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May 15Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Best alert reward I've gotten, have been stances and that one time Quantum Badge emblem.  And the fact that I can have that on both arms is really nice, though it is bugged for some sentinels though.  Ones that result in a plain looking badge are blah.  And as much as I like having progress on the Stratos emblem, the fact that it stops at 10/11 is kind of a downer.


Don't care about the armor, but likely should be just for heavy units if at all.


Void Trader.... I almost feel that some of the stuff he really sell for platinum.  How some people get better armor sets that they may have already paid for with platinum, I'm there are more than a few that are sore with that, but now that's it's there, you can continue with it.  And you will likely see a similar reaction if you do the same with color pallets.  Though, you may think of me crazy to say this, but would be willing to play credits, ducats, and plat all together for some time limited pallet that the void trader only brings out once or twice a year.


You want more manics, fine, just don't do another all manic, one hit and you're dead event, that everyone simply cheesed their way though by just doing one or tow easy things.  One hit kills has to be the most annoying thing ever.  If I wanted that, I'll go and play I want to be the guy or any other torture simulators.

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Just a thought... where/how does the void trader get all their stock?


Maybe offer a few missions to Tenno to go collect stuff, in return for suitably themed rewards. Available only when the trader is around.


Perhaps a mission that contained several vaults like a void spy 2.0, but have different ways to get in to each one, ie sabotage the power supply, survive waves of enemies if (when) an alarm is triggered, defend a console while its being hacked or of course spy 2.0 security systems etc

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Yes. This. This entire post is gold, albeit too long to quote in full. Especially the idea of rewards being new+old weapons - old players get a new toy, new players get the same new toy and a chance to make up for lost time.


On another note...


"Bring it on Grineer"? Pfft. Salad won the event and stole Regor's crap. If we're still keeping the Manic theme...


...Manic Infested. GO.

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Tyl Regor's event was fun and had lots of rewards. The only problem was the Karak Wraith, which is weaker than other Wraith weapons. People hyped for that weapon and then... weh. And the Kubrow event was good, bringing us the opportunity to get the Strun Wraith again!

More weak points? Depends of the unit. A butcher won't make any diference.

And what if Baro bring us Void parts? After all, is the Void trader.

Moar Manic please!!! Manic Scorpion could fit well!!

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1. The rewards for the events were mostly good. I enjoyed stances, event mods and weapons. Except Machete Wraith, you know why...


2. Weakening armor is a good idea, but it matters only against heavy units, and i'd support any way of making them squishier. Light units are cannon fodder anyway.


3. Don't even know where to start with Baro. As of now, his offerings are pish poor,to be honest. It's nice to have new weapons, mods or color palettes. But i personally want to see rare prime parts. You know why, DE? Because void drop tables are horrid. Some prime parts are so rare, that the only way of getting them (excluding infuriating amounts of grind) is trading. This is not okay and needs to be changed.

Prime part offerings would make him an actual void trader, as the community wanted him to be originally.

In short: Add rare prime parts to his shop and increase the amount of offerings to 8-10 to make sure EVERYONE finds something to buy from him.


4. As for more Manics... It's a "No" from me. Manic, that we currently have, is not properly balanced and thought thru. There is already enough nonsense enemies in the game (which have been mentioned countless times here on the forum) and i don't want to see any more of this.

Edited by Ryuji-kun
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Maniacs: So long as they don't present cheap tactics like the current one I would be fine with more of them. By cheap tactics I mean the immortality. If the maniac is slowed, stunned, or invisible they stop taking dmg all together. While slowed or stunned you can hurt them to begin with but arfter a hit or two they go immortal. It's fine that the maniacs; are not affected by abilities, can teleport away, and go invisble but the invincibility is cheap.

Edited by Postal_pat
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I must add on a condition to my vote to have more manic enemies: increase the agility of the Tenno as well. As a matter of fact, do it whether there are more manic enemies or not. Here's what I mean:

Let us chain our agility moves.

