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Holiday Wishlist & A Happy New Year!


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Happy Holidays everybody.


My wishlist for 2016:


1. New weapons, like a spear, some big heavy gatling gun or big rocket launcher and another gun blade (The spear would be my favorite)


2. A warframe that can turn into a beast like mode like turning into a spider or tiger.


3. I absolutely loved second dream, i played it twice once on PC and again on Xbox, i would like to see more cinematic quests that add to the lore and story.

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My personal wishlist looks a little something like this:


-Reworked stealth system: Doesn't need to be the next Splinter Cell, but something where enemies respond to unusual things without going full alert, and maintaining full stealth damage and xp bonuses until you're spotted. Wouldn't mind being able to backstab enemies if I flank them as well, even if it's at a reduced multiplier


-Beastmaster warframe: Pitched this idea awhile back for Atlas' thread, would love to see a minion based frame with a small handful of strong minions they control


-Warframe OST: HNNNNNNNNNNNG, etc etc :P


-More gunblades: Would love to see an electric or gas gunblade, would have a lot of fun doing stealth kills with a delightful AoE burst built in :)

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1. A big Lotus statue for dojo (and not the lotus mark but our actual Lotus). Better dojo system, like donation tracking system, more interacting rooms, more decoration and personally I would like to see more life in dojo, maybe staff working in the dojo like in the relays, going around, cleaning, fixing stuff and of course made so u can shake hands with them or wave to them and they wave back.


2. Nyx Deluxe skin (I personally don't count Nemesis as It's Dark Sector for me, and I would like to see a more feminine deluxe skin for her, like Banshee's, Saryn's and Trinity's


3. Orbiter: Mini dojo in Orbiter, drop ship hangar. Weapon and frame storage, Ordis control room. Walking around with the Operator (not only in the Orbiter but in dojo and relays also) and this kind of customization for the the operator:

more designed to fit warframe) Edited by BabyKurama
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Personally -


- Weapon Sheathes. Think it'd be awesome if other weapons like daggers or swords could get sheathes too, instead of just the nikanas.

- More traditional guns, instead of just cool wickedy-wack fancy things that do super tricks. Something like a normal LMG without windup, or a double barrel shottie.

- Stealth Rework - anything else than what we have would be nice. I mean, hitting someone once in the back, it doesn't kill them, they turn, not even firing a shot. You kill them, but because they turned and saw you, alarms are now on.



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Complete Stealth Rework, like the parkour rework.


Make pure dmg mods are innate and have them level up along with weapons rank.


Second Dream Spoiler VV

Now that we know what Tenno are, I've become heavily interested in dissecting a warframe, please create a warframe insight quest.

Edited by (XB1)LexaHex488
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Oh dear 3 wishes... Tough one but I'll try:


1. Some love for Zephyr. After hearing she was one of the least played frames it made me sad. She has such an awesome design and potential that she deserves some love (+ she's my favorite frame).


2. (more) mods that affect channeling and charge attacks to make it a little more useful. Oh and dual sword charge attacks would be nice ;)


3. Another year of amazing updates! I've been with the games closely after the steam release and I have to say even I am surprised I keep playing it until this day. Whatever you guys are doing, you're doing it right. Have a nice holiday and see you all in 2016!

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1. Archwing missions being able to change to regular missions and vice versa.

- For example: you got all the information of the satellites (mobile defense) and everything indicates that there is an important target on the ship -> mission changes to capture/assassination -> transition from archwing to regular mission (as seen in JV raid) -> mission is now taking place at a ship


2. More Sentient proxies

- Sentient-only nodes / invasions

- different types of Sentient (not only Battelyst/Conculyst/Oculyst)


3. Polish of existing content

- PBR of old weapons

- Enemy scaling rebalance

- Weapon rebalance (maybe making use of channeling stats as way to make more diverse weapons -> weapons with more/less than 1.5x multipliers)

- Mod rebalance (I'm underlining regular status mods)

- Kela De Thaym

- Nef Anyo

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1)  Let us have three coloring options for our Landing Craft (inside need not be independent of the outside, but that would be nice)


2)  Add the ability to view companion/sentinel health for ALL squadmates in Team Health.  (Since if Warframe was real we'd be able to see their vitals, this one seems like a no-brainer)  Trinities everywhere will thank you.


3)  Syndicate Melees and a rework of the Telos Boltor and Vaykor Hek (as both are laughable, mastery-fodder sidegrades to their normal (or Prime, in Boltor's case) counterparts)


Edit: my previous number 1 (anti-oneshot feature has been replaced by something a lot more pressing (and even EASIER to fix).

Edited by Yzjdriel
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Three wishes, eh? While I'm sure some or all of this has shown up in the past thirteen pages, I don't feel like flipping through all of them right now. So!


Edit: Actually, scratch that one. A) It's shown up several times. B) I just had a better idea.

1- Rework the mission bonus objectives. Get ten stealth kills during a survival mission? Hack a terminal in defense? I'll settle for just setting it up so you don't end up with things like that, but I'd also like to see it expanded a little. Style kill currently applies only to kills made while sliding, but why not aim-gliding? That's plenty stylish.


2- More Syndicate weapon mods. We've got plenty of 'frame mods (and I'm sure more on the way for newer 'frames), but each Syndicate only has the three weapon mods. This would be a good chance to sneak in some indirect buffs to weaker weapons, or interesting utility like the Furis mod.


