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Coming Soon: Devstream #74!


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First off, I know you do not want to look at people saying "When will my favorite frame, (insert name here), receive a skin/rework?"


However, I do wish to press for nekros. People say he is fine thanks to desecrate, but I, and many others, feel he is in a very poor situation.


Soul punch is slightly mediocre. It has low damage, semi unreliable knock down, and it does not synergize with any of his skills.

Terrify is redundant. It causes enemies to flee, when most people want to kill those enemies or incapacitate them so that they can be killed more easily. Having enemies flee is useful almost exclusively in regards to having them run from a downed ally or objective. The armor reduction is extremely poor in the grand scheme of things, most people in end game run 4x corrosive projections, and the enemies are already fleeing and the duration is as long as the duration of enemies running from you. It has a hard cap on enemy number and range. It is often seen as detrimental in use besides in cases mentioned above. It is one of the most scorned powers on him

Of course, if anyone remembers what I say on nekros, how can I not speak about the beast that is desecrate. Desecrate is one of the most loved or hated powers depending on who you ask, and I personally am against it as a concept. A power dedicated wholly and purely to loot, being stationary and at best dropping ammo or health orbs, is a negative thing to the frame as a whole. He is often reduced to a mash 3 frame, especially when considering that if you want to build for desecrate you must sacrifice all other powers viability for the most part. He becomes stationary too and it is one of the major concepts in the "draco" (or Viver if you remember those days) pandemic. While not the only way, I believe and advocate it's removal, and always will as it removes 1 power from the frame that can be used unless you are dedicated to farming. This is especially true when you consider that you are locked down to one position and cannot defend yourself during this power and must be defended by a team or far away from where enemies can reach you, and when you are far from enemies desecrate likely will have no effect since no enemies often means no corpses. This is one of the most debated powers, I feel, in it's duality. It has no direct effect on enemies or yourself, and so it's gameplay use is hindered. What it lacks there it makes up for in loot among a team. I understand the love of loot and the scorn people will feel if it was removed, however I will firmly say it needs major changes or to be removed.

Finally, Shadows of the Dead. If you are not running a desecrate build, chances are you are running an SotD build (I always do, but there is the hilarious soul survivor build that always is hilarious in the J3 trial when you revive people who cannot replenish their shields). While it does have a couple of problems directly, the main problem with the power is more indirect. I will start with the direct problems. First, there is the pit problem. Falling in a pit removes all shadows. While other powers are cancelled this way, it is especially harmful for nekros as you need to replenish the soul counter and have the energy to cast it again and not be killed during the animation, especially when you are using shadows defensively with the augment. The animation is very long, and while it is cool and I would love to keep it what you gain in return for the animation, energy, and SotD being an ult does not seem highly worth it. The soul counter is another problem, as you must kill enemies before using your ult and any enemy counts, so those big bad enemies you were saving can be overwritten by that lowly crawler, especially if you have AoE weapons or syndicate augment blasts go off. You cannot count how many souls you have saved either nor what you have saved. While I can understand the desire for the concept behind this, it is sloppy when used in gameplay. Unreliable shadows unless you have amazing eyes and memory. Another irk of shadows, unless this was changed, is that they crowd up and cannot be shot through. This is directly linked to the poor ai problem people have with various enemies or shadows themselves, but I will not focus on this. This is near the end as it can be easily fixed and given the mirage treatment where you can see through them and shoot them. The final thing I will mention is the augment. I like it, however your shadows can wander away easily and they are no where near the ninja level of mobility you have so you are forced to bunker down and stay near them or wait for them to catch up, and if they wander away you are losing damage reduction. These are the majority of the direct problems

The MAJOR short coming of SotD is the indirect problem of scaling. Even when you have multipliers on the shadows you have, they are still forced to obey the constraints of enemy scaling. THe problem being that enemy damage scales no where near as quickly as enemy health. In a T4 survival, you quickly have meat shields who do virtually no damage to enemies and who will fizzle out because of duration running out long before they are actually killed.They are unable to kill enemies and become redundantly tanky as you couldnt even kill them if you were able to target them, and the enemies damage is far far inferior to yours. The enemy scaling works in this way. Enemy damage scales very slowly so shadows damage scales very slowly and only slightly better. Enemy health scales insanely quickly so yours shadows' do too. Enemy damage is fine as if it were too high you could not kill enemies quickly enough and they could easily one shot you, and even now they kill you thanks to being so tanky and having a huge number advantage as well as eximus auras. However, your shadows become so tanky that enemy damage is nothing. It is so redundantly tanky because they have so much health while the enemies do so little damage that how much health the shadows have is negligible. They are purely meat shields at this point whose damage can be almost completely ignored against the enemies you are fighting. This is where nekros loses viability in late game (as well as nyx too with her stuff). Enemy fighting enemy will be a stalemate, however it will last incredibly long as their damage vs health is way out of balance so it will take them incredibly long to kill each other


Sorry for the long post, but even if you do not read this on the devstream I will continue to advocate this problem. I sincerely hope you look at this or mention this, because we are lacking in a summoner frame who does just that, summon badass monsters to fight on his behalf who he can empower or use as fuel for his dark arts


Before I go, I do want to mention that. Nekros is very sad when it comes to the necromancer archetype. Only his ult is about necromancy really, because desecrate is grave robber power. His powers should involve summons, improving and empowering those summons, and sacrificing those summons for better summons or augmenting his own life force. One example would be allowing soul punch to be used on his shadows to sacrifice them for health in a magnificent gory explosion which heals you, heals you and allies, and/or damages nearby enemies based on the amount of health the shadow had left. Sacrificing summons for personal gain or better summons should be a cornerstone of necromancy. Finally, perhaps consider combining terrify and desecrate into one channeled aura power or something similar such as placing a marker that pulses every so often, such as a grave that you can place and it pulses causing terrify or some new proc as well as desecrating. Finally, I do think nekros needs a new ult, and perhaps makes SotD a 3 power and combine terrify and desecrate, and give him a new ult where he sacrifices all current summons for new unique summons or for a reaper form and the power of this 4th ability is directly influenced by the power of the summons sacrificed


