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Update 18.13 Passives Feedback


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Hey Tenno! 

We'll be using this thread to discuss the Passives released in Update 18.13

On 5/27/2016 at 5:20 PM, [DE]Megan said:

Warframe Passives

Numerous Warframe’s have received passives! You can view each passive under the ‘Abilities’ tab on each Warframe. 

•    Ash: Bleed Procs dealt by Ash from any source are 25% deadlier and last 50% longer.
•    Banshee: All weapons are treated as silent.
•    Ember: Receiving a Heat Status effect will regenerate energy for the duration of the Status effect (10 energy per second) and increase Power Strength by 35%.
•    Hydroid: Every Melee Ground-Slam has a 50% chance to lure a Tentacle that will last 15 seconds. 
•    Limbo: Holster Speed and Reload Speed is 50% faster while in the Rift, and movement speed increases by 10% while in the Rift.
•    Loki: 10x Wall-Cling duration!
•    Mag: Vacuum effect on every Bullet Jump.
•    Nekros: Enemy death within 10 meters of Nekros regenerates a 5 Health.
•    Nova: When Nova is knocked down, she will knock down enemies in a 6 meter Radius + deal damage.
•    Nyx: Enemies affected by any of Nyx's powers have a chance to lay down their weapon ( become disarmed ).
•    Oberon: All wildlife (neutral or enemy faction) within a 10 meter range of Oberon will become allies and fight for Oberon for 20 seconds.
•    Trinity: Revive fallen allies faster from further away.
•    Vauban: Other Warframes within 20 meters give you 25% bonus armour.
•    Volt: Physical ground-travel distance between attacks causes bonus Electrical damage on next attack.


Please keep the discussion civil and your feedback constructive. 

Thanks guys!

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Heya, just to say, please rework Oberon's (and Ember's) passives, or at least consider tweaking them.

I have done some extensive testing the past couple of days, slapping 4 forma onto Oberon using Spy missions on Ceres, bringing me into contact with Hyekkas and Grineer Kubrows. I have found Oberon's new passive to be more annoying than not, as it seems highly inconsistent, adds virtually nothing to combat and either works as soon as I see the 'Wildlife' which sometimes spoils my ninja runs, or instead only works when I'm sitting on top of them.

I believe the proposed 'Photosynthesis' passive was much more appropriate, although, since he is an excellent healer, I believe it should instead restore energy while in light, which would make more sense since Photosynthesis does produce energy sources.

I must also make a plea for Ember, since her passive is also rather pointless and more dangerous than useful. The enemies that may fireproc you are also the type who will kill you after you notice them. Ember is rather a squishy frame so it makes no sense to reward her taking damage. Instead giving enemies she incinerates an increased chance of dropping energy would be much more valuable, both for a team and for herself.

Edited by Orthelius
Top spot.
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first, oberon and nyx's passives need to be looked at. oberon needs atleast a second passive. maybe make it so he gives allies in range shorter durations to status effects. As for nyx, she needs a new passive entirely. the disarm is really just saying "well loki shouldn't be the only frame that can disarm and confuse enemies" she needs something that defines her better. maybe give a 5% chance to proc radiation on melee strike or something.

Secondly can vauban's passive be tweaked. it's currently a big middle finger to solo players. (also could we get an answer as to whether having all 3 allies gives a 75% armor increase, or is it just 25% aura for everyone near vauban. been kinda confused on this one)

also, would it be possible to give mag a different passive? the vacuum on bullet jump seems kinda lazy. i think she should drop a mini magnetize bubble at the area she bullet jumped from. could be like a panic button if she's surrounded and could then use another power that benefits from magnetize.

Edited by LordOfScrugging
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I like Volt's Passive but i believe it should accumulate faster and for it to only be used on melee and/or powers. With the way it is now, we would have to forsake combat for it to reach a high lvl, and when we constantly shoot our weapons it will NEVER reach 1000.

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My one complaint is that Limbo's passive doesn't feel like a passive at all. It feels like a buff or a possible augment for Rift Walk.

Passives are supposed to be just little things that can affect how a Warframe functions, such as Zephyr's floating and Rhino's heavy impact. But with Limbo's passive, as it stands, it only benefits him if he's in the Rift. If he's out of energy, he doesn't benefit. I don't think that passives should be tied directly into a Warframe ability like Limbo's is; if you look at pretty much all the rest of them, they are passives that can benefit them with or without abilities.

I feel like Limbo got the short end of the stick, or just a cheap cop-out, by not actively pursuing something that can be useful to him. Sure, it's useful while in the Rift, but outside of the Rift, it's like he got nothing at all.

Please keep in mind that some Limbo players, such as myself, don't spend all of our time in the Rift, so the passive becomes entire useless.

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I think with the planned Limbo rework (according to the most recent devstream), it would be beneficial to make his passive the Rift Surge ability? You could also possibly make his passive not require you to be in the Rift, much like Mesa’s old passive just working with certain guns in general.

Vauban's passive would only be decent on the Prime variant as the normal version has 50 armor compared to 100. It doesn't seem to help much either way, maybe make it so he and his allies pick up more ammo or something due to the fact of him being a military frame.

Someone else has said this before, but Nyx's passive can defeat the purpose of her Chaos or Mind Control due to the enemies losing firepower. It's especially redundant to select a Bombard for Mind control just to have him lose his weapon and pull out a melee instead. As this other person has said, make it so that the enemies have a chance to lose their weapons AFTER the abilities duration has ended.

Edited by (XB1)Old Mans Regret
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Lokis passive isn't that good since near no one uses Wall-clings anyway (or at least I have never seen anyone ever use it). However it's probably for the best since Loki is already gud enough, no need to make him git guder.

