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Coming Soon: Devstream #36


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I have no questions (other than rhetorical like 'why don't you do the math sometimes' or 'why did you re-make mod UI into a wall of text' or  'why is x still not fixed')  



Oh and also a reminder that you need to design a progression otherwise  its 



Noobs getting best weapons immediately skipping the ladder then breeze thru everything, other weapons seem meh, there is no 'end game' they get bored and quit in 2 weeks. 

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I've seen this in the forums a few times and I'm wondering this myself. How will development of Warframe be managed across the PC and now two consoles (i.e. who gets the love and when)? How are the next versions that get pushed out to consoles decided? Was/Is there a goal of PC to console version parity? What about console parity (looks like we have that now).  Would it ever be possible to have either a cross PC/console or even a console vs. console style event? If not, why not? But wouldn't it be cool if we could?    

I doubut that there will be cross pc to console or console to cosole because unlike pc every thing thats sent to psn has to be approved my sony first and i imagine that the same will be true of mircosoft. thats why the consoles will always be behind the pc.

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- Are there any ideas in the backburner for the corrupted? Personally the Void is an awesome concept and I think should have some attention in regards to fleshing out story/lore and concepts to give it a fresh breath of life. Vor in the Void was definitely a good start and could lead to other improvements.


- Will there be any weapons that are going to get a revision? The Braton Prime seems a bit underpowered as a prime weapon when its brethren Latron, Boltor, and Burston are pretty useful in their own right.


- There has been feedback regarding the changes made to Absorb, has there been any discussion on the state of Absorb and if/when it will receive another look based on its modifications?


- How about Cernos Prime? Paris received some well-deserved love and Dread is...well..Dread. Would it be possible for a Cernos Prime? Perhaps even a Cernos of another variant?




- Any word regarding user generated contest with making quests for your fellow clan members?

Edited by IAmTheWar
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I also would like to know if simple commands for the Kubrows will be made available such as Attack, Guard, Hold etc?


Regarding Archwing when the Warframe is told he can not extract and is then shielded and blasted into space, what happens to his Kubrow if equipped or if he has a Sentinel attached where does it go?

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Can prime weapons have a balance pass /  Can prime weapons have some consistency in strength values?


We have had the sniper/launcher/clan tech weapon balancing can we get a look in on some Prime weapons?


Over the last ~4 Months we have had 19 separate threads in weapon feedback asking for just for braton prime to get a buff.

Other weaker primes have had threads to.


We need prime weapons to have a more unified Normal -> Prime upgrade system. 

Current inconsistency on what "Prime" means makes some prime weapons exceptional but leaves others being sub-par.

(Braton Prime is the same difficulty to get as Latron, Burston and Boltor prime yet is closer to the Karak in stats.)


I made a thread counting prime threads asking for buff/nerf and listed them here:




Edit: Another good reason: Sicarus prime shoots three bullets per shot but has a base clip of 20. Last shot only has two bullets? Orokin mathematics!

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Animation packs: Soon, pretty please?


If y'all were unaware, there used to be a bug where you could have one frame use the animations of another in the Arsenal, and a while back now it was mentioned that one would be able to purchase 'packs' to unlock a frame's animations to use on any other frame.

Last I heard, this was pencilled in for "the next update after U14 ships". Which has come and gone.

Any word on when we can expect this awesome addition? Hopefully it's not been shelved.


Edit: We had a big thread about this.



I think my biggest hope for this would be if we could designate specific warframes' stances for each weapon.


For example, having a Valkyr use Noble Nyx's rifle animations, Noble Ember's dual pistol animations, Loki's throwing knives animations...

It would be glorious, but I think I'm expecting a wee bit too much.

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Is melee going to get any changes? Melee 2.0 did wonders for it, but everything dies so fast I often feel like I'm in the way if I try to do a Melee run because everyone is killing stuff before I get to it, and then I'll only kill one before someone AOEs the room. Not to mention even as someone who gives himself a lot of shields (maxed redirection) and a decent amount of HP, I still go down super fast even in lower level stuff if I try to melee.

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How will the customization of archwing work? Will it be mods per the norm or will it be more along the lines of interchangeable/customized part?

I think I would like to see another style of upgraded added to this game that does not require farming of mods but crafting parts to increase Or upgrade our components.

