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Why Do People Think High Mastery Rank = Good?


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Low MR players stand out in void survival and defense.

After 20, things can go south very quickly with a low MR team. If I want to go 40+ there is no way I take players below MR8.

The only time I encountered a bad high MR is when they were trying out Mesa and was hoping to spam PM the entire time. When new frames come out, its the only time you really experience bad high MR players toying with frame and not worrying about objective. It happened with Limbo too.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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For those of you who think that mastery is something which is easy to attain, then you must either have joined WF quite recently or have forgotten about how the game operated many updates back. Back when I started (nearly 2 years back) there was no such thing as ODD, there was no such thing as even survival, not to say interception. Saying that mastery is something gained easily is simply incorrect. Back in the day, the only real way to level up your weapons for mastery is to actually play the game as in actually playing (running around, shooting etc) rather than vivergate.


As for MR vs skill etc, the answer to the OP is as simple as this. If someone has a serious illness and consults 2 doctors with both giving completely different advice, one being a specialist (i.e. specialising after many years of general practice) in that area for 10+ years, and the other being a new houseman (i.e. not more than 2 of general practice), whose advice would that someone rely on more? Sure the expert could be wrong, but most likely, the specialist would be better. OP, whose hands would you place your life on if you were in that someone's shoes?


Hence, since MR is only attained by leveling weapons, it is more likely that they will have spent the time buying or building/collecting materials for the weapons. MR is thus a rough estimation of experience in game, even more so pre-survival/interception updates. Experience means more time spent on the game. More time roughly means more things learned from playing, and thus more time to hone the player's strengths and improve weaknesses, which means better skills generally - a popular source for this is Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers. The answer is thus, skill may be innate, but it does not mean it cannot be attained through practice. It is not a matter of either/or, but an amalgam of both.

Edited by AcquisCommunitaire
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Regardless of being subjective to how "good" a MR 10 or so player is you know one thing. To get that high theyve build and mastered a lot of stuff as well as grinded a lot of battles to make them all. Its more or less a certainty then that theyve pumped a couple of hundred hours into the game and this is invaluable especially with rarer void keys for example... i still see MR4 players activating the oxygen tanks in survival with 90% left on the clock or bashing those damned Defense lasers to wipe out allies when we are up against it so we try and avoid that as best we can... or at least when it comes to missions we dont want screw ups or to have to baby sit.


In majority of the missions i play though i dont mind at all what loadout people have or their MR, like i said just rarer void missions and the odd nightmare run. Truth be told ive played with some truly AWFUL MR17 players before... how they can play so bad and be such a unreliability having gotten that level of MR is beyond me but yeah your gonna get exceptions to every rule.

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Think of this:


MR: 0-3 - 24 hours.


MR: 4-8 - 150 hours


MR: 8-12 - 500 hours


MR: 12-18 - 1000 hours+


Keep in mind those are approximates.


Anyway, what it means is that with experience, comes skill. And knowledge and the fact that you gain a lot during your play time. So they may have maxed mods, good weapons, and just more general skill with the game.

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I know i've been complaining about repfarmers a lot recently, but this is just worth noting. Ever since the repfarm method became popular mastery rank sorta lost even more value.

This is because now you can just easily level everything without moving or getting hit, as opposed to before where you had to actually play the game on high level planets against enemies that hurt.(lets exclude infested pre tar moas). Im talking about enemies that shot back.


There are a lot more mr 17/18 guys now who are actually only rank 10 and below experience wise, all because they repfarmed.


I don't mind repfarming as much if you are high rank and just trying to 5forma some niche underdog weapons, but it just takes away from experience if you are still trying to "play and enjoy" the game early on. You are missing out on a lot of "staying alive" experience that you would get just by playing on high level planets "normally".


Just my 2c.

Edited by kiteohatto
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People with a higher master rank are much less likely to be inexperienced at the game and weigh down their team during a match. This is basically all there is to it. It doesn't mean that "all people with high MR are good" or "All people with low MR are bad", it's just a generalization that people use to select people to decrease their chances of being stuck with a player that they have to carry.

