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16 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:

I have no Idea if someone has mentioned it yet, but mobile forums login has broken, and clicking in "sign in" button sends back to forums homepage without logging in (Have been waiting for it to be fixed about 9 hours, now i can get back home and post this issue on forums. Tested on default theme)

Btw, the new forums looks awesome. Good job! 

Same bug happens if you use MS Edge as a web browser.  Swapping to IE lets you log in though

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It would appear that, unlike Quotations where you just Ctrl-right click to remove them (which you can't do on mobile), Spoiler tags cannot be removed at all once made, even in desktop view. Your only options are Paste and Paste Without Formatting.

Edited by Archwizard
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Well, I understand that Design Council access is still yet to be completely fixed but I'm just going to put it out there that I can't access it and apparently cant see that ive logged in on the forums. It keeps telling me to sign in but I can post a reply to a thread no problem/ 

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Apparently, If I'm already logged in to the webpage, I cant sign in to the forums at all unless I go back out of the forums and log out of the webpage. You'll get stuck in loop that only reloads the page while never signing you in. You sign back in on the webpage, and then try signing in again, you'll not get stuck in that loading loop and It will let you sign in again. Weird.

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To start with I have a couple bugs


I am missing council design forums completely.

Second I can't log in most of the time. I click sign in but it does nothing. I go to the warframe homepage (warframe.com) and it says that I AM LOGGED IN but I come to the forums and it keeps saying that I need to log in and I have no way of accessing. This happens every day and it's getting frustrating. Most of the times to overcome this i have to log in and out of the home page 2 or 3 times until it does something.

everytime I close the browser and open the forums again it requires me to log-in...in the older forums I never had to log-in every time I came back if I chose "remember me" option. in the new forums  this feature is not working. it never remembers me.

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Confirming login issues - I was unable to log into forums while I was logged in to the website on Chrome. Clicking "Sign In" simply did nothing - I got redirected to https://forums.warframe.com/ instead of login page. 

Had to log out from the website, then log in TWICE to the forum for it to finally work.

Oh, and it keeps logging me out every now and  then. 

Please fix!



It's worth noting that this Microsoft utility for downloading browsers (what was it called again... iexplore.exe, version 11 I beleive) seems to handle logging in somewhat better. 

Edited by Reifnir
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i have noticed that i cant log in easily, i get auto logged out and then when i try to click the log in/signup text it just refresh's the page. i have to log out on the main site then click on the link then it takes me to the main site to log whom then comes back here still not signed in unless i click the log in text again then refresh it.  on top i cant find my post here but i also can see the design council.

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I'm having a lot of troubles loggin in:

- Most of the times I can't login at all, I click on the signin button, page loads and nothing happens

- The only way to login is to clear che browser cache everytime, then it'll redirect you into Warframe.com to login and send you back to the forums, where you can finally click on the signup button and get logged in

- In addition to the above, you can't be safe even once logged in, as it already happened multiple times to be simply logged out after a while of inactivity, like 10 minutes


Hope it'll get fixed soon because login issues are quite a pain.


Anyway, thanks for the good work, the new forums look amazing and I'm sure it'll be great once fixed!

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Feedback: Overall I like the changes made btu a few things bug me.


The first is the tags, why only have a select few? Why not let us make our own tags to make things easier to search for. 

I also think the activity feed should be visible on the main page as well.


But aside from that, great work on Forum 2.0.

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On 22/02/2016 at 8:59 PM, JeyciKon said:

To be able to connect to the forums i had to log-out in the main page and re-login in the forums page. before doing that i could log-in here, every time i tried he just sent me back to the main forum page.

Ive had this issue too, however ive found the fix. It seems we are logged in, but you need to open a topic to get it to show you as being logged in, then you can just retern to the main forum section if you wish.

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1) Too big spaces between lines
2) Forum too bright. Dark theme are not dark
3) Cant edit your own profile
4) You cant view new post in theme where you post(at old forum you have that function)
5) Bad sound for notification
6) Too big interface at all
7) Broken access to subforums for all DC and TT(ru tenno translators do not have access)
8) Broken commod functions(ru commods still do not have thier permissions)
9) No one cant post in news at international subforums
10) "mark as read" in international forums refresh current page. It work but refresh page.(https://forums.warframe.com/forum/111-russian/ or https://forums.warframe.com/forum/109-international-forums/)
11) Staff replies are broken. I see Caio post but dont see Rebecca posts. For example.
12) We do not need 2 buttoms "mark as read" at top and at bot of page
13) We need back "previev post" function
14) Most part of mobile functions are broken
15) Some browsers get crash when surfing at forums(mostly firefox)
16) Also not all love this "loading"
17) Sometimes you get erron then use buttom "mark site as read"
18) Words like "BUY PLATINUM\Merch store\wiki" at forum is unreadable if you use dark theme
19) Forum do not keep you logged in
20) Why in profile "activity" is first to look? not "about me"?
21) Missing Lotus emblem at forum?(mark forum as read)
22) You can login only after page refresh
23) Quoted text are too dark...

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  1. Dark theme spoilers are unreadable. Too light and too bright.
  2. Also Blue and Deafault themes are making my eyes pain. They're not comfortable for eyes at all.
  3. Also I still miss the delete button. If not as TS, but at least when you comment something.
  4. What refers to previous posts which were written before the forum was updated:
  • you can't edit your post
  • links are broken
  • quotes are broken
Edited by Ellarion
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Would it possible to make the upper "page view" be on top of OP? Whenever I click on a thread and want to go to the last page, 1st I need to scroll down the op, select the page I want to go, then I need scroll though OP again, which can often be very lengthy.

Edited by (PS4)iBoiz
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Could the login get some work? The way it currently works is that you have to login via the homepage then go to the forums and click "Existing user? Login" or something to that effect. If you aren't logged in and go directly to the forums and click the login button it just redirects you to the main forum page. This was rather confusing the first time I tried to login since I thought clicking login would bring up some sort of prompt similar to the homepage.

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