unlocked)


I've also experienced the Shield Saver progression resetting upon reaching 1000.

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UI / Lobby Bug:


Lost all control functionality when an invited person joined the lobby while typing in chat. Chat still works, everything else becomes unresponsive, have to wait for the team to start the game to regain control.

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found another bug: In the Quest that lets you forge the Anti-thingy against the devices Vor has implanted in you, you can speed up the forging process with 0 platinum. I did so but apparently the Quest does not recognize the sped up process as fullfilling the task.


Now I am stuck with the Quest.


€dit: a game restart fixed the progress ( I could not see the ending sequence of that particular Quest, but could start the next one )

Edited by wuzzle
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I guess I found another bug? with the Star Chart Progression within the Profile...


It states that I completed 246 out of 258 possible nodes even I got 14746 of 14746 XP for the nodes.


I looked into every planet and there's no sign of a mission I haven't played yet... I know that I unlocked every single node pre-U14... and I've played the few new(?) ones on Mercury... still says 246/258.


Do the Dark Sectors count as well? Because I know I did not play every single one of them as they weren't required pre-U14. But if so... then there's no clear indication in the mission selection that you've to play them too!


That's why there should be an information within each planet that shows your progression on that planet, like pre-U14. Like for example 12 of 12 nodes completed and so on.






Apart from that what will happen to the 3 Mercury Nav segments I accumulated already because of the Vor's Prize quest bugs (yay still stuck at "confront vor" btw)? :P


Will they all be removed once it is finally fixed and you're able to complete the quest or will they stay in my inventory/resources list forever? Same goes for the Ascaris Negator. ^^

Edited by MeduSalem
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Survival is bugged (both in Void and normal maps Earth) that I have experienced several times. Timmer stops after certain time and enemies stop spawning. If you do not get to extraction before timer runs out (or life support reaches 0%) mission fails.

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I' still having issues with my game going unresponsive for a few seconds intermittently throughout various missions. Also there seems to be an issue with Hall of Mirrors where anything the user starts firing, it drops everyone's frame rate and in some cases causes the user or party members to crash. Lastly I'm having an issue staying connected to my squad. Anytime we complete a mission ill get a message that says I lost connection to the host and then I am kicked by default.

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Pretty sure this has been reported BUT didn't see it posted in the first page.


Guests when leveling an item up will seemingly crash the host client. It has happened twice to me today. There is a significant freeze before the leveling up sequence (Sound/graphic/effects), after the hickup, things will go back to normal but crash the host (will migrate host right away).

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a few bugs or possible bugs i have noticed.


kubrow loyalty can not be raise no matter how many times you interacte or win missions with kubrow surviving.i dont want to see or know what may happen when it drops below 20% which is where my kubrow is now at in loyalty.


infested anchients gathering in large numbers and soon becomes invulnerable or damage is severly reduced. note my melee useualy deals 500 - 1500 or so roughly base damage but when this happens i am lucky to get 1 - 10  damage includeing poison damage, also alot of blue 0's when i dont think infested anchients have shields. this makes survival and defence to wave or minute 10 very hard or nearly impossible.

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stuck on ceres dark sector defense


Thee pod wasnt over there when i took the picture but it still happens when it does. Runners crawlers leapers get stuck randomly






The taxing not unlocking the mission is a real bug happened to some clan members when i tried to unlock a location for them earlier in ceres or sedna whichever one is used for the mirage quest


Arc Traps murder the living hell out of kubrows and they dont attack or dodge them, not sure if bug but should get checked out.


RIP to 501st and the many other kubrows who have died tonight

on that note goodnight

Edited by theclinton
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TL;DR the OP, bugs I've noticed are as follows (sorry if they've been mentioned).

All of the problems I'll be reporting are from what I've experienced after choosing to complete the prologue. 



- Vor's Prize quest not giving appropriate map markers until AFTER the correct planet has been visited.


- Need to defeat the Jackal assassination mission in order to begin the Howl of the Kubrow mission, because 

  you need to skip the second half of Vor's Prize mission line if you already had the resources for the "Ascaris Negator"

  and rushed the build.


- Purchasing the "Kubrow Starter Kit" causes issues with "Howl of the Kubrow". Multiple in-ship mission messages

  playing, map markers not appearing, quest log not updating to accommodate the fact that I have a young Kubrow in

  my Incubator.


- Pressing "Escape" twice, rapidly during the "Mission Complete" screen will cause you to be unable to move.

  Accessing one of the new "Escape button menus" fixes this.


- Warframe's body taking up too much of the screen when accessing the ships various consoles.




