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Only A Month Before The 2Nd Warframe Anniversary Make Your Wish List


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What does that have to do with what he said? The fact is that Ash is now a male frame. It wouldn't make sense to add a female Ash skin to that frame unless they do that for every frame as a way to do male/female versions of each. But, again, DE wasn't going to do that, so why would they add opposite gender skins?


Because maybe it'd be them doing what they originally wanted to? It does not have to happen for every Frame, so please drop that argument. Ash is an exception because his original concept was that of a female, so it is justified in happening. You're not DE, so you do not know what they have brewing in their pot. 

Edited by Tymerc
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Because maybe it'd be them doing what they originally wanted to? It does not have to happen for every Frame, so please drop that argument. Ash is an exception because his original concept was that of a female, so it is justified in happening. You're not DE, so you do not know what they have brewing in their pot.

But I know what they've said. Ember started out as a male. Are you know expecting DE to release a male skin for Ember? Just because that's the way they started doesn't mean that they are going to now go back on what they said.

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1. A dex weapon thats an often overlooked tenno weapon. Im kinda leaning toward tigris now. The tigris is already awesome but a dex version could make it even more so


2. A Dex armor set and syndana. Granting us further customization in our looks and letting us show off our veteran status even more


3. The standard forma, reactor, and catalyst alerts


4. Baro Ki tear returning to the relays and selling his entire stock from the year. That way everyone can get the things they missed


5. A week long set of events where every 24 hours a special alert comes up with a rare mod drop and lasts 24 hours. Similar to the back to school event.


I already want to /flirt with you because of point 1, but point 2 is just as good. Just realize that ppl are gonna hate even more once its come and gone and they didnt get it for whatever reason they come up with.



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I already want to /flirt with you because of point 1, but point 2 is just as good. Just realize that ppl are gonna hate even more once its come and gone and they didnt get it for whatever reason they come up with.



Its funny how so many people will tell you something sucks. A lot of it just comes down to modding for an appropriate build. The tigris isnt like other shotguns so it cant be modded like a boar prime or khom yet to many go for the cookie cutter builds instead of making their own thing that enhances the benefits of the weapon. My 6 forma'd tigris one shots just about everything that isnt a boss and with punch through I can kill whole lines of enemies. Using only 1 bullet to kill anywhere from 2 to 10 enemies (and when its all dead reload speed doesnt matter). I think the issue is people just want to fire wildly while the tigris is a shotgun that rewards patience. I still want to see those shotgun buffs though


Now I really want a Dex tigris. Give it a damage increase with innate punch through and it'll be god tier weapon in the hands of the right tenno

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Seeing as the only Frames that could have a Proto-Armor are Excalibur, Nyx, Frost and Trinity, I would love one of those.


Still, a new Proto-Armor may be asking for too much.


What may actually happen is that we'll get Excalibro's again, the previous and current Dex weapons and maybe a weapon skin.

what what, proto trinity, proto frost? where?

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But I know what they've said. Ember started out as a male. Are you know expecting DE to release a male skin for Ember? Just because that's the way they started doesn't mean that they are going to now go back on what they said.

Prepare yourself for the worst yelling of your lyfe (caps inc)




end caps


Jokes aside, it'd be neat to see something like that, as I'm an Ash main (and believe me, I would've liked to see Ash as a female instead of male). Otherwise, I have no arguments against it. I just wish they kept the name "Smoke" for Ash; Ghost would've also been pretty neat. 





err, wait, wrong forums


I want a new dex weapon tbh. I hate the furis, the dex version wasn't anything special.

Dex Furis isn't bad, but not great either. I see it as a mid-lower tier weapon, better for level 1-25 mobs. Anything beyond that and you should take something like Twin Gremlins or AkMagnus/AkVasto.

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A tiny sycophantic grineer midget soldier who tells me I'm awesome and gives me energy orbs when I'm low.

Or just Grineer midgets with guns and cleavers. Like those from Borderlands



dex lex


This^, But with one in either hand.

Edited by AdeptJR
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A tiny sycophantic grineer midget soldier who tells me I'm awesome and gives me energy orbs when I'm low.

He needs to be highly motivational too. Like a coach.




In a squeaky helium like voice. 

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