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Mag Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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20 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Just adding my practical experiences into the equation since the couple of hours we deployed.

Did Sortie 1 with a random group on Public matchmaking:


Group composition was Atlas, Volt, Excal, and me as Mag Prime with a Strength/Range build.

More playing to follow, but she still holds her own and then some in this mission example.

The problem is that we loved old Mag and just didn't want changes to the concept -- the old concept is gone, and we miss it. 

Even if she becomes more powerful now, it is essentially another frame. 

Best regards.

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2 minutes ago, Cpl_Facehugger said:

What if you don't have three keys?

...play more interceptions to four waves? I mean, that is totally a thing you could do, right? Just playing casually I've done enough intercept rotation Cs to actually have 40 of every endless T4, and I've never actually had any of the farming meta builds on for them. I could hold a bloody key giveaway for all the T4D/I/S I have no reason to use and keep getting.

I mean, Draco is meta too, right? I pub that node, and take goof-off builds like max ROF Zhuge, and occasionally the pubs bring no Bladestorm, no Mirage-Synoid Simulor, etc... every few of those people actually agree to go to 4, and then I go to 4, and then I get another one of these bloody things. Not even because I'm farming them, but as a side effect of popping over to smash a few hundred enemies with a very large greatsword or something for fun and XP.

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No really why does Mag have 3 powers now that use duration and I mean like hard core. Don't even try going negative duration on her if you want to use her new" powers.

So because I need Range, Duration, Power, streamline on top of the augment mod to keep her alive. That really not a lot of room to play around with for builds.

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Just now, FelisImpurrator said:

...play more interceptions to four waves? I mean, that is totally a thing you could do, right? Just playing casually I've done enough intercept rotation Cs to actually have 40 of every endless T4, and I've never actually had any of the farming meta builds on for them. I could hold a bloody key giveaway for all the T4D/I/S I have no reason to use and keep getting.

I mean, Draco is meta too, right? I pub that node, and take goof-off builds like max ROF Zhuge, and occasionally the pubs bring no Bladestorm, no Mirage-Synoid Simulor, etc... every few of those people actually agree to go to 4, and then I go to 4, and then I get another one of these bloody things. Not even because I'm farming them, but as a side effect of popping over to smash a few hundred enemies with a very large greatsword or something for fun and XP.

So basically, you want us to grind even more? Grinding a crappy unfun game mode to get keys to grind? With DE having taken steps to nerf Draco too and probably going to take more steps in the future? Yeah, no.

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9 minutes ago, Exploderizer said:

I guess I shouldn't have said Saryn-level because people still haven't bothered to figure out how to use her to her max potential in all these months and are still salty about it.

Unfortunately, there's no other analogue I can think of. If you want, just ignore the Saryn comparison and read through the post and try it out. She's not as doomed as people say she is. I thought she was, too, at first, but then I did some experimenting and it went very well.

Can you post your specific build? It's possible that I'm just not doing things right, but so far I'm having some really bad luck with her.

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23 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Just adding my practical experiences into the equation since the couple of hours we deployed.

Did Sortie 1 with a random group on Public matchmaking:


Group composition was Atlas, Volt, Excal, and me as Mag Prime with a Strength/Range build.

More playing to follow, but she still holds her own and then some in this mission example.

Also did a pug run with Mag, walked away with most kills and dps as well only using her powers and a potato'd Sobek (no forma).

Had 2 Mags including myself, a Frost and a Chroma.

The other Mag actually did pretty terrible and was borderline afkng at only 4x kills

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alright someone else try this to convince me I'm not going crazy but I just shredded eight lvl 120 bombards using magnetize and a beam weapon in the simulcrum.

key thing: don't do rad procs otherwise they can somehow walk away from the magnetize?? 

I was using glaxion with corrosive and blast damage and the magnetize clumped them together. When I started pouring beams into the magnetize I started doing crazy amounts of damage to half of them, and when the ability ended it obliterated all of them, even with the healthiest enemy at around 60% of their original health. And this was with only 1 glaxion clip. 


Other than that polarize sadly only seems useful at low levels, but pull and crush seem to be buffed by magnetize?


