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What Shall Our Favorite Trader Bring Next?


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primed fury and streamline was DE's joke


I don't remember hearing anything about Primed Fury being a joke. It even has the correct rarity, unlike Primed Streamline.


Even among the leaked Primed mods, none of them, not even Primed Streamline, can match the impact that Primed Continuity had.


But OT, I think its been a while since he brought something at least halfway decent, I think we're due. I don't know what that might be, but i feel we'll be less disappointed than usual.

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I would like to see some more Warframe accessory pieces. Doesn't matter what it is.



You sure? Pretty sure no one wants to see those Prisma Daedalus accessories anymore, since it seems like that's all he got as far as Warframe Accessories. :-\

Anything else would be fine, but no more Daedalus junk...or prisma in general....Getting real tired of it tbh....

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Primed Streamline, considering Fleeting Expertise has been rendered useless on frames that have toggle abilities.


Woah, what? Fleeting Expertise is more important than ever. 90% efficiency lets you dip into negative duration way further than the inverse.

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It should be Primed Continuity. It's getting really hard to come by even in trade chat. Get no replies when trying to buy it. If DE is listening, then the only way you sell platuinum is if there is something to buy with it, and when there are no more of something selling it's time to bring it back, it's been 9 months.



As for what I expect?


Primed Morphic Transfer (because they seem to repeat recently released Primed mods at least once within the first few months to give people a 2nd crack at it) - but thats more likely in Dec.


So on the 27th?


I expect Prisma tears

Edited by Shockwave-
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When the hell is he going to bring back Eos Prime shoulders? ;I


Seriously we've gotten prisma daedalus pieces like fifty @(*()$ times. I really want more Eos Prime stuff that isn't the barely-visible-and-not-worth-using spurs. I've given up caring about any worthwhile Primed mods. Heated Charge, Reach and Flow are the only ones I really care about still. Guess I wouldn't mind seeing Primed Continuity show up again, but, seriously, I want some cool cosmetics.


All the cosmetics.


Prisma Uru Syandana perhaps. >>;;;


ALSO [size=7]PRISMA STUG[/size] i'm not even kidding please make it real

Edited by DiosGX
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