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Pc 16.9.0: Excalibur Feedback Megathread


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Well, but if the passive says "damage boost when only melee weapon equiped" that passive will not be activated if you have a rifle, right?

But if you have only melee weapon on your loadout it will be activated, despite of the name passive, right?

True, but there's no real user input to activate this other than switching weapons.

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@Caernarvon Depends on Duration how many it can select

wiki says SD is built around range now (which it should be and if its not it SHOULD be)....


radial blind should be built around duration and range, RJ should be built around range and str and EB should be built around eff, str, and range (for the waves and spin RB)., so basically the main stat should be range.

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Why bundle in the first place? Why not sell Prisma skin part by part? Reason is quite simple, as bundle they force people to spend more for the items, even if they dont need all of them.

You actually can buy each piece part by part if you want.   Each helmet and the skin can also be bought individually in the Warframe Accessories section under Warframes.


Only thing is that if you buy them all seperately it will cost you 300 plat, as opposed to buying all of them in a bundle for 235 which saves you nearly the amount of one helmet.

So the bundle doesn't force people to spend more money, if anything it allows you to save money.

Meanwhile you are perfectly capable of buying just the single skin or helmet you want, so there really is no need to attack the bundle.


The prisma skin itself includes the base helmet, so you get the base Prisma Excalibur Helmet, the Prisma Avalon helmet, and the Prisma Pendragon Helmet in the bundle along with the skin for 235 plat.

Overall thats a pretty good deal.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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You actually can buy each piece part by part if you want.   Each helmet and the skin can also be bought individually in the Warframe Accessories section under Warframes.


Only thing is that if you buy them all seperately it will cost you 300 plat, as opposed to buying all of them in a bundle for 235 which saves you nearly the amount of one helmet.

So the bundle doesn't force people to spend more money, if anything it allows you to save money.

Meanwhile you are perfectly capable of buying just the single skin or helmet you want, so there really is no need to attack the bundle.

Hmm, i missed the items in Accessories it seem. Even if i were looking for them in there.



Officially, i am blind from today.

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The main Stat ist Range but it has duration for how many enemys you can attack as secondary.

For bigger Groups just use 3 

For fast moving or small groups use 1


Stats normaly easy

Edited by Frankdark
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Right, feedback time.


1: Slash dash is is so good now: it inherits melee mods, it chains from enemy to enemy, and enemies that survive are knocked down, and on top of that you can use it for mobility. I don't see any problem with this one.


2: Radial blind can be cast on the move leaving you way less vulnerable than it did before, and stunned enemies are open to finishers. The only thing is that since the stun is kinda short, maybe reduce energy cost a tiny bit. Like reduce it be 5 energy or something.


3: Radial javelin: Well this is definitely the weak spot with this excal revamp. Radial javelin does not inherit melee mods, so it is kinda weak. Also, the stun part of it is redundant since radial blind stuns enemies for longer, costs less energy, and leaves them open to finishers. So what can we do to fix it? well give it some kind of buff/debuff effect. Excal is supposed to be balanced, a frame that has a little bit of everything, but he doesn't have a buff or debuff ability (stuns not included). So for example, radial javelin could debuff armor, for it could reduce movement speed, or it could have some kind of shield or health leech effect to it. the bottom line is that it needs something more. As it stands now, there is no real reason to use it, radial blind stuns better, and slash dash does a ton more damage.


4: Exalted blade: Excal draws a lightsaber-katana and goes to town on enemies. It inherits melee mods, auto blocks, and shoots energy waves. The only thing i can find wrong with it is that the auto block can leave you in a pickle since it eats up your stamina. If you have been blocking then exalted blade deactivates, then you are in trouble since you don't have any stamina to run away with. This seems like a bug since its not supposed to do this.


Overall the new excal is excellent. The only real problem is radial javelin, it still feels out of place, and excal's other abilities make it redundant and largely useless.

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Exalted blades energy wave should benefit from the same melee mods, aura as the energy blade itself, its damage right now is so little its almost useless.

And the blind on slide effect is just annoying and makes the second normal blind useless, should be just an energy slide attack just as with melee weapons and an energy wave on the end.

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Exalted blades energy wave should benefit from the same melee mods, aura as the energy blade itself, its damage right now is so little its almost useless.

And the blind on slide effect is just annoying and makes the second normal blind useless, should be just an energy slide attack just as with melee weapons and an energy wave on the end.

