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Coming Soon: Devstream #74!


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     My intention is not to seem ungrateful but will we get an actual Oberon rework, he is still underpowered and his new augment or changes to renewal haven't changed that. Seems like a band-aid to his mediocre healing ability. Possibly what the ability should be without any augments and is part of an even bigger issue. As of late DE has been using mods as a way to  give whole weapon archetypes or frames band-aid fixes to major issues in their mechanics.

     A recent example of this is, but not limited to the snipers' combo multiplier and harkonar scope for snipers. The melee combo multiplier as well, another "combo gimmick" on a weapon archetype was entirely pointless until the introduction of blood rush and body count. I don't think this is the right way to approach fixing mechanical faults in the design of things, but would like to know if DE is aware that it is doing this and this is it's intention. To purposefully design flaws that will be fixed by mods introduced in the future?

     To me it appears that this is actually a design pillar that paves the way for future mods. It would make sense and sounds good on paper except for when it intentionally hinders a core mechanic shared by several weapons within an archetype to the point of making said mechanic meaningless without equipping the corresponding band-aid mod. I don't believe there are any sinister motives behind these decisions, I just want to know if you are deliberately going about things this way. To which I say bad idea.

Edited by Shreiko
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Are you happy with where Vauban is right now in terms of stats and gameplay? The release of a Prime version or Delux skin has always seemed like the right time to do a rework on the frames that need it (like Saryn), but nothing like that has seem to come up for Vauban. Is Vauban in a good spot or do you feel he needs some work, just not immediately?

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Will Machete receive a Augment mod or buff?
It's currently the weakest weapon in the game, and could use some love.

Any chance for a Prisma Machete sold by the Void Trader soon?

Any chance we'll have Syndicate cosmetic skins and/or helmets one day?

Detron got a Void Trader variant, will Brakk be getting one too?

Will there be Vandal skins for Warframes?
I like the designs of the Vandal weapons, but they don't really match any of the warframes.
Would be cool if their colors where changeable, or at least there where matching Warframe skins.

Will we ever be getting a male Grineer themed tank/combat warframe with tons of armor?
Hopefully with a Rocket Punch power.

Would be cool is there where optional secondary missions during your main mission.
Like, during a spy mission, a officer could spawn,
and you could go capture him.
If you fail or choose not to do the optimal mission you don't fail your main mission,
it's just a chance at getting extra affinity,
and something to freshen up the game-play a little.

Would be cool for each Relay to get their own Bar where the Void Trader could go.
(he's always talking about wanting you to come to parties he's throwing.)

Would be cool of the Relays could have an Arcade, 
where you can play the different mini games like Happy Zephyr and Wyrmius.

Would be cool if the Relays could have a fighting pit where anyone in the relay can fight each other.

Also, could we get a smaller Kubrow body type?
I want to make a tiny dog, but even the smallest one isn't small enough.

A sandbox mission type would be the most awesome thing.
You could park your ship in a big cave somewhere then just run around a giant map for however long you want.
You could even just stay on the map when you log off and still be there when you get back.
The game would auto-save while on the map so you wouldn't lose what you got.
And there could be random sub missions where you can gain extra afinity.

The two main reasons I don't play this game as much as I used to are,
Tons of Game Breaking bugs, and To many load screens.

In Dark Souls I can just go to an area I want to farm in,
and just go rest at the bonfire when I've killed everything to make them respawn.
No load screens to get back to the farm and fun.

If there was a sandbox mission type where you could just stay in the map as long as you want,
without having to worry about lossing what you got there,
where you could get random side missions like "capture this officer we detected",
that would be so awesome, you have no idea.

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Will there be a change to the mastery system that rewards players for using/spending a lot of time using certain weapons/warframes? For example, if you spend a lot of time using Rhino, would it be possible to unlock profile icons or exclusive patterns? I think this could be a fun concept if you guys decide to look into improving the mastery rank system, as currently the system rewards using a lot of different weapons and warframes, but doesn't reward being really good with them.

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Will we ever get additional slots for primary and secondary weapons, similar to stance mods, and if so will they be mostly QoL mods like slip mag, ammo drum etc. It would give us a reason to use the mostly worthless mods in some way.

Also, I was thinking that this could be good for snipers, as you could add scope mods that allow you to select various zoom levels etc on your desired rifle (perhaps with the current damage multipliers etc being bound to them), though you would sacrifice QoL for it.

Edited by Metsudo
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Hello everyone. My questions are:

- What are your plans for Simaris and the Sanctuary ? When will we get new targets and lore entries. It really helps fleshing out the Warframe universe.

- What will happen with the future of Syndicates ? We already know you will implement Syndicate melee weapons, but is there something else planned, like Syndicate skins for warframes, weapons and landing crafts, or maybe quests, in order to add more meat on these factions' backgrounds ?

- Do you plan to expand the Relays ? I'ld like to visit this city-sized space station a bit more.

- Could you tell us what we can expect for the "housing", maybe like an external view of the Carrier or the ability to open more rooms in the orbiter module or a set of customizations for its interior (changing the walls aesthetics, removing the hanging cables to make it look less dilapidated, adding some "futuristic furniture") ? Or if the current "strain" carries on, can we expect housing in the relays (or maybe a "Mr Clean" theme warframe)?

- You showed some new "aesthetic options" for the operator, do they include new suits ?