Banshees passive is useless since you'll be running Silence 24/7 anyway. So now it's just a short lived unrefreshable  stun. 

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If Oberon passive is going to be tied around wildlife it's only fair his passive also provides a bonus to ally Kubrow/Kavats. Whether damage, revive speed ability cooldown something.

Nyx's passive just turns her into Loki. A better alternative would be enemies have an accuracy nerf when targeting nyx when in X range. She is messing with their mind after all.



Ember is not a tank, she should not be encouraged to take damage, considering the enemies who produce a heat proc will melt her in seconds



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It's been suggested in the Volt Topic from Wolfnrun that his passive should work a bit different.

Raise the cap to 10,000

Each attack (skill, gun, melee) adds 10% the electricity

Raise the charge per meter. (25 electricity per meter)

Add a cooldown between each attack with the bonus damage. (0.5 seconds)

Edited by Brozenwall
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Hydroid's passive appears to create a tentacle on every melee attack from the ground, full stop. Ground slams, normal attacks, crouching power slide attacks, charge attacks - everything. If I had any sort of recording set-up, I'd show you the nonsense that the Obex with Berserker and Fury makes.

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There are notable issues with Vauban, Nyx, Limbo, Oberon, and Hydroid.

Vauban's passive is lackluster in anything but Full comps and Raids.

Nyx's passive can be intrusive to specified gameplay. Why would I MC a bombard or heavy gunner for them to reduce their DPS by putting down their Ogris or Gorgon?

Limbo's Passive is lackluster and doesn't help him with output, nor does it help him set up his already niche gameplay.

Oberon's Passive is fundamentally useless and offers nothing.

Hydroid's Passive is bugged. On any land impact with melee, he spawns a tentacle. This includes punching walls and enemies. These tentacles will consume part of the cap on his fourth, which effectively makes his swarm useless to use in long duration melee combat. Either uncap and let us build around tentacles, or fix the bug which makes his passive viable in the first place and rework his passive to be something more pirate oriented, while preferably making his swarm more viable to use. (Power = More tentacles would be preferable.)



A recommended Hydroid replacement would be something like:

Blunderbuss: On melee attack, there is a chance (Smaller for fast attacking weapons, larger for slow attacking weapons) for Hydroid to
A: Sneak in a burst of water, Drenching the target and applying all three physical debuffs. (Impact = Stagger | Piercing = Damage Reduction | Slash = A bleed effect, scaling with his power strength.) (This may be guaranteed and only target limited)
B: Fire a copy of his secondary weapon at the primary target

Edited by LeifKlover
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Loki's passive is something I don't really feel benefits him specifically, since he has the potential to stay invisible forever. The passive itself can be pretty fun though, it would just make more sense to give it to a different frame.
If it were up to me, I'd give that Passive to Valkyr instead. Would really synergize well with Ripline, and kinda fits her too as you can see Kavats climb on walls.

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What with Oberon being the name of the king of the fairies, ive been thinking him making a fairy for a time that regens Health/shields by picking up a Health/energy orb, and would apply to allies that are within affinity range with oberon as well.  It would end up being like having rejuve aura as a passive, but a little more flavourful- and ober could finally generate shields, kind of.


(certainly would be nicer than something he can already do with his damage type imo)

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Nova Passive is exaggerated for only low level content.

In sorties when i got knocked down or intentionally wanted to be knocked down i died... 

With different level 80 enemies in simulacrum happens same thing, many enemies keeps distance and her passive is kind of dodged.

Also she can't resist to incoming damage after she got knocked down with enemies level range over 60.

Taking in mind she dies too fast and enemies are too far away for her passive, the passive becomes useless even for reviving a dead nova.

Edited by Zari2015
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12 minutes ago, cxll said:

Instead of reworking Oberon's passive, add more wildlife! On all nodes!

Alien creatures! Alien wildlife! A bit more immersion is never a bad thing :D

It would only partially solve the issue. More wildlife won't make the passive more useful. It would be nice if Oberon had a chance to proc radiation on each attack.


7 minutes ago, shyguyk said:


Volt's needs to not wear off with every attack


Personally I think it would be better if Volt's passive worked only on his powers, so normal attacks wouldn't consume the charge.

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Warframes should not be centered around their passive, it should be the opposite. Chroma is the ultimate offender of this; the energy color elemental function is part of his kit.

Passives are just that; unique gameplay additions that a Warframe passively equips. Chroma's energy color determining elemental output is not a passive; it's a function specifically designed for his abilities, which is exactly why it's the subject of his description (other warframes' passives are not listed in their description yet Chroma's is, so let this say something).

Equinox's energy color determines her starting state, yet she also has innate Equilibrium. Inaros gains 20% health back when performing a finisher, yet he also can revive himself. Chroma's energy color determines his element...that's all she wrote.

Please reconsider your decision to write off Chroma's energy and ability conjunction as his passive, coming up with an actual passive instead.

Edited by LazerSkink
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Mag's passive plays a very poor second fiddle if you use a carrier. Also given how combo cast heavy the rework made her she really needs *something* to help with energy recovery since newer players won't be running around with streamline + fleeting right out of the gate.

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The problem I have with Nyx and Hydroids passives is their complete randomness.  I think the player should have a good amount of control over when they go off.  For example, Hydroid could always summons a tentacle but have a cooldown on being able to summon them or a cap.  Nyx could her next ability disarm opponents 100% of the time with a cooldown, which could change based on the ability / number of enemies disarmed on last use.  In both cases there could be a UI indicator that shows the current cooldown time and says when the ability is ready to activate again.

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