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The Vauban Condition - (Aka Paywall)


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Eh, I've always had a bit of a problem with warframes being clantech. It feels like a cop-out IMO

Too many frames, too little bosses. Possibilites are endless for placing parts. Quests, completition of Planets, getting them through achievemnts, by doing certain defense waves, survival drops etc.



If void can drop parts on survival, why DE cannot place frame parts in rank 3 random survivals? Make him 5 % chance on 30 mins mark on random survivals and you would give people fairer way to obtain him.

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You don't need him. He's just cheap (i feel that he's just too awesome OP in a way that's not OP). Use your time collecting other and funner Warframes, and along the way you'll stumble upon his alerts. That's what I did.

Edited by jjpdn
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There was a Vauban Systems Alert at 3:57pm BST on the 21st of August.

You also might benefit from downloading a Warframe utility app for an android device that can tell you when there is

a blueprint on an alert.


You can set it to buzz whenever a specific blueprint is on an alert like Vauban pieces.

I've used it a lot. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ezardlabs.warframe&hl=en_GB




It's fair to say most if not all of us have been in the same position where Vauban parts have shown up on days we can make it on.

Those who work however and earn money have the opportunity to spend real money.

You either choose to invest time/money.


Both very valuable.

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Patience is a virtue my friend

Plenty of people have got him through playing casually. Hell apart from just watching twitter the only special thing I did was get a ride home instead of walking.

There are also far more Vauban alerts nowadays, back when I got him they were on the level of potato alerts.

Sure it is annoying, but there is plenty of other stuff to do

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An initiate crying about not being able to get Vauban........ This is priceless, didn't think I would see this. Thanks for the laugh OP, mine is picking up dust because of how overrated he is.

You are misguided on here if you think that he is initiate because his forum rank is initiate.



In game rank isnt forum rank.

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You are misguided on here if you think that he is initiate because his forum rank is initiate.



In game rank isnt forum rank.


u wat m8?


and on a serious note:

I really wish more people would start using apps. They really are useful.

Edited by Lilliannette
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It's just only one frame that you can only acquire through alerts. When it's multiple frames, then yeah I can see a problem with that. Took me more than 500 hours of play time to get him, and that's without a notification helper just pure luck to stumble upon a Vauban alert. I didn't use any because didn't want Warframe to dictate my activities outside it. Just be patient and wait for it like the rest of us.

If you can't wait then by all means buy it, help DE financially.

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Vauban is an excellent Warframe, but you are not entitled to him.


You can do what most of us do and follow the alerts feed on Twitter.  You can do what some of us do and follow the secondary Twitter feed that only mentions Blueprint/Item alerts.  You can even do what the most enterprising few do and have those alerts forwarded to your phone.



Bottom line is that there is not an actual paywall in effect, and this means of feeding Vauban parts into the game is designed to offset his rather spectacular utility in combat.  There are only a few Warframes that truly need to be earned, and Vauban is the King of those Warframes.

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i see your a initiate dont worry about you will get him when the time is right. 



An initiate crying about not being able to get Vauban........ This is priceless, didn't think I would see this. Thanks for the laugh OP, mine is picking up dust because of how overrated he is.

Forum rank has nothing to do with in game time, I didn't sign into the forums for a few weeks after I was playing.



Booben is an alright 'frame.  He's fun and stuff but I wouldn't cry over missing his parts.  You have over a dozen other 'frames you can work on while you wait for the right alerts, not to mention a lot of weapons, Sentinels and now BatLlamaDogs.  


I'd recommend pickng up one of the app's that let you filter for specific things though, that's how I was able to get Booben.

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I've been playing Warframe for quite a while now, and I eventually crafted (YES CRAFTED NOT BOUGHT) Vauban, i hardly disagree that he's a let down, well it is to people who rush misssions in Warframe, one must be patient to get and play properly with Vauban. There are some and there must be some hard to get frames, heh lately this guy is rarer than Loki Prime. On to my point, don't build such hype about just one frame, consider getting others before this one.

I wanted Vauban ever since his release and i must say that at one point i just forgot about him, and then bam there goes Vauban Helmet.

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Like every other frame in the game, there are people that love Booben and can't live without him, and there are people that think he's a total waste of time. So, whether you fall into category A or B is irrelevant.


But let's not cry about paywalls, OK? "Forced to pay?" Get a grip, man. DE_Steve isn't twisting your arm up behind your back until you cough out 300 plat.


Like every other thing in the game, you can either put in the time and effort to defeat the mighty RNG and get what you want, or you can pay the plat and get it Right Now. Some things are relatively easy to get, like Oberon (kill enough Excimuses) and Mirage (buy the initial blueprint for a few credits, build it, then run the missions). Some things take a bit more time, like farming almost any Prime gear from the Void (you want to talk about a grind, try getting all the parts for Loki Prime or Rhino Prime). And some things are way out there, edge cases that go above-and-beyond the norm, like the Miter (I killed Lech Kril so many times I was starting to dream about it) and the aforementioned Vauban.


You're right, there's no reliable way to get it in the game because of RNG. That's the very nature of the game system. You have a valid complaint saying it's hard to get, because it is hard to get. I understand where you're coming from, I waited months to get all my Vauban parts. But don't go crying about being "FORCED to actually pay." The only person FORCING you to pay is yourself.

