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Who Else Thinks That The New Reverb In The Sound Is Good.


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I can't stand it its like being in a metal box all the time.

Tip: What's a spaceship?

And I'm loving it. A lot of weapons, powers, and impacts have more oomph to them. Sooo satisfying. Plus, I can tell where enemies are shooting from a lot more clearly now.

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It's pretty ok. However, in some places the reverb is excessive. For instance Dark Sector Sechura in one of the rotations there's an open container behind a pod outside. The echo and sound level gain inside the container is just unbearable when using a headset.

Edited by cx-dave
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Tip: What's a spaceship?

And I'm loving it. A lot of weapons, powers, and impacts have more oomph to them. Sooo satisfying. Plus, I can tell where enemies are shooting from a lot more clearly now.

A spaceship is a metal box just like a desert planet, an ice planet, and everything else because the reverb is everywhere.

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most of the time i like it. having Audio Echo back from the environment is to be expected.

though sometimes it does sound a bit off. normally this or that area. i can't place my finger on it, but in some areas something sounds off about it.

but mostly it's nice to not have the game pretend like it's in a giant room with sound deadening material covering every surface.

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Sounds good mostly, except  in the grineer asteroid base tileset, in those little vent-tubes when grineer are in them and start shouting. It's a little harsh on my ears with a headset.


EDIT: And god help you if it's an infested mission and an ancient screams in one. You know the sound.

Edited by Zagrax
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The only time I hated it was when I was doing a Kappa, Sedna run and we were in the defend the cryopod part of the mission. A Mesa was using her peacemaker towards the front on top of the crates and the reverb made it sound like she was in the area the pod comes in from and it drove me nuts. There was no audible sort of source then echo to me, just straight echo. 

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It's pretty ok. However, in some places the reverb is excessive. For instance Dark Sector Sechura in one of the rotations there's an open container behind a pod outside. The echo and sound level gain inside the container is just unbearable when using a headset.


lol, I loved that!

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