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Coming Soon: Devstream #49!


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Couple of various questions I had that I hope you'll be willing to answer - 


1. Would it be possible to tone down the Manic Grineer a little bit?

Right now I can't help but feel that the Manic Grineer, while awesome, is also incredibly overloaded with a few "Un-Fun" mechanics that lower the quality of the enemy. 

Healing while cloaked is a very annoying thing to have to deal with, especially since we have no way of stopping it other than slapping more damage onto them.

Invincibility just feels unnecessary considering his already fast movement, damage, and invisibility, and serves no real purpose other than to prolong the fight even more.

Also would it be possible to instead make the Tackle/Pin deal a percentage of a Warframe's health rather than just a huge amount? This way the attack is still punishing if it connects but in Solo Play will not mean an automatic death due to it's already ridiculous damage.


2. Dedicated Servers specifically for Raids and Assassinations?

I know that Dedicated Servers for all modes are out of the question (or at least appear to be), but would it be financially possible to use Dedicated Servers for Raids and Assassinations?

These are arguably the two most important gamemodes (well Raid is aiming to be), but each of them can be utterly ruined by poor connections using the P2P system.

Both mission types can have players lose connections to the host at any point, can lead to bosses, doors, and items becoming glitched, and in general can lead to all effort done in the mission to be wasted and the players feeling resentful that all the work they put into was just lost.


3. Stance Mods that drop from only a single enemy being moved into Syndicates or something?

I have always disagreed with how you at DE have handled the Stance mods and their places in the Drop Tables, with quite a few Stances (Rare Stances at that which already have a lower chance of dropping) being put into the drop tables of a single enemy, a single enemy who has fairly rare spawn rates at that (Bombards, those Osprey, now Manics).

In general I was thinking that perhaps some of these Rarer Stances could instead be moved as rewards from Syndicates or something, just including a way to get these stances that doesn't require farming the same missions over and over with a Nekros (or now Hydroid due to his augments.)

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My question is: 


Do you have any plans to make barehanded combat stronger, and/or into a melee weapon itself?
What I am referring to is the hand to hand combat you do during Escape/Recovery Missions when Harvester/Zanuka Hunter captures you.
I simply find it odd how we know how to use all of these different weapons effortlessly, but cannot fight barehanded at all.
Gray Fox said it best. 
"Good! Now we can fight as warriors! Hand to hand! It is the basis of all combat! Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon!"


Yes plz. Could we have a system so that we can fight efficiently with bare fists and have some kind special stances similar to actual martial arts ? :D



Speaking of stances...


3. Stance Mods that drop from only a single enemy being moved into Syndicates or something?

I have always disagreed with how you at DE have handled the Stance mods and their places in the Drop Tables, with quite a few Stances (Rare Stances at that which already have a lower chance of dropping) being put into the drop tables of a single enemy, a single enemy who has fairly rare spawn rates at that (Bombards, those Osprey, now Manics).

In general I was thinking that perhaps some of these Rarer Stances could instead be moved as rewards from Syndicates or something, just including a way to get these stances that doesn't require farming the same missions over and over with a Nekros (or now Hydroid due to his augments.)

I completely agree.

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I am just wondering if there is any plans to make more warframes that are like chroma.  Where the energy color determins the elemental damage.  Also, do you ever plan to further the damage types to radiation, corrosive, etc. ? 

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Hey, I know you guys added the grineer maniac in and that's cool and all, but with his healing, and constant teleporting, and with how he has shown up in practically EVERY higher level mission i have played with grineer, are you guys planning on fixing his spawn rate? Hard to play a rank 30 or so mission with a guy that can take out rhino's maxed out iron skin in two hits who heals faster than we can do damage by teleporting. 

Edited by Helperofthor
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I would like to ask for a suggestion, when people start of as a new player, you should have at least four choices of which character they would like to choose instead of just three. Like if you added one of the hardest tenno to find and build to the selection. It's just a suggestion, so you don't actually have to do it.

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Could you create something like a virtual shooting gallery on the liset, where we could test our weapons and will you make the information output on weapons and frames like it is in the Warframe Builder so that players could see real numbers - time, range, damage and other stats on every skill? Percentage indicators are good but they not very informative. The best decision will be built-in builder (sorry for a such tautology) - are you going to implement such thing? It will help a lot of players.

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- What is your plan with the Melee section at the game. For as it stands Melee becomes very useless late game.(the video here better explains my opinion 


- Are there plans to make generic 8 person missions instead of just the Raid or future Raids? If so how would you work it. Would it be special mission types?