End result: Magnetize is the new Mag Meta. Damage, Duration and Range are all helpful.

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17 minutes ago, Exploderizer said:

 Like Saryn, she's no longer a mindless nuker.


Saryn is not a mindless level nuker?

The game revolves around spamming abilities If DE truly wanted have balanced ability usage they should rework energy and add abilities cooldown. All DE did to Mag is make one less viable frame. People will switch to another frame and never touch Mag again.

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For people saying she like  Saryn now great but her energy pool is the same size, needs an augment mod to stay alive and now uses 4 stats.

So the Queen of anti Corpus trade that in,to be meh vs all the factions and have major major energy problems. I'll keep testing and messing around with builds but holy crap nothing even come close to my old build.

Edited by Wynn
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1 minute ago, Wynn said:

No really why does Mag have 3 powers now that use duration and I mean like hard core. Don't even try going negative duration on her if you want to use her new" powers.

So because I need Range, Duration, Power, streamline on top of the augment mod to keep her alive. That really not a lot of room to play around with for builds.

So essentially a Trinity Bless build and trying to fit in a strength mod now?

But duration on a frame with serious energy management problems (why the builds used -duration and +strength as that at least did BURST damage without going dry of energy in 4 casts), further makes her a non-solo build.

She's starving for energy as is. Was hoping she could solo without a stack of energy "tax" pads.

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3 minutes ago, Cpl_Facehugger said:

So basically, you want us to grind even more? Grinding a crappy unfun game mode to get keys to grind? With DE having taken steps to nerf Draco too and probably going to take more steps in the future? Yeah, no.

Oh. Uh. I think you missed the bit where I don't actually go there to farm keys, I go there to butcher enemies with my huge-&#! sword or my crossbow that farts out its entire magazine in roughly one second and just... kind of, uh, get keys... by accident? Like, the randoms just keep clicking next round or they say 'hey let's go 4 waves' and I'm just... sure, more enemies and a four round will max out this latest forma 0-30, why not?

Look, I mostly play fashionframe and the rest is random nodes for fun and forma projects on whatever I feel like polarizing that day. I have never once seriously farmed Oxium (except maybe once at rank <10, I can't remember) and I have 14k straight up post-Grattler pre-Vauban Chassis. I have never gone to Excav to farm cryotic but incidentally have... 33k? after Sibear because of just playing excav for keys and cores (and, again, mass butchery @ 2k). I really don't understand why people feel the need to put their noses to the meta grindstone when I've spent just over a year simply... playing a whole lot, doing whatever I felt like doing, and pissing away untold quantities of resources on a bunch of practical jokes.

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This is my personal feedback about how I "experimented" my builds on Mag:

Basically the "new" Mag have little to no buisness with the old one, at least this is what I've understood.

Instead of being a frame based on her 1 and 2 now she relies on a continue synergy with all of her abilities, especially the new number 2.

She pratically makes into the battlefield a lot of CC and Damage Mitigation, Damage Mitigation which also comes with a synergy itself on damaging other enemies.

With the new Mag the duration means, A LOT, because now her 2nd and 3rd are affected by it, increasing the overall effectiveness of this frame.

With the new strategies I do normally suggest you to try get into a fight starting with your 3rd ability, then use your 2nd in order to synergyze the shards that armored enemies are dropping when hit by Shield Polarize, this also roots the target and maintain its location until the full duration expires, making it a safe place where to fight against your enemies.

Shards are also affecting abilities like pull and crush, so use them as you whish in order to increase the damage of a certain ability.


I can certanly say that I like the new Mag, but there are also some suggestion about her right now:

First of all Shield Transference is just straight up broken as augment, this especially compared with the Shield Overload of Volt, which works just perfectly if not even better than before. I'd like to see DE taking a look at it, starting with fixing it, then a little buff about the amount of players affected by the Mods(I mean it should affect the entire squad, not only Mag) could be a nice idea too.

Then Crush, while being an excellent CC tool and all that good stuff, still deals very little damage(with the shards and all) and is way more underwhelming compared to other powers which are cheaper and faster to spam, like Pull. I'd like to see some scaling about this one too, if it's possible, maybe a normal base damage + a % damage based on the amount of Shards gathered around the enemies? Could be an idea, for example.


