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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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DE's vision of a dragon
I dont want to insult DE but whoever designed and approved Chroma has to stop working for DE and design some stuff for Lady Gaga


edit: made a fast chroma thingy
edit2: I'm not saying that it's a bad desing or anything similar, I just dont see it fitting the game and the hyped "dragon" frame design (he looks like a recolored and modified ancient...not a dragon)
edit3: that "I dont want to insult but" was worded a bit wrong, I should of said "I'm not trying to insult" :/ (struggles of using a language you never even spoke)
edit4: in my opinion THIS is what a dragon themed frame should look like https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37089-a-warframe-concept-the-dragon-20-%E2%80%94-final-update-2092015/
and this is a frame unrelated to dragons that also has a design that I really like


Edited by Error989
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Looks like the closest thing we'll get to actually playing as infested, so I kinda like it.

When they announced dragon frame, I rolled my eyes a bit because I though to myself "oh boy, here comes that frame that everyone will be playing from now on." So I'm glad it didn't end up looking like everyone's expectations.

I think it will grow on people, especially for it's unique power mechanic.

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His head does not look like Chinese dragons.



Not mushu. https://www.google.com/search?q=mushu+from+mulan&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=ss79VPGYAs_poAS5qIGYDg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075



Guys its fine to like it but come on...the dead does not look like any version of a dragon.

It's ok to just enjoy DE's unique take without pretending it has similarities it doesn't. 


http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Chroma_%28Warframe%29?file=Vo8TLt8.png His head there looks definitely like it came from something like http://dragonwallpapers10.net/wp-content/uploads/images/6e/chinese-dragon.jpg that.

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I think I will wait to actually see him in game before deciding whether he looks good or bad.


Another thing, it's DE's game and they can do whatever they want, and player feedback is taken as advisory. People here seem to have this weird idea that because they paid DE some money for a product, that somehow makes them DE's boss and they get to be the middle manager from hell. No, you do not get to demand progress reports and constant reworks and hold meetings about a lack of meetings and why isn't anyone getting any work done around here? Just... no.

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The difference between IceWave and it's augment is that impedance further follows frost  "hold this position down" style of gameplay. It allows frost to cast it once, to allow it to do it's job then recast it only when the skill has expired. Snowglobe follows similar theme as well as freeze.


The original icewave  you need to constantly be recasting it for it to slow down enemies, everytime an enemies dies it needs to be recasted so that subsequent enemies can be slowed, and it's only for a set duration because it's a proc. Frost doesn't have a caster energy pool



Impedance allows it to be casted once, it hit enemies and they will continually be slowed because of the ice floor, subsequent enemies will also be slowed as well. It's akin to a fire and forget skill.

Exactly, I meant to tell that if Chroma uses White Energy Color (Ice) and its an ability that procs a lot and its an AoE it will be a good CC and he will be more mobile than Frost.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Indeed from that angle the shaping is close enough.

But if we only compared things from one angle a lot of things would look similar that aren't.

Truth is revealed when looking at thinsg from multiple angles.

When looking at Chroma from the side it is clear how different things are from the Chinese style.

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I dont want to insult DE but


No "but". Just stop.

If you really didn't want to insult DE you should stop making post with the message "hey, your next Warframe-design is bad and you should feel bad and for the designer: please STOP WORKING at the place you are working right now! I know a better place for you" .....

and about the picture: In my opinion it is not funny/creative anymore..sry ^^


I really don't want to see another chroma thread going "hey, I will insult [insertnameandorDEhere] because I thik they have a bad taste when it comes to 'dragons' " and getting closed/deleted.


And I am aware that this is just your opinion (everyone has one, and if I look at the megathread: you are not alone with your opinion^^) but you still shouldn't "insult" people. Critic is fine, but insults? Nope.


My thoughts about the design:

I hope the placement of Armor/Syandana/Sigil-stuff will work good^^

And I am wondering about his tail-thingy (maybe it will have nice wobbly physics? Or more like a Trinity-Lobster-tail?:s)

Since a lot of people seem to have problems with his helmet I guess they will probably use the alt-helmet....

