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Why I avoid the Corpus.


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I've stated this before, and I'll state it again : the issue with Warframe is that it is an "all or nothing" game. Either everything is just too easy because some of our weapons and abilities are too strong, or we can't do anything WITHOUT using said OP weapons and CC because DE's response to the problem was to just keep on going further and further down this road by implementing MOAR all or nothing crap on top of the already existing pile.

The solution is "simple", at least conceptually : CAP EVERYTHING. The damage our weapons deal, enemy scaling, the potency of CC abilities, all of it, bring it all in line. The "how" it's done is unfortunately the part that may hurt a lot. But if it's done "right", if the devs go at it with all their resources and the community shows support and doesn't flip the table every other update until everything's settled, then it might just work.

Edited by Marthrym
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2 hours ago, Robm said:

LOL!! people complain about corpus when they are the only faction to provide an actual challenge. OH NO a NULLFIER!!!! sooooo HARD to kill a nullifier... you people complain an awful lot about a free to pay game. If you don't like play something else....

The problem is that they provide challenges that are annoying and a hassle to deal with. Challenges should be fun. The latest corpus enemies are not fun to deal with. In my opinion at least.

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Realy dont have a poblem with the corpus, they do have annoying mechanics but I end up counter most by using a mod or two to back me up against em.

I'm not sure if the corpus themselves are the problem or if it is actually the warframes due to being so sluggish if you don't mod em accordantly, in any case, there are simple ways to deal with em but you may end up having to go out if your comfort zone to do so.

Edited by Henji
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i rarely play alone but i understand your feelings. I usually avoid corpus aswell due the bursas, before that they were decently fine (except from the nullifier but its only a nuisance in the void rather in normal corpus missions).

But despite corpus being annyoing i still think grinner is the worst to deal with, constant bleed proccs, ridicoulus damage and they are everywhere, hooks flying constantly and napalms blowing your face of like it was made of dirt.

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I've been here since closed beta aswel and i feel the same way. The Corpus are just not fun when you combine them all together. I first hated nullifiers, bit i've come to apreciate how they no-brainer builds like Valkyr Invincibility.

I find Bursa on their own also fun. The ice skatera are fun because of their speed.

But the problem occurs when they get grouped with eachother. You have to fall back on pure gunplay as melee is to risky and causes way to much knoockdown issues. Powers are out of the question.

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How do you add challenge to people who can't die and don't have a time limit to complete an objective.

If there is no failure state, then there is no challenge.

The problem with this community is one that wants challenge and the ones that do not.  You add something more challenging, all the people that don't want challenge complain.  If something is easy then all those that want challenge complain.  DE just don't know who to please, they try and please both and instead annoy both sides.

But no matter what you do if you have to limit yourself for a challenge then IMO that bad design if its meant to be challenging.  Challenging someone should be pushing them to the limit of their potential not the player limiting their potential for the challenge.

I personally like Bursas as they can't be killed quickly, unlike every other unit.  I think that Nullies are badly designed but ultimately needed for those that wanted challenge, before Nullies Corpus where easy as hell to kill and the reason that Grineer had so much of the map when invasions was first a thing.  Because Grineer were damn near annoying to fight in comparison.

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38 minutes ago, Morte_de_Angelis said:

How do you add challenge to people who can't die and don't have a time limit to complete an objective.

If there is no failure state, then there is no challenge.

The problem with this community is one that wants challenge and the ones that do not.  You add something more challenging, all the people that don't want challenge complain.  If something is easy then all those that want challenge complain.  DE just don't know who to please, they try and please both and instead annoy both sides.

But no matter what you do if you have to limit yourself for a challenge then IMO that bad design if its meant to be challenging.  Challenging someone should be pushing them to the limit of their potential not the player limiting their potential for the challenge.

I personally like Bursas as they can't be killed quickly, unlike every other unit.  I think that Nullies are badly designed but ultimately needed for those that wanted challenge, before Nullies Corpus where easy as hell to kill and the reason that Grineer had so much of the map when invasions was first a thing.  Because Grineer were damn near annoying to fight in comparison.

I dont find that to be true. I greatly dislike the gameplay thats forced by the Corpus. But I want a challenge. I think most people do want a challenge. Corpus arnt pushing players to the limit they are annoying them using broken mechanics that are a crutch or band aid to cover up just how out of control certain aspects of this game have become. As I have said. I enjoy challenge. I play solo because of this. The corpus are not a challenge as much as forcing me to a certain frame loadout. And its not just the corpus. Its also the limited energy crutch DE has been falling back on as a quick and easy to balance something.

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5 hours ago, Robm said:

LOL!! people complain about corpus when they are the only faction to provide an actual challenge. OH NO a NULLFIER!!!! sooooo HARD to kill a nullifier... you people complain an awful lot about a free to pay game. If you don't like play something else....

