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Update 15.7.0 Nova Prime


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DE, seriously? Nullifier on void tower? and corpus one still not removed from the game?


DE, your game appeal isn't realism, it's the player being able to nuke the map at their own leisure.


What do you think caused archwing you worked so hard on to both lose appeal and the number of players who run them regularly?


Now you're repeating the same mistake over and over, please realised already that the moment us tenno have something to hinder our power *cough* line of sight *cough* nullifier *cough cough*, it's the moment you will SERIOUSLY lose player.

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So, DE takes away a mean for players to sacrifice standing for credits, as if it was something never seen before IRL...

Yet at the same time, doesn't fix the many problems with income and money sinks... 

More money sinks everywhere, still no good reward anywhere fun to play...yeah, how about you rework those dark sectors since no one is going there anyway...and the whole pvp mechanics while you're at it.


How about fixing the lost ranks and standing that so many people lost because the medallions weren't a compensations but a trap ?

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