UPDATE: Actually having tried Mag multiple times on the battlefield I feel to give another suggestion: the Magnetize should switch, based on power range, to one enemy from the other when the target dies, this because of the fact that the bullets after the enemy dies are still getting on the center, and some enemies won't get there instantly or just won't get there at all(like Hyenas, which are very fast), so if they don't get it cast on them, using it on a "weak" enemy could potentially make the attractor an obstacle, because the enemy could move into that, but it won't be on the center a lots of times.

And that's my 2 cents about it.

Edited by Redskull94
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7 minutes ago, FelisImpurrator said:

Oh. Uh. I think you missed the bit where I don't actually go there to farm keys, I go there to butcher enemies with my huge-&amp;#&#33; sword or my crossbow that farts out its entire magazine in roughly one second and just... kind of, uh, get keys... by accident? Like, the randoms just keep clicking next round or they say 'hey let's go 4 waves' and I'm just... sure, more enemies and a four round will max out this latest forma 0-30, why not?

Look, I mostly play fashionframe and the rest is random nodes for fun and forma projects on whatever I feel like polarizing that day. I have never once seriously farmed Oxium (except maybe once at rank <10, I can't remember) and I have 14k straight up post-Grattler pre-Vauban Chassis. I have never gone to Excav to farm cryotic but incidentally have... 33k? after Sibear because of just playing excav for keys and cores (and, again, mass butchery @ 2k). I really don't understand why people feel the need to put their noses to the meta grindstone when I've spent just over a year simply... playing a whole lot, doing whatever I felt like doing, and pissing away untold quantities of resources on a bunch of practical jokes.

Not everyone has the sheer amount of time to devote to passively accumulating huge stockpiles of resources like you apparently do.

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Did some more testing vs grineer, lvl 100 Arid Heavy gunners, using Fracturing crush augment.

130 dur - 130 eff - 205 range 155 str,

used crush and 3 polarize, permanent armor strip, a nice red bar.... it's energy expensive but this is the result. didn't work the other way around using 3x polarize first and then crush ( for the permanent armor removal , that is ), probably with more power strg it's going to take 1 less polarize but i'll leave it for tomorrow tests...

Edited by arm4geddon-117
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Suggestion for Shrapnel

I've done some testing and the damage bonus from magnetize + shrapnel seems minimal at best. Perhaps shrapnel could have some other usage, such as being able to be picked up by allies to give an armor bonus per shard picked up. This will give Mag more of a support role and spread her usage for newer players.

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To all developer:  why did you done these update ? I didn't get that ... the old fantastic frames and now ~ a lot of S#&amp;&#036;, and the Focos these stuff makes the gameplay not really better :thinking:, but why you fix all nice Skills of Mag 

Old Mag : Korpus high lv (100+)

New Mag : lv 40 - 


(Sry my English isn't the best, but i want to present my opinion) 

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Just now, legendarysidekicksteve said:

Suggestion for Shrapnel

I've done some testing and the damage bonus from magnetize + shrapnel seems minimal at best. Perhaps shrapnel could have some other usage, such as being able to be picked up by allies to give an armor bonus per shard picked up. This will give Mag more of a support role and spread her usage for newer players.

This shrapnel idea should just be in the game for every frame in general to counter enemy scaling.

The warframes are at least partly living being made out of infested tissue. It wouldn't break any lore having them absorb enemies for armor and potentially hp throughout the mission if balanced correctly.

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Wait... what!? Fixed dmg numbers on Mag!? I just took her on a few runs on the simulacrum and changed my build to accommodate for the new changes and I have to say I was expecting more...

We have serious enemy scaling issues in the game and the devs go and remove damage % from one of the most useful frames!? (and i'm not even a big Mag fanboy tbh) 

Sorry but I'm a bit disappointed.... And here I was thinking that the mods implemented with Keyla were and indication that scaling was being addressed. :(

DE please consider reverting to a dmg % instead of having a fix dmg number.

Edited by Bazools
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