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(Resolved) Issue with Steam Tennogen skins on Prime frames


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12 minutes ago, StinkyPygmy said:

You could just ignore them? Is their existence that offensive?

Why is it offensive to you, wanting a simple button, like we have the "hide owned"?

Why can't we just have that instead of having to redownload the game from a different source and not have other Steam benefits.

No, user, their existence is not offensive to me (can't speak for OP). It's just that it becomes annoying when I try to look for new cosmetics to buy, and the market is overwhelmed with items I don't have the means of buying. 

It's like a constant slap in the face, because even though the Tennogen items are very good, I will never have those items because unlike platinum, I can't work in-game to obtain steam currency.

It shouldn't be difficult to understand. I don't dislike Tennogen, in fact, I'd buy several of them if I could. But I just can't. Please. Just a button.

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2 minutes ago, Slaytanic93 said:

Why is it offensive to you, wanting a simple button, like we have the "hide owned"?

Why can't we just have that instead of having to redownload the game from a different source and not have other Steam benefits.

No, user, their existence is not offensive to me (can't speak for OP). It's just that it becomes annoying when I try to look for new cosmetics to buy, and the market is overwhelmed with items I don't have the means of buying. 

It's like a constant slap in the face, because even though the Tennogen items are very good, I will never have those items because unlike platinum, I can't work in-game to obtain steam currency.

It shouldn't be difficult to understand. I don't dislike Tennogen, in fact, I'd buy several of them if I could. But I just can't. Please. Just a button.

Slow down turbo. Whats with the salt? I was just asking why the obvious solution was bypassed and its such an issue. no need to get antsy. Never said I had problem with the introduction of a "hide tennogen" button.

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1 hour ago, StinkyPygmy said:

You could just ignore them? Is their existence that offensive?

Not at all I'm just talking about a option to show or hide them.They don't need to be in all categories in market for people that don't want to see or buy them, ones like me.

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14 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

The easier solution would probably be to just force them to only show up in the Tennogen tab, instead of hiding with a button. Not sure why they'd be showing up outside of that, anyway.

I think that this would be better and more simple to do

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On 29-10-2016 at 3:30 PM, RistN said:

I would like if there was a option in market to show,hide Tennogen skins.I am not a fan of cash only purchase of cosmetics and with amount of them now and new still to come market is becoming overcrowded with it.

I just don't want to see them at all.Simply not interested or will ever be.

I don't intend to make this a discussion between Tennogen lovers and haters. It's just that for me and other players this option would be great.

instead of the above suggested actions in redownloading the game etc. you can also make a shortcut to launcher.exe in the warframe steam folder and add the right side of the target these lines: -cluster:public -registry:Steam

how it should look: [warframepath]\Launcher.exe -cluster:public -registry:Steam

I use the steam and "non steam" version that way and i dont have to redownload everything at each update

another option is to disable the steam overlay but i guess you dont want that.

Edited by Nameless816
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On 29/10/2016 at 3:41 PM, Chipputer said:

The easier solution would probably be to just force them to only show up in the Tennogen tab, instead of hiding with a button. Not sure why they'd be showing up outside of that, anyway.

Oh but I'd find that very inconvenient. I like previewing skins (even Tennogen ones) from the Arsenal.

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They defintively need better sorting options and the abilites to hide/unhide them.

I mean, I don't mind having them in the skins page for example, as they deserve better than be relegated to a tennogen section, but the cosmetics pages should not be a melting pot of chaotic skins with different paying methods listed in alphabetical order.

Ideally, there should be an option to have both types of skins listed in two categories... Like you open your helmet page and you see all regular helmets in alphabetical order, followed by all tennogen helmets in alphabetical order.

You should at the very least have the option to hide user created helmets...

Also, as a guy that has owns every arcane helmets, I would love it if the "hide owned" option would hide helmets you own in arcane variants... Instead of listing every single arcane helmet you own as "unowned" because apparently, arcane versions are different... Makes it really tedious to check if there's new helmets that were released, since you have to go over every item you already own and ask yourself "do I have it in arcane variant"...

