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Coming Soon: Devstream #38!


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Q: The recent balance pass over snipers and some clan tech weapons has helped, but, when will you review other weapons?

For example, the Lato now does more damage per shot than the Aklato following the Lato buff with "Tutorial 2.0" (unlike every other single and dual weapon family).


Q: On a similar topic, can we review Mastery Rank requirements for powerful weapons, for example Boltor Prime?

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Looking back: It is a fair statement to say that newer Primes have increasingly lavish and impressive designs, it is also generally accepted that some of the older primes could use some "updating". Will the design team ever look back over older primes (and possibly update them)? The pre-edited versions could be saved as skins. 

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Q: the dual dagger stances are lacking, is there anyway that the Sinking Talon Stance can get another combo, maybe even one that is similar to the old set "Bring Back the Blender" I elaborated more on this in a thread I made if any Animator possibly wants to answer this

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How do You intend to balance the line between stealth and action in Warframe? There has never been a big focus on stealth elements (even though tenno are ninja) over the action-gameplay. Is the intention to balance the two or is there work behind the scenes to completely focus on action? Just curious since I've seen a lot of updates which focus on action at the cost of improvements to stealth (archwings are another example). I know that there are some stealth elements planned for the archwings, but from what I've seen it seems more like a small feature, rather than actual changes.

Are there any plans to improve the UI-situation? Either being able to change the UI manually or the option to change back to the old UI? The new UI (with updates) makes me nauseous (screen jumping around when moving mouse, especially bad in foundry, amongst other things), and is still less functional than the old UI. The new mod-screen is no exception, even though there are some features of it I enjoy using (damage calculator).

Last year you promised to look at adding colour-blind options (lockers and doors), but there have been no changes. Is it because it got drowned under all the other additions planned, or because it was deemed unnecessary? The new mod screen has been criticized as well, since there's such a big focus on colours which might seem familiar to each other for some players.     

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Will there ever be a official system to combine Tenno powers to create an even greater power?


An example would be Bounce + Fireball, Shock, or Freeze would make an elemental trap

An idea that would be interesting would be the ability to combine frames. Like Ember and Frost. Thus creating a new frame with combined abilities. Like Cold Fire, a blast of fire that freezes at a certain range and impales enemies, but can also set them on fire or freeze them or even both. Just an idea.


Think of Rhino. Combine him with Volt. Iron Skin now becomes an electric shield. Take away the invulnerability and make it where melee attackers take major damage and ranged have the chance of there bullets being sent back at them. Still maintain a shield that will reduce damage or maybe just boost the shields that you already have. Then combine both of their fourth abilities for one that throws everyone around by stomping, but joins it with a lightning storm. It would give a good change of pace and keep the variance of gameplay and frames from getting boring.

Edited by cog777
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AW YES, a devstream about old stuff! :D


As always, a list of questions asked by a lot of people including me :


I ) What is the status of Stealth 2.0 1.0? Us stealth enthusiasts are waiting for ages for more improvement in this way.


II ) Are you still working on Parkour 2.0? Movements at the moment feel too sticky and we know that you saw the biggest parkour threads (with the Overgrowth wallrun gameplay that look impressive) & Geoff even said that he was interested in sideways ledge movements.


III ) Steve once talked about adding difficulty settings to missions. Is it still planned? (Difficulty sliders,ability to play any node on nightmare mode under certain conditions)


IV ) Where are the pre-mission dioramas that made us a really badass ninja team before starting missions? It just vanished after U14.


V ) Can we have some info on the upcoming hubs/vesper relay alongside ingame interactions aka Emotes? We saw them 20 streams before, and still no implementation.


VI ) Do you have some things to show us for the upcoming additions? The next frame, concept arts, Tyl Regor and other reworked bosses, underwater levels, tilesets expansions,and so on?

   VI.I ) Anything to show about reworked bosses? Tyl, Nef & Derf, Kela...Any boss that is just a buffed regular unit at the     moment.

   VI.II ) Have you worked on fan concepts recently?Especially frames concept? If yes, is it possible to show us WIP of it? (A Typhus announcement would increase hype by 350%.)


VII ) In your last trailer everyone saw the Orthos sequence with a charge attack. Are they coming back included in combos (and with less spammability)?


VIII ) The dojo was once promised to get a shooting range, and aquariums. Is it still in your plans?


IX ) What is your progress regarding the Focus system? And Proxy Wars?


X ) "Enemies of the tenno" event is far away now. When can we see the winners submissions ingame, and other enemies additions(more Elites,more Corrupted,more planet-based AI,more wildlife,...) aswell? How can't any heavy be infested/corrupted?...


XI ) The Sentients... Any little hints?Artworks,models,etc...


XII ) Where is the Grineer armored kubrow? You showed a 3D model of it ages ago,even before the domesticated kubrow we have now.


XIII ) When are ability mods thrown into the sun the market instead of being dropped by enemies?


XIV ) Will there be other skins(for frames) than the Proto-Excalibur armor? Blaze for Ember, Female Ash concept for Ash, Original Zephyr for Zephyr, and so on...


