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February 12Th Community Hot Topics!


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Draco isn't a problem, it's a symptom of a problem. It's existed before (remember Xini?), and will always exist in some form. No matter what, some people will always look for a way to optimize their gear for maximum rewards with minimal effort. There's no need to nerf a game mode or node and "punish" (for lack of a better word) all players for the actions of some players who aren't even doing anything wrong but are just playing really smart against dumb AI.


Part of the problem is Affinity sharing across different levels of players. The MR4 Mag running a Grineer alert mission with rank 15-ish gear who gets joined by an MR21 Ember Prime running a build to maximize Damage/Range/Efficiency of World on Fire gets carried through the rest of the run and gets lots of free affinity without even having to do much. Should the MR4 not get affinity even though they are being carried? That hardly seems fair. But at the same time, leeching is built into this game as a result.


Affinity sharing is what needs to be addressed. Spreading the "XP" across players might be better if it included Mastery Rank as a consideration (maybe higher MR players get a bigger share of the affinity if they are using Rank 30 gear?).


Does Matchmaking put MR ranks into consideration? It doesn't seem like it does, but maybe it should. Maybe MR2 players should only join an MR21 player by direct invite, and it should be avoided by general matchmaking.


I'm not 100% sure I have the solution, but it is something I think that should be considered and talked about.

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Draco - never once farmed there. Farming is boring, but I usually farm exp in ODD while also getting orokin cells and possibly prime parts. 


Dual Primaries - I have no idea why Twin Grakatas were not a primary like the single Grakata. So yes, certain situations I'd like to see dual primaries. 


Crowd Control - some missions absolutely require it. Most missions involving defending a target and pretty much every high level mission if you don't want to get one-shotted. It takes away the fun/challenge by making enemies sitting ducks, but at the same time it is the only way to complete the mission. This topic is definitely a grey area. 


Warframe mods mandatory - yes and no. The ability to cast powers whenever you need is essential, but this can be accomplished by increasing max energy or by maxing efficiency. Certain "aspects" are essential to mod for, such as survivability, but I think they can be accomplished multiple ways. Energy efficiency is my main concern. 

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Frankly, I think that players flock to Draco because they think it somehow miraculously increases gainded affinity. And it does. Not because the mission is better than any other, but because a lot of players flock there with precisely fitted builds, helping each other to gain affinity. That's a real life example of Thomas theorem right there.
And if you remove it or somehow lower the affinity gain on that node, players will move on to some other Grineer mission. Why Grineer, you ask? Oh, that's because the Corpus is massively overpowered right now with their ability to disable your only means of survival in many situations. And the Infested worth far less affinity.

And what's with the heavily biased poll?

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Yes I use it myself  and no I think is not a problem, everyone itself decide whatever they use it or not. 

Also you can't change the "hot spot" of this game if Draco is gone their will be others.

I don't use it as much like others as I simple do sometimes like to be play other modes anyway.

So in the end Draco is not a problem and if you so happen to start focus on Draco, DON'T!

Please focus on the FOCUS-Share and of the mandatory mods like serration that just force you to fill you slot on ALL weapon (that will be cover below too) please!


AK Primary:

I couldn't care less if you want to , just do it...... though I hope I get the new Dex weapon be a Dual Primary as it seem all Dex are Dual weapon.

But I don't care just let it be the problem of the creative department.



Kinda a problem as that is normally what makes them important in late game. Those ability out-match others frame who simple are lack this or flatout bad in the higher tier. I'm pretty sure this is what the augment and rework are focus on anyway. I mean Atlas is a warframe that i never use on higher tier by the simple lack on self-preservation and valuable ability in CC.

Either mission typ should improve it or change.. or improve those other warframe.


Mandatory Mod:

C'mon concentrate on that already so that certain mods are gone that are i simple pure dmg increase. Stop with focus of nonsense thing like Draco if this is a major topic here.

Keep mods like magnum force, adjust it to heavy cal. , make multi-shot have more ammo consumption. or put them away too , what do i know just change the meta and make it better!

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A few notes I'd like to add in addition to my votes:


Do you think Draco is a problem and needs to be changed?