3- An actual auction house. Please. I'm sure this has come up several times by now, and I'm pretty sure it's already on your to-do list, but please, for those of us who don't have the time to just sit around trying to find someone to trade with, I hope you can get something out soon?

Edited by Zetrein
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1. Bring back Mesa peacemaker poses. I REALLY miss those.

Especially this one


Note: I want poses back, not full mechanic.


2. Please Make Nullifiers more fun. And it's kinda strange that Arctic Eximus's Globe is easier to be dealt with.

3. We really another UI rework. It's just insane how many of my friends are strugling when comming to the game first time

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What I wish for huh?


1. clean up the loot tables, every time I get fusion cores in a c rotation the salt tumor in me gets bigger and bigger. It's not even funny anymore.

2. More operator customization, also needs more yuri. Yuri is love yuri is life. Warframe x Operator, make it happen.

3. Remove my warning point(s)

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1. Vaykor Gorgon, Vaykor Jat Kittag and a Steel Meridian Heavy Gunner specter.

2. Desecrate turned into a toggleable aura instead of mashing 3 nonstop. Desecrate Nekros being able to utilize Shadows of the Dead more effectively.

3. An AH system. Or at least something to replace the current, archaic trading system.

Edited by Vaykor
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Before I make my list let me start by saying I thoroughly enjoyed the second dream, thank you for all your hard work and dedication. I been Playing since launch on the PS4 and this game is one of my favorite games of all time, it's up there right next to Borderlands and Mass Effect. Here's my List:


1. Fix all the base status chance mods(Rifle Aptitude,sure shot,melee Prowess, shotgun Savy and Stunning speed)  that have been grossly under-powered since their inception.


2. Fix all the incomplete melee stances(Iron Phoenix,Shimmering Blight, Brutal Tide , Etc).


3.Remove Forma from Void Drop Tables and Place them in Syndicates.


4.Add More Syndicate Weapon Augments to make some the under-powered weapons viable.


5. Add Syndicate Quests and Melee Weapons.


Thanks for all of your hard work, DE Staff.

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1. It's been said before, but add my voice too - Excal Umbra (pack) added to global. A sweet lore/quest to go along with his release would be ideal, but I for one would really like to see him released sooner rather than later. Adding both Nikana and Kunai prime to this global release would be icing on the cake, but wouldn't mind them being released with the next Prime Access. (though unrealistic, this would make a great Christmas present. ;-))

2. Syndicate weapons and Syndicate lore.


3. Codex stories for all primed frames - like Rhino and Ember have. I really want to know more about some of my favorite frames, like Ash, Trinity, and Volt.

Warframe is an amazing game, and you all have really done an amazing job. Keep going; I truly hope this game continues getting updated for years to come. Thank you, DE.

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Happy new year for all the Tennos, Players and Warframe crew.


Heres my wishlist:


1. When you use warframe , like you played alot of it, it feels bad to just delete it to make another slot for warframe. So how about we farm some blueprints and stuff in void that shatters our warframes into pieces that are needed to make it, and so we can sell it. I think that would be cool  and that is 1 of my wishes


2. Give free gifts at the end of every year or like, add prices per hours spent on game.


3. My third wish is going to be for all of you. I hope you are all having a nice chirstmass and holidays. 


Best wishes from Festax


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1: Valkyr Prime. She's been my favorite frame since i started playing 22 months ago


2: Excalibur Prime. Obviously i'll never get him T.T but i can at least wish for him 


3: To be a Guide of the Lotus. I missed out on submitting an application :/ so now i gotta wait until DE decides to open up recruitment again




Merry Christmas Tenno 

Edited by MarcelineTheVampireQueen
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My wishes:

Please fix the holster position on weapons. The Despair for example you guys broke in an update and have not fixed it in over a month, it looks absolutely hideous. The Kamas or dual swords in general clip through my Nyx Prime's butt. Dragon Nikana clips through my Ash Prime's leg. I think some of it is the stances but a lot the weapons look so ugly clipping through the warframes. I spend a lot of plat on cosmetics and accessories but it's really disheartening that this gets zero attention when patches come around.

The damage disparity between weapons is something that has bothered me for some time. I love that you guys bring out primed mods with interesting things like primed reach or primed fast hands but stuff like primed target cracker, primed heated charge or primed point blank just makes me wonder if anyone out there even cares for balance. I consider myself a veteran, I have every primed mod released by Baro and I am working to max all of those mods because I have done just about everything else there is to do in this game. I think these mods should not be out there, you guys are drawing massive gaps between weapons which eventually lead to players feeling forced to use a handful of weapons because they are the strongest and it's plain meta. The community is meticulous when it comes to damage or performance and there is no secret to what is at the top of the food chart. With damage 3.0 I hope you guys look into this and rectify these mistakes (my opinion) and instead introduce more mods like that of conclave which are more utility then straight damage buffs.

More reworks of warframe powers as some are severely lacking Volts ultimate, Nyx's Bolts. Nekros, Mag, Limbo, Zephyr could all use a rework or straight buffs.

Anyways, Merry Christmas and thanks for listening to the community. :)

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1. Focus fixes and changes.


2. Less diluted and more fair drop tables on almost everything everything (especially sorties and voids).


3. More Warframe reworks and passives for every frame that doesn't have one yet, including the prime versions that don't have as much improvements as their normal version frames (Frost or Excal prime for example).



Stay healthy and have a good time guys!

Edited by Genoscythe
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