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Any plans to eventually rework endgame content and gear?


I feel absolutely no gratification obtaining prime frames/weapons in the current system, other than "finally RNG was in my favor and I can stop farming this void T1 mission".


It would be nice if they were rewarded from quests or difficult bosses/raids. At least then it would actually feel like I was being rewarded for my efforts...

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As far as melee is concerned my biggest issue is with the attack speed and how it is affected by mods. Currently the entire animation is modified, leaving us with (at the high end 1.5x) with swings that are too fast to hit anything and pauses that are reduced but are still relatively slow.  So my question is could we possible have a mod for swing speed and a mod for pause reduction? Kinda like how the old charge attacks worked.

I know the down time is there so that players have an easier time doing the combos and such but wouldn't it stand to reason that as a player gets more comfortable with the combos that they need less time to perform them? Just a thought


*Side note is there any chance of getting Jat kittag's old air melee back? it made much more sense to me  and was MUCH easier to actually hit things with :|.

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Also side question towards post 81 of this thread [go check it out]


Do you pick the questions from here by the rating they have for instance.... if a post had for lets say 500 upvotes but its not that relevant but then there would be a really valid question but it has 10 upvotes wouldthe ammount of upvotes count for you to choose it to be asked upon DS [Dew stream]

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Can we expect Kubrow/sentinel 2.0 soon? also will we at some point in the future be able to possibly buy primed mods from darvo? or farm them? or are you just going to keep repeating the same drops. just have a feeling that if baro ki'teer's drop table gets too big newer players or players who missed out on a baro ki'teer visit will never get a chance to get the mod they need due to the high mod count. Think it would be cool to be able to get corrupted enemies into some normal missions after the void is gone kind of like they are leaking out of the void.

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Question 1:

Prime Accessories Pack on Consoles includes 1365 platinum and all of the exclusives from the current pack except unique forum avatar.

Prime Accessories Pack on PC does not offer platinum and only includes the exclusives minus the forum avatar.


While I understand that Consoles enjoy fewer Prime Access pack options than PC,  the Prime Access pack is the only pack ever offered that offers only the Exclusive items from a Prime Access offering.


In other words, If a player plans to take advantage of the playable portions of your game and its' systems but wants the exclusives, then the benefits between platforms aren't even.


In the interest of equitable business practices it would stand to reason that the PC Prime Access Pack would offer the same value as the Console version.


The question has been posted on these forums... No response.

The question has been posted in PM's to an employee of DE.  PM remains unopened.


Can you explain exactly why DE has opted to not offer platinum in the PC Prime Accessories Pack?



Question 2:

Presently, all Mastery Rank does is limit access to weapons, daily trade, and the number of deployable extractors.

It would seem that Mastery Rank would be more impactful than that since it asserts that the player has spent a great deal of time playing your game and experiencing all it has to offer.


Can we expect significant changes to what Mastery Rank provides us?

If so, what kind of changes can we expect?



Question 3:

At present, Log-in rewards are largely redundant to the veteran player. Platinum discounts are based on what would appear to be pure luck.

The veteran player has no cause to log-in if the only thing they have to look forward to is the Log-In rewards.

DE has commented that this is something they are looking to change.


How goes those plans to re-vamp the Log-In rewards section (and hopefully style)?

What will those changes look like?

When can we expect those changes to take place?



Question 4:

Ordis keeps mentioning our Orbiter...

Can we expect to get access to that some time soon?

Any chances those of us with Dojos can get a hangar to land our ships in when we do?

Any chance we can engage in ship to ship combat in those Orbiters?



Question 5:

I love my Kubrows...

I do not love the price associated with stasis sickness.

This is especially onerous since I have had to purchase many of the slots my Kubrows reside in.

Why are players being obliged to pay a convenience fee to access something they have already purchased?

Edited by Padre_Akais
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Question related to mods:


I was wondering if we were to see some more diversification in the mods to choose from, more specifically weapon mods.

There was a recent thread on Reddit with suggestions to weapon mods, and I was really hoping to see some in the future.

Also, with the many new additions (more specifically) towards shield restore, is there a chance we will see any mods bolstering the shield stat?


- Snowbrawler

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With the addition of Chroma (Whom might I add is my new favorite frame), we've seen the potential in tweaking a frame to make it your own. You can choose your energy color to suit your style of play, be that support, tank or ADC, and even choose to leave your armored skin behind to don a faster, more streamline look. The potential to change your Warframe to suit the situation at hand really adds a new dynamic to the game. Do you believe this new style will effect the future of Warframe? (Making previous frames feel redundant in comparison, editing old frames or adding new frames with this idea, adding/changing enemies to compliment this style)

Edited by SPRBridgett
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Do you think it could be a plausible concept to have Control Modules and Orokin Cells trade places in drops once the new void system is rolled out? It baffles me that Corpus Technology is in the void, Orokin Technology is lodged somewhere in Ruk, and that Neural Sensors (Grineer Tech) is chillin with Alad V. Would imo only further the purpose of the void

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How about that archwing grind for parts like velocitus stock and fluctus limbs. Are we going to see some changes to how archwing weapons are acquired? I spent about 5 hours getting velocitus stock on a mission that only have four weapon part drops. I dread to think how many hours i'll have trying to get fluctus limbs.