- Mirage: 4 - 5 second delay on casting the "Prism" ability at times.


- Mirage: Mutalist Quanta (rifle) + fully upgraded "Hall of Mirrors" (with various mods installed on both weapon and

  frame) does a ridiculous amount of damage. I've seen upwards of 3,000 damage per shot.


  Mods include:

  Frame - Max Energy Siphon, Max Continuity, Max Flow, Max Intensify, Max Stretch, Max Streamline.


  Weapon - Max Split Chamber, Rank 6 Serration, Rank 3 Point Strike, Rank 4 Vital Sense, Rank 4 Shred, default




Edit for more finds:


- Getting stuck with the "Please wait..." black box when trying to start a mission and it never going away. Not able to esc. out of it either, Alt + F4 is required.


- Infinite loading screen (screen only), but able to shoot, jump, text chat etc. because you're actually in-game,

  the visuals just don't seem to realize that.


- HUGE increase in the amount of enemies that get stuck in walls / floors on Defense missions.


- Newly acquired mods not appearing in the "Mods" console until you relog.


- "Howl of the Kubrow" quest prompts, and dialogue not going away once the quest has been completed.


- Unable to move (or do anything, for that matter) if closing too many consecutive chat windows.


... this update is kinda FUBAR.

Edited by Gynsu
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Hydroid mod colours. At least for me, my brother and a friend xD

The colour is a very clear blue (like a bug, it's near white)

077ce9077b10d56d47f3a069bf851719.png See the color selected for Energy (Energía)

And now...

d2f01863c22f88b0dc3bff3dc903f41b.png What the hell is this.

A lot of white. The AOE isn't even red.


Hope it's solved soon. (I think the bug appeared because you improved the normal water textures)

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well here is another issue that is crippling my game-play enjoyment, i have lowered shields. What i meant is i have a 320 redirection on and on every warframe my shield are 130 it keeps making me die in like less than 30 sec. I hope you get this fixed pls do i don't like dying pls pls pls do fix it.


Do you have a Dragon Key equipped?  Or did you not complete Vor's Prize and still have the Ascaris Bolt on.  If so that would explain why your shields are being lowered.

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When i login or finish a mission and enter the ship, Lotus and Ordis keep repeating the lines from getting the collar for the kubrow. - Lotus says we get the collar, ordis says to care for the beast. I don't know if there is any stage to the kubrow quest aterwards but i'm stuck there.

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I still cannot do the "raid corpus caches" section of the Vor's prize quest line after the U 14.03. The on ship HUD shows that its active but its no where to be seen when i enter the navigation screen to find the mission. It should also be noted that i built the "Ascarus Negator" quest item immediately after receiving the blueprint from the Darvo rescue mission. Hope that helps solve this bug!

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My friend and I ran a few of the new missions on Mercury to clear them out only to find two bugs, one I know has already been reported here but wanted to bring it up again since it was marked unconfirmed.

1) With me has host, we ran Neruda and Eminescu and completing both misses. While I got credit, she did not.

2) Instead of getting Morphics, Ferrite, and Polymer Bundles during this mission, I was getting Rubedo, Alloy Plate, and Control Modules. Looks like there's a bit of a bug in the resource loot code for what is available where.



I said tis yesterday, not sure if fixed or if anyone read it:


I cant seem to get rewards from Nightmare missions  if i play in a group, nor can i complete a mission to get the next one if im in a group, as if to unlock the next mission in the system.


I tried it extensivly and it didnt work 100% of the time, with me as host and him joining in and wise versa


This was pretty gamebreaking yesterday and took away all the fun if i couldnt get access to nightmare mods.



Not entirely sure if this is a bug or an anti boosting mechanic but when playing in a squad, only the host is gaining progress in the solar map and not the squadmates meaning that each map would have to be run multiple times, with each person taking a turn as host, for everyone to get credit for having done the mission.


Edit: Experience was on Mercury

I see this is still not fixed. This can really halt non-solo game progress. I know Kubrow problems are taking up a large portion of fixes as it is new content, but the host/no mission progression problem can also be frustrating.

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I ran T1 survival with full party. No idea if this happened in other void mission.


Issues encountered:

1. The timer stops and hanged at random times but the oxygen still continues to deplete causing us unable to finish or having to fail the mission. 

2. There's a waterfall bug on the beginning of the mission. i got no screenshots of it but the waterfall is out of placed and appeared in square or rectangular shape instead of the usual ones.


We only ran T1 survival twice but the issues occurred twice also.

If anyone encountered the same issue or more, pls do add in.


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