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The experience thing has been beaten to death already so I'll throw something else in.


The OP stated that he has all the mods he needs to do whatever.  The question is at what rank?


Lower MR players say at 6 or below (assuming normal progression not using the same stuff all the time) probably have Serration  etc at rank 6/7 and may only have the Rank 10 Rares well below that.  Whereas MR 18 will most likely have them maxed or close to.


Again say they have a Soma is it tatered, and formaed 4/5 times?  A big difference if we're talking T4 Surv @ 40 minutes+

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I personally don't see MR as anything much. If i want to go to high levels in t4, i tend to also look for specific warframes and weapons, not so much MR. That said, if a mastery rank 4+ joins (unless they try to bring a set of horrible weapons) i don't bat an eye, even if you're new-ish, i like to think i can help (i had some generally great experiences with 20 min t4 survivals with lower ranked players that actually tried their best). All the mr 10+ stuff in recruitment chat imo is complete bull, but people see it as a rough estimate of experience with the game. I'm mr15 myself, should be higher based on my playtime but a while ago i decided not to bother with leveling everything if it's just for the sake of completing a laundry list.

Edited by belcebub
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For those of you who think that mastery is something which is easy to attain, then you must either have joined WF quite recently or have forgotten about how the game operated many updates back. Back when I started (nearly 2 years back) there was no such thing as ODD, there was no such thing as even survival, not to say interception. Saying that mastery is something gained easily is simply incorrect. Back in the day, the only real way to level up your weapons for mastery is to actually play the game as in actually playing (running around, shooting etc) rather than vivergate.


As for MR vs skill etc, the answer to the OP is as simple as this. If someone has a serious illness and consults 2 doctors with both giving completely different advice, one being a specialist (i.e. specialising after many years of general practice) in that area for 10+ years, and the other being a new houseman (i.e. not more than 2 of general practice), whose advice would that someone rely on more? Sure the expert could be wrong, but most likely, the specialist would be better. OP, whose hands would you place your life on if you were in that someone's shoes?


Hence, since MR is only attained by leveling weapons, it is more likely that they will have spent the time buying or building/collecting materials for the weapons. MR is thus a rough estimation of experience in game, even more so pre-survival/interception updates. Experience means more time spent on the game. More time roughly means more things learned from playing, and thus more time to hone the player's strengths and improve weaknesses, which means better skills generally - a popular source for this is Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers. The answer is thus, skill may be innate, but it does not mean it cannot be attained through practice. It is not a matter of either/or, but an amalgam of both.



new guys have absolutely no idea how easy the game is now. todays Warframe you can get gifted all your gear AND use Boosters to get all your stuff to Rank 30/mods to Rank 10, the only thing you cant get gifted or done for you is the Mastery tests. And this is what ppl complain about? the only thing you HAVE to do yourself? (apart from account sharing)

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There's no other info available on the fly to help you decide if Player XYZ is good enough for whatever content you're attempting. The closest we get is MR so swallow that bitter pill and try not to complain.


I've done T4 mission with players ranging from MR0 to MR18. From my experience it's easier with groups of MR 7 and above. Not because they have mad skills or amazing aim but because they are more than likely familiar with this content/difficulty/objective and the weapon/frame they are using.


This has been brought up so many times and to be honest mostly by people on the lower end of the spectrum. What ends up happening is that you advance in MR and realize when hosting the harder missions your success rate (or length goals) decrease unless you have people who know what to do and have appropriate gear. You don't like wasting your time/keys so guess what? you rely on MR to make life easy. The End.

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If you have no game play time or max mods which most of the low ranks don't people don't want to baby sit, some people plan to do high minutes / waves so on.


This and


Because people with high mastery have more experience of how to play a weapon or a frame(because they played more of them), 


this but


but generally high mastery people play better in a team and are easier to talk with if you want to make out a tactic.


this just made me laugh,generally people with higher MR ( I am 18 btw too ) don´t care to speak or playing as a team, ofc this is meant for pubs.