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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4 hours ago, The_Doc said:

Oh but I'd find that very inconvenient. I like previewing skins (even Tennogen ones) from the Arsenal.

No one is talking about arsenal,we are talking about market.

10 minutes ago, KiryuKusakabe said:

they show up in the skins section because, guess what, they are skins! Why shouldn't they show in the skins section. It's common sense.

Yes but they have their own category in market.Common sense is that they show there not in all categorys in market mixed with items that you purchase with platinum.

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20 hours ago, RistN said:

No one is talking about arsenal,we are talking about market.

Yes but they have their own category in market.Common sense is that they show there not in all categorys in market mixed with items that you purchase with platinum.

the Tennogen Syandana, Alt Helmets and Weapon skins also show up in the Syandan, Helmet and Weapon Skins sections of the market. And it is easy to tell which is Tennogen or not by the symbols. I really don't see what the problem is with TennoGen stuff showing up in area's where similar stuff to it is(aka TennoGen Skins showing up in the Skins section).

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3 hours ago, KiryuKusakabe said:

the Tennogen Syandana, Alt Helmets and Weapon skins also show up in the Syandan, Helmet and Weapon Skins sections of the market. And it is easy to tell which is Tennogen or not by the symbols. I really don't see what the problem is with TennoGen stuff showing up in area's where similar stuff to it is(aka TennoGen Skins showing up in the Skins section).

Problem is that they are skins purchased with money only,a thing that clearly is different than anything else in market.Stuff that is purchased with different currency should be separated.Tennogen ,once again, has its own category in market.

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On 11/1/2016 at 5:04 PM, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

They defintively need better sorting options and the abilites to hide/unhide them.

I mean, I don't mind having them in the skins page for example, as they deserve better than be relegated to a tennogen section, but the cosmetics pages should not be a melting pot of chaotic skins with different paying methods listed in alphabetical order.

Ideally, there should be an option to have both types of skins listed in two categories... Like you open your helmet page and you see all regular helmets in alphabetical order, followed by all tennogen helmets in alphabetical order.

Similar to how you have weapons tab organized with the Archwing weapons at the bottom?

I like this option better than adding another hide button.

That being said, if you're going to complain about it based off of different currencies, you could make the same argument for items that you can't buy the blueprint of in the marketplace showing up in the same category, so it almost feels like this needs to be a drop down menu. I mean, you've got people that don't use plat either who would make the same complaint.

I'm not in favor of removing them from another tab just because they're in one though. There's no real problem with overlap if it increases the chance you'll find something (and if you're willing to add more tabs/search options you can offset the overfilling of any one tab by still allowing for more specific options).

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On 1/11/2016 at 6:05 PM, RistN said:

No one is talking about arsenal,we are talking about market.

I see, then I completely agree with:

On 1/11/2016 at 6:04 PM, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

They defintively need better sorting options and the abilites to hide/unhide them.

I mean, I don't mind having them in the skins page for example, as they deserve better than be relegated to a tennogen section, but the cosmetics pages should not be a melting pot of chaotic skins with different paying methods listed in alphabetical order.

Ideally, there should be an option to have both types of skins listed in two categories... Like you open your helmet page and you see all regular helmets in alphabetical order, followed by all tennogen helmets in alphabetical order.


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Rhino Prime suffers from this too.

His shoulders, hips and back-cog interfere with tennogen skins and look wrong on it. Mostly because they use different shading it seems therefore the colors simply don't match.

I bought the skin to get rid of the prime parts in the first place, was kinda dissapointed to find out that they are still there.

Have you seen Graxx' Rhino shoulders? They are awesome! And i saw them just today in the workshop because i never saw them in the game because of those giant shoulders!

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+1 for a non prime parts toggle.

The only reason I didn't buy the Volt Graxx skin already is because the prime parts would interfere with he skin wiithout any way to remove them. The prime parts aren't textured like most of the Tennogen skins and stick out like a sore thumb.

In short, what I see and would pay for in the market doesn't look like the product I would actually get which from a customer's perspective doesn't make sense at all!

Edited by lukaself
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