Thank you for reading, please give this death lord some love, and may death find you

Surtur, the necrotic necromancer nekros and firely lord who wishes mass genocide on all that live

(I will advocate limbo after nekros)

I am posting this again as I will continue to advocate this until the problem is addressed. I am sorry if this sounds pushy or rude but I feel this is a major problem among most frames 

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I've got a few:

----You've started experimenting with channeling statistics, with the Furax Wraith, which is wonderful, but I think this has highlighted an issue with the current channeling system. Weapons with a high attack speed are at a serious disadvantage when channeling, often requiring several times the amount of energy used by something like a heavy blade or hammer to do the same amount of damage. Are there any plans to dive into this issue further, to balance things out? I think that it could be a very effective way of bringing some lesser-used weapons back into the spotlight for a while without stepping on the toes of the current popular choices.


----In the same vein, has anyone looked into the current issues with high rate-of-fire weapons and ammo consumption? Particularly with secondaries, they most often do not have anywhere near enough ammo to account for the vastly increased consumption and decreased damage per bullet. Weapons like Dex Furis (and, likely, the upcoming AkStiletto Prime) are fun to use, but will empty their entire pool of ammunition while only killing a handful of enemies, making them rather ineffective weapons even with an ammo mutation mod.


----Are there any plans to tweak the effectiveness of our various support frames? Right now, Trinity can simultaneously provide energy, (over)shields, AND health in spades, with a single build. A second one can render the entire squad nearly invincible. We have several other support-oriented frames, but none of them come anywhere close to that level of effectiveness, or indeed, a level of effectiveness that makes them useful outside of niche roles, such as Oberon in Radiation sorties.

Edited by Drenlin
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Is there any chance that Wyrm Prime will have its health increased to 200 like its base counterpart? Wyrm Prime having 100 health (a primed version being a downgrade...?) is pretty terrible.

Edited by MGlBlaze
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52 minutes ago, Uberthief78 said:

. How old are you?

Old Enough to be pulling your leg!, I have to agree with you tho, it looks horrible, I mean we can only see very little of it, but hay, wait untill it comes out first, unless you been a naughty boy and saw leaks!

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Is the dev team satisfied with the current state of the ammo system?

It seems to be particularly punishing to high fire rate weapons and very forgiving for low fire rate ones, even when taking the differing drops rates of the various ammo types into consideration.

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With all the Deluxe skins coming out lately, I can't help but notice that the first few deluxe skins (Nyx, Excalibur, and Valkyr) didn't come with a bundle that included the deluxe skin and then 2 items/skins/etc. that matched the skin in theme and style. With my strong love for Nyx (she is my favorite <3), I really wish I could have a bundle for her that way I can further show my favoritism for her, such as a weapon skin, sigil, armor, etc. like all the other deluxe skins (besides the 3 listed above).

So, from this, my question is: Are there any plans to add Collection Bundles to those first few deluxe skins, so that those who love those Warframes can further show love to them? And if so, will there by any way/compensation for those who've already purchased the skin as of now to be able to buy the collection bundle without having to buy the skin they already have?

Thank you! 

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Hey I have a question for the devstream, perhaps something that belongs on the bourbon list.

Auras, they are not balanced, there are about a dozen of them and only 2 (arguably 3) are the only ones that ever get used. Could we have a buff for the less used auras?

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1. When will we be able to view our arsenals and inventory among other features in our dojos? Whatever happened to the older tiles that you said may be making a come back several months ago?

2. Will you ever rotate the MK-1 weapons for the new player experience like you previously discussed?

3. When will the new moon survival tile be switched over to the hard difficulty? It's currently set on easy because it hands out low level survival rewards, similar to the previous earth survivals before they were shifted to excavations.

4. Will the new moon missions ever reward mastery? They currently do not.

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would you consider the idea of having the operator walk around the ship instead of the warframe? and maybe while the operator is on the ship have the current selected warframe be displayed in the armory in some kind of inactive state?

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Question: Back during Livestream #45 there's was a question about possible weapon slots and Warframe slots being provided as part of the Mastery system. Steve seemed to like the idea, is this something the team is still discussing or was it shelved/dropped? Also what other things are being consider to make mastery more appealing beyond rank 8.

Question: Given the previous changes to Void Sabotage rewards providing more then one reward. Has any thought or ideas been considered/prototyped for helping out on Exterminates, Mobile Defenses, & Captures missions?

Question: Any thoughts on the void reward structure for endless mission types given that for any rotations that is not C seem to have the smallest set of rewards, or no rewards for Defense and Survival I's in terms of primes?

Question: Given Scott's undercover boss runs, has there been any thought given to the ways aura's currently work in the game? A large number seem to be just there with little real use once you get Energy Siphon, Steel Charge, or Corrosive Projection.

Question: Will we see more rewards like the bonus for Sand of Inaros, possibly ones for older quests as well? Also what would it take to place all of our Lotus noggles in the operator room?

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1. Any visible work on the sentient exo-suit yet?

2. Can we expect any changes to Vauban in terms of scaling next week when his prime comes out? 

3.Are more weapons receiving weapon specific mods like Nightwatch Napalm was for Orgis only. 

4. Can we expect any new sentient enemies in U19?

5. Will there be sentient faction only missions in the future?


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