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it is even possible to do sortie Spy with PUGS ???


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This is new spy underwater for sure. it has lazer in front of those big underwarter fan (idk what to call, those big fans use to regular water). You need to be good at timing to move between each fan, or else you will fail. I fail the first time with pug. Solo second time NP.

Basically It is normal spy on neptune, with lazer in front of the fans.

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TBH, it's normally not even hard. Most players either muddle through and manage, or just don't go into the vaults. Today's sortie was an exception because it's a planet-exclusive spy mission that most people didn't bother to play much of. On the other hand, earth tileset or generic tileset spy missions usually go off without a hitch in matchmaking.

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48 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

Many players don't run spy missions as often as they should resulting in many not knowing an effective way to get pass security. This becomes even more evident when sortie spy missions are in tile sets that are unique from rest like Uranus underwater sealabs and Earth spy vaults. Seriously, how often do we even go to those types of spy missions?

Erm but Earth drops some nice mods like vicious frost and volcanic edge. That's not to mention it's the easiest of all since it's Earth, so idk why no one does it. Sea lab you have to do to complete Uranus if nothing else (or even to complete Natah, don't remember). Once you do it succesfuly one time, you won't forget cause tehre's nothing to forget - 1 room with 2 moving lasers, another where you just flood everything, 3 is not so easy but only requires to disable all the underwater 'fans'.

I guess always being short on resources (so you can't afford to use ciphers every time you hack something) and farming for stuff - stuff like mods and ivara parts because you're just to broke to buy anything makes you a better player. The irony.

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I usually do spy solo or with friends. Sometimes I give pubs a chance. And the amount of times people actually wait at a random area waiting for me to finish these spy vaults is so high lol. People really go for pubs when insecure about spy missions.

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14 hours ago, Noamuth said:

I've pugged sorties and generally don't have much trouble.  

Communicating at the start seems to help the most and is generally along the lines of " I'm taking x vault, please let me know if you need help with one"

Most of the time I get people asking me to tackle their vault or someone else stepping up to it. Dropped failure rates from 90% to roughly 40% for me.


6 hours ago, NekroArts said:

Many players don't run spy missions as often as they should resulting in many not knowing an effective way to get pass security. This becomes even more evident when sortie spy missions are in tile sets that are unique from rest like Uranus underwater sealabs and Earth spy vaults. Seriously, how often do we even go to those types of spy missions? Most of the sortie spy missions we've been through are ones that are commonly found in the star chart. Players have a higher chance of finding good PUGs when the mission is on a planet that's shares similar spy vaults with other planets than ones that is unique only to itself.



I always run sortie spies in PUGs. I've had many failures, sure, but as Noamuth said, communication is key. Primary to that, what NekroArts said is also true; if you don't know how to solve the vault, practice on a map where you can learn it. If you get to a vault you can't solve or don't feel comfortable with, tell the squad.

Even in my failed missions (because you need all three vaults instead of just one for normal missions) someone usually got one of the vaults, which generally taught me that most of the time, someone will be good at at least one vault... and with a team of four, the chances of success can increase if everyone takes their time.

One of the best runs I had was with a team where we all split up, and I went as backup to the last vault since there were four of us. The alarm got triggered but I was able to deal with the enemies while the other player salvaged the mission. We were all pretty happy with our Mission Impossible two-seconds-to-failure ending and teamwork to ensure success.

It's up to your playstyle and how ragey you get, but in general, I like playing in PUGs and only solo or go invite only when I feel particularly frustrated.

*cough* Moon spy vaults *cough*

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16 hours ago, Vicious_Vipa said:

my assertion is:

The good spys will do these missions on solo mode.

This leaves a greater chance to meet people who are still insecure.
Since you have to do all three vaults (A,B,C) and you have 3 other teammates,
it is nearly impossible to finish the mission.

Since I am really unexperienced with submersible grineer spy,
I thought it was a good idea to try the 3rd Sortie this time with PUGs.  It was horror.
Countless tries - and there ALWAYS was someone who triggered the alarms.
(including me).

Absolute Horror

It's possible. It just takes longer.

I was able to complete the spy Sortie last night with randoms, but it took several attempts at finding a decent group.


7 hours ago, (XB1)iBlock L337 said:

Whats a pug? O_O

PuG = Pickup Group

A group formed of random players instead of players you know or players from recruiting chat.

Edited by Rebellis
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When I was young and bad at Grineer Spy Sorties (first ones in Season One) I was in PUG Sortie of 4 Loki/Prime. We were all in last vault chilling near entrance and That Guy (who did first two Vaults) was like - so who volunteeres as a tribute? And we was just like "Nope, not me". So he chuckled and proceeds to carry us to victory.

And I started to solo Sortie Spy because of how ashamed I was when I failed mission for everybody.