Every content type that is allows players to progress many times more efficiently than any other is an issue. Ideally you want all nodes and mission types played equally, not only to validate the time and work you as a developer has put in these missions, but also to delay the feeling of burnout in players. Xini, Kappa, Stephano, Draco, they all became popular enough at one point to suck the life out of the rest of the star chart. I'm not to worried anymore, though, since the new star chart design won't allow for that to happen at all anymore, forcing players to move from node to node as they become unavailable. Draco is/was a symptom of a problem called minmaxing, and while you can never get completely rid of that mentality and shouldn't, it needs to be combated continuously to prevent situations that affect players for the worse long term, like camping/turtling.


When it comes down to it, the player's philosophy is to reduce the actions and time it takes to get to a goal, and the developer's goal is to push against that so the player's APM or time spent in the game doesn't dip too low.


Would you like dual Primaries

Maybe, if you've got a solid balance foundation for them, so they won't become another step towards powercreep. I'd rather see dual Prime Secondaries, after you figure out the balance philosophy for dual vs. single Secondaries, which IIRC was the straw that broke Scotts back and made him announce that there won't ever be any more Dual Primed secondaries.

If I could make a small suggestion here: It would really help single secondaries to get some utility advantages over dual versions instead of just balancing them around damage and reload time. Two ideas that immediately come to my mind are letting players run and shoot at full speed with single secondaries, and allowing them to use the gun(without reloading) while reviving.


Do you think Crowd Control is required too often/spoils the fun in some missions?

CC isn't an issue by default, but infinite scaling without any major drawbacks is. Every majorly used CC ability in the game either scales indefinitely or is just too powerful. Nothing against infinite scaling as long as the enemy has a chance at breaking the CC. Banshee's SQ is a relatively well balance strong CC, as it is powerful but doesn't affect all enemies(flying units), which at some point could take her out. It also is a toggle drain abiliity preventing continuous energy gain from Trinity/Focus passives and staggers enemies outward towards the rim of the AoE, at which the ones in the LoS of Banshee have enough time to get shots off.

Same with Nyx's Chaos. Relatively strong CC but local threats in the vicinity of enemies can override the effect, allowing them still be a danger to players or objectives.

Abilities like Prism's blind however are overpowered IMO, allowing the player to completely shut down enemies of any number, level or type except Nullifiers for as long as they're not running out of energy. Its power comes mostly from being able to blind enemies through walls and resetting the blind duration on enemies already suffering from the status, so I'm fully expecting these things to change.

Radial Disarm I'd say is only slightly overpowered and will hopefully be brought in line when existing enemies get unique melee weapons. At that point you can easily tweak the usefulness of Disarm by giving some enemies the abilities to use primitive attack moves with their melee weapons such as leaps, making them even dangerous.

Vortex is grossly overpowered against Infested and in combination with Radial Disarm, but highlights a fundamental problem with enemy melee AI - the tendency to clump up. The power of Vortex is directly affected by how many units the AI sends to a specific spot before deeming it "crowded enough", so lowering that amount or even giving the enemy AI behavior to circle players that are fighting them instead of going all for them would be a feasible solution.

Bastille already was nerfed way back, but has once again become too powerful as the game's evolved. I needs to be a strong CC, but not to the point where with enough energy it can invalidate anything but one or two types of enemies indefinitely. Definitely should be looked at in terms of maximum number of Bastilles or giving it the Snowglobe treatment, merging Bastilles.


Do you think some warframe Mods are practically mandatory?

As with any piece of gear, any item that improves statistics without any significant drawback is mandatory. Power, Efficiency, Range, Duration, Speed, Survivability - any mod positively modifying any one of those stats will be considered mandatory as long as there isn't a superior alternative. Your decision to consider speed or Drift mods as "utility" and allowing them in exilus slots basically negated the point of the slot's introduction, since the choice of whether to equip any of those weak utility mods barely anyone uses was instantly overshadowed. I've written a post a while back detailing the issues of essential vs utility mods with guns, and at which point actual player build customization would become reality. Even though the numbers in it are slightly dated and I was taking weapon mods as example, the same issue still applies to any gear, including warframes, today.