- Can we expect at one point archwing missions which will take place around Corpus cloud cities ? Or "land missions" with some parts involving the use of archwings to go through an area on other planets than Uranus ?

- You already said that the Umbra warframes are not going to be mere reskins, but warframes in their own right. But is the nature of the Umbra concept all about ? Warframes with alternate powers/changes of stats ? A system which acts as an alternative to the Focus system when using Umbra warframe ?

- You said at PAX East that a new sentient treat will only be defeatable through the use of an extension of the Focus System, is it Umbra related or something else ? Subsisdiary question: will this extension of the focus system involve a reset of the points already distributed ?

On a side note, I spent my week-end on the Overwatch open beta. While this is a awesome game with great graphics, it is also story and lore deficient, and it just doesn't feel like home to me. I think a gamer can have as much and maybe more fun with Warframe for free than with Overwatch for 40€. Yup, the DE crew is good.

Edited by Kergonan
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Q: In light of the Stradavar and upcoming Akstiletto Prime (two high rate-of-fire weapons), scaling ammo pickups based on magazine size would make a lot of sense. Is this change still on the table?

We need ammo system changes now more than ever. High rate-of-fire weapons use too much ammo. Or, rather, ammo pickups don't give them enough back for the investment. Unless something changes, these weapons will continue to be lackluster and will be shelved for more economical weapons that can compete in end-game content. A quote from another player on the matter: "There is no reason that a rifle ammo box gives a Supra the same 20 shots (11% of its magazine, or 900 base damage) that it gives a Latron Prime (133% of its magazine, or 1700 base damage)."

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When will there be a fix to all the problems with energy colors? Half the time my melee weapons keep defaulting and it's really annoying. Some melees with glowy bits, like War, use the gun's energy color instead. With guns, the muzzle flare itself or the light it gives off to the surrounding surfaces don't use the color I chose for it. When you level up the weapon, it uses your warframe's energy color and not the weapons'.

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So, this is my first ever post on the WF Topics. 3 Questions:


1. So, is it possible to get a quiver-style ability for Chroma? Maybe have that and Effigy linked together?(pressing down the button releases Effigy, tapping switches element). Cold should be a face-tank, taking all the damage to his face. Heat should be a more offensive tank, dealing damage and taking it with abilities. Energy should be more about Crowd Control, mitigating damage by taking enemies out of action. Toxin should be more about debuffing enemies.

2. DE, you claim that the Endgame isn't just a few activities. But the only way to get Prime Equipment- Statistically better items- is to go to the Void after grinding for Keys. Why is that?


3. What will be done with the Ducat system? I don't get a lot of time to play, and I'm not an exception. When Baro comes around, I can't afford anything. NPCs like Xur from Destiny are designed as a catch-up mechanic for players who don't have a lot of time, and eventually had items added to give him more appeal to Endgame players. There's a lot that Baro sells- boosters and beacons, especially- that new players really could use. Would it be possible to have a system of daily and weekly Missions that reward a small amount of Ducats? They don't even have to be nodes like Syndicate Missions, and could be more like Simaris' Dailies(which should be auto-assigned, BTW) where, for example, Baro asks you "Hey, I need you to do a X Spy Missions so I can find some Orokin Artifacts", or " Hey, Tenno, there are Corpus trying to steal my merchandise. Kill Y of them to send them a message." They don't have to be anything big, maybe 10 Ducats per daily and 50 for the weekly. There could even be ones that involve Crafting or PvP.

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Any word on Excalibur Umbra? What would be the way to acquire him? He is one of the most popular and anticipated topics discussed in the last few months. 

In regards to U19, will we found out more about the Orokin themselves and what do they look like given the small tease given in the Second Dream about Alad V?**SPOILER**



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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Avod101 said:

Any word on Excalibur Umbra? What would be the way to acquire him? He is one of the most popular and anticipated topics discussed in the last few months. 

In regards to U19, will we found out more about the Orokin themselves and what do they look like given the small tease given in the Second Dream about Alad V?**SPOILER**



I think the implication of Alad V being called "Orokin" is that the Corpus are pretty much Orokin(which they are, according to Synthesis Entries), being a "sub-faction" that survived the fall of the Orokin.

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Can we please try to balance out weapons and frames even a little? Stardavar is worthless right out the gate compared to weapons easier to get and use. I know with so many weapons and frames, balance can be rough, but it's so frustrating how Umbra is just going to replace Primes entirely and how only like 5 guns out of a hundred are any good because of really goofy number balance. One weapon can have the highest Crit/status/raw damage/reloadspeed/etc and then you release another weapon that loses to it in every way... why?


I love how the new weapons feel and look, but they're so bad it's a waste of time making them because I'm just going to keep it on my back until it's max level and then I'm going to get rid of it.

Edited by WhiteCopain
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Who is Olemedi , iv been meaning to ask this for a while after recieving a message from them. but now that the Queens ( the war within ) has been shown i think now is the best time to ask considering how i got it and the story it tells, are they male? female? orokin? and are there more odditys to come?

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Could we get more love for companions? Such as their abilities being part of them and not mods; like how the Warframe abilities work. As well as mods for Sentinel weapons? Conflicting mods is no fun and I hardly ever use a Sentinel's weapon because of it

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Auxiliaries! Like Nekros' Morthos Binds and Valkyr's Bonds, frame-specific cosmetics that further compliment the frame's already awesome looks and make them even more FashionFrame-worthy. Will we ever see more of them?

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