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We need an Auction House..


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i like the way it is now, i used to be into the auction house idea, but after warframe.market i changed my mind, there is no player interaction on action house, with warframe.market you get it and works just fine. unless they just make warframe.market into the game, where your stuff is published but not sold automatically, just like warframe.market.

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You know, if people who claimed stuff on trade was overpriced put their money where their mouths are and became a supplier, prices would drop rapidly.  If you don't, you're actually demonstrating you don't think the price is too high.

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I am not surprised by any response here... Any game that starts out with no auction house and only provides the method of trading you see now, there will mostly be hate for anything else. I never took part of trades in this game and never will because I hate haggling with people on prices, just a waste of time compared to an auction house and in the end not worth it. I have played a few games with Auction houses and loved each one, Tera, Vindictus, Trove, and World of Warcraft. Trove started out with no auction house, eventually you were given the option to trade the same way you have here, constantly say the same thing in chat till someone would accept and find a trade booth of sorts to trade. This took time to find someone and you would be competing against many doing the same damn thing wasting time that could've been spent farming for more resources or simply progressing your classes level. They introduced an auction house and still allowed those trades, they still take place and auction house is doing great after the first week for prices to settle.

Vindictus I felt had a great auction house, the rules of using auctions are simply... Pay a little to list items for higher prices while undercutting the lowest and make profit. Do this in bulk you could make easy cash, sure enough my friends and I were making millions in the game. World of Warcraft is same idea. Honestly the amount of things you could sell in a game doesn't make much a difference, if you have 3 items and thousands of people are selling them for outrageous prices and there are hundreds of thousands of players on, you can undercut them by a good bit and selling your items easily. As long as there is demand for the item and you can supply it there will be sales.

A buyer doesn't go into a market and think oh they have only three items to choose from I'm leaving, the buyer will check if they have what he wants and make a choice if the price is worth it.

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9 minutes ago, JeyciKon said:

i like the way it is now, i used to be into the auction house idea, but after warframe.market i changed my mind, there is no player interaction on action house, with warframe.market you get it and works just fine. unless they just make warframe.market into the game, where your stuff is published but not sold automatically, just like warframe.market.

This is what I've actually always wanted in the game. A place like warframe.market, you create your listings, they only show when you are online, you have the option to autopost them when you login, or do it manually. If you want something, you search the listings, contact the seller/buyer, go to dojo and do the trade. At any point in time, the people online are the ones that determine the price for items. If you quit the game, you no longer show in the listings since there is no point to it. You can browse listings by type, and you can search and sort them. It will remove the garbage trade chat and keep the momentary nature of the trade system, while at the same time, allowing people to actually play the game with their listings posted, instead of grinding the trade chat. It will be more organized and clean and retain interaction between players, retain dependency on dojo and maroo's bazaar for making trades, and nullify the current stupidity the bazaar is right now.

Edited by nms.
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Well, there's actually no real reason not to have an auction house, what exactly is it that we'll be losing if we do get one? Trade chat won't be spammed and there will be no more wafting through the huge wall of infinitely scrolling text. We can simply search for the items we want to buy, while listing the prices of the items we want to sell. Low balling and scamming will stop or won't be as bad because players will obviously buy from the person selling at the lowest price. So I ask again, why is an auction house such a bad idea? I mean, we have Warframe Market, what's it going to hurt to put something identical to that in game itself?

I dream of a day that I won't have to open a tab, go to a website, and list the things I want to sell my fellow Tenno. And until that day comes, it's will still be just a dream. DE is pretty good about listening to our feedback, so I'm sure if enough of us asked for an auction house, they would probably be more than happy to give us one in time. Not so much feedback this time around though, more of a requested feature.

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14 minutes ago, DuskLegendary said:

Well, there's actually no real reason not to have an auction house, what exactly is it that we'll be losing if we do get one? Trade chat won't be spammed and there will be no more wafting through the huge wall of infinitely scrolling text. We can simply search for the items we want to buy, while listing the prices of the items we want to sell. Low balling and scamming will stop or won't be as bad because players will obviously buy from the person selling at the lowest price. So I ask again, why is an auction house such a bad idea? I mean, we have Warframe Market, what's it going to hurt to put something identical to that in game itself?

I dream of a day that I won't have to open a tab, go to a website, and list the things I want to sell my fellow Tenno. And until that day comes, it's will still be just a dream. DE is pretty good about listening to our feedback, so I'm sure if enough of us asked for an auction house, they would probably be more than happy to give us one in time. Not so much feedback this time around though, more of a requested feature.

Mainy, it will obsolete more of the game then trade chat already does.  Anytime you want an item currently, you can go to trade or farm it.  The harder it is to trade for, the more likely you are to farm it instead.

This is particularly a problem with core mods that have been around for a long time, which are difficult for new players to acquire, but which long term players will acquire a vast excess of in the course of the game.  This is exacerbated by the reality you almost never need more then 1 copy of a mod, so all others are basically fodder to you - even if they're tremendously useful to another player who doesn't have it.

That means trading for serration would be far, far easier then farming it for a new player.

A similar problem comes on old primes - when a new batch is released, any old primes in the same mission's drop table are going to be flood.  Which means farming for primes stops being efficient vs trading for it.

But farming for it is what Warframe (and all Diabloesque games) is about.  Obsoleting it pretty much kills the game.

Trading in general can do this - but the inconvenience of it is an added cost of trading in the trading vs farming decision above.  The clunkiness of trading is what's keeping it from killing the game.


That was the problem it caused in D3 - and why the function AH from D3 was purposefully removed.  When your game is about farming, you can't have something that works better then farming without it killing your game.