@OP: short answer, people are stupid. MR never meant something and it means less and less the more Mastery fodder we get.

Edited by Kuestenjung
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Well high MR doesn't mean the player is actually good at the game. Very, very, very true story. The posts that say the high MR tends to teamwork more....not in my experience. They're the ones that rise above the pug they willingly joined and take matters into their own hands and just hallway hero things to death. If not interested in working with a pug team, GO AWAY.


I personally tend not to care on your MR, just your play. If somebody wants to brag about it, well, whatever. I don't go through weapons/frames fast enough to speed through the MR. I'm 10 after about 6 months, I'm OK. When 11 comes along, then whee, I'll do it. I just don't have as diverse a taste in weaponry so my MR creeps up very slowly. It always has. I work better with a cooperative team than solo, always have. But would somebody have cared when I was MR 2 or 3 (I knew what I was doing by then, but hadn't grinded enough to have a huge arsenal). 



To me, MR isn't always skill. It's time sink  for MR only and people that get weapons, level them, switch weapons, level it, switch weapons, pick up a frame to get to rank 30 and dump it since they hated it and used it for MR fodder. Never really all that great at any particular thing since it's high turnover.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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I take higher MR as a rating of that player's mods. I carried my twin brother to an easy Rhino Prime and Boltor Prime, but since he only just hit MR5 his mods cant nearly compare to mine. Without proper mods even a good gun and frame are worth substantially less. After all his Boltor is strong but its not forma'd and without a maxed Rifle mutation he runs dry real fast. Plus his Serration (which I physically gave to him he still hasnt seen one drop) still isnt even near max.


Its rough but when your MR is higher youll kind of understand. It really doesnt take that long to boost it anyways. Just level a frame and kubrow plus a gun or 2 all at the same time and youll go up real quick.

Edited by Lordmotav
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This and



this but



this just made me laugh,generally people with higher MR ( I am 18 btw too ) don´t care to speak or playing as a team, ofc this is meant for pubs.


@OP: short answer, people are stupid. MR never meant something and it means less and less the more Mastery fodder we get.

Thats your experience, most MR18s I know play in team rather then going rhino + boltor prime + brakk and just go as far away from every terminal or cryopod so that every teammmate surely does not get EXP like most noobs

Edited by Genoscythe
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I disagree. In the few times I have played co-op with random newbies, they have displayed much better co-op-oriented skills than most of the higher ranked Tenno I have had the displeasure of playing with who for some reason rush the map and usually go down and die.


So true.  The newbies mostly follow my lead, it's nice.  So long as they aren't a leech which is easy enough to determine.  If they go down (everyone does at some point), then it's easy enough to pick them up again and losing is not likely if you stick together.  MR18 will often run off and do their own thing, sometimes not.  If I intend on going for over an hour then I just pick banshee.  Any garbage weapon will still do tons of damage so long as the person can aim.  As for stuff like speed running capture missions I'm better off soloing.  


I find the best strategy is to just avoid playing with people who use boltor prime or gammacor, MR and conclave be damned.  Not all of them are scrubs, but almost all the scrubs use 1 of those 2 weapons.  It tells me they have to use an OP weapon to succeed, where any weapon would do.  Since they can't aim or don't understand team synergy or are unable to adapt to various situations. Or that they are more concerned with ego stroking and getting the top kill count than winning *or* having fun.  Some people may find those weapons to be their favorites, but tough luck for them.

Edited by SleepingSentry
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Higher mastery ranks = players that are more experienced since they have tried out many more frames, weapons, etc. 


However, I personally think mastery ranks have nothing to do with how good the players are at the frame that they are currently playing. A MR4 can play one certain frame for 400 hours so he is very good at that certain frame and he brings it to the party but a MR17 can play multiple frames yet not fully master how the frame he brings it to the party works.

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