How you want to fix this issue is up to you, but the system needs a radical change if your end result is to provide build customization without making players feel like they gimp themselves. In any case, I think you need to draw a clear line between essential and utility mods without pulling any punches like speed being considered utility. If you don't want to turn every mod into a Corrupted mod you're going to have to allow players the space to slot utility and situational mods, but preventing them from boosting any more of their essential stats with them. Augments shouldn't be utility either, because most of them increase the power or defenses of a frame directly without needing difficult criteria being met. They should get their own slots. The utility mods change the outcome of a conflict so insignificantly that even allowing players to slot 4 additional ones at the same time wouldn't make them grossly overpowered. I understand that you can't make them too powerful or they'll end up like other essential utility mods, but if you want to provide players with build customization through minor utility augments you need to give them the space to slot those and only those mods. If you end up introducing more utility mod slots you have to make absolutely sure not to allow players to slot anything in them that positively affects any of the essential stats without reducing another essential stat or being highly situational, as those mods will immediately outclass any others in that category. You have to be strict there because any mistake you make will immediately reduce player build customization.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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Seems like they are targeting the solution players have found to an underlying problem rather than the problem itself. The game has become so grind intensive that players will always seek out the quickest path.


They changed previous farming nodes instead of addressing the fact that since focus, syndicates, mastery are all tied up with affinity gain that this type of player behavior results.


I would rather see focus be a mission reward or a new lotus based mission system that rewards focus similarly to syndicate missions to encourage more gameplay variety. Introduce new game modes or expand the sortie system as a means to also progress in the focus system instead of the band aid approach. 


The experience system overall needs an overhaul or change if problems constantly pop up related to it rather than removing the one thing people have found to make grind bearable. 


The recent focus change goes hand in hand with draco as that is why people use it in the first place because of how hard it is to gain any other way. Before you punish or react to player behavior maybe ask why they feel the need to do that in the first place,

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No talk about Focus... this is disappointing.




In response do Drew:

"We try to discuss topics that appeal to all platforms unanimously. Because Focus is in flux right now, it's not an appropriate topic for these threads."


No offense, but the current focus system ties in directly to the many complaints about Draco.


Want to power level, go to Draco. Want to get syndicate rep, go to Draco. Want to have some chance at getting decent focus... surprise, go to Draco.


You guys changed a system that was bad, as it meant people had to hog kills, into a system that it doesnt really matter if you hog kills, the gains are so low, and solo players have been given another middle finger from DE. We keep getting pushed into palying the same exact leveles over, and over, and over, and over again because of the same game design on every single addition.


Currently we grind for ducats, to get primed mods, to then grind for cores. We grind Draco to quickly level and reforma weapons, while getting syndicate rep and focus, to then use these to grind for ducats to then grind for cores, and so forth.


You guys keep promising end game, or even a better reward system, but atm we keep getting pushed into playing the same missions over and over and over again. So sorry, focus should have been put up here in the discussions, as the changes made are going to affect consoles. So we have to wait a month until this hits consoles, for them to realize how bad it is, and then we discuss it so maybe it gets change sin like what, another 2-3 months?


Absolutely well said, I agree completely. Wise words from experienced players, I urge you to listen to them.

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Draco Leveling...

Do you use Draco to acquire Affinity? Do you think it should be a valid way to play or is it an abuse of game mechanics? Should there be limitations or is it fine the way it is? What would you change about it, if anything?

Draco is the symptom, not the problem.

Before Draco is was ODD. Did anyone have a problem with that?

DE-wise, the only changes directly to ODD were making the ledges (less) campable.

ofc, between the changes to Ancient auras, Mutalist units (initially specifically Ospreys, but those've been axed due to pathing), the ammo change to launchers, the repeated lowering of small-fry exp, the drawing-out of spawns/time/wave, the 'discovery' of Draco and possibly other factors I'm not thinking or aware of, ODD is pretty much a thing of the past.

The problem is how leveling works.

And how Forma a.k.a. releveling work.

Leveling something for the first time, yeah, alright.

If it's a weapon, you can even take it along with a, you know, actually useful weapon, and level it while contributing.

However, this is a slow process.

Or you can take just it (because 75% exp goes to your weapons) to a high tier Spy mission, and get your first 10 ranks on it in a single run, before boosters.

For a 'frame you don't even have that as an option.

(3 perfect higher tier vault = 0->7, and leveling slows after that.

Next run gets you to 10. Then 12. Then iirc 13.)

Releveling resets you to base stats (which is fine), removes all your mod capacity (which is fine), and then emasculates your abilities (which is absolutely NOT). And you can't bring a 'useful frame' to level a forma'ed one. But you can bring a maxed out weapon.

Leveling something for a second, third, fifth time? What immediate rewards are you offered?

