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Defense Spawn Problems


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I've been hearing reports that sometimes when people are doing a void defense mission the enemies stop spawning properly and attack in smaller and smaller groups. I spent an afternoon trying to reproduce this with no success and after looking at the code I can't see what could be causing this.


If you've experienced this I'd be interested in a few details if you can remember:

  • Did you have a host-migration mid-way through the mission?

  • Were you with a squad or were you solo?

  • What frames were in the mission?

  • What faction were you fighting?

  • Which mission was it?

  • What is your favourite pony?

If you see this bug moving forward one thing to do is pull out your Codex Scanner and look around; I'm wondering if some Warframe power is ending up putting the enemies into geometry or letting them fall through the floor and they're stuck under you somehow.


Thank you for your help and patience as we try to iron this out!


Edit: this bug should be fixed now, details here

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Well i can tell you that host migration on the Ceres defence map may cause enemies to not leave their spawn rooms unless provoked.


And the pit in the Eris defence map sometimes doesnt respawn/kill the Infested that fall into it.


Cant say anything about other maps though, since i dont frequent/personally havent run into problems on those.

Edited by Dualstar
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Friends and I encountered this a little bit- We have a video.

It was a squad,

There wasn't a host migration, but the Rhino prime's internet dropped and he was able to rejoin.




Rhino Prime,


We where fighting the Corrupted Faction

The mission was a T3D

A dead one.

Here's the video: My apologizes in advance for our stupidity and swearing.

Edited by Censium
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  • Did you have a host-migration mid-way through the mission? No
  • Were you with a squad or were you solo? Squad of two my brother and I
  • What frames were in the mission? Rhino and Mesa
  • What faction were you fighting? Corrupted
  • Which mission was it? t3 defense
  • What is your favourite pony? Rainbow Dash


It isn't so much that the spawns stopped it's that the spawn was so speratic it took about 40 minutes to do 20 waves. We'd get a tiny trickle of around 3 enemies in a group from each of the spawn locations. I thought it had something to do with my brother standing in the front, but when we tried the mission again we hugged the pod and same thing just little groups of 3 enemies.

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Oh this has happened to me twice now ;=; The dreaded wave of time consumption.


- No host migrations ( On both missions )


- Full Squad ( On both missions )


- Mission type was T-1 Defense ( On both missions )


- On both missions we had Power Strength Novas (I had Hydroid on one missions and Frost the other), other than that I don't remember what everyone else had.


*Oh and strangely enough this happened on both instances at around Wave 15 - 20, the waves just went to a crawl as if the enemies were singing Ol' Mc Donald in the void or something.

Haven't seen this anywhere else, but in the void. Also that last question.... Oh Glen... you know we don't have time for that sort of thing.. 

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Excalibur, Frost and Ash in T3 Defense (Void). Host was laggy at the start but corrected itself when the enemies started slowing down. Slow down happened shortly after the 20th wave and being extremely noticeable past 25. at round 34 it took 45 minutes for the previous round to conclude (start - finish with 2 enemies at a time at most)


I am not 100% sure on the Ash by the way and yes only 3 players including myself (client). We checked everywhere but could not find anything, we even started spamming abilities everywhere hoping to get hits but we got nothing. The weird thing was that this was near the start of the wave. It almost seemed like wave 20-34 was an entire wave by itself slowing down each actual wave by removing an enemy or 2.


Eventually we all left since 4 hours of defense with one of us going to the store, coming back, eating dinner all in one wave was not fun anymore. We tried to find anything but we could not. Please keep in mind this happened before U17 with it's spawn changes.


EDIT: no host migrations occurred.


I would also like to point out the fact that exterminate suffers from spawn issues when nearing extraction. It often happens to me that I reach extraction with 2 or so enemies left on the kill counter but nothing left on the map. after minutes of running back and forth they do spawn. I am just putting this out there, you never know what could be related to this defense issue.

Edited by zY_Spartan_Yz
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was on Jupiter Dark sector survival with Equinox, leveling things..


faction infested


did it solo (all those neural sensors that didn't drop would have been mine)


host migration would be a nope


also fav Pony is Rainbow Dash







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Been dreading tower defenses since this happened. Got to wave 38, about 1h playtime with some good stuff, enemies stop spawning, had to wait 2 HOURS for these last 3 waves to complete. (Happened after U17 hit)


We wanted to quit so many times but when you're this far down the hole, you don't want it to go in vain.


We eventually got enemies to spawn by t-bagging Vor's legs (they never despawn) repeatedly, I'm not even kidding.


- Did you have a host-migration mid-way through the mission?
- Were you with a squad or were you solo?
4-man squad.
- What frames were in the mission?
I was a Nova Prime, there was a Trinity, a Frost. Can't remember what the 4th frame was. I think it was a Mesa.
- What faction were you fighting?
- Which mission was it?
T4 Defense
- What is your favourite pony?
Edited by Cyborger1
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Hey Glenn glad to now that you are aware of this issue. It's pretty hard to reproduce I'd say it's rng based but from what I heard from my clannies, looks like this issue has been happening even before you made a tweak on the heavies spawn rate.


No Host Migration

On a 4-man squad

IIRC I was using a speedva, there was a Irradiating disarm Loki, frost & a Trin.

It's either T3/T4 Def.

Idk about ponies but I like a robo-dragon unicorn.


