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26 minutes ago, (XB1) LexaHex488 said:

My profile page was reset, Post count was reset to 0 on the profile screen. 

IMO the Notifications, messages and profile tab on the top right of the screen shouldn't be sticking out, it should be moved up to blend in

Read the previous page, it is explained why console users are in this state.

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Please for the love of my eyes can you guys change the color scheme to something a little darker, like maybe grayish??? This whole bright white theme, especially with every hyperlink coming up in red text is really stressing on my eyes since i just had Lasik surgery. Other than that i do get "error 500" pages all the time but i guess that's to be expected since the Forums just came back up. 

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11 minutes ago, (PS4) DastardlyKing-eX said:

Please for the love of my eyes can you guys change the color scheme to something a little darker, like maybe grayish??? This whole bright white theme, especially with every hyperlink coming up in red text is really stressing on my eyes since i just had Lasik surgery. Other than that i do get "error 500" pages all the time but i guess that's to be expected since the Forums just came back up. 

1. You double posted, just so you know.


2. At the bottom of the page, select Theme > Warframe Dark. There ya go.

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Forums on a tablet look like a combined version of the mobile and original sight. 





Also there is no way to force desktop site on mobile. I like the desktop version on my tablet but what I'm currently getting is a real mess.


I also seem to be getting a lot of format issues on iPad. Lots of words and links everywhere.

Edited by Rhundis
Broken BBC code, additional content.
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2 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:


Please post any feedback or bugs about the new forums in this thread. 

Known issues:

  • Design Council Invitees are missing their DC access (I'll have this fixed over the next couple days)
  • Profiles missing
  • Profile editing blocked
  • Missing Avatars
  • Broken old bbcode
  • Duplicated (broken) console forum accounts
  • Themes breaking on mobile

Hello Drew,

my forum profile has been reset since you released the new version. I've lost everything, my infos, my reputation and even the date of membership has been removed. Now it says that I'm a member since today. Lost all my topics and all my messages. I've lost everything. (Arrghh) .

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3 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:


Please post any feedback or bugs about the new forums in this thread.

So I tried to log in and I noticed you have a stupid Captcha.
Anyway, I put in my Email and Password to log in and ticked the Captcha and ticked "Remember Me", and I was denied access due to failing the Captcha, which was just a tick the box, which I had clearly done because of the tick on the Captcha where the box was when I ticked it.
Anyway, after three "failed" attempts, it took me back to the Forums, still in no profile. I clicked "Sign in" again and the Forums timed out. When I reloaded it (granted, after some time away from the computer), it took me back to the Forum main page and I was logged in.

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