Edited by Phatose
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51 minutes ago, izzatuw said:

They really just need to seperate trade chat to WTS, WTT and WTB channels.

that, or having Tags attached depending on what acronym you started your Message with, so Players can use filtering to hide messages that they aren't currently interested in.

that would already organize Trading quite well. and people would have no incentive to abuse it because of the message cooldown. if they decide to post a sell message in buy/trade, all they've done is reduce the eyes on their message until they can send another one and put it in the right category that time.

30 minutes ago, DuskLegendary said:

what exactly is it that we'll be losing if we do get one?

as i aforementioned, if you don't get it now, sometime in your life you will. probably.
all items being worth ~1% of their current usual value is a very bad thing for a game and for who owns that game.

it's great for like, buying/selling stuff on Ebay or w/e - because it works in those scenarios. because it deals with the real world.

Edited by taiiat
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Would be good but you'd need a Platinum sink, so for instance there should be a deposit fee on the thing you wana sell say of 5 plat per item. Or buy like A space in the auction house so you can put your item in and list it. 

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I will start by saying I don't like auction house for sole 1 reason:

  • I think (with respect to Warframe idea of F2P) that trading is part of the game, and having an auction house (where one simply put up items, walk away, and then come back collecting plat) prevent you from playing that part of the game. I will compromise for an auction house if ONLY you can set up shop and have to be there in order for people to buy.

If you feel that sitting in trade chat is wasting your precious available playtime, then you need to move onto a game where you pay the cost upfront and/or subscription-based. And if your counter argument is that you like WF too much to play another game, then I suggest you ask DE to implement some sort of subscription-based idea, where players have option of either being a

  1.  F2P players -- no changes, play WF as it is currently
  2. Subscription players -- get X plat every subscription cycle
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Auction houses in MMO's are great for players, but they universally lower prices and the demand for currency. As such they are bad for developers that make money by selling currency -- so you most likely will never see an Auction House in this game...

A few older F2P MMO's have them and occasionally you will see one add one and put a tax on the trades will helps minimize the loss of value to the publishers.

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6 minutes ago, Shifted said:

Not an auction house, a noticeboard.

A notice board would have much of the same price lowering effect that an AH would. Prices would be public knowledge and it would make it easier to conduct transactions. In that environment prices almost always fall.

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Just now, Bluejay235 said:

A notice board would have much of the same price lowering effect that an AH would. Prices would be public knowledge and it would make it easier to conduct transactions. In that environment prices almost always fall.

Prices are public knowledge already. people spamming on chat, warframe.market, wftrading.net...

5 minutes of research and you know the price.

Not to mention they're rock bottom anyway for anything that's not vaulted/brand new

Regardless I'd gladly trade a slight price drop just to save myself the headache of ruining my eyes reading the chat for an hour.

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2 hours ago, BrokenBullet said:

Warframe market is the closest thing to getting a auction house as of right now.

this^^ it works very well. I've made a lot of sales by posting on this and just doing missions waiting. Ive made sales the exact minute ive posted things. plus no one will barter your prices to go lower. 

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I really dont understand why people think an auction house would lead to cheaper items. 

Only trash common items will plummet in price.  Valuable items will skyrocket. Why? Undercutting doesnt work. You undercut too much and trade hawks will snatch up items and resell it. A high demand item priced too cheap will go FAST and you'll most likely be left with sellers willing to hold out for a better sale. When these sellers are eventually successful,  then they raise the average price as it will be obvious to the market what items are selling for .Current system is nebulous at best. People can ask for high prices, but there is no evidence if they actually go for that much.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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3 hours ago, Strikerays said:

for example the WoW auction house

Not the best example. 

Played the game and the Auction House for 6 years.

And I think DE has their mind set on watching players making hard decisions, either you choose to play, or sell/buy. But they don't want you doing all at once. 

Edited by Souldend78
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1 hour ago, nms. said:

This is what I've actually always wanted in the game. A place like warframe.market, you create your listings, they only show when you are online, you have the option to autopost them when you login, or do it manually. If you want something, you search the listings, contact the seller/buyer, go to dojo and do the trade.


Yeah, something like this, I 'm not saying " ... Yes, I want this so and nothing more . " just do not know how developers work , or as would implement , but know that many will tell me many cons and things like that , consider myself to be somewhat tedious , having to leave on a mission to get in " plan - trade" and get to say WT * or go to your browser to get in the market and wait for you to send a PM. And , if you're offline is very doubtful that the buyer / seller seek your nickname on the market , go to the forum, you send a message , and after that the game, not everyone sees the forum ; Then you lose when you wanted to buy or sell , and return to chat with your WT * and repeat the same thing over and over again ... good and missions ?, and the rest of the game ?.

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O well, it need not be an auction house, the bazaar can change, but it can be more variable, bone sell only 5 items of which actually can sell more because people will only see what you have at the moment and not things that perhaps they may serve, something like this:

example: Which one can sell more than 5 items at the same time.


Another example is not an auction house, would be the method of trading a game that I played many years ago and because I still like it, that is Ragnarok Online, you have a character you put your stuff and leave with what you have, Store your character has a maximum limit of 12 items, and create the "mini store" has a cost, keep it for so long has cost, if you disconnect the character, the store closes, something. What I mean is that you do not have to pick on trade because you have to make a decision, or you trade, or you play (if it is, it sounds horrible, but so sorry), do not forget that Warframe is a game to get things through farming.

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2 hours ago, Dhrekr said:

I'm not salty at all.

It's just that we have been beating this dead horse so hard that by now it's been reduced to jam.

Discussing this serves no purpose.


Well the forum isn't going to change so....i'll try this horse jam.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

the sooner DE say they "we're not making an auction house", the better.

DE confirmed in one of the devstreams that they do not want to make an auction house.

Registration on warframe.market has helped me make several very nice trades.  Overall, it's not bad.  

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