We thought that maybe the Loki was making them kill each other on those spawn rooms that's why they weren't coming out so we stopped disarming but it looks like they really are spawning 1 by 1. It happened around wave 30ish and it took us more or less 20-30mins to finish 5 waves.

Edited by Oranji
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Host Migration: Unsure, it was possible/likely that there was a host migration once the countdown hit zero and a new host was selected to begin the mission.

Squad Size: Four Tenno

Squad Composition: Three Frost, one Trinity (Perhaps globe knockback to blame)

Faction: Corrupted

Mission: Tier III Defense

Pony Preference: The blue pony from the Warthunder April Fools Ponyland Airforce. One second burst mass of 3.23kg



As an addition I will note that this occurred while the Snowglobe knockback was still dealing lethal damage.

I made thorough use of my scanner to make sure there were no enemies tucked away.

This happened more than once. The enemy spawn started dwindling noticeably after wave 10 and came to a near halt by 18. One match took an entire hour to reach wave 20 while the other was aborted upon taking 1 hour to reach wave 18. 

Edited by arKRazor
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friends and i have experienced this as well at least twice now and it seems to happen when we reach 30's to 40's specifically in Void Defense.


One of us recorded it but idk when we are gonna have the video ready but if we do soon, we will post it here. We were all together and we were Excal, Frost, and 2 Equinox. there were no host migrations and it also seems to be any tower void defense. havent experienced this outside of any other normal non-void defense.


The pattern of how they spawn slowly is exactly as you say that the waves become "smaller" like the wave has "mini waves" in them.


one thing we did notice however is that if we all rushed immediately back into our spawn room area in the void, the enemies seem to pick up faster once we go back to the cryo and we basically just kept doing that over and over again.


hope this bug gets fixed soon because we were in that game from 3pm - 7pm because of that glitch 

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I'm wondering if some Warframe power is ending up putting the enemies into geometry or letting them fall through the floor and they're stuck under you somehow.

The new Uranus map certainly needs some cleaning up in this regard - I had a minigunner spawn inside one of the rock pillars once. No other problems so far, though. Screenshot of the position in question will follow soon-ish.

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I experieced something like this even before U17, it started just after introducing of an Ash Prime Access and obviously on T3D missions. Several times in a row enemies after 25-30 waves started to spawn insanely slow. It was so slow that after that I don't play defences longer than 20 waves since then. I believe we used something like Mesa, Trinity, Frost and Fast Nova squad.

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1. No host problems.

2. Done it with a squad and solo, the same problem occurs. The waves will start getting more slow in terms of spawning, till it then comes down to a complete halt. If not that there ends up being enemies getting stuck here and there through the whole wave. Especially shield ospreys, these enemies have always had pathing issues and will easily hold up a whole wave.

3. Trinity, Mesa, Mirage and Frost depending on the void tier of course.

4. Corrupted.

5. T1-T4 Defense.

6. For me the one and only is Fluttershy :3

Edited by Fluttershy93
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I've been hearing reports that sometimes when people are doing a void defense mission the enemies stop spawning properly and attack in smaller and smaller groups. I spent an afternoon trying to reproduce this with no success and after looking at the code I can't see what could be causing this.
If you've experienced this I'd be interested in a few details if you can remember:

  • Did you have a host-migration mid-way through the mission?
  • Were you with a squad or were you solo?
  •  What frames were in the mission?
  •  What faction were you fighting?
  • Which mission was it?

If you see this bug moving forward one thing to do is pull out your Codex Scanner and look around; I'm wondering if some Warframe power is ending up putting the enemies into geometry or letting them fall through the floor and they're stuck under you somehow.
Thank you for your help and patience as we try to iron this out!


Once solo from the start.  Another time with a group, no migrations.

Frost solo. Frost, Mesa and dont remember who else. 

It was Void defense T3 /T2.

(Why cant you auto-kill mobs if they fall out, like you do to players?)


Also check the spawns tables - sometimes there are Bombards in T2 which is not supposed to happen.

Edited by Monolake
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Thank you all for your anecdotes -- my tests before were with Nova and Ember I think but I'm getting the feeling that Frost may be a common factor here.


I'm wondering if anyone saw this before the Frost rework?


I'll try some tests tomorrow if I can and I'll let you know what I find! 

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Thank you all for your anecdotes -- my tests before were with Nova and Ember I think but I'm getting the feeling that Frost may be a common factor here.


I'm wondering if anyone saw this before the Frost rework?


I'll try some tests tomorrow if I can and I'll let you know what I find! 


This happened to my friends and I before the Frost rework.

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Thank you all for your anecdotes -- my tests before were with Nova and Ember I think but I'm getting the feeling that Frost may be a common factor here.

Worth looking into, but some of these reports have no Frost in them, no host migrations, solo and squad, in and out of Void...


Unfortunately, the last time this happened to me Animal Instinct hadn't been released yet, so I can't say whether the enemies were still there.


But considering the bug seems to be able to strike in so many different situations, I suspect it's something more fundamental. Not the defense code, not the host migration code, but what if it's related to the connection between host and server, or which server players connect to? You're at DE or living so close to headquarters that I imagine connection issues would be at a minimum. If that were the case, it would also explain a lot of other bugs that pop up in certain very rare and specific contexts but are extremely difficult to reproduce.


Not ruling out the other possibilities, though, but if you don't find anything looking at Frost and the other options, it's worth a shot.


Also, Princess Luna is my favorite pony.

Edited by FelisImpurrator
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