#2 radial blind = 60 meter range.

passive radial blind = 5-10 meter range and you spend more time slide attacking than just pressing #2. 


it really bugs me how 80% of the posts here have just read excalibur on paper but haven't actually tried a complete comparison for all his abilities and melee

Edited by SomeCrackHead
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He may be more flashy and fun in low to mid tier missions, still useless in anything endgame related. While this is a improvement, it's still not as good as the Excalibur I fell in love with. The Excalibur who had radial blind with no LoS requirement and blinded enemies received the stealth attack modifier was still a better Excalibur. Valkyr is a better option if you want to go ham. While this is a improvement, it's still not as good as the Excalibur I fell in love with.

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Why bundle in the first place? Why not sell Prisma skin part by part? Reason is quite simple, as bundle they force people to spend more for the items, even if they dont need all of them.


This is how bundles work. You get a bunch of items together at lower cost than what they would have been when bought separately. I still don't see the point of making a fuss about this whole thing.

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I wish that radial javalin had an additional feature.


Mode 1: Aim at nothing in particular, everyone in the affected zone gets a javalin up to a maximum of (?) javalins, affected by pwr strength.


Mode 2: Aim at a single entity, ONLY that entity get surrounded by (?) javalins and skewered to death, affected by pwr strength. Targeting acquisition is affected by range mods. Kinda like the bullet attractor + RJ combo.


Only then is Excal a worthy blademaster

Edited by ligonare
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slash dash: awesome for mobility and it chains enemies its gd. only fault ive found is that your vunerable while using the skill so you can still get hurt while chaining into groups


radial blind: still bad because of the LOS because it doesn't work correctly still while the finisher animation should be if you want to.

changes: revert blind back to its old one with no los but reduce the default range

make finisher attacks to a different keyboard key so I can just use normal melee if I want


radial javelin: still sucks now with a enemy cap,,

changes: scale from melee modes or reduce damage giving it finisher damage and a bleed proc while making the stun longer by using duration mods

or new skill


4th skill: still not good for high level the damage on the waves is absolutely terrible it should be finisher damage if its that low or increase from melee mods, you have no defence on this skill as then blind range is so small and the auto parry is only front parry and annoying most of the time.

changes: blind a bit bigger. damage reduction from strength mods or something to allow him to go into melee range better. way more damage if we going in with a 4th that has no defence on its own skill into a pack of level 40s

Edited by tris1
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slash dash: awesome for mobility and it chains enemies its gd. only fault ive found is that your vunerable while using the skill so you can still get hurt while chaining into groups


radial blind: still bad because of the LOS because it doesn't work correctly still while the finisher animation should be if you want to.

changes: revert blind back to its old one with no los but reduce the default range

make finisher attacks to a different keyboard key so I can just use normal melee if I want


radial javelin: still sucks now with a enemy cap

changes: scale from melee modes or reduce damage giving it finisher damage and a bleed proc while making the stun longer by using duration mods

or new skill


4th skill: still not good for high level you have no defence on this skill as then blind range is so small and the auto parry is only front parry and annoying most of the time.

changes: blind a bit bigger. damage reduction from strength mods or something to allow him to go into melee range better

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Ahh I see.

Right now I know for sure that berserker can proc, and berserker can only get triggered by a crit, what is odd is that I didn't see a crit or a damage increase.


Another question that come to my mind is, does elemental damage change anything? Does mods like buzz kill etc change anything?

all a мау approve: slash dmg increasing mods is not affect ult waves dmg

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He may be more flashy and fun in low to mid tier missions, still useless in anything endgame related. While this is a improvement, it's still not as good as the Excalibur I fell in love with. The Excalibur who had radial blind with no LoS requirement and blinded enemies received the stealth attack modifier was still a better Excalibur. Valkyr is a better option if you want to go ham. While this is a improvement, it's still not as good as the Excalibur I fell in love with.

you are doing it wrong

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My main issues with the new ult:

-Waves don't increase melee multiplier

-Radial blind finishers are so slow and unpredictable

Other than that, slash dash does so much damage now! I can do 8k damage to a slash with my excalibur now!

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So apparently EB gains a bonus from equiping a one handed sword, or this may be Excalibur's new passive, bonus damage with one hand swords. But this doesn't include Nikanas, given that Nikana+Excalibur has been the new marketing meta for promo trailers, it's become somewhat iconic and feels weird for Nikanas to not be included. 

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