Make the characters move more crisply.

Get rid of the deadzone that occurs after you do a back handspring or a side roll. To put it in a more clear manner: get rid of that little hop at the end of a roll and that pause at the end of a back handspring - it causes players to be damaged unnecessarily and hinders our combat effectiveness.

Let players be able to change up their melee animations and convert it into a block or agility move in a reasonable fashion, like how they do in Assassin's Creed.

Increase the base runspeed of the suits. The slower you go, the more vulnerable you are. There's a reason people copter all over the place!

Make stamina a viable asset without mods, not a liability

I'd suggest changing that combat roll up to a quick cartwheel.

Use suit energy to make more powerful agility moves. Say for instance, you go for a cartwheel to the side. If you channel in early to mid animation, your Tenno will do a handspring to the side instead of completing the cartwheel. A back handspring can chain to a backflip if you channel early-to-mid animation. Combining these with Parkour 2.0 can make a pretty acrobatic situation, and also, implement significant damage mitigation or greatly lower enemy accuracy on parkouring/acrobatic Tenno.

And whatever you do, if you make an enemy, give players the ability to counter the enemy with their skills. I still hate that tackle the manics have and want an implementation of some way to counter the tackle to kick them off or shoot them off, like the original designer said!

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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stop allowing Lore shaping events to be decided by easily influenced younger/newer players who dont know any better.


if you were to read how Alad was presented as a totally new and/or younger person, he seems like hes the innocent pure flower who just needs our help. And Nef seems like the heartless aggressor. Tenno have no favorites when it comes to our enemies, but dont present one side (especially the wrong side) as some goody two shoes when in reality hes Tenno public enemy number one.


cant even be mad at all of the traitors really, as we already know how they are going to operate. But you are enabling bad habits, behaviors and trolls to flourish during lore shaping events... and this is not acceptable


Next event and any ongoing, FORCE players into choices. into making decisions. and hide the rewards until after everything is over.

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Absolutely yes to more "manic type" enemies! Those ankle bustingly insane masked berserkers are exactly what the mad doctor ordered. They spice up a mission like nothing else, though perhaps that's merely a side effect of howling laughter.


Nullifiers were a fantastic addition to the game, and so were manics.

I'd like to see a few different types of "immune" categories, rather than only the "immune to tenno powers" schtick.

A grineer unit with armor so thick you have to melee pieces off before it's vulnurable to guns.

An enemy type immune to all elemental status conditions, but not the physical ones.


Or, you know, you're the game devs, you know better than me.

I want more stuff that challenges me to change what I'm doing, on the fly. Playing an entire mission start to finish doing one thing, like "shoot the head with soma", can get repetitive. Things like manics and nullifiers require on the spot tactical adjustments (can I shoot out the shield fast enough? should I get under it and slay the nullifier? is my melee weapon fast enough to do a slash by?), and that's fun.

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For Baro Ki'teer other: I'd like some quests from him or specific assassination order, bring back item, awarded. Or a party room since he keeps saying he'll invite me.


maniac.. Feels to played out, you have Alad V doing his mad scientist, Vor with his self imposed religion to a key, Vey Hek with his power hungry obsession and ordis glitching voices. 


I do like the way Maniac is made but idk, maybe i'm over analyzing not like my typed letters matter

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Precision Aim Damage

I can't say I have the best accuarcy in the game but that idea of aimging to waekpoint doesn't seem that necessary once that we already have Banshee's Sonar and all, but it can still be usefull when we need to take care of those heavy units.