Have you done today's Sortie 3? That mission is hell without using a specific setup, this hurts for players that don't have the proper frame(s) and/or build.

Just because its a F2P doesn't mean putting cheap gimmicks. Thanks for the Nullifiers, Sapping Ospreys, and Arctic Eximus but don't have them group up together.

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7 hours ago, DeFragMe said:

Am i really the onlyst one that has fun with corpus since i need to think a bit while fighting?


roomba -> shoot head, all save

nullifier  -> shoot fast or jump in for insta kill of nully

Bursa -> depends, havent done corpus since the change(the nerf, not the addition)

osperys -> dies instantly but more of priority then Moas

Crewmen -> fodder


 but yeah, on grinneer it is simpler... way simpler...

Yeah, I personally find the corpus more interesting.

Grineer are kinda like fighting bullet sponges, (Nothing wrong with that by the way.) 

while Corpus involves adapting to whichever enemy, which is a nice change of pace. (Well, they also have bullet sponges too. XD)


By the way, the new bow is fantastic for bubble nullifiers. ^-^

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8 hours ago, WARLOCKE said:

Ill try to make this as succinct as possible. First some background as to the type of player I am so you understand where this feedback is coming from. I have been playing since closed beta and spend about 75% of my game time solo. I firmly hold the belief that mastery rank does not matter so I shall not include mine. Now that the boring stuff is out of the way....onto even more boring stuff !

I have noticed a disturbing trend in my games as of late. If I have a choice, I will avoid any and all Corpus content. While this at first glance may seem like its a difficulty issue, it would be a mistake to view that fact in this manner. I play solo for the difficulty as group content is often much easier than its solo counterpart. The reason I avoid the Corpus is because they are just plainly not fun. And that is because as a faction they are loaded with content that limits my gameplay in cheap and dirty ways. I play this game because of the Warframes, without them I would not play. And as it stands the Corpus have to many ways to keep me from playing with my Warframe. 

Now I understand that the current answer to making the game more difficult is to limit our Warframe usage. From Corpus dirty milk to attacking our energy outright before the mission begins (sortie and tactical alert conditions). Now forgive me for this, I do not wish to insult anyone when I say that this cannot continue. At some point it gets to be to much. Now it is generally understood and excepted as to why this is happening and there is no need to call out any single play style or Warframe. This kind of content is not fun (to some it may be) but not to the mass majority of players I know. There has got to a better way to deliver challenging content to higher geared players and groups. I am not going to play arm chair developer here, I freely admit that beyond giving the broken parts of the game a firm nuclear nuking, that I have no idea on how to go about this.

But what I do know is that slowly, overtime, I am having less and less fun as more and more sorties and tactical alerts limit my energy pool and thus how often I can play the main component of the game. One of the developers once said that its time to look at Warframes dirty laundry (the issue of multishot). I humbly request that you find other ways to challenge me and others going forward. Keeping me from using my powers is a short term and unsustainable solution as it becomes a crutch in game design. Sure its a fast and easy way to balance the problematic aspects of the game but it also affects the other half of the game which is not a problem. 

Thank you for reading. If you chose to do so. 


I completely agree OP.

If I wanted to play a game where I was just a gimped soldier without powers I'd go play one of the many generic FPS/TPS out there.


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Nice timing. I just got a huge headache after today's sortie 3. I don't even know if I'm gonna give it another try after 2 failures.

I don't play with friends, but with random players. So it's hard to find the "perfect" combination.

1000 cryotics while fighting lvl 120 corpus eximi is far from being fun. Energy drain + nullifiers + sapping ospreys + bursas (that come from nowhere, there's no camera or alarm of any kind !!!).

Sorry but that's too much for me. Just spent like one hour in one try, died at 130 cryotics left.

Just stop this horror.

Edited by matto
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I dunno, I find the corpus to be the most fun. Bursa's make things hectic and you have to focus them down quickly, combas and their ilk kinda just run at you to die but can be trouble if they get the drop on you, and nullifiers make you either adjust your strategy or die, its not like any of them are hard to kill untill like level 60+ and at that point detrons are more dangerous imo. 

Grineer scale terribly and just get annoying, and infested shut down your powers way more and more effectively than corpus cause all the energy drain and knockdowns. No offence but if you're not willing to change your strategy to fight the different factions its not a problem with them, its a problem with you. Seriously, with the infested its almost always tons of parasitic eximus, disruptor ancients everywhere, and healers just to make you miserable 

As for sorties, once you have nezha there's no reason to do them, 9/10 arent any fun at all, scaling is broken which shows really hard at those level 100 missions, and there's always a goddamned interception mission, standing around waiting is not my idea of a good time. Tho there are some that you can build that perfect counter for, and thats rewarding in its own I way I guess.