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1. Focus when?

2. Impact mods alert when?

3. New syndicate weapons when?

4. New void trader items when?

5. Armored mech plans? (this is planetary war, Ive never seen a planetary war game, movie, or TV show that didnt have an armored mech in it regardless of its style or format, dont even try to pass me off as ridiculous or nonsensical right now)

6. Can we see what the Lotus is hooked up to. Also, I dont trust it

7. How long before syndicates get their own planet and we fight the enemy ones? Also looking forward. 

8. How long before we go to the cephalon planet?

9. Where is the tenno planet? I wanna go.

10. When do I get to disconnect the 'Neural Sentry'? Seriously, dont just poof the Void away. Make it fun.



Eh you get the idea.

Edited by brxricano
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As much as I like mesa can we have an actual sniping/ranged warframe?(that doesnt need a ton of mods to have a long effective range maby a damge buff the farther the enemy is hit) I love sniping when I play solo but that just does not seem to be an effective role with any warframe and in multiplayer people hate when I try that. 


Or just more and better snipers?


im bad at the whole takeing few bullets but being shot at alot thing so I snipe.

dont judge me.


I want sniping to be a decent option for support 


And could we see a mission that someone in archwing and someone on the ground are in (ex the archwing supports the tenno on the ground in some rooms and then the tenno hops on a turret and helps shoot down ships and such OR a boss fight that would have to be distracted by the archwing but have to be dammaged by the tenno on the ground?) I think that would be fun

Edited by hypernova247
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Can I just ask... What the forma is going on with void drops? Since I am sitting on about 50 forma blueprints constantly, getting another one is just an insult to my effort. Going far into void missions is deemed pretty much worthless because all we get is forma and orokin cells. Or even worse in lower tiers: more void keys (the ones you use to get parts) or uncommon cores. I understand you can't reward every interval in endless missions but this is ridiculous.


I'd prefer getting parts myself but the amount of time required to get completely useless items in return makes me want to buy them from trade chat... and we all know in what kind of state that is currently. Can we expect a change to trade chat or perhaps the often discussed auction house?


And lastly... Can archwing parts be trade-able once again? I have run 20-30 sabotage missions for a Dual Decurion part and have not gotten a single one yet. You need 2 of these things too! All other possible drops have dropped around 7 times for so either make the chances equal or allow trading. I don't want to waste another week running the same thing over and over again for literally nothing worth the time and effort.

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Can we get afk details? Last official post I saw said new afk change would not affect endless missions, only getting energy, but an overwhelming number of player posts say otherwise. Is this a bug/intended? Can we get a detailed explanation of how it is intended to work and if it is still under review?


Rotation c... forma bp abundance... is there a chance that this will be re-balanced?

If not re-balanced, could I at least make the request that if a team gets a forma bp on rotation c, then that is taken out of the next rotation c drop table? That way if we stay longer we won't have to continue to get forma bp on all three rotation c drops when staying for 60 min/60 waves?


Kubrow cool downs... is anyone considering removing this so that we can equip different kubrows as we run different types of missions? 

Edited by (PS4)Bowjangelz
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weapon augments when they blow out ( like grinlok augment ) make the camera shake too much when you are aiming and they brake glasses  my question is  are you gonna make some adjustments or is this  intended because its really annoying  most of the time .

Edited by MORGATHAR99
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1) Are weapons actually planned to be balanced? Will we ever be able to use what we want to use, or are we stuck with Boltor Primes and the like for all eternity?


2) When will tilesets be made to match planets? Mars should likely share its tileset with Phobos, Earth could have a mixture of tilesets, some of the gas giants need their own tilesets, e.t.c. On planets that possess their own tilesets, use of Grineer Galleon and other 'ship' tilesets could be kept to a minimum/not at all, so they can be used on gas giants like Saturn and Uranus?


3)What's happening to the Void? What's happening with the Sentients? Who are the Tenno? Where is our lore?


4) Are all golden parts on prime items going to be recolourable eventually (like Boltor Prime's spikes) so we can still use our advanced equipment but also customise our characters how we want to?


5) What's happening upstairs in the relays, through those transparent blue barriers?


6) Will there be Sentient-themed weapons, accessories, warframes, sentinels, tilesets e.t.c.?


7) What is Vor actually doing with his new, highly vocal life in the Void? Like... really?


8) We miss the Eclipse narta :(


9) Will 'face' accessories ever contain something permanent, unlike seasonal moustaches and bunny ears? Will we have cross-Warframe helmets? Visors? Hats? Halos, horns, glasses, techy monocles, communication headsets e.t.c?


Thanks very much ^_^

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