Baro Ki'Teer Offerings

I'm pretty much fine with everything that Baro offers but as you can imagine, I just can't buy everything that he sells if I don't have enough Ducats, but it could also be cool if he would sell a bit more of new things that could be nice. Usually I mostly prefer the cosmetics over the mods or weapons unless I'm interrested, I would still prefer to see more stuff that could be nice to have and worth the ducats. If you manage to have enough primed stuff/blueprints to sell for ducats, that is. (I'm still wondering how the heck you guys will manage to allow the player to get the primed stuff much easier as well as avoiding the RNG thing without "killing" Warframe)

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Event/Tactical Alert Rewards



Why dont you continue what you have been doing for a while now?

New weapons for events and the older weapons get released later on as some special rare drop.


If the reward for a tact alert is old stuff that i already got i probably will not do it.



Precision Aim Damage
You mean like....................................headshot?
That are.......................................already in the game?
Enhancements for more dmg on headshots would be cool but weapons that do crazy dmg for precision shooting already got high crit stats.
why dont you make certain areas for susceptible to status effects instead?
Shooting a Heavy on the legs has a higher chance at popping off the impact stagger proc.
Shooting arms will more likely cause slash? Shooting on the head better for elect?
Baro Ki'Teer Offerings


You guys have 15 thousand ways of giving us weapons, i reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally dont see the reason for BT to give us more. If people burn to weapons quickly that should not effect everyone else.

I think BT should focus more on cosmetics since cosmetics are all plat. 

Giving away a free cosmetic item here and there is actually something interesting plus it could make people actually buy some.

I almost bought a Grineer noggle because of the BT one we got. ALMOST!

We should get more noggles from BT. We should get a Prisma Grineer Lancer noggle.


How about Kubrow noggles?


Grineer Manic Enemies


We need more enemies that offer some challenge.

Dont know if i actually have faced this guy because i am using the Tonkor and everything dies in a couple of shots.


If people find them difficult this the EXACT reason to add a difficulty slider. In the higher difficulty you them with their full set of abilities and at lower difficulty they have lesser stats and so on. Because adding enemies just to be nerfed to complete nothingness like the broken light and the mutalist Osprey is really wasting space.

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Would you like to deal increased damage to enemies by weakening specific parts of their armor?

Only IF its added into the game for a way weaker/low rank weapons can kill higher level enemies. If its just going to be added into endgame for "challenge" no thanks as im scared they will just give reason to raise level caps and armor values even higher. which will make low accuracy guns like supra even less viable.


What would you like to see Baro Ki'Teer, the Void Trader, offer more of? (Can choose more than one)

Never use the void trader so. Dont tempt me to start the grind lol scared of void burnout turning me off the game ;)


Would you like to see more Manic-type enemies?

They make good adversaries but anymore than 1 per mission is way too much in my opinion. They're not fun at all to encounter when trying to rankup weapons/frames. However i would welcome thier presence in 1 off events providing the difficulty and number of them isnt too overdone.

Edited by CarrotSalad
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How do you feel about Event and Tactical Alert rewards?


The tactical alerts themselves is a considerably good idea. Truly, rare alerts that are more challenging for higher reward is good for fun. Theoretically, they are the same as nightmare missions and the same time, they have the same problems and some of their own.

  • No challenge, just annoyance.

    Basically, most of the game is built around higher hp, higher damage, irresistable ai abilities and player ability immunity if it comes to "challenge". Heck, the Manic turns invulnerable during the fight, bosses and hunters ignore half (or more) of our abilities, heck, some basic enemies walk around with mobile shields that square and fair block our casting, our abilities etc. (nullifiers). Aside from blatantly going against logic and lore (Tenno tech being superior and coveted seems a lie when a measly everyday soldier can just walk around with a nullifier shield, take my energy in one hit, disable my ability's effect or just plain ignore it) it kills fun. It feels like the game itself tries to stop you from having fun. You upgraded your stuff to the highest possible level, added augments to your abilities? Well, sad you, you can't do a thing with that against This and That enemy. Seriously, if you want to add challenge, add challenge. And for DE, your information, things players can't do against (immunity, irresistable enemy effects), that's not challenge.


  • Joke rewards.