Or, put better: What makes it about the journey rather than the destination?

And, again and worse, for frames: You have the same issue as above, made worse by the fact that not only do you start over with crappy-verging-on-useless abilities (for playing anywhere past t1 missions), you don't even restart with all your abilities.

tl;dr - You're directly incentivizing players to skip to the end as swiftly as possible. Why are you surprised when they do?

On top of that, there's a huge disparity in exp/minute between endless and non-endless to begin with.

On top of that, there's a huge disparity in exp/kill between small-fry and heavies; and eximii.

Which start spawning much faster in Int than Def or Surv.

On top of on top of that, there are other factors that skew things in Int's favor - of the 4 endless mission types (Excav, Def, Surv, Int):

Excav suffers from aff share range limit, non-scaling defense objectives, feast-or-famine spawns and the huge, huge speedbump that is 'energy carrier spawns'.

To quote Caelward's excellent post:


As far as Draco affinity gain... I used to have an alternative.


Excavation missions. Because the excavators would all spawn in the same area it would lead to the player group battling an undivided swarm of enemies within close proximity. Easy affinity share situation.


I found affinity gain in various excavation missions to be quite good. It meshed well with the messy battle against multiple groups of enemies coming from different directions. Because it was good for affinity my friends and I would bring frames and weapons that needed to be leveled, so we weren't coming in fully geared up. This served to make the battle more exciting for us.


Now that players are constantly shuffling around the entire tile set managing excavators in all separate rooms it has divided the players and splintered the enemy groups.  Since those players know that help will often be several rooms away they now have less room to bring under-leveled gear or warframes. Excavation might technically be faster will a full premade group of players specifically there to grind excavation, but it has made it much worse in my experience. The changes have reduced the effectiveness of smaller groups of lower rank friends or random pickup groups. And it is certainly made it harder to get the focused engagements that made it so enjoyable and rewarding as it was before.


This all served to send me back to Draco...


If I had to sum it up, I'd say that Draco might be too effective, but without looking at the system overall, we'll just find the next best affinity gain mission. If we aren't careful how we modify the other mission types then this situation will just continue to be a whack-a-mole problem.

Def suffers from a non-standard gameover in the form of the pod - which necessitates a pod-defense frame in anything like levels of statistical parity, spawns skewed towards smallfry, staggered and lemming-pathed waves, and maybe other stuff.

Surv has the life support capsules (same issue as snipers and reammoing, btw), scattered spawns when you go to fetch them (and/or depending on your group), hallway heroes (depending on your group), and exp share range limit.

Int? Your non-standard mission fail is avoidable by just killing stuff. Infinite exp share range. Eximii start spawning from wave 2, 3 at lastest.

And, lest we forget: Draco has no force-multiplier or power nullifying enemies.

While this is supposition, I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that it's a significant consideration.

Oh, and you get T4 keys on Rot C, which is nice.

Do you use Draco to acquire affinity?

-> Yes, sometimes.

Specifically, when I'm releveling a frame for the nth time and am fed up.

16-20 min in Draco vs hours doing anything else (or days doing Conclave), when it serves no purpose but padding out the game? No-brainer.

Do you think Draco is a problem and needs to be changed?

-> Other (post an explanation below).

tl;dr - Draco is a symptom.

Exp share is a problem. Time to max while-doing-anything-else is a problem. How Forma work is a problem. The fact that leveling for the 2nd+ time has 0 short-term benefits is a problem.

Does it worry you that Draco is a Community Hot Topic?

-> Nah, it’s cool. Let’s talk about it.

If there's any chance that discussion will put the source of the problem into the crosshairs, rather than leaving DE dealing the symptom?

And considering the post Viver nerfs to Mag, Excal and Trin (which thankfully didn't stick), the LoS restrictions on abilities (also RIP Greedy Pull), the recent change to Excav and the post E-Gate one?

Saddle up and let's to talk it into the goddamn ground.





For some reason forumites think time=grind and Draco is somehow saving them by making them bored but I think that's really silly. IMHO the best way to level weapons should be something fun and engaging like... playing the game...

As a forumite, I wanted to comment on this:

Grind = time spent doing something I'm actively not-enjoying (disenjoying?) for an eventual payoff.

I loath playing with unranked frames.