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One frame linked to alerts isn't a paywall. He is easier to get the more often you play, that's called an addiction wall. He is completely accessible without a single platinum, if his alerts cost platinum that would be a pay wall.

IMO you already get so much for so little, don't try to pry the tiny bit of profit DE does get from their hands. Either play more and get it or work a couple extra hours and buy it.

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I used the alert app and had him in about three weeks.  I'm going back to Feburary so I'm not sure if he pops up as often now or I may have been just lucky to be available.  


Though I did run one mission at four in the morning as I remember.  Quick ten minutes and back to sleep.

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Damn my post got flooded by sore "veteran" donators attacking me (as I predicted) ppl who already have him (obviously most payed for it), will look down on me with wrath for DARING to complain. Get a god damn life and stop attacking ppl in random posts.

Like every other thing in the game, you can either put in the time and effort to defeat the mighty RNG and get what you want, or you can pay the plat and get it Right Now. Some things are relatively easy to get, like Oberon (kill enough Excimuses) and Mirage (buy the initial blueprint for a few credits, build it, then run the missions). Some things take a bit more time, like farming almost any Prime gear from the Void (you want to talk about a grind, try getting all the parts for Loki Prime or Rhino Prime). And some things are way out there, edge cases that go above-and-beyond the norm, like the Miter (I killed Lech Kril so many times I was starting to dream about it) and the aforementioned Vauban.

I dont complain about how "hard' it is to get him. If u read the original post I like when smth is hard to get. From the first 3 weeks that I played the game I had Loki Prime (Farmed him and traded the parts I already had for the ones I didn't) way faster and way easier than I should have. Next step is Hydroid, that from what I understand it is HARD to get. Ok, np with that because by slowly working on it, eventually you will get him!

With Vauban, patience + hard work goes out the window. U have to be either lucky or abnormally obsessed with the game in order to get him for free. This is stupid.


EDIT - and no, why ppl dont understand that its completely normal to have some basic boundaries? Why should I put an app on my phone to dictate to me when I have to play a god damn game?Don't u realize how wrong is that? You think I didn't know about tweeter and apps? I know probably more than all the morons that posted again and again and again "Get the app and stop complaining" after I specifically said that its stupid to be available for gaming 24/7.


EDIT 2 - And NO ITS NOT A FKN GOD DAMN RNG THAT IS THE PROBLEM. The problem is the fact that alerts happen randomly withing the day, no way u can get him unless ur playing 14 hours a day. Give me a boss or something that actually has the vauban BP on his drop table and THAT is RNG no matter how low the chance on getting him is.  

Edited by StainPain
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Damn my post got flooded by sore "veteran" donators attacking me (as I predicted) ppl who already have him (obviously most payed for it), will look down on me with wrath for DARING to complain. Get a god damn life and stop attacking ppl in random posts.

I dont complain about how "hard' it is to get him. If u read the original post I like when smth is hard to get. From the first 3 weeks that I played the game I had Loki Prime (Farmed him and traded the parts I already had for the ones I didn't) way faster and way easier than I should have. Next step is Hydroid, that from what I understand it is HARD to get. Ok, np with that because by slowly working on it, eventually you will get him!

With Vauban, patience + hard work goes out the window. U have to be either lucky or abnormally obsessed with the game in order to get him for free. This is stupid.


EDIT - and no, why ppl dont understand that its completely normal to have some basic boundaries? Why should I put an app on my phone to dictate to me when I have to play a god damn game?Don't u realize how wrong is that? You think I didn't know about tweeter and apps? I know probably more than all the morons that posted again and again and again "Get the app and stop complaining" after I specifically said that its stupid to be available for gaming 24/7.


EDIT 2 - And NO ITS NOT A FKN GOD DAMN RNG THAT IS THE PROBLEM. The problem is the fact that alerts happen randomly withing the day, no way u can get him unless ur playing 14 hours a day. Give me a boss or something that actually has the vauban BP on his drop table and THAT is RNG no matter how low the chance on getting him is.  


Yes it is RNG. Alerts *are* RNG, there's a guaranteed minimum number of Vauban alerts per month (one per component iirc). On top of that Blueprints occasionally end up as rewards in events (was the case with Gradivus where presumably a lot of people got their Vauban bits).


Getting Vauban is a matter of patience, it took me 6 months or so. It's not like there isn't lots of other stuff to play with in the mean time.


Using an app means you know when something you want is on alert, it's not mandatory but certainly useful if you want to increase your chances of getting your hands on something rare (like Vauban or Heavy Caliber).


If you have a smartphone then I don't see how adding one extra app means being "abnormally obsessed", certainly less so than going on a rant as a new player (I mean, you joined just before the last major update ffs) about a Warframe that takes most people the better part of a year to acquire.


Honestly rank up your other stuff first, you'll get your hands on Vauban eventually. Or do like other impatient people: open your wallet.

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took me 4 months of playing the game to get all the parts. the only time I missed alerts for him was while I was sleeping. it takes time, but it also shows how bad the RNG is. they should make a new moon for us to fight on for each of the frames.

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