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Hotfix 15.5.9


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No more having to click again multiple times for Mesa ult? Exciting.

you didn't had to click multiple times before... i use her ult with just holding fire button...

they fixed now that when no enemy is near then some enemies come close she will continue fireing...  that was the change here...

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  • Reduced stun rate of various NPC weapons used in Archwing Missions.


  • Fixed some cases where the last reward shown in a defense or interception mission was not given to some players.
  • Fixed Invasion Missions not counting toward Battle Pay when quota for Invasion is completed when mid-Mission.



So much important fix and changes, end of stun lock "one-shot" homing missile? :p


And the change for invasion rewards is so welcome for 10 m survival, 10 waves defense.



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seeing all the whinning about nullifiers makes me wonder why do people even bring weapons if they are relying on their 'powers' so much.


Nerf yourself and use guns -_-


The problem is that their shield works in a strange way in regards to RoF.  It's broken based on the number of shots per second that hit it, nothing to do with damage or pellet count.  It can be easily broken with guns that have a high RoF, but guns that have a low RoF have a difficult, if not impossible, time breaking it.








Though at least it seems that the power-lock bug was fixed, which wasn't mentioned in these patch notes.  Makes dealing with them from melee range not a terrible idea for clients.

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in other words, better take the dust off the twin vipers and have them up just for nullifiers.

funny thing is how the bubble bounces off projectiles, i was rather impressed to see my ogris rocket being deflected, along with the sparkling shower of my detron's projectiles being sent all around the place

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they should just stop sugarcoating it and put all the new stuff for platinum only and stop beating around the bush. They want to make this game impossible to play free unless you have no life and weeks to farm for it. Might as well just take that away too. These damn losers living in their moms basement ripping you off from platinum sales.

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  • Sent Nullifier Crewmen into Cerberus to help reinforce the Corpus forces there.

absolute ahole move. " oh you need to grind a week for  insane amount of   honor"  - We make it even harder now just to screw everyone who works.

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Their nullifier shields are annoying in how they require a high rate of fire to break rather than pure damage but I wouldn't really mind the Nullifiers except for one reason.

Eximus nullifiers, or more specificially Artic Eximus Nullifiers.

I mainly use bows and I have enough trouble as it is dealing with their shield so I usually dash through and melee them.

With a artic eximus you get slowed down enough that the crowd of enemies usually surrounding him will tear you to pieces and it takes a massive amount of time for me to break through his nullifier shield and snow globe while dodging everyone else trying to kill me.

I started playing because I could dash around the map mowing down enemies with a bow, on corpus levels I can't do that anymore unless I go back to lower level planets and thats no fun.

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The death of Cerberus is bad enough...can't you at least nerf those Nullifiers? They're horrible as they are now! They're too overpowered! Their field even affects limbo when he's in the rift! And it insta-kills things, too.

That's a good thing. It adds that thing called "Strategy" into an enemy instead of being able to mindlessly shoot everything to death Call of Duty style. There needs to be more bosses that you have to come up with strategies for. Like shooting the armor covering off of a Corpus boss and climbing inside, then destroying its weak point. Overall taking about 10 minutes worth of boss fight no matter how strong your weapons are, whether theyre weak or strong. That would be so much fun. Kind of like the Gordiant, but this would ONLY be killable by climbing inside, at least for the last bit of its health: 

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===> Third : The shield. The freakin shield.

Something balanced, making so homer's drinking bird can't play the game instead of you would have been targeting spots of the shield to make it break from afar THEN use ability but no. Three arrows from my dread (And trust me, it is a maxxed out Dread) don't even scratch it. If that isn't forcing us to use high fire rate weapons instead of pinpoint accuracy one, what is ? I won't open another can of worms with bringing on the table how bad snipers have it in this game. Please, make it so we CAN crush that shield. From afar. Then it will be at least balenced.


If you Dread is maxxed out and doesn't even scratch it, there are different kinds how this thing behaves.


1. The arrows count as "blocked for damage", in fact no damage gets registered.

2. The bubble has hitpoints instead of health.

There is a difference between "hit X for 30 times" or "do 30.000 damage".

In the first case, you could blow the bubble even by hitting it 30 times dealing 1 DMG each.

The latter one, you could blow the bubble by dealing 40.000 DMG at once.



I'd like the idea of this shield being up for some seconds then cease to work or havin distortions, like a small hole where we can shoot through.


The worst thing ever happened is 2 Eximus combining their powers - Friends with benefits.

But In this one, an Arctic Eximus and a Nullman combine... well.. it's ... fun... a bit.


At least we don't get stripped by our weapon and energy at the same time we get an magnetic and poison debuff.

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