I.e. different wing styles that give different bonuses, different suit component's that could increase boosters or thrusters maybe even the life support shield module. Different blade, barreled, grips ext.that could change the effects of the weapons them selves.

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Q1. When are you going to turn that monstrosity you call RNG into something more enjoyable? Like tuning into Psuedo-random would lessen the amount of grief players with bad luck would have to endure. Players would start enjoying your game more. Isn't that like a win-win?


Q2. Some of your mods got some really weird, or underwhelming, values connected to them. The resistance mods and the normal status chance mods are prime examples of underwhelming, while Split Chamber and its 90% mutlishot chance being an example of weird. It would make more sense if the chance for multishot was 100% at max instead of 90%. 


Q3. Speaking of making sense. Sicarus Prime still only got 20 rounds in its magazine. Shouldn't it have 21 rounds since it fires in 3-round bursts? Or 24? Or 18? Why does it have 20? That doesn't divide with 3. 

Edited by HitPointPredator
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[How about further weapons balancing? Especially Primes and Clantechs?]


Currently, disparity between a few Primes and Clantechs in the same categories were simply to say, unfair.


One of the extreme case here is Boltor Prime, which is ridiculously OP, to the point its nerf is already long overdue (more than half of game player must be enraged with this idea) and Braton Prime, which is pathetically UP against the other Primes, with stats and performance felt like Mk.1 Braton Prime rather than true 'Primed' Braton.


- Related (Compiled Link) Thread : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/298387-prime-weapon-re-balancing-how-many-threads-till-we-get-it-so-many-braton-prime-threads/


The problem on the few Clantech weapons is mainly on the imbalance between the effort to build it against its actual field performance. One of the case here is Supra, which currently needs 7 Fieldron (while Amprex, holds the highest with its 8 Fieldron requirement), perform quite terribly, even with pre-semi nerfed Elec. Shield (still with hitscan conversion).


[What's with the decision of Electric Shield's hitscan conversion removal? Is there any good reason behind this? Can it be brought back?]


Hitscan conversion removal from Elec. Shield really hurts Volt users who mainly uses it as a boost for many projectile weapons. From its inception, it's one of the main core feature of Elec. Shield, so what's going on with its removal? Even with the (nerfed) stacked shield crit damage, it's still doesn't really paid off.

Edited by Athros
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Why can you only carry 1 Kubrow egg in your inventory when you can stack multiple Kubrow eggs bought from the market? I really don't understand the reasoning behind it. They are already a quite rare drop so why limit in game pickup differently than purchased ones?


Why is the Sahasa the only Kubrow to not come with a polarity, give the cub some love....


Can you make the Kubrow marker only show for it's owner and not the entire party. It is confusing to say the least when everybody bring their best buddy and you have 4 blue Kubrow waypoints.


Braton Prime...is at it's current state not even worthy the term "prime" so please consider buffing it

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Finaly being able to post questions for a devstream here again.


Okay my usual remaining questions (thanks again), with a few new ones.


Q1. With Vor's Price as new tutorial/prologue you seem to have established that the player Tenno is "the hero" character not just as optional quest/mission, but as direct identification of who the player character is.


->How does that fit together with the several hundred thousands of other Tenno flying around in the same Liset with the same AI and having the same backstory?


->Don't you think elevating each player character to "the ONE hero" clashes with your previous stated wish of leaving it to each players imagination how they want to think of their Tenno?


Q2. Any chance you might bring the old Sawman back? Perhaps using them to enhance the Flameblades? Their teleportation plus circular saw sounds would be a nice combo.


Q3. Looking at Valkyr's "arm jewelry" which has four bolts going through the Warframes arms. Why would the Tenno replicates the Corpus damage like that? How can a Tenno get their arms into the Warframe with those bolts in place?


Q4. Seeing how removing charge attacks on melee weapon has severly reduced the usage of heavy melee weapons, including the infamous Galatine, which you used as symbol of buffing before.*

What exactly was the reason for removing the charge function? Is there a chance it might come back?


*Channeling and  stance combos do not seem to balance this out for most players.


Q5. What exactly qualifies a weapon as clantech and what qualifies it as freely aquirable via the market (in blueprint form)?


