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We need an Auction House..


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Guys, first my english Sucks. ok?...OK.


Everyone knows that the economy of the game is very active , but some do not know that prices are not always estimated . Many people will say that for that exite " Warframe -market" and forums; But the idea of being all the time in chat , WT - S -B -T etc. or pending the forum or the same page , even the bazaar but still only 5 items to sell and be equally attentive to the game and you to click on your interface. a lot of trouble with an auction house would be saved .

Also be regulated prices I think , always will be sold cheaper and faster because when people would reason selling price to sell their stuff . It would be nothing that could be sold for much and more than 5 items at a time, for example the WoW auction house .


Ok I said what I had to say , haters gonna hate . And others who they think ?.

Edited by Strikerays
tags :v
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3 minutes ago, angias said:

The idea is good.

But it will be a nighmare to do.


Not that they can't it's just alot to be done for only one convenience.


Yeah I know, it is not easy , even I 'm not asking right now. But just as though viewed from the economic point, you could see platinum admission to the game and then I see it, is not , they would be more revenue for the game ?.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

I dunno man. The Bazaar was suppose to be "an auction house" in a way. But do we really need this? We already have 2 ways to trade. Dojo & Bazaar. I would want to see it in a Dev build before I really give my opinion on it.

In my opinion the bazaar leave much to be desired , it's the same as being in chat WTS saying only that has the images of the plane or part you want to sell or buy.

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11 minutes ago, Dhrekr said:

I think that if I had half a platinum for every thread on topic I ever saw I'd be a millionaire.

No need to be salty.


Even if the way he said that seem awfully narrow minded.

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I find it hard to purchase certain items sure, but Warframe isn't like an MMO where you have hundreds upon hundreds of resources and goods to sell. In Warframe it's always usually the same mods, frames etc.Making a large update like this seems like a waste of development time just to see 25 of the same items for sale over and over. The demand for some items aren't even that high as it is, I wouldn't want to lower the chances of selling X item just because I now have to worry about people underbidding me.


Just not worth it IMO. =\

Edited by Completionist
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8 minutes ago, Completionist said:

I find it hard to purchase certain items sure, but Warframe isn't like an MMO where you have hundreds upon hundreds of resources and goods to sell. In Warframe it's always usually the same mods, frames etc.Making a large update like this seems like a waste of development time just to see 25 of the same items for sale over and over. The demand for some items aren't even that high as it is, I wouldn't want to lower the chances of selling X item just because I now have to worry about people underbidding me.


Just not worth it IMO. =\

in the future maybe, like i said is not for NOW. just later when the game grow up more.

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I'm of two minds on this...

On one hand, I don't see an upside to adding an in-game auction house presently for DE. Most MMO's added them as a means to remove credits from the game and spur play time to make the credits to buy the stuff in the auction house.  in other words, Auction Houses were a mini-game in themselves.

GW2 took it to the next level by treating the whole thing like an actual stock market and allowing their premium currency to be traded for their in-game currency along with keeping an active and changing cash shop.

Warframe doesn't have a library of assets that large and it would be a lot of fiddling to get it to work now.

...That completely negates the whole aspect of the nefarious RMT stuff that's prone to occur in games that have trading and auction houses. I have to hand it to DE the last flare up I saw of that behavior got stamped out fast. 


On the other hand, RNG is RNG and some folks can try as much as they want and still won't get what they need. But... they typically can purchase it for plat or trade for it and save themselves the headache if needs be. Without using a 3rd party system, you are left with trade chat.

..It works, but is clunky and puts everyone at a disadvantage on multiple levels.


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No, bad idea... Was a bad idea in Diablo 3 (idea which almost kill that game), and would be a bad idea here...

In Diablo 3, the Auction House turned the game into an economic simulator, where people were "sniping" for items to resell them, and to make inflation through the possesion of some stuff. Hell, people didn't even wanted to play the game, they just were sniping for items in the auction house the whole day...

Warframe have this face to face market, which is a lot better -in my opinion- because is not an invasive thing

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The current market needs to be looked over, goodness knows how many people that are new to the trade chat are getting conned out of more plat than an item is worth. Just look at how ridiculous the parts for Ember prime are, or the average 300-500 plat Frost prime set is. I sold a Saryn prime set for 200 plat and that was the average price that people were advertising as well. Primes like Nyx go for cheap because of a less demand for her.

However I think that there needs to be a regulation on the prices people can advertise for their items, all fair in wanting to sell a set but it's another thing to make someone pay ridiculous prices for something. 

Example: Any prime warframe/part cannot go over 500 plat, no prime weapon can go over 250 plat.

But a rule I learned was to not buy prime weapons for over 100 plat. People that are advertising the things they want to sell for a ridiculously high price would be made to reduce the price (so that it's reasonable and not overly priced for a prime part/set/weapon). The most I'd pay for a prime frame is 250 plat, but Frost prime I could give a special exception to and consider higher but no more than 450 plat.

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WE have already an auction house but people can't live with this idea.

For the unwanted and much wanted auction house use https://warframe.market/

So yes an auction house right now in the game will be 100% legit.

Sooner or later that site will be the auction house knew by everyone.

Edited by Zari2015
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DE has said in the past there wouldn't be an auction house. Personally, I am glad to a degree because as said by others, auction houses tend to ruin or undermine games with trading elements.

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eventually, all hopefully throughout their lives learn why Auction Houses are not beneficial to games and their owners.
many don't see any issues, but perhaps in time, they learn why they don't work unless real money is the currency.

i can only hope that all in due time can learn. learn that when not directly tied to real money, such systems devalue all items down to values so low that everything becomes worthless. and yes, that's a problem. not for personal profits(because that doesn't matter in the grand scheme), but a problem for the game.

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An auction house would only serve to make items worthless. Thats not good for sellers, and it sure as hell isnt good for DE. Please never bring out an auction house.

Being ignorant to prices is nobodies fault but the buyers. Free market and all that jazz.

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50 minutes ago, angias said:

No need to be salty.


Even if the way he said that seem awfully narrow minded.

I'm not salty at all.

It's just that we have been beating this dead horse so hard that by now it's been reduced to jam.

Discussing this serves no purpose.


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19 minutes ago, LittleArachnid said:

The current market needs to be looked over, goodness knows how many people that are new to the trade chat are getting conned out of more plat than an item is worth. Just look at how ridiculous the parts for Ember prime are, or the average 300-500 plat Frost prime set is. I sold a Saryn prime set for 200 plat and that was the average price that people were advertising as well. Primes like Nyx go for cheap because of a less demand for her.

However I think that there needs to be a regulation on the prices people can advertise for their items, all fair in wanting to sell a set but it's another thing to make someone pay ridiculous prices for something. 

Example: Any prime warframe/part cannot go over 500 plat, no prime weapon can go over 250 plat.

But a rule I learned was to not buy prime weapons for over 100 plat. People that are advertising the things they want to sell for a ridiculously high price would be made to reduce the price (so that it's reasonable and not overly priced for a prime part/set/weapon). The most I'd pay for a prime frame is 250 plat, but Frost prime I could give a special exception to and consider higher but no more than 450 plat.

You are entitled to that opinion even if the opinion is wrong.


You can't regulate a free market and shouldn't as that kills the idea of it being a place of freedom. Just because you want to only pay a certain amount for an item doesn't mean everyone else should be forced to as well. You will find someone selling at that price sooner or later and everybody else can still sell at their own price they want. Its already a win win scenario that doesn't need further "fixing"

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