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Ember: Surviving Canadian Winters


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Grineeer, on 16 Jan 2015 - 6:06 PM, said:

Fire Blast has had a mechanic added. In addition to placing a ring of fire on casting location, it -will now also generate a growing wall of fire (like the Arson Eximus ability).


I'm gonna love this. My body Ember is ready.

Now, will this wall of fire increase with range mods, or duration mods (a la Molecular Prime)?

Edited by kingbaldwin
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Am I correct in understanding that World on Fire will still be affected by all 4 power modifiers? If so, I think that's a mistake that needs to be rectified. It makes building her around that ability extremely difficult. I'd suggest that duration does not matter, or that the drain is based purely on duration and not efficiency.

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Ermahgerd! YESSSSS!!! Finally! I wanted this for so long!

Although survivability is still a problem, and and she will still preform sub-par against infested.

EDIT1: Also, will other toggle warframe abilities be affected by duration? If not, then why do this to Ember? IMO seems kinda like a "Hey you got a buff, but now I'm going to slap you in the face and make WoF still be affected by duration, despite other toggle abilites not be affect by duration what-so-ever."

EDIT2: Also, will DE plan on doing something for the people that have invested forma into Ember for a fireball/accelerant build? Since this kinda nullifies 1 or 2 of my polarities that wouldn't be used for a new WoF build

Edited by PhoenixElite
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These changes sound pretty good for the most part. Fireblast sounds like a lot of fun if it will ragdoll as hard as the arson eximus does.


I am concerned about World on Fire being based on efficiency AND duration. Things like that have a tendency to go pretty bad. Having a skill that requires efficiency, range, strength, and duration as a toggle is devastating to any build. Mirage's Prism demonstrates it pretty well how awful of an attack it makes.

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OMG yeaaaaaahh!!! Explosions!


** Wait. Hold Up. World on Fire will be a toggle but still affected by Power Duration!? Noooooooooooooooooooooo....

I understood it this way:  duration affects how much the cost of keeping it activated is, as to keep duration mods useful on her (due to beeing in the same line where drain was mentioned)


could we have a clarification here?


endless with drain


non-endless with drain and off button?

Edited by Adaptor-Face
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Nice buffs!


I can't but think the tiny ring of fire part of Fire Blast will be kind of superfluous if the slowly expanding wall of fire is already ragdolling everything out of the room.  


Also, four Embers spamming this ability... oh yes

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I hope the next one will be Krokros.


Krokros needs attention. Krokros is supposed to be the rim reaper himself...


Krokros is love, Krokros is life death.


If only he would lose his reputation of press3onlydude. :(


Nekros was never suppose to be a Grim Reaper though, rather a Necromancer theme.

Edited by Lynxh
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-          World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).


Is the duration mechanic going to come to other toggleable abilities too then? I admit I was kinda expecting this to begin with when toggleable abilities were introduced.

It would make sense to have some sort of ratio between efficiency and duration for those.

For example have efficiency determine how much it costs per "tick" and duration determine the length of that "tick".

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Toggle abilities are becoming a fashion, and a good one :)


A lot more frames need to change into the togglability system.

We kinda need a better energy replenishing system than "TRINITY TRINITY TRINITY DEPLOYABLES" though. Because in the current state, lategame demands 4x corrosive projection and absolutely nothing else, or enemies scale into literal invulnerability.

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