Soon after that mode that decreases speed of Grineer spinning bells started to work I was able to git gud.

And now I can be That Guy for someone else.

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7 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Erm but Earth drops some nice mods like vicious frost and volcanic edge. That's not to mention it's the easiest of all since it's Earth, so idk why no one does it. Sea lab you have to do to complete Uranus if nothing else (or even to complete Natah, don't remember). Once you do it succesfuly one time, you won't forget cause tehre's nothing to forget - 1 room with 2 moving lasers, another where you just flood everything, 3 is not so easy but only requires to disable all the underwater 'fans'.

I guess always being short on resources (so you can't afford to use ciphers every time you hack something) and farming for stuff - stuff like mods and ivara parts because you're just to broke to buy anything makes you a better player. The irony.

How many new players know that those dual-element mods drop there or even exist?

What makes you think I use ciphers in the first place? 

Why would I need to farm mods from the spy vault if I already have them from past events or from endless-mission grinds?

Why would I just go to Uranus or Earth for Ivara parts when it can drop from other planets?

When did I ever said I was a better player?

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Any new player that bothered to read on the wiki where it actually drops? Like seriously you don't imply people are that dumb? (also need a little reminder there that new player =/= player that tstarted to play yesterday and don't even know such mods exist or where to find the info about them)

Who was talking about you? 

Well majority of people are actually kinda new to the game - and been playing for less than idk year or something, and they didn't do those events. Or any events. Except for the 2 most recent maybe that dropped something useful for once.

The first Ivara part drops from tier 1 spy and tier 1 starts from Earth, since it's 1-5 level. So basically, many people farmed Cambria since it's literally the easiest spy in the whole universe and it doesn't matter which node or planet you go to, chances are the same.

No one was talking about you. xD

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34 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Any new player that bothered to read on the wiki where it actually drops? Like seriously you don't imply people are that dumb? (also need a little reminder there that new player =/= player that tstarted to play yesterday and don't even know such mods exist or where to find the info about them)

Who was talking about you? 

Well majority of people are actually kinda new to the game - and been playing for less than idk year or something, and they didn't do those events. Or any events. Except for the 2 most recent maybe that dropped something useful for once.

The first Ivara part drops from tier 1 spy and tier 1 starts from Earth, since it's 1-5 level. So basically, many people farmed Cambria since it's literally the easiest spy in the whole universe and it doesn't matter which node or planet you go to, chances are the same.

No one was talking about you. xD

Remember when I said "or even exist." How would a new player even know to wiki it when they don't know about it? I had clanmates that went through half the star chart without knowing that such mods exist.

When you quoted me and said "you," if you're referring to general community say "players" or "others."

Check wiki again, tier 1 starts on Suisei, Mercury. What's the "easiest" spy is the one the player knows how to do efficiently. I knew how to do common Grinner spy vaults than Earths and Uranus.

You did unintentionally. 


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19 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

I'll never ever understand the problem with spy that seems majority of people have. At all. 

I mean submersive spy is one thing (cause I also hate Uranus for a good reason, but spy there is not that reason tho), but regular grineer and corpus in sortie? Easiest mission that can be done solo and people are literally losing it when they face it.

Why no spy? cause theres a better game called candy crush and same goes for running over to get the convergence since pac man is a better game.

In sum if I am not haveing fun then the game gets shutdown.

And let me repeat the *hacking* in sorties spy missions is boring, boring and YAWWWN.

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On 08/03/2016 at 0:02 AM, Genitive said:

Mistakes always happen, but soloing spy does reduce the risk of failure.

Nevertheless, spy missions could use a few tweaks, like reducing health of sensor regulators so it would be possible to destroy them in one shot always. Imagine if Corpus cameras had that much health. That would be the horror.

In normal missions you can oneshot them. Level 41 sensor regulator eximi. In sorties, ironically, you must have 4 corrosive projections to oneshot them.

I would suggest making it possible to instakill them if you manage to get behind one with melee. Like rescue wardens.

Grineer underwater Uranus vault is actually easy. Wanna tip? Use elytron ultimate a bunch and destroy all the turbines. Vault solved. 

But spy is best solo. Simply because it's the only mode in entire game where another player can actively fail the mission for you.

It's true you can run spy with any frame, but I still believe loki is best simply because he can often save some time. And I love going fast.

Edited by (PS4)Lord_Gremlin
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16 hours ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

Why no spy? cause theres a better game called candy crush and same goes for running over to get the convergence since pac man is a better game.

In sum if I am not haveing fun then the game gets shutdown.

And let me repeat the *hacking* in sorties spy missions is boring, boring and YAWWWN.