    Feels weird to fight for a gun which is just as bad as most of our guns. Or worse. No offense but balancing weaponry is easy. VERY easy, even if you want to make rare weapons better or at least certain weapons more valuable and effective, having such a statistically diverse arsenal means nearly everyone knows right away that a gun is useless. They might try to use tons of forma to make them viable out of boredom but anyone with even a modicum of IQ can tell that giving a % bonus damage to a bigger number yields better results - thus you can tell from the base stats. Now if you remove base stat info so we don't know anymore, good luck keeping your players, I won't be staying - that would be an immensely cheap way to sweep the problem under the carpet. At this point maybe I wouldn't even be surprised...


  • Repetitiveness.

    This is the tactical alerts' and events' own problem, which nightmares don't have. Doing the same mission dozens of times is boring. No matter the mission. Stop that. Wrote about this a few times already but you should make successive missions, like a small story. As for "doing well" in the mission (to get better rewards) I would love to see multi-difficulty missions, secondary objectives, or so. You start a capture for example, you have the option to escape after the first guy is down or you can go around and capture 2 more. Or in the meantime even steal some data. Having completed 1 objective, the mission diff (and enemy proficiency) would go up so the more you do, the harder it becomes. Hell, I would change normal missions to this too and give extra reward if you do extra objectives. Maybe even add challenges (properly part of the mission) like "kill 2 dozen bombards" for the team.


Would you like to deal increased damage to enemies by weakening specific parts of their armor?


The fighting mechanic lost it's character, it's depth. Enemies now fall either easily or take years to kill but overall they are just targets to shoot or slash. Hell, our melee weapons don't even stop when hitting enemies, they just go through, as if nobody was there. The game is practically a Hellgate London clone (not Diablo since the cam position is different - and Diablo got much better with the expansion set - which I had to accept eventually) now, and the combat has no... life. Being able to interact with the enemy more, grabbing them, jumping onto them, climbing atop of them (Remember Oni? I mention that game a lot, those who played it might know why - that had proper melee), hell, with strength we could throw them as weapons or use them as shields (and containers and other objects too). Melee should be more about 1-on-1 or at least small group combat instead of cutting them up and going (or in case of higher rank enemies, just slashing and slashing) while they do nothing, do not defend themselves, run or jump away... enemy AI is stupid and the game itself turned into a simple shooting gallery instead of an actual combat game. I don't want Mortal Kombat, but having enemies that truly use cover, fend for themselves, are not suicidal and player abilities that are not 1-button-nukes (or similarly affecting everyone in half a mile) would make the game much better.


Abilities that focus on a single enemy or a smaller area would be good - but as mentioned, that would need a changed enemy too. Currently your biggest friend after damage is area of effect and as long as the game stays a meatgrinder, this won't change. No, adding more nullifiers won't make it better.


Many people don't like regenerating health, akin to Cod. I actually do like it and I think it's a viable idea for ENEMIES. If you shoot off the armor, that doesn't regenerate, but if you don't finish the enemy off properly, they rest a tad, regenerate health and get back in the fight.


Also I would make enemies take much less damage but protect themselves. If they lose head armor for example, they would move crouched, even maybe use one arm to protect their head when under fire.


This could be one way. Well, having bulletsponges is easier I guess but the first part still stands, more interaction would add to the immersion. Fewer enemies but prolonged combat per enemy would be a good change - though them having tons of hp to achieve this would be a bad enough way to make me become an avid Diablo fan. I mean why should I play Warframe if the only thing that makes it different from a Diablo clone would be the camera position? Hmm?


What would you like to see Baro Ki'Teer, the Void Trader, offer more of?