- Is there any major Archwing Changes coming. At the moment It seems very bland. While it is good it is very limited in what there is to do with it and after a point its fully useless to do. Some suggestions being maybe some changes to mission types or adding them or maybe a Mission similar to the first Archwing mission where there are parts where your on foot and parts where your flying. Like having several small stations or ships for the play have to board take out an objective and get out.

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Any chance a change can be made to syndicate so you can only be negative with 3 factions? Or at least a change to the negative rank up item requirements?

I am currently negative rank with 4 syndicates due to a mistake with my selections, i wanted to try and get at least 3 in positive but they require orokin reactors which is excessive.

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Elephant in the room; Why did you re-nerf excal after stating the same nerf was a bad idea the first time around? Doesn't that seem self-defeating?



Moving on, Did the crit system change? Many people are experiencing across-the-board nerfs on crit-based weapons.


Will Cosmetic prime parts ever be added to the void?

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Discussion topic: Chroma's offensive powers feel disproportionately weak (one tick per second, very poor base damage especially when compared to other first abilities that aren't locked to short range, ie. Shock, Freeze, Fireball), and do not feel like they particularly mesh with the rest of his ability set. Spectral Scream in particular is, without the benefit of his defensive abilities, one of the poorest first skills in the game. In it's current state, it disincentivizes using any element other than Ice due to the highly usable increase in local armor, because you need that defense to move in and actually use this power offensively. It's not quite even usable as a status generator because the ability ticks once per second, which in the timespan of an actual fight, is very long.


Are there any plans to rework Chroma's offensive capabilities to both make choosing energy colour more tactically interesting and give him some short-medium range offensive options (ie. beyond Valkyr/some shotguns' range but closer than most average guns)? Fire is usable but inefficient (healing factor on Elemental Ward, fire procs make enemies panic), Toxin is suffering greatly (stamina boosts? Really?), Ice is more or less the 'optimal choice' (Shatter Shield for you AND your friends albeit with a flat armor increase instead of 95% damage reduction with proper build- not to mention vastly lessening incoming damage due to cold procs) and Electricity seems utterly useless aside from status possibility (Electrical damage is also a 'master of none' only good against machinery/robotics, the former consisting  only of rollers and the latter having shields with no bonus to electrical damage, with no extant bonuses to anything else making it a very poor choice for grineer and suboptimal for anything else but Corpus- sounds familiar, actually- two years ago exactly, perhaps?)

Edited by Aeriax
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here are my question.


1) Will the Dex Furis be added to PvP?


2) When will we be seeing a TDM styled gamemode for PvP?


3) Im not sure if anyone can answer this but, can we get an option to toggle Chromas Pelt off at least in relays and dojos? I love Pelted Chroma, but you guys did such an amazing job on the under Chroma that it saddens me to only see him during Effigy.

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I still want to be able to add certain mission/void nodes to a favorites list for quick reference/play selection. Also to do something with the accumulated Nav Segments etc that we cant sell (i just want to clean my inventory up) so i'm happy selling them, destroying them, converting them to resources, stacking them in the corner somewhere as modern art or my favorite sending them all to DESteve to keep in his inventory. :)


Like always great work DE i'm loving this update.  

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Hello DE, first of all, I just wanted to say that I have had a lot of fun with your newly implemented gameplay. Spy 2.0, the new quests, and the Law of Retribution have been a great time to play (and strugggle) through. I hope more gameplay like this is implemented in the future! Now on to the questions:



Will there be a rework of the reward system in game in the near future? Not just referring to the void, but everywhere. As I see it, you guys like to introduce your new fun gameplay stuff like the things mentioned above, but you do not always ensure the rewards make the challenging gameplay feel 'worth' it in an in-game rewards sense. Instead, players have found that the best way to get rewards is by way of the "press 4 gameplay" you do not (and should not) condone. Unfortunately, the new gameplay additions are fun, but if they don't feel rewarding to the player, I feel they will not be played. People will instead favor the viver, draco, Egate, and general spammy-style farming techniques to feel that they invest their time wisely. I cannot say exactly how this can/should happen, but I think the rewards of new (fun=healthy?) gameplay should be improved to give players more incentive to play them, and feel that they will progress in doing so.



Are you guys going to address the changes that have been implemented recently and are unlisted in the patch notes? I understand that it is easy to miss things when you guys gear up for a big update, heck, I can never remember all the small everyday things. BUT, when someone enjoys using a certain warframe (excal and trinity?) or a certain weapon (kohm) and updates the game and feels that something is a little off, it would be nice for them to get an explanation of what exactly was changed and maybe even an explanation of why it was changed. Once you guys acknowledged that you made a mistake, not all of these unlisted changes where posted or explained, and I feel that they should be.


Cheers, and sorry for the walls of text :3

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