XV ) What is going on with Cloth physics?


XVI ) What are the incoming changes to our beloved Nekros? Will his 3 other powers be as useful as desecrate and how will he get his "viable rate" increased?


XVII ) Since Melee 2.0, gore went downhill because enemies tend to die in a too automatic way. We had an easier task dismembering and ragdolling people back then. Is there any Gore improvements planned?


XVIII ) Will we get some more environment interaction one day? Switching lights on/off, actually destroying the background to harm enemies (other than just breaking glass & explosive barrels)

XIX ) Is it possible to get power synergy between frames abilities? (like Frost & Hydroid for instance having a more powerful impact when both use specific powers simultaneously)


XX ) Will more frames than Zephyr or Mirage get passive abilities? Frost a little less affected by cold damage, Saryn to Poison,Ember to fire,Volt to electric damage,Hydroid swimming faster... (Not too much to avoid OPness)


This here, ladies and gents, is another man who knows all the right questions to ask.

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With the Archwing system throwing out the current mods and powers do you think there'd be a possibility of making/introducing a PvP mode for them? 


Would it be possible in the future to change how the Blocking mechanic works? As it is now outside of the lower level missions it is not particularly useful due to the stamina drain, even with the stamina related mods.


Concerning the Damage System and the Mod System, are there any plans for removal or adjustments to damage mods? As it is now it is far too rewarding to simply build: Serratiion, Multi-Shot, Crit, and Four Elemental Damage Mods, thereby increasing greatly increasing your gun's power with barely any drawbacks.


Are there plans to change the Matchmaking system to include being able to choose whether or not you want to Host?

Also are there plans to tweak how it matches players so that players of similar power are more likely to be paired together so that enemy and boss scaling can work in way that doesn't negatively impact both "low-level" and "high-level" players?

Edited by Sasquatch180
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Focus System? Proxy Wars? Stealth 2.0? Parkour 2.0?


Will the Elemental Warframes every have immunity/resistance to their respective elements?


Will the Elemental Warframes have powers that can interact to create elemental combos?


Will it ever be possible to use melee combos without going into Sword Alone mode?


Will the Dojo every be enhanced further than just being a place for BP's and Trade?

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I seem to recall a discussion of missions in the Orokin Towers, namely the white VR space we do Mastery Tests in.

Will this be explored further? If so will we meet the Lotus avatar there like I think you were concepting in the spring of 2014.

If I am wrong about all this, I would appreciate if you let us know.

Second, Friendly factions and civilians, please show more of them to us.

Third, Lore for each warframe has not been a given. Can we assume there will be a Codex for all yhe frames? Or is the quest route a better way?

Thanks for the great world you are building with us.

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1) Will survival ever be fixed to be based off of actual difficulty, and not RNG like it's current state (which practically requires nekros if you want to get anywhere, which I don't necessarily agree with)


2) Is parkour being looked at? In it's current state, there's too many obstacles on walls to make it worth using in combat that just drop you to the ground or have you uncontrollably changing directions on the wall. Not only that, but unnecessary things still seem to persist to try and 'balance' parkour (ex: sliding down a wall, rapid stamina drain, etc), but it's not really necessary either as it's not an effective means of combat, but certainly one at avoiding ground combat and feel like a true ninja.

Edited by SgtFlex
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This here, ladies and gents, is another man who knows all the right questions to ask.

Thank you man. Nah really,thanks! :)


I try my best to identify our needs & understand what we all want to improve our ingame experience. (and I add my own suggestions too,such as nunchuks,grab attacks,etc...)


If D.E. answers some of these questions, I'd be quite happy,because other tenno ask for it & the answers will please several players at once.

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Q: Are there any plans to normalize the capacity gain of auras? Right now the main damage and health related (Steel Charge, Rejuvenation) auras give much more capacity than the more utility oriented auras (Speed Holster, Enemy Radar), making them almost non-existent in most games.

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Q: What is your plans for stealth improvement?


Q: Is there going to be an update for melee? if so, could you  please make the reload button (When switching to melee weapon) do a short distance (ground/air)DASH to get closer to enemies that is out of reach ( it will make us take less damage and make melee/warframe movement in melee mode more fluid ), Also, it will add some mobility, help the combo counter stay longer, looking more ninja-ish xD.


Q: can you tell us more about new warframes? And can you please, make these two: (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37089-a-warframe-concept-the-dragon-20-%E2%80%94-archwing-art-update-8182014/ )  AND ( https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/176524-warframe-concept-typhus-parasiteviral-samurai-final-update-fanart/) they're both so awesome, please :)

Edited by ryu-hayabusa1
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Another question I had: is Kubrow "breeding" going to stay as is? 


It's frustrating to feel like I make no progress at all and keep throwing credits at grey (or beige!) Kubrows. 


And would you consider adding a "recycling" power incubator BP? So that instead of paying 100K creds all the time, the Power Incubator only requires a "spare" incubator as well as an Argon? 

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