He is a decent way to get rid of excess prime parts. If you want my honest opinion (don't worry, I'm not angry that you don't), I think prime parts would be a good addition to the current gallery. Of course, adding more Prime Mods, different armors (Edo armor could use a prismatic version), syandanas, skins is always nice (I don't care for his weapons much if they are as useless as those until now - that needs said balancing first) but having a way to obtain prime parts (or even other items) that you just can't get thanks to RNG, could help. It would be costly for the poor player of course but at least it would provide you with means to control platinum costs on player market. Right now all you can do is mess up the RNG even more (like in case of Loki Prime Systems) and end up upping the cost so much that nobody buys it anymore (so you lose money on the long run).


But a Prismatic Mesa Syandana would be nice. Or a colorable phased syandana. Yay.


Would you like to see more Manic-type enemies?

He could have been a challenging enemy:

  • Turns invisible from time to time.


  • Has 25% chance to knock you over in melee.


  • Can jump on you when you are grounded to hit you repeatedly which you can protect against by blocking but honestly, this is exactly what a quick-time-event is good for. The event generates the necessary buttons randomly every time, you have 1 sec to press a button - if you manage to do 3 buttons, you are free. Higher difficulty manic's might need 4-5 button presses, lower ones just 2 or so.


  • Instead of being immune to damage, he would go into a "defensive pose" (like holding up arms in block and turning sideways), which would signal that his Diminishing returns kicked in. The more you shoot him, the less damage he gets - to 25% or so. Still, you can one shot him if you are good and place a headshot etc.


  • Having diminishing returns doesn't mean one would be immune to an ability for the rest of the fight. They usually work (if done properly, unlike in warframe) in a way that they reset to default resistance if the target is not affected by them after a time equals or slightly more than he spent being affected by them. Also the dissipation is gradual - not 90% resistance for the whole duration and then suddenly 0%.


  • Akin to hunters and bosses (since he is a hunter type), he shouldn't have a immunity to abilities but instead resistance. That could mean less duration and damage etc. but overall it would be better if the CC abilities would affect him differently that the masses. Not completely stunned but stunned for a moment, then greatly slowed for the duration. That would mean they are not easily bested (not captured by bastille for an easy kill) yet the players would feel their abilities are actually doing something.


  • "Enemy" mark disappears while they are invisible but reappears when he does!

But if you ask if I want enemies like the current Manic - the answer is NO. I don't want manic even to be in the game. Or the current version of Nullifiers, Bosses, Hunters, Disruptor stuff etc.

Edited by K_Shiro
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RE: Armour degradation


Personally, I think that, if we made it so that the marksmen/women among us could better ply our skills against heavy enemies, that'd be great. Not only does it give us a sense of engagement, but it also opens up the door for someone to actually create a good place for precision shooting in a game which, with all due respect, is more concerned with AoE and Crowd Control than aiming. 


That's fair. That's fine. I'm never going to say that's more or less valid than anything else.


But seeing as we do have weapons that are good for a sharpshooter role, that we do have weapons that, whilst they're not so hot on crowds, are great for high priority targets, it would be a potentially good way to bring the two playstyles to be mutually beneficial.


If we can make it so that sharpshooters and snipers can bring something to a team dynamic beyond 'kill that heavy with a headshot or bring Ogris/Penta/Tonkor/Torid/Opticor etc etc etc', so that, whilst we may not be getting a huge kill count, we'd still have a place in a team.


I mean, for sake of comparison, consider how you can engage monsters like Basarios, Gravios and the Gold/Silver Rathian and Rathalos respectively in Monster Hunter.


Each of these monsters have a high 'armour' rating, so your weapon, for melee, needs to be at certain grades of sharpness to pierce their hides, or you attack their weak point (Soft underbellies namely). However, if you can break their armoured parts, like the legs of a Gravios, or the heads of the Raths, you can actually damage them in those places because you've broken the armour.


If we can get something similar, akin to a more involved style with Sargas Ruk (so much waiting), then it'd be nice. I won't deny that when I think of game balance, I picture it so that the heavy weapons users can destroy hordes of enemies, whilst the sharpshooters are crippling important targets if not outright eliminating them.