Remember mirage? I like her alternative-helmet more^^ Maybe they will add a more "common dragon" helmet for Chroma too. We just have to wait^^

Edited by Fabpsi
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I actually REALLY like it's look. Also, pictures, IMO, does not always give credit to the real thing. And I think that it will be the same for this frame.


I like it's (semi) bulky, thick skin, look. And it's overall shape.


Really looking forward to this one! Might be a frame that I will use more frequently!

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Supposed to be a dragon frame. 


I say yet again that if it makes people think of anything else other than a dragon frame then the theme was done wrong.



It's a new approach. It's different. 


Unlike those vampires~


Btw you aren't too quick to catch on to jokes now are you? = 3=

Edited by Zarozian
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I like it. It doesn't look like the traditional European Dragon as much as it is a Greek dragon. Or somewhat of a serpent breed. 


It is definately original and not something what others expected. Can't wait to see it in action and how it looks while playing as it!


Edit: for the guy above me, an example of an greek dragon:




It definately has the same snout look. And note that most of the names and all are all derived from greek words.


Edit 2: It also faintly reminds me of this armor



Edited by DLGrave
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People just need to frigging get over it. If you don't like it, quit the game. Your opinions have been heard and noted for future reference, but you're getting your bacon seahorse anteater whether you like it or not. This is your dragon frame, deal with it. When you ask for limes and life gIves you lemons, make lemonade. Don't complain about the lemons, it's better than nothing.

Ive only been around to see the limbo debate, but that was nothing compared to this, and this is sickening. I'm proud of DE for creating a dragon that sets itself apart from classic dragons. How many games are there that have similar looking dragons? Too many. Those designs are used up and washed up. There's so much that can be done with dragons, I applaud DE for taking that creative step.

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Why can't we go back to awesome Dragons?



Can we actually discuss his skills? So we know he has a fire breath, do you think it'll get one of those augments that boosts teammate damage?

Edited by immolator1001
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They really should redesign him, because he doesn't look anything like a Warframe.


This is what a Warframe is meant to look like: 



Note the clean lines, the well chosen highlights, and the interesting contrasts between primary and secondary colour. Note the simplicity, the lack of clutter, and the sense of elegant refinement.

And here's a picture of Chroma:



What pisses me off is that DE has forgotten that. If Loki came out now, he'd have a fur cloak built into his armour, and he'd be covered head to toe in runes, and he'd have a giant snake coiled around one arm to represent Jormungandr, and his other arm would be encased in a jagged gauntlet of frozen ice to reflect his Jotun heritage, and there'd be a permanent cloud of smoke and particle effects around him because his powers are all about misdirection and such. In short, it'd be @(*()$ terrible.


There is elegance in simplicity, and that notion ties in very strongly with the theme of the Tenno. The idea they are return to the "simplistic" ways of gun and blade, that they focus on inner strength, and not to mention all the Dao / Buddhist imagery they have going for them.


And all the older frames manage to convey theme without having to go stupid about it. Loki's horns hint at something sinister about him, and his powers focus on trickery. Rhino looks like a brute, and his powers match that. Volt's arm bands look kind of like tesla coils, and guess what he's all about! Nyx might not convey her mental power directly, but the helmet and slighter build alone make her distinct from Excalibur, enough that you'd never mistake her for another frame. And that's all you need - much as people might hate on Limbo, his design is still pretty much in keeping with the rest. In fact, I find Nyx Prime more "offensive" than Limbo, because at least his head doesn't look like it'd get caught in the door frame!


So I would like to see a return to simple, refined designs that convey an idea with as little frill and over-the-top modeling as possible. DE, you're making Warframes, not the main character for Darksiders 3.

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No... I want somthing that resembles a bad az warrior, using the ways of old, gun and blade with a dragon theme.. not somthing that looks like a horribly disfigured hunk of meat using sheer willpower to mimic humanoid form with a dragon head stuck on top.

Then you should probably phrase your sentences more clearly 0_0.

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