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Syndicate Melee - What weapons do you want?


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Time to chill and talk about something we all want; Syndicate melee weapons. Im not too much into the lore so I dont know which weapons would fit what factions so Im just gonna name 6 weapons I would love to see :)

Atterax - would love this and maybe a second look at whipstances as they are a bit neh atm.

Galatine - Personally, I hate that every weapon need Body Count and Blood rush and decent crit stats to be viable these days. Would love to see Galatine do something completely different like insane channel damage(not 1.8x) or just really good base damage and no crit. It would be a weapon to pull out for a few slashes without having to build up combo meter etc.

Silva and Aegis - looks so good but oh so weak. Syndicate buffs pleeeaaaase!

Venka - Badass claws just need overall buffs.

Hate - Want to see a BIG grim reaper looking scythe like the archwing one!

Amphis - And a look at the staff stances as they are pretty meh regarding dmg and fun!

I personally dont think think we need sidegrades of already strong weapons (Syndicate Boltor....) but instead get viable versions of weak weapons. What would you like to see?

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 I would love to see a Telos Galatine, though unfortunately for That1Cactus, (and everyone else I'd assume...) it will probably be the Boltace :( 

 Vaykor Jet Kitty is a solid second and a Synoid Obex for a third.


 Venka with Vermillion Storm is my current favorite melee and I agree we need some significant claw's love.

Edited by Kedai
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11 minutes ago, That1Cactus said:

Anything but Telos Boltace. Please let's not have Telos Boltace. I am begging for the non-existence of Telos Boltace.

Arbiters of Hexis deserve it. 
Because they are holier than thou :P

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Just now, PsychedelicSnake said:

I just want a Vaykor Jat Kittag.

Aye, especially since their last two weapons are ones that were already strong, lets go 3 for 3 <3 (I may be seeming sarcastic, but i do genuinely want it)

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from what i remember they said on a dev stream that they were gonna use the melee syndicate weapon to give a somewhat underwhelming weapon some more power to be viable so dont get your hopes up for vaykor jat kitty.


Personally tho i would love to see a vaykor amphis or something along those lines

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12 minutes ago, Ookami_Nihonto said:

Any thing thats new and iconic to the syndicate and not another remodel of an already existing weapons. Something fresh and nothing that has a prime or a prisma, or a vandal or a wraith.

I think the whole point behind syndicate weapons is to remodel and buff though? 

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NOT Vaykor Atterax. If they're Grineer separatists, why would they be using the flogging whips of the very executioners they were trying to decry and escape from? Vaykor Hek was bad enough, being a weapon designed by and named for an omnicidal hyperviolent madman. Vaykor Marelok, by contrast, made more sense because A) it was probably Cressa Tal's personal sidearm before her desertion, and B) they loot them from dead Grineer and make them even better as a big "we're better than you" display

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Since the Syndicate secondaries were MR6, and the primaries MR12, I think it stands to reason these should be MR18 melee weapons. Yay patterns!

Rakta Karyst, because Red Veil and Karyst would be a PERFECT match, and imagine the potential with Covert Lethality.

Vaykor Sydon, just to annoy people. :clem:

Telos Destreza, for puncture theme without resorting to the Boltace.

Sancti Redeemer. Pocket Tigris for melee only missions, anyone?

Secura Serro, because I'm not mean enough to suggest the Prova.

Synoid Plasma Sword, because I can't think of anything else.

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Nothing will be released until there is a cephalon melee weapon

As it stands - the pattern has emerged that weapons come out once the cephalon version is out

My hope for a cephalon melee weapon is some sort of traditional rpg esque casting staff with chroma changing colour for elements to collect data

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10 minutes ago, TheBrsrkr said:

For shame, Tenno. 

It's more of. I was rather unimpressed by Telos Boltor being a thing and I would rather not have an entire Bolt family for Arbiters of Hexis. They deserve a lot better than that, and I'm not even in their Syndicate.

Also nice job editing my quote to say something else I didn't say, real mature.  :awkward: 

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We're in store for Rakta heat dagger....I mean they wield the thing so I'm expecting it. Telos Boltace is inevitable. Vaykor amphis is my bet personally I can't see Vaykor kitten being a thing, though if it follows the Vaykor trend of "This isn't as popular now let's make it insanely powerful even though it was already" then it could very well happen. Synoid plasma sword is a really good shout and il back that happily. Secure serro is a high possibility after serro having lost its.use as a helicopter....and ehm sancti skana. Just to screw with everybody.....nah sancti redeemer because of the whole Tigris cannon thing :)

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Just now, That1Cactus said:

It's more of. I was rather unimpressed by Telos Boltor being a thing and I would rather not have an entire Bolt family for Arbiters of Hexis. They deserve a lot better than that, and I'm not even in their Syndicate.

Also nice job editing my quote to say something else I didn't say, real mature.  :awkward: 

It was a joke. 

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- Hate or ANY scythe...this needs to happen because scythes look so cool and have 2 decent stance mods, but there really lackluster as far as damage output goes thus it's kind of rare to see anyone using any of them.

oh and just a read a few comments that said 'sancti redeemer' ---- YES PLZ to that as well.

Edited by SaucyTuckermax
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