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Body Count Was A Mistake.


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Blessing trin melee is fun, but blessing trin was always fun.

I haven't had problems with melee Rhino or Oberon, either, and Saryn is built for melee.

just a small note having an only skill that affect mele without the EHP to support it, its not been build for melee, even tough i always played most of my frames as melee oriented

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Saryn was always built for melee. She used to have the highest ehp next to valkyr. She's more fragile now, but her 1 and 2 lend themselves well to melee, her 3 is entirely built around it and an actual damage buff, and regenerative molt can be quite effective at further helping her stay alive.

Saryn is definitely a good melee frame.

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This was a mistake, Its not even a buff for melee as it highly favours fast attacking crit weapons over slower attacking status or base damage ones. As such if they ever bring melee as a whole up to par with guns either they need to nerf this or have the other buff not favor the same weapons. Its just uneven, badly done idea.


Blood Rush - Yes

But Body Count doesn't need a Crit specific Weapon to exploit usuable damage.

Any Weapon Combo that has guaranteed Slash Procs allows for those Bleed DoT's to scale with melee combo multiplier

Single Daggers not using Pointed Wind, so Stanceless or HomingFang, can spam Quick-melee to stack multiple Bleed Procs..

:Lasting Sting with stackable Bleed Procs paired with Body Count seems like a good way to have viable Bleed damage regardless of Faction

Sheev being a decent Status Slash bias Single Dagger also means that a Viral+Slash build also slotting Weeping Wounds

Since Bleed damage scales off base melee damage: No Slash damage mods are needed

A Player can Build Sheev to be a Quick-melee Bleed machine

Covert Lethality boosts base damage

Fury &/or Berserker will still boost attack speed(Even though Sheev Quick-melee is plenty quick)

With Lasting Sting, Weeping Wounds, & Body Count you just stack those Bleed Procs and watch the ticks grow 

Its a bandaid mod like speed holster, except speed holster is not even worth the slot :D


Really DE instead of fixing the combo multiplier you put this bandaid mod that has managed to make way for this. I'd say its broken, on a broken system, on a broken game c:


I like the idea to have mods alter or add more to your combo multiplier, IF IT WASN'T SO BROKEN IN THE FIRST PLACE.

While I'm happy they added function to the melee hit-combo count

(I had hoped one of these mechanics would have been added to Primal Fury since it lacks the Innate Parry and Slide-Blind of Exalted Blade, plus lacks the Innate Life-steal, Status Immunity, & invincibility of Hysteria ; both of which have less energy drain...)

I would actually prefer if they removed Blood Lust, Body Count, and Weeping Wounds


Instead incorporated them as the Rank Benefits for leveling a stance card thus replacing the Aura-like mod-capacity bonus.

(Would give players a reason to equip a Stance other than free mod-capacity boost and would almost have Melee be considered an alternative to Guns)

(Feels like DE is treating Melee with a Handicap when they made Stances provide a mod-capacity boost....like they went no Formas Melee...might as well try to get people to level these weapons by allowing mods to be slotted on Unranked melee weapons...)*

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 While I'm happy they added function to the melee hit-combo count

(I had hoped one of these mechanics would have been added to Primal Fury since it lacks the Innate Parry and Slide-Blind of Exalted Blade, plus lacks the Innate Life-steal, Status Immunity, & invincibility of Hysteria ; both of which have less energy drain...)

I would actually prefer if they removed Blood Lust, Body Count, and Weeping Wounds


Instead incorporated them as the Rank Benefits for leveling a stance card thus replacing the Aura-like mod-capacity bonus.

(Would give players a reason to equip a Stance other than free mod-capacity boost and would almost have Melee be considered an alternative to Guns)

(Feels like DE is treating Melee with a Handicap when they made Stances provide a mod-capacity boost....like they went no Formas Melee...might as well try to get people to level these weapons by allowing mods to be slotted on Unranked melee weapons...)*

I feel that they don't quite care about melee honestly, its been put off for so long that all hope is loss, especially with this mod.

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The real balancing factor of this mod is that you have to sword-alone to get a combo multiplier. Guns kill easier and safer because you don't have to get close. Honestly, it's about time melee had things that justified how much more risk you have to assume to use it compared to a powerful gun.

Quick Melee builds and uses combo multiplier; you just can't see it on the UI.  

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See, I view the fact that you're really pushed into playing specific frames in order to be able to go full melee as a bad thing. Mag can also equip here melee weapon can't she? So what makes you think that sword alone is only for the other guys.

I ,personally don't share this view. Why should a heavy armored and melee specialized Frame be as good in melee as Frame lacking any melee support? Those melee centered Frames lack in other fields instead.


Noone says, melee should be absolutly useless in hands of such Frames, however it should get more difficult in tougher content. Frames have their specific rolls. Mag lacks melee support and this is absolutly OK, she has other tools at her disposal. In chess, noone is complaining, that a pawn can only go one field at a time.

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See, I view the fact that you're really pushed into playing specific frames in order to be able to go full melee as a bad thing. Mag can also equip here melee weapon can't she? So what makes you think that sword alone is only for the other guys.


The difference is that those particular frames can get away with fewer mods slots as they make up for some of that through their abilities (no Life Strike on Valk for example). But if you want to mix it up and go with some other frame you're gonna run into some serious hurldes and these new mods make it worse. I think you should be able to go sword alone entirely depending on your weapon build and your player skill.