That's your opinion. Mine is that spy is the most interesting as well as the faster mission type (except capture or deception) in the whole game. Since we're talking boring, defense, excavation and mobile defense are boring af to me as well as first two also take a lot of time to finish to boot even now when they reduced the number of waves (that's why I didn't do today's sortie cause boring long bs with bs rewards don't go well together) - before it they were even worse. Guess next time I'll cry in DE's shoulder for them to remove it. Cause why not, we need less mission types anyway and no diversity.

And if spy is boring of all things, what isn't? Extermination, survival? Those things you were looking for when you started warframe? That is the perfect mission type, just mindlessly killing everything in your wake?  

Edited by Nomen_Nescio
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Spy missions are not easy. There, I've said it. They require significant experience in the possible layouts, some require timing (which is far from easy for everyone) and then you have the new Orokin spy missions which are ridiculously long and complicated compared to the others (though fun!).

Spy missions are the definite Warframe mission, in my opinion, that sets the game apart from most others. They're hard/challenging, complicated, immersive and they have unique rewards.

The failure of them, is having to deal with other players and explaining to them how it works or to leave them alone for you to handle.
Warframe is at all other times fast paced, so it's no wonder that so many people fail spy missions when in random groups.
Actually, strike that last one, because even in premade groups, you'll often hear a "whoops" on skype. I've had several friends exclaim "this isn't possible" in frustration, not because they're idiots, but because there's pressure on them to do it quickly (because that's how you do it in ALL other missions).

Having said all that, I wouldn't change the mechanics at all. If anything, I'd have more of the game focus on these types of missions, which I'd happily play solo most of the time.
Maybe some more reward types like noggles, would be nice.

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1 hour ago, VentiGlondi said:

It is possible, you just need to be lucky to find someone who knows what they're doing.


I have to say, it really bothers me how many Lokis I see failing spy mission.

It doesn't really matter if you run Loki or not when you fall on your butt through the lasers accidently or sucked to the underwater fan in sea lab mission. It also sometimes hard to do corpus vault with the moving lasers because you can get 'target is obstructed' for no reason.Plus many people don't know how to handle grineer vault with the moving barrels, they're trying to go to the date vaut using that conveyor belt or whatever that thing is.

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57 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

It doesn't really matter if you run Loki or not when you fall on your butt through the lasers accidently or sucked to the underwater fan in sea lab mission. It also sometimes hard to do corpus vault with the moving lasers because you can get 'target is obstructed' for no reason.Plus many people don't know how to handle grineer vault with the moving barrels, they're trying to go to the date vaut using that conveyor belt or whatever that thing is.

Loki can avoid all laser traps reliably. Moving barrels vault loki actually makes way easier. Well, limbo is better for that one of course. 

As for underwater one... You can BLOW UP all fans with elytron ultimate. Normally loki should never fail spy. 

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Not really. You still can just fck up and fall somewhere or trigger it by accident stepping too close to a laser for example. And actually, I've encountered a bug in the corpus spy in one of the vaults - I can no longer switch teleport (the room with the lasers on the floor, keep getting "tagets's obstructed" when it's clearly not). It's been happening for like a week already. And sometimes switch teleport just doesn't work and you stay where you are - if you won't notice it and move you can trigger it too. Also some tend to forget synd weapons can also set it off. So nope, loki is of course makes it 99% easier but won't save from the fail with 100% probability.

Oh lol. Elytron. Like so many people actually have it. I don't and I've been playing for ~600 hours and kinda been farming for it. People hate archwing and especifially interceptions/defenses, so this is a joke of a soluton. You don't need Elytron for sea lab spy, you just need to be patient and not to rush.


Normally loki should never fail spy.

It's either normally or never. But in reality it's "normally". Because we're all humans, we make mistakes.

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The only randoms I've ever completed a spy sortie with are other ivaras running to the vaults a fast as possible before anyone can screw something up, becuase all people I've met who actually farmed for her are great a spies while Lokis seemingly always try to speed run sorties and embarrass themselves.

Edited by (XB1)kr0mus
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I usually duo spy sorties, but occasionally we have random people joining us, usually when it's the second or third sortie and the other players have shown to play well in the previous sortie.  Surprisingly, more often than not, we get players who are quite good at spy.  We were even amazed by how fast one particular Mag did the one Corpus vault with the lasers zipping around the room.  Of course we still see some players who are terrible at spy especially when sorties was first released.  

I'm not too upset when we failed because someone made a mistake or two because that happens to all of us.  I certainly don't mind carrying the team if there are people who are less confident about their spy ability, but I can't stand those don't know what they're doing and charge right into things and trigger the alarm rather than let others take care of it.  If they can't do spy, they should speak up.

In the end we still prefer to duo spy sorties.  This way we are responsible to only the two of us.  I would feel terrible if our whole squad failed because I failed somehow, and I don't want to perpetuate the idea that most pubs are bad at spy.

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