Playing (as in: actually using) unranked weapons is usually an exercise in futility, since I rarely ever play missions under level 25. (And honestly, stat-disparity aside, what reason do I have to do so? Aside from Jupiter missions for Neurals >_< )

I like Spy, but 20+ of them in a row is a bit much.

I used to love Excav, but the large spread-out-ness of it means I'm usually not getting shared exp.

I find Def mindnumbingly dull.

Surv's awesome, in the sweet spot. But getting there takes ages, and it lasts ~4 minutes.


Alternatively, I can take a maxed out weapon or frame and spend 20 minutes in a Draco PUG (a.k.a. non-meta), running and gunning (and if I'm in a formaed frame, jumping all the F over the place to not die). Which, quite aside from being a good bit more efficient than most any other option, is fun.




Dual Primaries


-> No opinion on this topic.


Crowd Control Prevalence

Do you think CC is too prevalent or too strong? Do you have fun using it or would you prefer to play without it? Do you think it should have diminishing returns to prevent permanent lockdown? How would you change it, if at all?

Currently, the main problem isn't CC, it's enemy scaling.

The less leeway/leniency players have in surviving enemies, the more vital not-letting-the-enemy-attack-in-the-first-place becomes.

Consider: In what context do you hear complaints about CC?

Has anyone, ever complained about CC in missions under level 15? 25? 60?

(In those levels, you hear people complaining about FotM nukers, if anything.)

Do you think Crowd Control is required too often?

-> Yes, but only in high-level missions.

Do you think Crowd Control spoils the fun in some missions?

-> Other (post explanation below).


Mandatory Mods: Warframes

We’ve discussed mandatory Mods in previous Community Hot Topics, but we haven’t really discussed them much in reference to warframes. Arguably, mods like Redirection and Vitality aren’t as mandatory as some weapon Mods, but there are still a few warframe Mods that are considered “must haves” for many builds. What is your opinion on the most commonly used warframe Mods? Do you think there is enough build diversity for warframes, or are some Mods too essential? How would you improve build diversity to allow more options, if at all?

Reference: Most of my builds, though some not up to date.

Neither Vitality nor Redirection is a mandatory mod. Maybe either of them - depending on enemy and frame.

You say 'mandatory frame mod', immediate thought is Fleeting Expertise (+ Streamline, 90% of the time).

And, of course, Corrosive Projection - because enemy stat scaling.

Off the top of my head, the only 2 builds I don't use FE on are 'absolutely max range Nova' which I nearly never use, and 'absolutely max duration Blessing Trin'.

Sure, I also have a 'absolutely max duration Invis Loki', for instance, but that's just for convenience (and because I have an Arcane Essence).

Combine with Continuity for Strength-agnostic toggle abilities, or with Transient Fortitude and P Cont. if Str is relevant.

Will revisit this next time I'm in my Arsenal.

Edited by Chroia
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> Crowd Control Prevalence

Diminish return must happen. But balance means lowering something and enhancing something else.

> Mandatory Mods: Warframes

Rage is a problem, involved with Energy generation overall.

About energy generation...

.. it's not only a Mod related problem; the actual systems involved are:

  • Rage, mostly reliable with Vitality and a tanky frame, also requires to get damage, being in dangerous situations.

  • Energy Siphon, unreliable. However it should be made baseline.

  • Equilibrium, works only for specific builds and it's used only on some frames.

  • Consumable spam. Mostly broken.

  • Warframe skills.

    Energy Vampire, mostly  broken.

    Despoil it's RNG related but actually feels legit.

  • Random dropping Orbs. (whatever Energy Orbs shouldn't drop from enemies killed by abilities.)


  • Syndacate AOE procs (Entropy, Blight). Legit, but not so reliable.

I feel the new Focus Convergence mechanic adds flow to the gameplay and something similar could be done for Energy, allowing windows of opportunity in which you could use your full powers or even spam them, and others in which it would be better ration and keep your energy for the best chance.

What about some Style Kill Momentum? Something involving an active role from the player, unrelated to RNG or cheap abusable actions.

It comes to my mind Conclave missions (Kill airborne opponents, headshot kills, Style kill, kill enemies with primary and secondary, etc.).