Q6. Why do you throw lore into the Warframe descriptions, where they shouldn't be unless they are directly related to said Warframe? Wouldn't it make more sense to create direct entries in the Codex for story where people can easily find them?


Q7. The way you introduced and placed the Tonfa stance Gemini Cross seems to show that our concerns about stance farming has found your ear. Will this also affect how other possible upcomming stances will be placed? Any plan to make the one Glaive stance easier to get too?


Q8. Has the idea of introducing a manual knockback recovery option aka handspring mechanic gone anywhere or have you dropped the concept for now?


Q9. Didn't you mentiod in a devstream, before their release, that the Shipyard set was supposed to be on Earth? Why suddently put them on Ceres? How can a planet smaller than our moon have a rain producing atmosphere?


Q10. The new Europa (ice planet) tilsets have turned out very good. Any plans on expanding the solar system by making other Jupiter or Saturn moons sectors too?

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Any plans for more ranged and melee mixed weapons? Bayonets, pistol+ccw or more throwing melee weapons?


Conditional damage mods? Headshot, behind/beside, +% per target hit, +% on cc'd targets, +% on procced targets, on unaware targets, etc.



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A question I have had on my mind for some time now. First and foremost, I adore my Kubrow. But I am curious what the rationale is behind the 3 hour stasis wait. I know that a lot of thought goes in to everything added in Warframe, and am just wondering as to why that 3 hour wait to bring one out of stasis exists. Personally it seems like it is taking some fun out of the "Kubrow experience" so to speak. For example I have not had much interest personally for having more than 1 Kubrow. Even though I would love to have at least one of each type, in the back of my mind I know I would not be patient enough to switch them out. Is this 3 hour wait essentially working as intended? Or is it something that you are thinking of modifying? Lastly, a genuine thank you to all the devs. I have now been playing this game for well over a year, and look forward to everything in the future.

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What is your goal for Warframe?


That's a pretty broad question, but I needed something to catch your attention.  Allow me to explain.  Innumerable times I have discussed changes that would benefit the game across many different subforums.  Many people are in agreement, and some are not.  When I ask them what their problem with the proposal is, the discussion always seems to get to one point:  DE wants their game to be like this, not like that.


But of course both myself and the other party are speaking based on assumptions, and subjective definitions of "fun."  But Warframe is your game, not ours.  You will do what you think is right for the game.  It's your job as devs.  However, we don't know what you think is right.  So many times, discussions are held all over the forums on what would benefit the game, when the parties holding these discussions don't really know either way, because they don't know what kind of game you want to make.  It's wasted feedback if someone gives you a way to improve something you don't want to improve in that way, or at all.  If someone gives you a suggestion you want to use, it was basically a shot in the dark; the person giving feedback just got lucky.


So that's the real point of this question.  If you give us something to work with, some goal to reach, we as beta testers can give you more productive feedback which you're more likely to do something with, because it will directly concern your intentions for the game.  Obviously answering the entirety of the question in one devstream would leech a lot of your time away from other questions, but really any kind of acknowledgement to this idea coupled with some insight, even if it's very general, would be greatly appreciated.


And if you read through all of this Rebecca, thanks.  As you can see I tend to be a little long-winded...


EDIT:  Just realized, exactly 24 hours later, I didn't post the thread where this idea was spawned, so here you go, if anyone cares to look into it!  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/297237-des-agenda/#entry3384615

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I agree, the Supra needs a desperate buff. Are we going to see one?

I agree with both of you that the supra needs some love. I will add some other things to the list like...dual cestras,braton prime,ingis,detron,hate,whip weapons,all ninja star like weapons,frost,ash,and of course NEKROS;)
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I have two questions


1)When will the next faction be added. They were off handily mentioned in a stream ages ago. How would they function on the solar map? Will they be a invasion based faction like the infested once were, will they have something similar to the orokin void or will new planets be added in for them. Gameplay wise what will their specialty be? Will they be a endgame faction with all the pros of the other factions or will they be 'equal' to the others(basically will a low level generic soilder be just as strong as a grineer soilder of the same level).


2)Will the stalker have a role to play in future quests? If so when can we expect these quests to be added


Unfortunately i wont be able to watch the devstream(if it started a hour later i would be able to though)

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