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Corpus in a nutshell:

Bursas that you must focus and prioritize.

Sapping Ospreys that you must focus and prioritize.

Nullifiers that you must focus and prioritize.

Techs that you must focus and prioritize.

Oh, and all these things are spawning at the same time, which leaves you with a map full of enemies that must all be "prioritized."


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If there is one thing I don't like Corpus, is that DE changed the flying drones to fly above the comfortable melee height. A while back, you could melee them no problem. Now you often need to jump to melee. It's alright when the Drones are low to mid level, when a single jump attack can drop them, but after a certain point, it's jump > attack > jump > attack > etc... Not to mention the more you jump the higher the drones fly up. Wish they'd reset this change until we get a reliable aerial melee combat.

Other then that, Corpus is my favorite faction.

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I feel as if a tweak is in order. The bubbles are stupid when you wanna snipe. they kinda force you into a playstyle that you did not want to use. and they off no other choice. so i was thinking

1. High Caliber bullets / Bows Could pierce bubbles (Maybe with a damage fall off.)

2. Limit the amount of Nuli spawns. Example 4 max alive at a time. 

3. Make the bubbles have some sort of drawback for the corpus say there experimental so they would explode in an aoe knock back when taken down or with you melee them. it kinda disrupts the robots in the aoe. So this would be like yes they are there and annoying but if you kill them you get rewarded kinda. 

I don't have much Bursa experience. so I'd just say limit the spawn for them to an F**king scaling. gosh. 


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How about we allow players to be just as obsenely overpowered as we are currently, and then make this "zomg 360headshotn0sc0pe" content completely optional with neat-o cosmetic rewards that don't alienate the power of players like me (who are not epic elite skilled).

The people crying for uber-skill content can get neat-o swag to prove their super-awesomeness, and people like me who just want to wipe out enemies can happily say "I really couldn't care less, I'm going back to normal Pluto missions and t3/t4 content".

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I know this wouldnt be actually solving the problem but what if they made a mod that added "Energy Leech Resist" ? Kinda like they have that mod that makes you resist the affects of cold environments on your shields (idk anyone who uses that one though lol)

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Today's Sortie 3, an arctic bubble in a nully bubble shielding 2 bursas and a few techs. And we had no Frost cuz my pal decided to be a smart arse smoked something bad and switched from Frost to something else.

Fun times. Still won tho. Through no small dose of grit and downright stubborness.


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14 hours ago, Thando said:

Why I have started to avoid Corpus:

The alarm has attracted a Bursa... The alarm has attracted a Bursa... The alarm has attracted a Bursa...

All the while no consoles are actually "active" allowing me to disable the alarm.

That and freaking nullifiers. If I wanted to play a simple shoot'em up, I wouldn't play WF. Our powers and abilities is what set this game apart.

Because consoles don't show up until lockdown if game starts in alert mode. Still not fixed, disgusting. 

Currently I play a lot of corpus on PS4 here, because I need 2 more scans of corpus reinforced container. What's worse I accidentally broke one yesterday and seriously considered quitting the game over this.

I'm not looking forward to added bursas if BUGS related to them are not fixed. For example they ignored knockdown immunity. Which is extremely expensive stat and outside of rhino, atlas and valkyr it requires 3 mod slots to achieve. At no point such expensive stat should be ignored by anything. 

Generally though affinity from stealth kills make corpus undesirable. Nullifiers and comba, scrambas are way harder to chain stealth kill than grineer scorch or bombard, yet xp they give is crap by comparison. Moas don't have stealth kill animation for most weapons. Same with ospreys. Oxium osprey especially in sorties nigh impossible to stealth kill without 4x corrosive projection yet if you do stealth kill it it gives less xp than grineer elite lancer.

Seeing as I find corpus rare containers in Eris hives too I'll just migrate there to hunt for reinforced container if what they add now will make me dislike corpus. Stealth xp from infested is meh as well, but at least majority of them have stealth kill animation. 

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4 hours ago, Vapis said:

I feel as if a tweak is in order. The bubbles are stupid when you wanna snipe. they kinda force you into a playstyle that you did not want to use. and they off no other choice. so i was thinking

1. High Caliber bullets / Bows Could pierce bubbles (Maybe with a damage fall off.)

2. Limit the amount of Nuli spawns. Example 4 max alive at a time. 

3. Make the bubbles have some sort of drawback for the corpus say there experimental so they would explode in an aoe knock back when taken down or with you melee them. it kinda disrupts the robots in the aoe. So this would be like yes they are there and annoying but if you kill them you get rewarded kinda. 

I don't have much Bursa experience. so I'd just say limit the spawn for them to an F**king scaling. gosh. 


Make nullifiers nulliify each other. Kind of makes sense.

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