I think there's also space for a subtle battle management with enemy drain mechanics (Parasitic Eximuses, Magnetic procs, etc.), like also adding some "drain reduction" mechanic to Focus and Primed Focus mods, to allow the player countering the waste of its own effort into collecting more energy.


lot of good stuff there, but personally i think that DE needs to completely overhaul the energy generation system, like v3.0 or something


ill call it: 'no more blue balls tenno'


but the gist is to have built-in nrg regen for all frames, but different and unique to each frame [maybe .5 per sec for someone like rhino or +1-2 for ember/volt, etc], just like their own base stats, then the ES aura can simply modify that base rate [ie +5% per rank or something], and additionally we can have mods that allow the frames to gain nrg from killing enemies by say using melee, in this way, the nrg gains can be a controlled rate, but less of the rng-spikes that the blue balls always presented [the nrg gain thru melee could just also be an innate feature, say 1 nrg per kill, but certain mods could potentially enhance that gain]


this opens the doors to a dozen or so mods around this, counting existing mods that would need to be adjusted accordingly


u could still have the blue balls ingame, but they could be a more rare occurance instead of a required consistent mechanic


going even further we could have an equilibrium system where base energy only regens upto a certain threshold, like say 30-40%, then other mods could still raise the maximum nrg like Flow and new mods could raise the threshold [like say +5% per rank, to allow for a base rank 5 mod then a primed rank 10] ; this also could be unique to each frame, ie some frames base regen would only go to 30% while others might go to 50% as their base

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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I do use Draco to level most of my gear. I'm already Rank 21 though and i only started using Draco after more than at least 1200h into the game.

I did a few runs with that Mesa setup when it was kind of new (Mesa, Pull mag, 2 leechers)


But i stopped doing that pretty fast since it's super boring and spoils the fun.

Since then i still use Draco but i keep varying my loadouts and i only play with random ppl, just running around killing stuff; no special tactics. Most of the time i find that pretty enjoyable.


Now that being said, I highly recommend new players not to use Draco or any other kind of power leveling.

I got to know some new players that quickly lost interest, because they were pushed too much by the help of veterans.

Personally when i was new, i only played together with another new player and we made our way through the Solar System unlocking nodes and getting ressources.

That part is important, because that is what kept me interested and motivated. If i was power leveling from the beginning, I probably would've lost interest.



tl;dr: Power leveling is kind of necessary with the current Item system and i think it's fine. But the game should keep new players away from power leveling as long as possible.



Actually one problem with affinity gain is that you only get a reasonable amount of exp in certain mission types.

And mostly that is just Interception.

Watching new players on Youtube the leveling pace seems fine and reasonable.

But i think at some point you have so much gear to level that you need more and more exp.



Possible solutions:


- Leave EXP gain for new players as it is


- at a certain Mastery Rank increase exp gain for all gear (proportional to the Mastery Rank, eg: MR 0-7 100%, MR 8-10 120%, MR 11-15 150% etc.) numbers are just an example.


- also change exp gain so that it's more even across game types! You get way too little exp from non-endless missions compared to endless missions. With the exception of Spy missions with their bonus for hacked terminals, wich is a great start.


- So, objectives should yield a whole lot more EXP in any mission, wich would also promote objective gameplay.

Edited by CruelMaiden
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I don't see how Draco would be a problem,I mean,coming from someone who plays it in a normal way ( no excal or stuff like Mesa (months ago) etc)  I think we all need an option to level up our gear quite fast.


Say you wanna build a tonkor or whatever weapon that requires many forma...Well,who wants to waste hours to get that gun ready when you can just save up lots of time by doing draco?


You know,this game gives you focus,syndicates,raids and stuff all of which are supposed to be done daily,so unless you can play hours a day,I don't see what's wrong in using this node to save up time if you have planned on forma'ing guns or whatever.


It's no magic to be honest,it still takes like 15 waves to level up a waframe from 0 (assuming you have no extra equipment with you and no afinity booster).


Just my thoughts about it!

Edited by (PS4)Lor-Enzo_1996_
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Okay first thing to address: Draco


There will always be a good spot for affinity that people will go to and I've accepted this fact. What bugs me is how people cram the recruitment tab with requests to do draco like it's a Gdamn raid. Or how people forma their entire loadout so they need to be revived 24/7.


I would like draco to be changed to something you could solo easily. That way, people could get the large amount of affinity they want without having to revive the morons in the game. (I suggested spy, but apparently got a lot of hate for that idea.) But exterminate, survival, something like that.


Now on to mandatory mods.