This could be a system that is a step towards broadening our combat options. Sure, DPS might be king now, but if we could make it so that say, Status or what have you, becomes another resource to consider, we could see some more variety of approach.


Failing that, who knows, maybe a new exploitable mechanic with some mods to favour the more methodical approach. I can't say whether it'd be as good as I'd hope it'd be, but it's how I view it at any rate.


RE: Baro Ki'Teer


For the most part, as someone with no real money to throw at Warframe for shiny stuff and what have you, Baro has been a nice touch, as is the equipment and other assorted tid-bits. The Primed armour has been, ultimately, a lovely addition to my cosmetic portfolio, and the mods and other trinkets have been quite nice.


However, I will admit that, as a 'Void Trader' the implication he would deal in Prime parts was something of a disappointment when that turned out to not be the case. I understand, I guess, why; Prime weapons are content and you could horde Ducats to swap for lucrative parts to then make a killing on Trade, or just remove a chunk of the effort involved to acquire them 'normally'.


However, it's still...arguable it should be something I think are considered. Sure, maybe one or two prime parts, not a whole set, wouldn't be what people are after for. Prices would, I imagine, be potentially quite horrific if we're not careful. Yet, as someone who has been seriously frustrated in the acquisition of the Keys for the Void runs I need to do to get the stuff I'm after...it'd be nice to have alternative routes.


Even just a chance to buy packs of a particular Void Key rather than '25 k rep for 3' would be nice. It's somewhat painful that the T3 Keys I need just keep right on eluding me, and there's nothing I can do but keep on rolling that same dice. Even when I do get them...Forma. So much Forma. It's nice, sure, but it isn't what I needed.


Again. I understand the problems with making things too easy. I understand the problem with making it too hard. A balance is, ultimately, something important to strike. I can't pretend I have all the answers, let alone one for it, but if I could have a way to get just a bit closer to that one item I'm chasing after, that'd be nice.


RE: Manics


Whilst the Manic in and of itself falls within 'nuisance' range for myself, admittedly, the Manic bombard when fought was actually something of a good fight. It moved, it acted, and it wasn't a DPS rush. It was a lot more engaging.


If we can have more like that, then I'm all for it.


If 'manic' becomes a byword for 'arbitrary invulnerability, agency removal and frustration', then I'm going to have to say no. 


You've got some great enemy designs and challenges; maligned as they might be, I can appreciate the methodology behind Nullifiers. I find Mutalist infested rather interesting. Corrupted Vor has to be my all time top Boss you've got so far, as you're never unable to do anything to him so long as you're able to manage your aim and surroundings.


We need more of that, and less 'knockdown spam'. Less 'invincibility phases'. If Manic Grineer simply become more units like this, it'd be a missed opportunity to diversify and refine the methods to counter enemies.


Because, as we all know, CC is king on both sides of the field. If we or they can't move, we've pretty much won. Tactically viable, yes. But, this being a game? Reasonable counters are needed. For what it's worth, I sincerely hope that the Diminishing Returns you mentioned being considered recently works out to give us that middle ground where all parties can provide a challenge to each other, but not utterly invalidate opponents of equal calibre.


At any rate, apologies for going on, as always.

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Currently Maniacs are far more dangerous than the Stalker. Buff the Stalker or Nerf the Maniac, but this is just not good the way it is.

Also I would like to see the Snipetron Vandal back, as I was on a holiday and missed the event. And I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this.

As for general rewards for tactical alerts, I think most of them were not valuable enough. For example the stance mods. I love Tempo Royale, but I still don't think there is enough variety in the way melee works, since some stances are plain superior to others. There are like 4 stances in the entire game that are worth considering at all. And a melee weapon without a stance is pretty much useless, because the mods don't fit.

As for mods not fitting: We still need more mod slots. There is pretty much no reason to forma any melee weapons, because you run out of mod slots, not energy. Same for frames.

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