It's not Blood Rush's or Body Count's fault if Mag doesn't have the armor to suitable to stay long periods in melee drawn effectively. Most of the melee oriented frames have the armor for it and/or some skill that mitigates incoming damage, boost melee attack speed/damage, or leaves enemies vulnerable for melee.


Mag can cause knock down with Pull and Crush and that helps with chaining ground finishers but it doesn't really sound like that would lend to these new mods.


Excalibro, Valkyr, Wukong, Loki and Ash may do melee the best but Volt, Trinity, Rhino, Saryn, Mesa, and Atlas can all be really effective at melee alone because they have the armor value and/or the powers that allow for it. That is actually a lot of frames who can excel at melee. And I'm probably missing a frame. You could probably get away with Equinox's knight form and chain finishers off of Rest but I never tried it so.


But at the end of the day you can go melee alone with any frame you want, it is just some frames have the stats and skills synergies well with that option, and if they don't, it's not the fault of melee weapon mods but the frame.

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I'm just tired of stat-ification of game mechanics. Mods that make use of combo counter are ok, making combo counter itself a stat... not ok. There is once again no middle ground here -> too short or generously long. No skill involved, if it was innately 6-10 seconds you could at least make use of it if you're fast enough.


I guess this comes down to taste, do you want more RPG or shooter/hacknslash in you Warframe? I find it kinda sad that the biggest and most important skill in Warframe is math xD , even though I like math. You can literally solve for optimal Hysteria energy drain and damage stats and get through mostly everything while being the world's worst video game player. Is that a good thing? I guess that comes down to opinion.

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The only way Body Count is bad design is that it is bandaiding something that should be innate without mods, 10s or so melee counter, not that it is OP.

This. I have no idea why DE keep introducing band-aid mods (see also: speed holster, player input for handspring) when they could just fix the bloody problem at its source. The combo counter in its default state is basically useless, since under most circumstances it'll have run out by the time you reach your next enemy.

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I'm just tired of stat-ification of game mechanics. Mods that make use of combo counter are ok, making combo counter itself a stat... not ok. There is once again no middle ground here -> too short or generously long. No skill involved, if it was innately 6-10 seconds you could at least make use of it if you're fast enough.

I agree with you on this point.


Combo counter as it is now with 3 seconds is way to short to be used properly. This mod however adds too much of a time to the counter.

And at this point Body Count feels like a bandaid, rather than inovation.

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This and Blood Rush finally makes weapons such as Daggers and Dual Daggers viable , I dont see a reason to complain .

This mod will not make dual daggers viable they need better stances damage suplimental stats. The reason people are complaining is weapon should not have wast slots on fixes that should already be built into the game like the combo timer being longer. This shuld be a fix not a mod that takes up a slot

Edited by LurkenLurker
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Daggers are pretty viable in Sortie Spy or with a CC-Frame that opens up finishers. Covert Lethality rocks, yo.


To be fair it doesn't really matter what weapon you use after enemies are CC'd. Finishers do obscene amount of damage with every weapon.


I honestly yet have to reach a level point where fully modded weapon won't kill an enemy (any) outright with finisher. Which makes Covert Lethality's instant kill mechanic rather pointless. 

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This is a really fun mod.  I feel like my Warframe should be wearing a Fitbit while trying to keep the combo counter up.  I got to 2349 (yeah its small compared to some combos seen here i know) with the Atterax and feel like I just walked 5000 steps or something.

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My thought on this is bringing down body count to 6-8 seconds, and adding those 6-4 seconds onto the base combo timer.

i concur!


fast weapons do poorly because of low Damage per swing

oh boy, more of these people. gotta be people missing some information on game mechanics or something.

you do realize that instead of dealing 130 Damage per Swing, fast Melee Weapons instead swing ~3-4x as fast?


you can build 'Combo' faster with more strikes, so if that's what you're doing, then that does better.

but for just Killing things, there's not really much difference between dealing a lot of Damage in one swing, or dealing less but swinging MUCH more in the same time frame as the former Melee.


Saryn is built for melee.

not really.

it kind've works, but Saryn isn't really a Melee Warframe. a fairly closed Ranged Warframe absolutely, but none of the Abilities directly support Melee Combat. and never have.


more Melee Damage ala Ability doesn't make you a Melee Warframe.

i use Quick Melee quite often (because deploying your Melee in your hand is literally a downgrade on almost every Melee Weapon in Combat flexibility for Melee. not even including having a Gun in your hands at all times, but rather the Attacks you get.), for Enemies that are close or to just use it. but... that doesn't make my Saryn really a Melee Warframe. there are a couple weak hinting threads at a Melee theme, but it's kind've a tertiary, secondary at best aspect.

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So yur crying for a nerf?

Well the way it is with Melee Counter WITHOUT Body Count existing, it serves 0 purpose, no matter the combo tier.

Now with Body Count, we can finally go melee with the damage scaling as we continue the fight, and dare I say it, Body Count is merely a bandaid mod right now.

If our Melee Counter was only 3 seconds long by default, and that makes the Melee Counter system just garbage in sustained fights as it could run out any time no matter the combo tier yu ramped up in 1 skirmish.

So, if people are gonna cry for a Body Count nerf, DE might as well buff default Melee Counter up to 6 seconds or so, because 3 seconds is garbage.

I need a single target version of this that doubles combo points gained but reduces counter duration.

Reduces to less than 3 seconds.

Be careful of what yu wish for.

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