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How Many Of You Have Stopped Playing Archwing-Straw Poll


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Don't like Archwing for a number of reasons:


1) I have to spend more time (and RL money) to rank all this new junk up and can't use my 1 years worth of stuff I accumulated: it's like starting the game totally new and that's not fun.

2) Enemies and stuff is just to small to see for me and only way I can tell is by the targeting triangle; it gives me a migrane headache without fail.

3) Terriblly unfun and extremely boring game modes.

4) Enemies that even at lower levels have 100% accuracy and are so fast you cannot get out of range even with that speed up mod.

5) Really crappy weapons to choose from that makes it even less enjoyable.

6) Super slow leveling of archwing and the weapons, even with a boost it's so slooooooooow.


I like the idea of archwing but it's just not fun, at all and just seems like a desperate attempt to milk more cash shop $$.

Edited by fizbit
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Stopped because I'm at a comfortable stage in archwing that I don't feel to nooby. Itzal is mostly leveled, my velocitus and imperator vandal are mostly leveled, and I have most of the archwing mods. So I'm just waiting for more archwing content, would love to see the more integration that they talked about soon. Fun but could use more polish.

"inb4 another bash archwing sucks and gives me headaches thread"

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Got Itzal to level 8 then realized that even with Itzal the movement is nerfed to S#&$.  It's slower than Warframe movement.  Think about that.  Jetpacks, slower than running. 


AW has two visual reference, not one like we normally see.  The normal reference is the objects you fly/run past, and it's obviously slow.  The second one is the flight visual effect and it's fast.  Comparing the two is easy, especially when the flight visual effect bug shuts the flight visual effect off and you see that whatever feeling of fast you had came from an optical illusion.  AW is trashed, for no good reason, as usual.  Accidentally make something fun, then carefully and deliberately destroy it.

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Needs rewards worth the time invested. If i got a high amount of r5's, forma bp's, or even something pertaining to regular wf, i would. Otherwise, i've maxed all the weapons and and archwings and there is zero reason for me to run archwing. Loot driven game has given me no loot incentive to play archwing. Also more incentive when its incorporated into the main aspect of the game and it's needed to perform well in those cross missions.

Edited by Skaleek
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I still play archwing it so much better sense i got Itzal.



1) They need to fix the drop rates of weapons or make another way to get them.


2) Increase the experience.


3) Add more enermy types.



I still play it.. when I actually feel masochistic enough to farm for the Centaur Aegis in Uranus, mostly solo'ing it because nobody else wants to play it.
Gotta get dem MR points (and dat Centaur, as it seems to be the best melee stats wise).


You get the Aegis from Neptune or Jupiter.



Got Itzal to level 8 then realized that even with Itzal the movement is nerfed to S#&$.  It's slower than Warframe movement.  Think about that.  Jetpacks, slower than running. 


AW has two visual reference, not one like we normally see.  The normal reference is the objects you fly/run past, and it's obviously slow.  The second one is the flight visual effect and it's fast.  Comparing the two is easy, especially when the flight visual effect bug shuts the flight visual effect off and you see that whatever feeling of fast you had came from an optical illusion.  AW is trashed, for no good reason, as usual.  Accidentally make something fun, then carefully and deliberately destroy it.


Itzal is fast enought your already 20% faster then starting archwing odonata. So you dont even need to put on hyperion thrusters because you will crash into every wall durring Corpus mission.

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Archwing things will be the last things I level in WF :P


Never really liked it, and besides the Mastery, there is no real point. It's pretty much the same 3 missions over and over with the only difference in any part of archwing is enemy level and type. Besides the severe lack of stuff to do, it just isn't fun. I hope to god they overhaul it instead of just adding a ton of content. I could handle only a handful of content if it was actually fun and rewarding.



-movement is boring

-enemies are boring

-the ui doesn't work well (isn't helpful)

-if you reskinned everything, it would be another game (no relation with the base game really)


In general, it doesn't feel like an extension of the game. It feels like a bunch of inexperienced indie developers threw together a space flight game in a couple of months. Don't mean to be rude to the people who designed it, but as it stands, it seems like the biggest waste of developer time so far. Sure it has a bit of wow factor, but past that, it just doesn't feel as shiny and dynamic as the other 90% of the game.

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Right now, AW is so boring so I rather not play it ... but there's already mined data running around that there would be a new AW Void Mission and a part of Volt Prime can be looted there.


a new AW Void Mission and a part of Volt Prime






OT: I only play Archwing for Mastery. The leveling up process is horrendously slow and the gameplay is less than stellar, ranging from I-can-do-nothing-and-still-win to why-do-I-even-try-reviving-myself. Uranus being the latter. I resort to spamming melee with corrosive damage as that is the only way to actually harm the heavily armored everything.

Edited by Stefanovich
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I love AW, but I have to admit I've been neglecting it lately.

Mainly because it's so separate from the main game. Nothing I do really carries over to the main game, so it's hard to justify spending my playtime on it.

When hybrid missions come around, I'll be a bit more invested in it. It is fun though. I usually play it when I have no current goals in the main game.

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The chances for the right item ruined it for me... 50x rathbone handles before I got the head, no Onorix yet, because the first intercept mission is sooo boring (and I have run it prolly a hundred times without success).... no centaur, because you need to get people for it and not many are interested in Archwing (and I have run it prolly a hundred times without success).

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I unlocked every gun, picked my favorites, got the mods, and did all the relevant missions. I'm only not playing it because I literally did everything they've released for it. It's not that I dislike the mission type, it's just that it still needs more meat. 

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The Archwing experience for me has been neutral. I rarely play it because it doesn't really tie into the main game as many others have said.


Good things:

-Free space and "trench" flight modes. One is more restricted than the other so there is variety.

-Space flight in general is fun to me. So this was good for a while.


Bad things:

-Missions seem to lack pop and excitement, particularly Intercepts were the majority of the time is waiting for the enemies to show up.

-AW just plain feels underdeveloped. I know it is a beta concept but if you are going to add Events into AW it needs to be fleshed out a lot more and be taken off the bread and water diet.

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Why is Archwing boring,


Unlike other space flight games, your character/spaceship/jet causes havoc, chaos, destruction all around "quickly", very fast paced but what do we get on WF Archwing? Pew pew pew... 1 by 1... whack them slowly with auto-track melee attacks.


If they change it into "lock-on" for the guns, like Imperator locks on 2 targets time to time and shoot them automatically if you press the fire button then AW would be alot more fast paced. Wouldn't that make AW more boring cause easy mode? Then like other space flight games, make the enemies able to rain you with bullets forcing you to dodge alot.

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Whether it's an Archwing mission or not, if there are no items to level or to get, I won't be playing it.

Currently, I got all the Arch-items, so I'm not playing it and just waiting for the next set.


Same goes to regular missions. Got everything. Now waiting for the next Tenno Reinforcement.

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