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Which Warframe Have You Had Zero Interest Playing And Why?


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i absolutely despise loki.. but also at the same time generally like him depending on how hes played..


perma invisibility = babymode = i hate this crap


disarm = funnest skill in the game due to enemies mindlessly running at your blender weapon and chopping and grinding them into little bits

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Ash. I can't even give a good reason why. If I wanted to play stealth is go with loki. If I wanted to get close and personal I'd use my radial blind Excalibur. If I wanted to feel like I was smashing stuff like a boss is choose most other #4 button masher heroes. On a side note. I know oberon's ultimate isn't that strong, but it does feel like you are really punishing the opposition when you press it. It really does feel satisfying for some reason. Especially against corpus humans who bounce a little more realistically to me. It's fun. Not powerful or overly helpful just fun.

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I have an Excalibur, Ember & Prime, Rhino & Prime, Trinity, Nyx, Vauban, Banshee, Valkyr and Zephyr. Guess which one I don't like? 


You guessed it, it's Valkyr (tadaaaa)


Honestly, Valkyr was a no-sell for me, just because of Hysteria. I thought it would be fun to use her, but Hysteria lasts way too long and gives too many benefits to be able to use intelligently. 


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I have an Excalibur, Ember & Prime, Rhino & Prime, Trinity, Nyx, Vauban, Banshee, Valkyr and Zephyr. Guess which one I don't like? 


You guessed it, it's Valkyr (tadaaaa)


Honestly, Valkyr was a no-sell for me, just because of Hysteria. I thought it would be fun to use her, but Hysteria lasts way too long and gives too many benefits to be able to use intelligently. 



I could tolerate Hysteria if it actually incorporated your equipped melee weapon rather than overriding it with the stupid claws; that is my biggest gripe with Valkyr and it was such a disappointment (especially since she was released at the same time as Melee 2.0, yet she wasn't allowed to benefit fully from it!).

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I have absolutely no interest in crafting him or using him. After one and a half years he still is not on my roster of warframes.


The only time I'll craft him is when I absolutely need the mastery points.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Ash. I hated everything about Ash before playing him, and afterwards I hated him even more. There's just nothing he does that's of interest to me, and he has an aura of edginess I can't get past.

Edgeframe heh heh heh.

I'd say Mag. I can't seem to pull players anymore, and that was my favourite thing about her.

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Rhino - Is just boring. Both his playstyle and appearance don't interest me like they used to when I started this game last year.


Nova - The glassiest of cannons, can't hold my own when I run Nova. I hate her powers. The only control she has is her ult, and I don't like it all that much either.


Mag - I want to like Mag, but her powers seem so uninspired and similar (bar the one that replenishes shields, I like that one), also, her prime helm is ugly.


Trinity - Another frame I want to love but she REALLY needs a visual refreshing: the freaking lobster tail, her idle stances, she is altogether ridiculously out of place. I know, people will say that it isn't her visuals that matter and I should enjoy running her in missions for her powers (which I do on rare occasion), BUT SHE LOOKS SO STUPID. I really can't get over it.


Hydroid - All his powers are terri-bad control. I can't stand him.




There were times where I had interest in these frames, but I have now almost completely lost that interest. They gather dust in my inventory.


Edit: Almost completely forgot Ember. Another frame with powers that I detest.

Edited by IANOBW
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My list would include:


Mag - Mediocre at everything, good at nothing.

Bahaha no.

I'm all for people sharing opinions, but this is utterly false.

Mag is currently the only Warframe that can nuke enemies no matter their level. As long as it has shields, mag can kill it. The Nerf to pull was justified, because having a 1 ability yanking an entire map with armor ignore is ridiculous.

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I want to see Zephyrs who would use their Turbulence as if it was a mobile Snow Globe and casting Tornado at the right time. I would also like to see a Volt who only spam Speed at the right time and spam 10 Elec Shields behind each other. 


I don't like seeing Rhinos who would rush everything, especially in Survival, where they are fighting entire crowds, spamming Stomp and W+M1'ing their Boltor Prime, away from their teammates. 

Edited by AridTeflon
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