The way I see it there are six: serration, hornet strike, pressure point, split chamber, barrel diffusion, and lethal torrent. The common theme here is good ol raw damage. Not a increased chance to do extra damage, extra damage EVERY SINGLE SHOT (or swing). With the low damage the gun does normally, plus the armor from enemies in places like sorties and raids only an idiot would decide to go without them. Are people really getting mad over players trying to make a better build? Players want to WIN not give each mod a try. Raw damage helps no matter what kind of build you decide to go with. That's the weapon's job, to do as much damage as possible. In short, leave them alone. Yes they are overused, highly, but a raid/sortie would be hell without them. You could amp up every weapon's normal damage naturally, but nerfers will want you to nerf the damage and you will be back to square one. This one is not worth it DE, leave it alone.

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I replied to the Draco question with 'Other - will post' and began reading the thread when I came across this:


I made this post last year and I still stand by it.


The post made by Stefe on the first page suggests that polarizing a weapon/frame doesn't send it to unranked; instead, it offers an extra 'affinity bar' in which you must obtain enough affinity for it to reach 30 again before the polarization finalizes on the weapon. I agree that one of the reasons I go to Draco is because it's a safe and effective way to level things I have polarized, but that's not the only reason I go there. So while I think this is definitely an interesting suggestion, I also go there to easily level up new equipment.


The only real way to keep people from not leveling everything in 1 go is to cap the amount of affinity gain per mission. It honestly wouldn't matter to me, personally, but I'm sure a lot of people would be incredibly upset about a per-mission cap on affinity.


I don't really see it as much of a problem, as several mentioned earlier it *is* a PVE game and how they spend their time isn't really bothersome to me.


The only real issue I have is seeing an MR 13 guy who knows nothing about Syndicates and nothing about Synthesis (players branching off in non-exterminate missions and just killing the Synth target T_T). <- this should be addressed by quests that show up in a player's optional quest lines. There could potentially also be an optional quest that initiates a modding tutorial and gives a new player some free cores to maybe level up a couple of their mods so they can see the immediate difference on how important they are.



Dual primaries: Please, no. Crafting is insane with dual weapons. We can leave duality to secondaries, lol.



Is CC an issue: Honestly I do not believe CC to be a problem. It can let players fight higher level content, but at that point even the slightest mistake can cause multiple deaths on the team.


Required warframe mods: I selected 'yes' in this because I was silly and didn't read the 'warframe' part of the question (Weapons have mods that are considered required on almost all weapons, as is known). I think frames have a good diversity for mods. None of the mods are really required.


I would like to see more diversity being viable for things such as warm coat and the other elemental resistances, though; things like some stages of enemies having a lot of elemental damage and little physical, or the like. We would be able to switch out things like shields/health for Warm Coat without worrying heavily on survivability.

Edited by Zeriken
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lmao,apparently no one ever plays it.


Why are we even talking about it? Maybe Drew made a mistake....yea



Results look about right. Half the voters play at least occasionally on it and about half of those use it often.


Not everyone who plays Draco reads the forums.


And yeah, good chances there are some who are lying because they don't want to lose their honeypot.

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I mainly came here to provide some thought on two of these topics.


1) Do you think some mods are practically mandatory?


 Yes, if you want to fight anything above the level of 50, yes. While some mods do change up the gameplay, it would be nice if some weren't downright required to be effective on anything. Mainly, damage-wise. Maybe have weapons' damage scale depending on the level and/or number of enemies you encounter? On paper, that sounds much simpler than adding multiple damage modifications to reach your desired level of effectiveness-- which, in most cases, is overkill. It would be really nice if that were to happen, as I always tone down my mod setup for [insert weapon here] whenever I do something on [insert planet here] just to provide myself more of a challenge. Don't get me wrong- some of the game can be challenging already- but it is kinda hard to call a mission something of a challenge when you have an assault rifle that one-shots everything and 72 bullets to spare before a reload.



2) Do you think Draco is a problem and needs to be changed?


Er... maybe? I only ever do Draco when I feel like participating in a Grineer interception mission, but I don't really use it to power-level my way through things...


Well, it wouldn't really matter much in the end. Nerf it or leave it, somebody's gonna do the numbers and find whatever mission is the ideal loot/exp location.



Also, dual primaries? I don't care if that would break the game or not, (Twoo!) Hek yeah!

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